i watched the english subbed version but it ended so suddenly skipping the two years that they could have made seasons from, i've seen why the dubbed version was stopped but i haven't got a clue about why the subbed just rushed the ending jumping past the next two years, they also skipped the christmas bowl which is weird as that was where the story was developing to reach.
well can't believe that, i don't understand, this anime is really good!!! i love eyeshield even more than naruto/bleach, they make such of great character, wonderful story and unexpected plot... gee i really don't understand why it got less review
I definitely agree with you. I never even got a chance to see the anime or read the manga, because...well, I have a long list of anime to watch and I couldn't get a hold of a copy of the manga. I would like to see the series shown on Adult Swim. If I had seen it there, I would have watched it. And i can name quite a few people that agree. Good job leading the fight for Eyeshield 21! :)
Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
I Agree with your point that it should be aired on Adult Swim and also that they did not give it a good enough chance to air i'm keeping up to date with the manga which is excellent and have also watched the Anime in Japanese with English Subtitles i do hope that another company takes over the dubbing of this series as it is on e i would buy when released on dvd, i do hope also that Steven Derek does get called back if it is continued as he is a great voice actor.
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Woaa ... ! There r a lot of eyeshield fans here. Glad to know it. I watch the anime til episodes 20. Not from TV. But from net-download, n now I read the manga. Its really good !
Wow, you're so brave for sending an e-mail to Steve 0_o I've never watched the English dubbed Eyeshield 21. In my country, it's rare to have Anime on TV. But there're lots of DVDs! I mean, anime DVDs and it's very cheap. Including Eyeshield 21 and the released episodes in my country are almost the same with the releasing episodes in Japan. I hope I could send it to you if you want :( How about the comics? I love the comics more than the movies ^^ I read those on the internet. But in my country it's still in volume 22 now.
Damn, I hate to see Eyeshield 21's being cut off like that! It should be watched by thousands of people!!!
I AM WITH YOU!! *waves banner* i agreed completely w/u. i liked the voices for the dub, but as you said, they cut out waaay too much. i couldn't even watch past the first episode cause i was so upset. like they cut out stuff that wasn't even that bad, like when cerberus was chasing sena for the dash in the SECOND (tho it was aired as the first) episode. *sigh* it makes me so sad cause eyeshield 21 is such an amazing manga/anime, it deserves much more love. tho i don't think putting it on toonami was bad, i think putting it on toonami JETSTREAM, was a bad idea. because then you actually have to go online for it, and i don't know alot of people that go on there anyways, and it's not advertised anywhere on cartoon network. but i do agree that it should be put on adult swim if they add everything they cut out. *hmph* if there's anything i can do to show my support and love for eyeshield 21, never hestiate to pm me. because i'm am w/u 100 percent of the way!! "YA-HA!"
Yeah, unfortunately a lot of anime which make their way overseas are short lived. There's just not as much of an interest in anime over here. If it would've made it's way to Toonami or [adult swim] I'd have watched it.
Nice detective work there, keep up the vigilance. I've been watching the Japanese version of Eyeshield 21, but I've never seen the English dub. Seems like most English voice actors are fans themselves :) Though, I'm glad it didn't turn into a 4Kids piece of "awful".
I think the worst thing they did wrong was get the NFL involved, obviously this "project" wasn't going to NFL standard ratings. Ya-ha!
DAMN IT! It's probably cause it's on at a certain time. Usually it kinda depends on the time people air it on t.v. that counts a bit. So maybe if they aired it on later at night like on Adult Swim they might've gotten a few more hits. And they could also leave in more of the funny stuff. So that could be another reason for why they should put it on adult swim. I dunno really. Just a guess. To me though I prefer the japanese voice versions cause it's easier for me to understand. :) But that's only an opinion. :D But until then I guess most peopls are better off with the manga. Hope the anime will be aired again in english though! bye for now!
Okay, I'm a huge fan of Eyeshield 21. Huge. Have been for a couple years now. That said, I never want the anime to come stateside; It is a shoddy, very poor production that does the manga absolutely no justice.
