If what Cartman says offends, i apologize, that is never my intent. That's just how his character is, and that is his own grammar.
I think Luffy's smile came out kinda scary looking. Kyle and Cartman's angry faces look like their aimed at Luffy, but they're not, they're aimed at each other.
Before I post the next page, i wanna ask for the reader's opinion in something. I want to know if you prefer Zoro being called "Zoro" or "Zolo". I've read some pretty heated comments on other sights where people go nuts if he's called "Zolo" and I'd like to avoid that. To be perfectly honest, I like calling him "Zolo". But if you guys want his original name then I'll call him "Zoro". Please leave your opinions in the comments, I'd like to know what you think!