NEW PAGE BAAAAAH! Check out Stefan's dream woman. I totally will never draw her again probably, because she doesn't really exist. -u-
BI THE WAY... Stefan's openly bisexual.
/really bad pun
Gabe pointing out that Tomato and Stef's dream woman are similar doesn't freak Stef out in the boy x boy sense.
I attribute Tomato's sudden wardrobe change to the fact that he was in a photoshoot... and got to keep the clothes or something...?
Takara keeps telling me that the "ending pairings" in this comic are too obvious. But my response is usually, "It's not really meant to be un-obvious..."
Which I guess doesn't really make much sense. xD;
If you only read the comic and don't view any of my fan art/etc, I don't think the ending pairings are completely obvious.
Although, I'm not trying to make you guess who ends up with who, here. xD I never really consider OFAV to be a completely romantically-inclined comic, so much as a compilation of attemptedly-funny (?) comic strips with these characters. That's why I'm considering not to give one or two of these characters someone "to end up with".
/talking about nothing.
The next few comics probably will not support the claim that I'm not trying to make this a romantic comic. .u.;