It's a nice idea, trying to support the ES21 franchise as much as possible, but the anime is really a lost cause, I think. Despite Hiruma's language, I totally think it's a kid's show 100%. And did I mention how bad it was? XD
While it may do some good and bring some new Eyeshield fans in, I just don't think it's worth it. It's better to continue supporting the (excellent) manga and trying to create new fans by having them read that.
This was actually a very nice read, despite our differing views. If I hadn't seen so much of the anime already, you might have had me convinced. :)
whoa no way omg!! yeah like the manga is like number 9 on onemanga. its just as popular a manga as death note and that was relle big!! it needs to come out because i cant stand subtitles and ishida's voice is sexy ahha XD i was just thinking about that today too haha.
Wait? Eyesheild 21 was supposed to be shown in the US?! I missed it! OTL It's the best sports manga/anime ever! Noooo! Poor Hiruma! ;-; Well at least Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is to air in the US soon. I wants to buy the entire show now plz. D:>
I'm glad you're so passionate about this issue. Unfortunately, I can see that it will take a very long time for Eyeshield to catch on in anime form.
Since the NFL and Toonami have both backed out because they did not see desired results, it is going to be hard for someone else to pick it up again. Failures are not known as turn-about successes. We better not hold our breath, for I doubt a company affiliated wouth [adult swim] is going to pick it up. For one, it was originally a "boy's comic", not one for "adults". Also, we have the obstacle of the series being a sports show. I doubt enough people would be willing to stay up until one in the morning to watch a cartoon about Japanese kids playing football (or have the sense to watch it on the Video section). As much as I hate to say it, that won't exactly fly through the top executives' screening with flying colors.
I fell for Eyeshield 21 myself after a failed attempt in getting my football-loving brother to read. He said that the situations were too unrealistic for him and, being a lineman, made him bored with the named signature moves. You know and I know that signature moves are part of anime/manga, but it seriously was lame and boring to him, which is not what Toonami, the NFL and I had hoped for.
I see a similar parallel with One Piece. Unfortunately, One Piece was dubbed and marketed in such a way, that it was painful to watch. It just about killed North American interests in the anime, let alone the manga. Now, even though One Piece started the issue before Naruto did in the English language Shonen Jump, Naruto is vastly ahead of the pirate manga. Naruto was more marketable and had a half-decent anime equivelent, thrusting One Piece and the crap-dub into obscurity. Only now with the FUNidub are more One Piece fans popping up, slowly but surely. It's sad, really, that this sort of thing has to happen to either of these two series.
...and just a thought: ever hear of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Too few in North America have, as it is the longest running Jump manga to not have an anime equivelent (outside of a handful of OVAs), therefore making it near impossible for companies to market over here in the anti-reading abyss this is.
We can hope. We can pray. We can bleach our hair and blow bubble gum all day. It seems like it can take nothing short of a miracle for our wish to happen.
At least we're not alone in the lament, I suppose.
I think I need to chatch up on some things Iru :3 .Well lets say that probably the move of closing the proyect was taken with some math and publicity experts.Maybe the place of distribution was not th best.Maybe in another place,the poryect could have better results.
I seen many series that face that problem.You have to be very wise to choose the corret place,time,media,publicity,and many other factors to make somehting like this work.I seen for example an old serie called Fly,get closed by the same reason.
Hope things will change and hopefully we will be able to watch the anime return to U.S .
Wow.. I've never seen such fan dedication! I applaud you for getting to the bottom of the Eyeshield 21 mystery.. =D.
I actually didn't even know that the anime was being shown here in the U.S. I would have thought that some sort of announcement would have been made so that people would know about it. I've read bits and pieces of the manga and I know that it's not for the Toonami audience.
I hope that the anime does get picked up again and the rest of us will be able to see it (in its unedited glory, of course).
This was a nice read. Your passion for the series really shone through and I'm sure most people will pick up on that. I'm also really glad to hear that you took the initiative to send out some e-mails to try to find out some answers - contacting that voice actors rather than the production companies was a clever move, and you were confident enough to follow through. If nothing else, that part of your recollection is what people need to catch here: if you want things changed in the industry, you have to be willing to work for them.
