moonlit dream (Fan Comic Portfolio) TAOMAR: Side Story

TAOMAR: Side Story
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Hey guys! :D This isn't a new series, just a small-long story. :D (Small-long = more than 1 page, less than 50.) I'm not really sure how long this is going to be, but w/e. xD Um. This story is for Articwulf, because I was having a hard time explaining what my version of Marth's personality is. ^^;

The story takes place 4 years before the time it is in TAOMAR, which is when Marth and Roy were in 8th grade. :D (Btw, you don't need to read TAOMAR to understand this. But it'd be nice... xD)

Since my stupid sketchbook didn't fit in my scanner, I had to take a picture of the page. Dx In case you can't read my handwriting, I'll just type the dialouge down here for every page. :] Only the dialouge, though. Not the sound effects or anything. Oh, and try to ignore my random notes. >.>; Well, enough of my babbling, enjoy reading! :D Hopefully... >.>;; (Tis read left to right, btw.)
Narrator (Marth): This is a story that takes place 4 years ago. I had transferred to a public middle school in 8th grade. Most people had friens from last year to talk to.
...but not me.

Marth: Rrrgh... *thinking* Focus, Marth, Focus! Don't worry about the other's, you'll probably never see them again. They'll all be going to that public high school. If you want to make it into [TAOMAR highschool name here], you'll have to stay focused on your goals!
But... Someone could at least talk to me...

???: Hey!

Marth: ?

Narrator (Marth): I guess there was one person who was brave enough to talk to me, but...

Roy: What'cha doing all by yourself?

Narrator: ... I wasn't too sure if that was a good thing...
(Aaugh! Footnotes... so long... Dialouge... so weird... ;3; Why doesn't the highschool have a name???? Dx)

Super Smash Bros Fan Comics
adventure, marth, random, roy, side story, stupid, super smash bros, taomar, the adventures of marth and roy
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