That's very good! I really like Kyoraku and Ukitake, and I think you made a great contribution to developing both characters! I think Kubo would like it, also.
Congrats! *hugs and faves*
I like it!! I'm an absolute sucker for most anything in the Bleach fandom though so when I find something good like this I just go ape! You did a really good job in catching the essence of Kyoraku and Ukitake. I can just Shunsei stealing Ukitake's stuff like that from what I've seen of them so far in the anime and manga!
Wow that was pretty cool,I woulda thought it would have been more popular,but I dont really have a right to say anything because my writings aren't the best either...
fatt boii
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/28/10 | Reply
i totally agree
Otakuite | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
Wow , Is Fantastic ,Popular his bigger
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/05/08 | Reply
....I LUV IT
Continue plz oh plz continue plz and thank you ~Pucca-Chan
P.S. Im putting on favs
Otakuite | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
That rocked! You should continue writing. ^.^
Sole Storyteller
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
That's very good! I really like Kyoraku and Ukitake, and I think you made a great contribution to developing both characters! I think Kubo would like it, also.
Congrats! *hugs and faves*
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Thanks for all the encouragement and compliments! I'll write more when a plot bunny runs into my head I suppose. >
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/18/08 | Reply
Very good! *claps* Anything with Ukitake-taicho is OK by me! Hehe. I love the part where Shunsui steals Jushiro's candy. Priceless! X3 *hug/fave*
Risembool Ldybg
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/16/08 | Reply
I like it!! I'm an absolute sucker for most anything in the Bleach fandom though so when I find something good like this I just go ape! You did a really good job in catching the essence of Kyoraku and Ukitake. I can just Shunsei stealing Ukitake's stuff like that from what I've seen of them so far in the anime and manga!
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/08 | Reply
@Hiashi Hyuga:
Just so you know, I've found numerous sources citing the spelling of his name as both Jyuushiro and Jyuushirou.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/16/08 | Reply
Wow that was pretty cool,I woulda thought it would have been more popular,but I dont really have a right to say anything because my writings aren't the best either...
Hiashi Hyuga
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/08 | Reply