Aww, thank you so much! It wasn't THAT good, was it? ^^;
I'm glad I let you into the Mello/Matt fandom gently. I know from experience that there are some pretty horribly mind-scarring stories out there to start out with. o_o;;
I Can't Even Begin How Much This Made Me Smile.
You're My New Idol! This Was So Cute! I'm Glad That This Was My First MattxMello... It Was So Sweet, Probably The Most Innocent Death Note Fanfic I've Ever Read.
oh heck yes!!!!! xDDDD this is so silly! Choclateshapedheartstuffedfrenchtoast. XDDDDDDD, oh, im gonna post my fanfiction soon! im typing it up, i already wrote the rough draft, it's for my friend, mari-chan!!!! oh btw, i have a the begining like the summary and it needed in the story? ill write it either way.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/17/09 | Reply
@Anbu Kitsune:
Aww, thank you so much! It wasn't THAT good, was it? ^^;
I'm glad I let you into the Mello/Matt fandom gently. I know from experience that there are some pretty horribly mind-scarring stories out there to start out with. o_o;;
Anbu Kitsune
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/16/09 | Reply
I Can't Even Begin How Much This Made Me Smile.
You're My New Idol! This Was So Cute! I'm Glad That This Was My First MattxMello... It Was So Sweet, Probably The Most Innocent Death Note Fanfic I've Ever Read.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
lol, i
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
)_O I can't cook, but the chocolate sounds good! I liked it. Great job!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
oh, oh well =P im not finished with the damn fanfiction!!!!! its so hard writing in 3rd person present tense ><
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
No, not really, but I'm used to doing it for, so I figured I'd do it for here, too. :3
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
oh heck yes!!!!! xDDDD this is so silly! Choclateshapedheartstuffedfrenchtoast. XDDDDDDD, oh, im gonna post my fanfiction soon! im typing it up, i already wrote the rough draft, it's for my friend, mari-chan!!!! oh btw, i have a the begining like the summary and it needed in the story? ill write it either way.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/15/08 | Reply
@Chobit Chi:
Chobit Chi
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/15/08 | Reply
So very cute and fluffy!
I've never read a MattxMello story but you did a great job with this one! I loved it!