Wow! I Almost cried!!!! Its amazing, and I Agree with SpiffySporkPerson, Longer, less choppy sentences would've made it that much better.
You got a 27 out of 42
Plus 4 Bonus cause I loved it
Awww good ending. Dude, halfway through this my brother came in and almost reported me to the parental units for reading lesbian stuff. But I let him on my computer and I think he'll forget about it. >>
When I read the part about the threesome I was like "Har har har, I see what you did there Brittany."
Yeah, the only I thing I have to say is that your sentences read choppily and you could add a few more connector words like for and nor but or yet so. Otherwise it was a good read. ^^
Fundies HOORAH
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/09 | Reply
@Troublesum Shika:
Ah I see..
Troublesum Shika
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/24/09 | Reply
@Fundies HOORAH:
Actually its not that bad
The only reason its out of 42 is because of how many members Simple plan has
Its more like a 27/38
Fundies HOORAH
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/24/09 | Reply
@Troublesum Shika:
Haha, that's a pretty bad score. =/
Troublesum Shika
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/24/09 | Reply
Wow! I Almost cried!!!! Its amazing, and I Agree with SpiffySporkPerson, Longer, less choppy sentences would've made it that much better.
You got a 27 out of 42
Plus 4 Bonus cause I loved it
Fundies HOORAH
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/23/09 | Reply
Hehe, Tyler read it and he saw that part and laughed. XDD
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
well, that was the best 10 minutes of my life reading that! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
Awww good ending. Dude, halfway through this my brother came in and almost reported me to the parental units for reading lesbian stuff. But I let him on my computer and I think he'll forget about it. >>
When I read the part about the threesome I was like "Har har har, I see what you did there Brittany."
Yeah, the only I thing I have to say is that your sentences read choppily and you could add a few more connector words like for and nor but or yet so. Otherwise it was a good read. ^^
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/09 | Reply
Dat Pierre guy is kinda hawt. lol