superstarpanou (Fan Comic Portfolio) Fun Sunday

Oops... wrong section I guess ahahaha... How embarrassing! (to myself: what a newbie!)
Anyways, the first submission of this got declined, so I have to type this all over again... sigh... (hands shaking in exhaustion)

But yeah, this is dedicated to nica624, because she's just too awesome after me being here for a short time, and inspired me to work this style. (Sorry, I have to write this again after you already got it... where did my first one go anyways if you already saw and commented on it...?)

Here I type again... this is my Sunday last week. It was pretty fun and I had time afterward, so I took out my tablet and doodled...
(Left to right by the way ---->)

1) Discouraging advice in the morn is not the way to go at all for me! I went to sleep over at a friend's place and her cousin asked me what major I was going for. I said, "Graphic Design," and he was all saying that that wasn't really a great major in where I lived, because he has a cousin who is a graphic designer and says that he's a bum. My goodness, that got me so urgh! But I was like, it's okay; it makes me want to exceed what he thinks of Graphic Design! MUAHAHAHA!

2) Went to church choir and all did our fun morning greetings, which was only once in a while. I got to shake hands with HIM... hee hee

(Oh my goodness... where's the rest of my type?? I don't like typing this all over again... sigh... my third time now)

3) Driving kids to a birthday party

4) Eating pho after other 2 friends were waiting for about an hour (I'm so sorry!!)

5) Eating at a new yogurt bar... it wasn't that bad but it was pretty busy.

6) Then went to the birthday party. The kids showed me a huge bee hive over our heads.

7) Went swimming with the kids. They all wanted me to use my man muscles to throw them across the water. Hahaha! That was so much fun!

8) At the end of the day, I saw a cute old couple in a convertible, like in those old movies... ahaha.

Personal Fan Comics
busy, panou, sunday
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