Youre abslutely right...lucky me i havent heard any of that razy stuff myself but if i do ill probally back off into a happy corner and mumble to myself and/or scream at them "Theyre fictional!!"
I don't know whether to be slightly offended, or laugh my ass off!!
this is funny because yes freaky fan-girls are very scary.
I'm unsettled because after my last "love of my life"(who was really a real person, and my real boyfriend) I have turned to wishing I could go into a coma and dream of anime men for the rest of my life...
sad I know, and a little pathetic, but they don't dump you for an ugly, bitchy, college girl twice as tall as them!!
hold on I'll calm down...
anyways, yeah I'm sure there's a limit, but, some people don't know where that limit is, or think it's somewhere farther down the line. It's kind of a matter of opinion I guess.
I agree with you with the whole crazy fan girl part. XD they're pretty scary. But remember, there are 2 types of fangirls, the super scary rabid fangirls, and sweet hopeful and dreaming fangirls.
I personally think loving a fictional character is better than loving a celebrity that millions of fan girls say the same thing u mentioned tho. I had someone say at school "omg, I'm totally gonna marry Nick Jonas and have babies with him 8D!! etc"
and it also applies to novels, I have a classmate who put her name and then "Cullen" as her last name on her P.E. outfit XD she's totally ga-ga for Edward (and so are billions of other girls >_>)
Also, most of the boys at school I know are either jerks or already taken, so it doesn't rly matter if we prefer fake guys, I mean why not? XD
Though I understand what ur trying to say, u shouldn't really dedicate ur life to a fictional character.
But not everyone will ever find the perfect guy in real life (like me, cuz im crap XD), so why not dream about having a fictional character love and care for u, when loving a real-life prn that will never love u back is the same as loving someone that doesn't exist in real life but exists in ur heart?
I'm like a total Riku (KH) lover, but I don't say "he's mine, back of beeyotches, he loves me more, etc etc" those are the crazy ones. XD I hate these fangurls too, they're so annoying @_@; ugh
But these moments happen when ur young, like u said, the more u mature, the more u start to realize things. I'm sure half of the fangirls u mentioned will get over it eventually. XD
Hehehe...I think we all were a bit obsessive with fictional characters while young. What is great is, most of us get over it when we start to mature and such, such as yourself. Although there are others who never truly get over it though...shame.
heheh... i used to be in LOVE with gaara... T.T no joke. to the point where in school i would randomly scream "GAARA!!" then again that was when i was in sixth grade and my friends and I were a little narutarded. ^.^;;
But I mean now, i still LIKE characters who have certain traits that I look for in a guy. I just don't become obsessed with him because after all, it is just fiction. T.T
btw, I don't think it's good to like Zac Effron... -_-||| hes like 20 somethin playing a role in a highschool disney movie. plus he's almost as fake as an anime person... AAHH!!! *gets attacked by zac fangirls* okok! i take it back!!!!!
Well, I have to say, I do like Roxas and have said so on lots of sites. However, when I say that I like him, I don't mean in the same way as a normal human being. After all, they're not real. WHat's the use?
lol true true...but i don think turning their attentions to zac efron would be any better since he is not any more reachable and not to mention has a sketchy background O_o
Ah, yes. I have said on many ocassions, "I love Roxas", "I love Gaara", "I love Kyo", but I of course do not mean it. I have grown to love voice actors more than their characters, for which I am thankful. I mean, at lest I can actually hug Greg Ayres.
Fangirls scare me sooo much! True I am a fan girl so I write stories and put my characters in that... But to the point of Obsession is well... weird. One of my friends loves loves loves Ishida Uryuu from Bleach and well let's just say she's umm well obsessed... it's scary... I made the mistake of calling him a gay girly man sewer and ran like hell for like an hour! Then one time I was talking to a group of 6th grade girls about bleach and mentioned that i liked toushiro's sword and i like him a little and these 6th graders (no lie) tackled me and were dragging me on the ground! Me! these half pints were DRAGGING me across the floor! FREAKS!!! At times I really want to scream " OMG!! THEY'RE FICTIONAL DUDES!!! THEY DON'T EXSIST (sp?) !!! GET OVER IT!!!" Any way good post I totally agree!
I agree. It's okay to have a 'crush' on a character. It's going to happen for the same reasons you would a real person. But I think the line would be when you think that the person is serious when they say these things. It's one thing to say "Back off he's mine." or that they want to have a character's babies if the person is obviously joking, and using it as a means to express they like that character a lot. But when they're serious, that is when you need to stop and tell them to hold up for a second and that they need to look at what they're saying or doing. Of course this is harder to do online since you can't always tell how a person meant to say something, and not everyone uses emotes to help get the mood of their message through.
I agree with you completely. I may be one of the many fangirls that have a crush on fictional charaters, but I only go so far into that. whenever my sister tells me that her husband is Sephiroth, I feel like telling her "Dude, your 15, get over it. HE'S NOT REAL." Because, in the end, that's the truth.
but then I also say it's ok to take a break from reality and dream, as long as you remember what you REALLY have right in front of you.
