Page 2~ Well anyways this was base off of something that had happened to me. One day I went out to the book store to buy some books, on my way back I saw a van with “Geek Squad” on it. I was sitting there thinking “Geek Squad? That sounds familiar….” Then suddenly “IT’S THE GEEK MOBILE!!!” popped into my head. I don’t know why though, it just did. I later remembered it was from these commercials. (I picked the one I thought was the most funny, I couldn’t find the one that I remembered though.) If anyone wanted to know what book I was holding it was “Brody’s Ghost”. (A good manga by Mark Crilley.) The car and inside of the car was so annoying to draw. -_-; Hope you guys liked this page, hope to update soon.
~Please no comments on whether you like, dislike, love, or hate Geek Squad. I don’t want a bunch of comments just about that. Thank you~