Hoshi Kurusugawa (Fan Comic Portfolio) Tobi and Hoshi: Full Moon

I was bored and it was a full moon on the way to school. (It was really beautiful.) For those who don’t know what a werewolf is Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes or wolfmen, are mythological humans with the ability to shapeshift into wolves or wolf-like creatures, either purposely, being bitten by another werewolf or after being placed under a curse. The medieval chronicler Gervase of Tilbury associated the transformation with the appearance of the full moon; however, there is evidence that the association existed among the ancient Greeks, appearing in the writings of Petronius. This concept was rarely associated with the werewolf until the idea was picked up by Gervase. Shape-shifters similar to werewolves are common in tales from all over the world, though most of them involve animal forms other than wolves.
Werewolves are a frequent subject of modern fictional books and films, although fictional werewolves have been attributed traits distinct from those of original folklore, most notably the vulnerability to silver bullets.
I got the silver cane thing from the chipmunks, I’m glade it’s not a silver bullet. I just hope Tobi does not attack dogs or people with extra hair. (Like people with Hypertrichosis. Here’s a description of Hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis, congenital generalized Hypertrichosis or werewolf syndrome is a medical term referring to a condition of excessive body hair. Werewolf syndrome comes from a more modern depiction of the werewolf of which the person is completely covered in hair or fur. It can be generalized, symmetrically affecting most of the torso and limbs, or localized, affecting an area of skin. The hair does not usually cover the eye area, hands or the feet. It may be mild or severe. In most cases, the term is used to refer to an above-average amount of normal body hair that is unwanted and is an aspect of human variability.
In medical practice, once generalized hypertrichosis has been distinguished from hirsutism, it is most often considered a variation of normal, primarily resulting from genetic factors.
Although the statistic has been cited that this only occurs for 1 out of 10 billion people,[1] 19 people alive today have hypertrichosis………… ‘-‘ I thought it was interesting.)
I hope you guys like it. Please comment, thank you.

Naruto Fan Comics
akatsuki, chibi, cute, funny, hoshi, moon, naruto, tobi
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