Awesome. Well, I don't have an exact "story" written out, persay, but I have the background information typed up somewhere. I'll send it to you so you can see.
And if you ever do writer something, let me know. I'd love to read it.
Last edited by cherrichan13 at 1:06:20 PM EDT on July 30, 2009.
hehe,well I'm not really an excellent writer. but I love creating stories to tell. and well I love reading too so I suppose thats where I come up with it all. Anyways I'd love to read the rest of this story If you don't mind. coz I'm not a big fan with any type of endings
That's really interesting. I understand. That's where a lot of my fanfics come from. I have a back story to this, actually, I just never bothered to write it down. Would you like me to tell you? Some of your guesses connect.
Are you a writer, perchance? Because it seems to me like you have the mind of one.
Well I always like to develop untold things in my mind. basically this story made me think, was things always like this? did it only happen recently?what made it happen? then I start and change the characters. I say well the mum is mean or is she only mis understood? then I sympathise... so on. I dunno it's hard to explain what my perspective does but sometimes I change things, that's all I can say haha
It's a real nice story, even tho my perspective might've changed the story a bit But I like it, it has a sad view but It's really beautiful, also innocent.
Thanks! She's supposed to be creepy. This has a whole back story I never wrote down, and you probably can't get it all from this. I'll PM it to you, because I don't want to give it away.
For anyone else reading these comments, let me know if you want me to PM you an explanation, too!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/04/10 | Reply
@ppls arnt 4 me:
Thank you very much.
ppls arnt 4 me
Otakuite | Posted 04/08/10 | Reply
i thought the mother was gunna get murdered whn i frst read ths but its vary vary good
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/06/10 | Reply
@people arnt 4 me:
Thank you!
She shredded it because it reminded her too much of the boy's father.
people arnt 4 me
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/03/10 | Reply
tht was a rele sad but at the same time kinda happy story it was vary good i luvd it but y did the mom shred the picture her son gave her
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/30/09 | Reply
Awesome. Well, I don't have an exact "story" written out, persay, but I have the background information typed up somewhere. I'll send it to you so you can see.
And if you ever do writer something, let me know. I'd love to read it.
Last edited by cherrichan13 at 1:06:20 PM EDT on July 30, 2009.
Otakuite | Posted 07/30/09 | Reply
Kind Regards
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
That's really interesting. I understand. That's where a lot of my fanfics come from. I have a back story to this, actually, I just never bothered to write it down. Would you like me to tell you? Some of your guesses connect.
Are you a writer, perchance? Because it seems to me like you have the mind of one.
Otakuite | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
Kind Regards
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/18/09 | Reply
Thank you, I'm really glad you liked it
How did your perspective change it a bit, do you think? I'm just curious. 
Otakuite | Posted 07/18/09 | Reply
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
Thanks! She's supposed to be creepy. This has a whole back story I never wrote down, and you probably can't get it all from this. I'll PM it to you, because I don't want to give it away.
For anyone else reading these comments, let me know if you want me to PM you an explanation, too!
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
this is really good! but one thing, whats up whith his mom? She kind'a....creeps me out.