Broken Miaka Kusanagi

Chapter 1

"Where are you going, Mrs. Yuki? It's your day for clean up!" the teacher shouted as I walked towards the door.
"I need to go to the library today to do some extra studying for the history final tomorrow," I lied. I knew it probably wouldn't work but I needed to try anyways.

"The library doesn't close till 8pm, but since you do need help in that area of academics, I'll let you go. You will have to make up for it next week though. Mrs. Yukimara?" he called as he shifted his attention across the room to another student who was packing up their books and talking to friends. I tried not to let the surprise show too much on my face as I swiftly slipped from the room. Though I could fool the teacher, there was no fooling Yui Hongo, my best friend who was also caught up in the ordeal with The Universe of the Four Gods ordeal.

"What are you really going to the library for, Miaka? You've been studying for that test for the last two weeks and I could almost swear you know the study guide verbatim." she said after we left the room. Not answering I headed for the staircase. "You're going looking for that book again aren't you? You know they've locked that room up nice and tight. No one can get in. Why are you trying this again?" She was seeming to get more and more worried by the moment. "There's no getting back to him! You're going to just make yourself more depressed! You need to move on from this!"

"It's not about that! Stop hassling me! Yui, you're my best friend but there are just some things that you need to stay out of!" Turning I left the building. I hadn't even noticed that we had walked that far. I thought about taking the train but it was just after school. The train would be packed. Sighing, I set off. As normal, the streets were teaming with people coming home from work and school. The sound of happy people, people shopping, and lovers meeting filed the afternoon air. It made me so uncomfortable that it almost physically hurt. All of a sudden, I was in front of the library again not remembering walking that far. Things like that were happening a lot these days I'd leave the house for school and the next thing I'd know I was there not remembering or knowing how I had gotten there. Oh well, I thought as I started up the steps.

The library was also full of people but at least in here it was quiet. I started looking around through the shelves instead of just going straight for the room. I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention. After about thirty minutes, I started towards the drink machines. Making sure nobody was watching, I walked straight past the machines and up the short stairwell. The door is just right down this hallway, I told myself as I rounded the corner. Something was different though. I had been down this hallway so many times in the last three years and yet something seem just slightly changed at first I couldn't put my finger on it But then I realized what it was. The door! The door I had came here to go through!

The Door Was Open!

Not knowing what to do, I stood frozen in place with shock. How many days had I come here wishing to see this? How many dreams had I had where I saw this exact same image? Maybe that was it! Maybe this was a dream! This thought broke me out of my shock. If this was a dream, nothing would hurt. