......Aw....Awe....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so good I luv it I luv everything about the plot it sooooooooooooo AWESOME CONTINUE plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz oh plz continue the story im begging you I luv this sooooooooooooooo much continue plz and thank you ~Pucca-Chan
It's great how you portrayed the characters with no OOC-ness. And the romance builds up, it doesn't just come crashing down on you in one paragraph. Props to you!
I think what I like the most about this story is that it never really feels forced. It's quite literally two stubborn idiots circling each other, and from there they still go at their own pace. It's not like suddenly one of them had an epiphany of "oh my goodness! I like him/her!" Instead they just keep playing with the idea until it's all over in a very cute, non-gratuitous manner.
For nailing the first IchiRuki fanfic of the site with minimal spelling/grammar errors (as well as one of the most well done multi-chapter pieces yet), I salute you!
Otakuite | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
great story! i love ichiruki, but i always have to read between the lines when im watching the show. this is how i always imagine it
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
Awwww...it's so cute. I love it. You should keep writing...you're amazing.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/05/08 | Reply
twilight luna
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
It's great how you portrayed the characters with no OOC-ness. And the romance builds up, it doesn't just come crashing down on you in one paragraph. Props to you!
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
I think what I like the most about this story is that it never really feels forced. It's quite literally two stubborn idiots circling each other, and from there they still go at their own pace. It's not like suddenly one of them had an epiphany of "oh my goodness! I like him/her!" Instead they just keep playing with the idea until it's all over in a very cute, non-gratuitous manner.
For nailing the first IchiRuki fanfic of the site with minimal spelling/grammar errors (as well as one of the most well done multi-chapter pieces yet), I salute you!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Wow! You're good! I wantto read more of this! -AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic