Oh! No worries! =) You got my nature-loving personality on the dot! I've reread this about 5 times already and saved it to my computer! XDDD You're a really talented writer! lol I have connections to Santa...Pffft! Hahaha! That's funny. X3
Hahahahaha, I knew I had the personality wrong!
Ah well, you seem to like it just fine, and that's all that matters.
Beautiful phrases... Hehehehe, that's the first time anyone's pointed that out (its normally just my grammar mistakes)~!
I had to post it on Christmas day to insure you didn't read it too soon, because is it ever the same when you open the presents early?
It makes my evening to know that you enjoyed it, and you are most welcome!
*EPIC HUGGLES SPRINKLED WITH SNOW* I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Awww... It's refreshing to see a side of Cross-sama that we don't normally get to see~~~! Awww. Kitty-Allen! lol I don't think I've ever said anything so poetic as when I spoke in this story, but WOW! You come up the most beautiful phrases! I thank you for posting this on Christmas day! That makes it all the more special! THANK YOU! *bows and laughs*
KoInu kyan
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
Wow, nya! It's really well written, even though Rishi's never read this manga! ((hug)) <3
~Rishi, teh genki girl~
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/26/08 | Reply
Oh! No worries! =) You got my nature-loving personality on the dot! I've reread this about 5 times already and saved it to my computer! XDDD You're a really talented writer! lol I have connections to Santa...Pffft! Hahaha! That's funny. X3
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/25/08 | Reply
Hahahahaha, I knew I had the personality wrong!
Ah well, you seem to like it just fine, and that's all that matters.
Beautiful phrases... Hehehehe, that's the first time anyone's pointed that out (its normally just my grammar mistakes)~!
I had to post it on Christmas day to insure you didn't read it too soon, because is it ever the same when you open the presents early?
It makes my evening to know that you enjoyed it, and you are most welcome!
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/25/08 | Reply
*EPIC HUGGLES SPRINKLED WITH SNOW* I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Awww... It's refreshing to see a side of Cross-sama that we don't normally get to see~~~! Awww. Kitty-Allen! lol I don't think I've ever said anything so poetic as when I spoke in this story, but WOW! You come up the most beautiful phrases! I thank you for posting this on Christmas day! That makes it all the more special! THANK YOU! *bows and laughs*