ALRIGHT!~i said i was done a LONG time ago, but i just finished the cover the other here goes nothing!! >//<
i spent SO much time on the cover, I am mentally exuasted!! :(
I am desiding if I am going to make a few different scenes, or just this one...*thinks* i dunno, you guys tell me if you want to see more, please??
one more note about the cover, I do NOT own the logo, just making that clear so I don't get in trouble....
belongs to Warner bros, yadda yadda yadda, :) but the picture is MINE!! (muahahahaha)
about this comic, if you have not read the 7th book, or seen the movies, it is a spoiler, so be weary...o_e
and I am sorry about it being so early, i just wanted to get it up while I was still in the Harry Potter know??
ok than, let's get this show on the road!!
onward to page 1 !!!!!
~with love,sammi~