I've been crushing on anime characters for half my life now. (First crush: ten years old, Knuckles of Sonic fame.) And, I've only had one real life crush.
The thing is, my sense of reality is, and always has been, very fuzzy. I believe that those men are real, but not real here. Even if they're only real in my head, that satisfies me in a way. I've never called any one of them my boyfriend, but I still pine for them.
Time always spirals, and here I am, stuck in the wrong sprial.
Very good point!!! I like your point m overally obessed w/ Riku at points but to deal w/ my obessesion so I don't obsess w/ him to much I have made a character named Tsume. Which has eased me alot more! I do prefer those so called human beings myself to! I completely agree w/ you. When I heard the name of essay I thought oh my god here we go with a more obessed fan then myself I would never really claim him as my boyfriend. I mean I know some guys that resemble Riku and some that act like him but you should never date a guy just because of that. I like your point I really do great job on this I hope alot of people read this! It needs to be read!
I agree with you there 100%. It not only applies to fictional characters but also to reality. Fangirls are just nuts... they are either too young or naive or just got low self-esteem (no offense) and they exaggerate like there's no end to it. Obviously it is understandable when someone says "wants" but when it becomes "is" it's gotten too far. I never knew how a fangirl feels, so I probably should not assume things. Obsessing over a person(s) is way too weird for me. Obsessing something, however, is a different concept. XD A well-done essay. I enjoyed reading it.
I totally understand this, though I also think there's a point when people can go too fangirl for real people too--I have a friend that keeps telling people she's engaged to about 10 different J-rockers and refers to them as her "husbands".
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
Youre abslutely right...lucky me i havent heard any of that razy stuff myself but if i do ill probally back off into a happy corner and mumble to myself and/or scream at them "Theyre fictional!!"
moonlight maiden
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/09 | Reply
I don't know whether to be slightly offended, or laugh my ass off!!
this is funny because yes freaky fan-girls are very scary.
I'm unsettled because after my last "love of my life"(who was really a real person, and my real boyfriend) I have turned to wishing I could go into a coma and dream of anime men for the rest of my life...
sad I know, and a little pathetic, but they don't dump you for an ugly, bitchy, college girl twice as tall as them!!
hold on I'll calm down...
anyways, yeah I'm sure there's a limit, but, some people don't know where that limit is, or think it's somewhere farther down the line. It's kind of a matter of opinion I guess.
nice one though
Otakuite | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
ahah, i totally agree
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I agree with you with the whole crazy fan girl part. XD they're pretty scary. But remember, there are 2 types of fangirls, the super scary rabid fangirls, and sweet hopeful and dreaming fangirls.
I personally think loving a fictional character is better than loving a celebrity that millions of fan girls say the same thing u mentioned tho. I had someone say at school "omg, I'm totally gonna marry Nick Jonas and have babies with him 8D!! etc"
and it also applies to novels, I have a classmate who put her name and then "Cullen" as her last name on her P.E. outfit XD she's totally ga-ga for Edward (and so are billions of other girls >_>)
Also, most of the boys at school I know are either jerks or already taken, so it doesn't rly matter if we prefer fake guys, I mean why not? XD
Though I understand what ur trying to say, u shouldn't really dedicate ur life to a fictional character.
But not everyone will ever find the perfect guy in real life (like me, cuz im crap XD), so why not dream about having a fictional character love and care for u, when loving a real-life prn that will never love u back is the same as loving someone that doesn't exist in real life but exists in ur heart?
I'm like a total Riku (KH) lover, but I don't say "he's mine, back of beeyotches, he loves me more, etc etc" those are the crazy ones. XD I hate these fangurls too, they're so annoying @_@; ugh
But these moments happen when ur young, like u said, the more u mature, the more u start to realize things. I'm sure half of the fangirls u mentioned will get over it eventually. XD
srry for the long comment >_<
Otakuite | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
^.^;; this was long..T.Tbut I really Like it Lol
But the Fangirls are like
i hope you write more lol
really scariing -.-""...Well byiee

Hai ♥ lol nah byiie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/27/08 | Reply
Hehehe...I think we all were a bit obsessive with fictional characters while young. What is great is, most of us get over it when we start to mature and such, such as yourself. Although there are others who never truly get over it though...shame.
GReat article!
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
heheh... i used to be in LOVE with gaara... T.T no joke. to the point where in school i would randomly scream "GAARA!!" then again that was when i was in sixth grade and my friends and I were a little narutarded. ^.^;;
But I mean now, i still LIKE characters who have certain traits that I look for in a guy. I just don't become obsessed with him because after all, it is just fiction. T.T
btw, I don't think it's good to like Zac Effron... -_-||| hes like 20 somethin playing a role in a highschool disney movie. plus he's almost as fake as an anime person... AAHH!!! *gets attacked by zac fangirls* okok! i take it back!!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
Well, I have to say, I do like Roxas and have said so on lots of sites. However, when I say that I like him, I don't mean in the same way as a normal human being. After all, they're not real. WHat's the use?
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
Well, yeah. I say "I love _____" but really, I'm just lovin on the character. I do prefer humans. Specifically one human.