Aside from that . . . you reaaally need to watch your spelling and grammar, girl. A lot of mistakes in this short little thing - spelling errors and run-on sentences especially - and I was really borderline on whether to actually publish this or not because of it. I did fix everything I could catch for ya, but I did feel a little conflicted about it at times - I really don't want to re-word things you're quoting from an e-mail, y'know? I'll give you the okay this time, but next time (because there will be a next time, nya?) just keep that in mind, okay?
That said, I wish you luck in getting your show back up and running.
Wow. I don't think I've met anyone so dedicated to an anime/manga before. I think my respect for you just went up!
That's awesome that you were able to get in touch with Steven Price, and that he actually responded so quickly!
How unfortunate that Eyeshield 21 isn't comming to America! You brought up some really good points about the intro. Does Adult Swim have a contact site for mentioning animes? I suppose we could rally up people to request that Eyeshield 21 be aired if they do have a contact site. I'm sure if enough people send in requests, they would consider it.
Aww its a shame theres only 5 eps out and they're not continuing it. Its cool that you got to email one of the voice actors too. Well I think that if it has some crude humor and suggestive themes and such it should go on Adult Swim as they have no problem airing shows like that. I heard its a really good manga and I'm gonna start reading it soon too. Maybe you could try to email the voice actor guy again and suggest that to him. He might be able to do something.
Otakuite | Posted 12/30/16 | Reply
i watched the english subbed version but it ended so suddenly skipping the two years that they could have made seasons from, i've seen why the dubbed version was stopped but i haven't got a clue about why the subbed just rushed the ending jumping past the next two years, they also skipped the christmas bowl which is weird as that was where the story was developing to reach.
Otakuite | Posted 12/04/16 | Reply
I agree. It is an amazing series. I saw the English sub version. And loved it. But it would be even better in English. I stand with you.
Ser Pounce a Lot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/10/10 | Reply
yah its such a pity, such a great anime , and nice hiruma pic there
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Otakuite | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
well can't believe that, i don't understand, this anime is really good!!! i love eyeshield even more than naruto/bleach, they make such of great character, wonderful story and unexpected plot... gee i really don't understand why it got less review
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
i agree with you... in indonesia we have the same thing. eyeshield 21 in the ******TV is replaced by Eureka 7
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
I definitely agree with you. I never even got a chance to see the anime or read the manga, because...well, I have a long list of anime to watch and I couldn't get a hold of a copy of the manga. I would like to see the series shown on Adult Swim. If I had seen it there, I would have watched it. And i can name quite a few people that agree. Good job leading the fight for Eyeshield 21! :)
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/22/09 | Reply
Wow! (Even though this was published a while ago I am still going ot comment on it! ^^)
That was really well written. I agree with you completely! Adult swim should have recieved the anime, not Toonami.
I commend you on having the courage to email people you did now know. I would never have been able to do that!
That's a pity that's it not going to be continued. Eyeshield 21 is one my most favorite Shonen Jump mangas.
Well, this was a great piece of work, I am favoriting it! ^^
Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
I Agree with your point that it should be aired on Adult Swim and also that they did not give it a good enough chance to air i'm keeping up to date with the manga which is excellent and have also watched the Anime in Japanese with English Subtitles i do hope that another company takes over the dubbing of this series as it is on e i would buy when released on dvd, i do hope also that Steven Derek does get called back if it is continued as he is a great voice actor.

I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
Woaa ... ! There r a lot of eyeshield fans here. Glad to know it. I watch the anime til episodes 20. Not from TV. But from net-download, n now I read the manga. Its really good !
Baka Crow
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/09 | Reply
That was beautifully said.
Otakuite | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
Wow, you're so brave for sending an e-mail to Steve 0_o I've never watched the English dubbed Eyeshield 21. In my country, it's rare to have Anime on TV. But there're lots of DVDs! I mean, anime DVDs and it's very cheap. Including Eyeshield 21 and the released episodes in my country are almost the same with the releasing episodes in Japan. I hope I could send it to you if you want :( How about the comics? I love the comics more than the movies ^^ I read those on the internet. But in my country it's still in volume 22 now.
