I tried to make this page more detailed than the last several, because IT'S TIME FOR OFAV TO LOOK NICE! But alas, my scanner. It doesn't care much for my marker drawings.................. DOING COMICS TRADITIONALLY IS HARD! 8D I should probably come up with a standard size to upload these at so it looks nicer, but... eh...
On the bright side, Kasey's skin is pretty consistent in this comic! 8D I think I finally have a skin tone that works for her. On the not bright side, Jo looks sunburnt. ???? WHY? This is closer to how the colors actually look in real life. :I
I wrote this joke quite a while ago (as in, probably two or three years ago), so if it's unfunny, then................... well, then it's just OFAV. |D I worry about this comic in particular because it can be interpreted in a different way than I intended. I kind of want to make a post in my world about how Kasey and Jo are seen in-story, now. .-.
ANYWAY... yeah. I have the next comic sketched, and I think it's funnier than this one! 8D SO... YAY...