Its's just that sometimes fictional guys are very attractive. LOL.
Otakuite | Posted 03/20/08 | Reply
lol true true...but i don think turning their attentions to zac efron would be any better since he is not any more reachable and not to mention has a sketchy background O_o
Otakuite | Posted 03/20/08 | Reply
I ove sora you

Grand Otaku | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
Would this be a bad time to scream "Kakashi's mine!!"?
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
Ah, yes. I have said on many ocassions, "I love Roxas", "I love Gaara", "I love Kyo", but I of course do not mean it. I have grown to love voice actors more than their characters, for which I am thankful. I mean, at lest I can actually hug Greg Ayres.
Black Cat9909
Otakuite | Posted 03/14/08 | Reply
actually I think it would be much better for her loving a fictional character than Zac Effron...
Otakuite | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
This is really good, and I agree!
Otakuite | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
This is a growing epidemic... And it's scary as hell, they've started to get vicious
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
Fangirls scare me sooo much! True I am a fan girl so I write stories and put my characters in that... But to the point of Obsession is well... weird. One of my friends loves loves loves Ishida Uryuu from Bleach and well let's just say she's umm well obsessed... it's scary... I made the mistake of calling him a gay girly man sewer and ran like hell for like an hour! Then one time I was talking to a group of 6th grade girls about bleach and mentioned that i liked toushiro's sword and i like him a little and these 6th graders (no lie) tackled me and were dragging me on the ground! Me! these half pints were DRAGGING me across the floor! FREAKS!!! At times I really want to scream " OMG!! THEY'RE FICTIONAL DUDES!!! THEY DON'T EXSIST (sp?) !!! GET OVER IT!!!" Any way good post I totally agree!
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
I agree. It's okay to have a 'crush' on a character. It's going to happen for the same reasons you would a real person. But I think the line would be when you think that the person is serious when they say these things. It's one thing to say "Back off he's mine." or that they want to have a character's babies if the person is obviously joking, and using it as a means to express they like that character a lot. But when they're serious, that is when you need to stop and tell them to hold up for a second and that they need to look at what they're saying or doing. Of course this is harder to do online since you can't always tell how a person meant to say something, and not everyone uses emotes to help get the mood of their message through.
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
I agree with you completely. I may be one of the many fangirls that have a crush on fictional charaters, but I only go so far into that. whenever my sister tells me that her husband is Sephiroth, I feel like telling her "Dude, your 15, get over it. HE'S NOT REAL." Because, in the end, that's the truth.
but then I also say it's ok to take a break from reality and dream, as long as you remember what you REALLY have right in front of you.
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
I've been crushing on anime characters for half my life now. (First crush: ten years old, Knuckles of Sonic fame.) And, I've only had one real life crush.
The thing is, my sense of reality is, and always has been, very fuzzy. I believe that those men are real, but not real here. Even if they're only real in my head, that satisfies me in a way. I've never called any one of them my boyfriend, but I still pine for them.
Time always spirals, and here I am, stuck in the wrong sprial.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
thats so true but its always good to dream hu?
i think your right thow we shouldint ilushan owere selfs like that its not fair to anyone
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otakuite | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
Very good point!!! I like your point m overally obessed w/ Riku at points but to deal w/ my obessesion so I don't obsess w/ him to much I have made a character named Tsume. Which has eased me alot more!
I do prefer those so called human beings myself to! I completely agree w/ you. When I heard the name of essay I thought oh my god here we go with a more obessed fan then myself I would never really claim him as my boyfriend. I mean I know some guys that resemble Riku and some that act like him but you should never date a guy just because of that. I like your point I really do great job on this I hope alot of people read this! It needs to be read! 
Otakuite | Posted 03/13/08 | Reply
I agree with you there 100%. It not only applies to fictional characters but also to reality. Fangirls are just nuts... they are either too young or naive or just got low self-esteem (no offense) and they exaggerate like there's no end to it. Obviously it is understandable when someone says "wants" but when it becomes "is" it's gotten too far. I never knew how a fangirl feels, so I probably should not assume things. Obsessing over a person(s) is way too weird for me. Obsessing something, however, is a different concept. XD A well-done essay. I enjoyed reading it.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
True, so true. Though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't guilty of fangirl-ness. XD But seriously, babies is taking it too far. DX
Lol. XD "Riku wonders if polygamy is legal on Destiny Island." XD XD
Otakuite | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
GAH!! This is so true!! XD lolz...fangirls need some sense slapped into them ._.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
Fangirls can be pretty cool and generally are very funny to watch, lol.
But really, I do agree that some people take it too far.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
I totally understand this, though I also think there's a point when people can go too fangirl for real people too--I have a friend that keeps telling people she's engaged to about 10 different J-rockers and refers to them as her "husbands".
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
Young fangirls...and...stupid ones. It's apart of life. P:
Though as I said yesterday morning, "I've always wanted to back hand and or bitch slap an annoying fangirl." xD
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/12/08 | Reply
Uh... fangirls are scary @_@ Especially when they're young.