Damn, I hate to see Eyeshield 21's being cut off like that! It should be watched by thousands of people!!!
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
I AM WITH YOU!! *waves banner* i agreed completely w/u. i liked the voices for the dub, but as you said, they cut out waaay too much. i couldn't even watch past the first episode cause i was so upset. like they cut out stuff that wasn't even that bad, like when cerberus was chasing sena for the dash in the SECOND (tho it was aired as the first) episode. *sigh* it makes me so sad cause eyeshield 21 is such an amazing manga/anime, it deserves much more love. tho i don't think putting it on toonami was bad, i think putting it on toonami JETSTREAM, was a bad idea. because then you actually have to go online for it, and i don't know alot of people that go on there anyways, and it's not advertised anywhere on cartoon network. but i do agree that it should be put on adult swim if they add everything they cut out. *hmph* if there's anything i can do to show my support and love for eyeshield 21, never hestiate to pm me. because i'm am w/u 100 percent of the way!! "YA-HA!"
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply
Yeah, unfortunately a lot of anime which make their way overseas are short lived. There's just not as much of an interest in anime over here. If it would've made it's way to Toonami or [adult swim] I'd have watched it.
Otakuite | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
Nice detective work there, keep up the vigilance. I've been watching the Japanese version of Eyeshield 21, but I've never seen the English dub. Seems like most English voice actors are fans themselves :) Though, I'm glad it didn't turn into a 4Kids piece of "awful".
I think the worst thing they did wrong was get the NFL involved, obviously this "project" wasn't going to NFL standard ratings. Ya-ha!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
It's really a shame that it ended up going down the tube. I would have started watching it in English, but I guess that's not going to happen now...
Now I'll have to pick it up in Japanese. Though I'm sure it's better than watching it on Toonami and have them editing everything out.
It's really awesome that the voice actor responded to you! C: Not too many people would do that.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/13/08 | Reply
DAMN IT! It's probably cause it's on at a certain time. Usually it kinda depends on the time people air it on t.v. that counts a bit. So maybe if they aired it on later at night like on Adult Swim they might've gotten a few more hits. And they could also leave in more of the funny stuff. So that could be another reason for why they should put it on adult swim. I dunno really. Just a guess. To me though I prefer the japanese voice versions cause it's easier for me to understand. :) But that's only an opinion. :D But until then I guess most peopls are better off with the manga. Hope the anime will be aired again in english though! bye for now!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/13/08 | Reply
Okay, I'm a huge fan of Eyeshield 21. Huge. Have been for a couple years now. That said, I never want the anime to come stateside; It is a shoddy, very poor production that does the manga absolutely no justice.
It's a nice idea, trying to support the ES21 franchise as much as possible, but the anime is really a lost cause, I think. Despite Hiruma's language, I totally think it's a kid's show 100%. And did I mention how bad it was? XD
While it may do some good and bring some new Eyeshield fans in, I just don't think it's worth it. It's better to continue supporting the (excellent) manga and trying to create new fans by having them read that.
This was actually a very nice read, despite our differing views. If I hadn't seen so much of the anime already, you might have had me convinced. :)
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/13/08 | Reply
whoa no way omg!! yeah like the manga is like number 9 on onemanga. its just as popular a manga as death note and that was relle big!! it needs to come out because i cant stand subtitles and ishida's voice is sexy ahha XD i was just thinking about that today too haha.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
Wait? Eyesheild 21 was supposed to be shown in the US?! I missed it! OTL It's the best sports manga/anime ever! Noooo! Poor Hiruma! ;-; Well at least Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is to air in the US soon. I wants to buy the entire show now plz. D:>
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
I'm glad you're so passionate about this issue. Unfortunately, I can see that it will take a very long time for Eyeshield to catch on in anime form.
Since the NFL and Toonami have both backed out because they did not see desired results, it is going to be hard for someone else to pick it up again. Failures are not known as turn-about successes. We better not hold our breath, for I doubt a company affiliated wouth [adult swim] is going to pick it up. For one, it was originally a "boy's comic", not one for "adults". Also, we have the obstacle of the series being a sports show. I doubt enough people would be willing to stay up until one in the morning to watch a cartoon about Japanese kids playing football (or have the sense to watch it on the Video section). As much as I hate to say it, that won't exactly fly through the top executives' screening with flying colors.
I fell for Eyeshield 21 myself after a failed attempt in getting my football-loving brother to read. He said that the situations were too unrealistic for him and, being a lineman, made him bored with the named signature moves. You know and I know that signature moves are part of anime/manga, but it seriously was lame and boring to him, which is not what Toonami, the NFL and I had hoped for.
I see a similar parallel with One Piece. Unfortunately, One Piece was dubbed and marketed in such a way, that it was painful to watch. It just about killed North American interests in the anime, let alone the manga. Now, even though One Piece started the issue before Naruto did in the English language Shonen Jump, Naruto is vastly ahead of the pirate manga. Naruto was more marketable and had a half-decent anime equivelent, thrusting One Piece and the crap-dub into obscurity. Only now with the FUNidub are more One Piece fans popping up, slowly but surely. It's sad, really, that this sort of thing has to happen to either of these two series.
...and just a thought: ever hear of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Too few in North America have, as it is the longest running Jump manga to not have an anime equivelent (outside of a handful of OVAs), therefore making it near impossible for companies to market over here in the anti-reading abyss this is.
We can hope. We can pray. We can bleach our hair and blow bubble gum all day. It seems like it can take nothing short of a miracle for our wish to happen.
At least we're not alone in the lament, I suppose.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
I think I need to chatch up on some things Iru :3 .Well lets say that probably the move of closing the proyect was taken with some math and publicity experts.Maybe the place of distribution was not th best.Maybe in another place,the poryect could have better results.
I seen many series that face that problem.You have to be very wise to choose the corret place,time,media,publicity,and many other factors to make somehting like this work.I seen for example an old serie called Fly,get closed by the same reason.
Hope things will change and hopefully we will be able to watch the anime return to U.S .
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
Wow.. I've never seen such fan dedication! I applaud you for getting to the bottom of the Eyeshield 21 mystery.. =D.
I actually didn't even know that the anime was being shown here in the U.S. I would have thought that some sort of announcement would have been made so that people would know about it. I've read bits and pieces of the manga and I know that it's not for the Toonami audience.
I hope that the anime does get picked up again and the rest of us will be able to see it (in its unedited glory, of course).
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Well I sent Steven another message so i will wait to see what he has to say and keep you al updated!!!
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
This was a nice read. Your passion for the series really shone through and I'm sure most people will pick up on that. I'm also really glad to hear that you took the initiative to send out some e-mails to try to find out some answers - contacting that voice actors rather than the production companies was a clever move, and you were confident enough to follow through. If nothing else, that part of your recollection is what people need to catch here: if you want things changed in the industry, you have to be willing to work for them.
Aside from that . . . you reaaally need to watch your spelling and grammar, girl. A lot of mistakes in this short little thing - spelling errors and run-on sentences especially - and I was really borderline on whether to actually publish this or not because of it. I did fix everything I could catch for ya, but I did feel a little conflicted about it at times - I really don't want to re-word things you're quoting from an e-mail, y'know? I'll give you the okay this time, but next time (because there will be a next time, nya?) just keep that in mind, okay?
That said, I wish you luck in getting your show back up and running.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Wow. I don't think I've met anyone so dedicated to an anime/manga before. I think my respect for you just went up!
That's awesome that you were able to get in touch with Steven Price, and that he actually responded so quickly!
How unfortunate that Eyeshield 21 isn't comming to America! You brought up some really good points about the intro. Does Adult Swim have a contact site for mentioning animes? I suppose we could rally up people to request that Eyeshield 21 be aired if they do have a contact site. I'm sure if enough people send in requests, they would consider it.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Aww its a shame theres only 5 eps out and they're not continuing it. Its cool that you got to email one of the voice actors too. Well I think that if it has some crude humor and suggestive themes and such it should go on Adult Swim as they have no problem airing shows like that. I heard its a really good manga and I'm gonna start reading it soon too. Maybe you could try to email the voice actor guy again and suggest that to him. He might be able to do something.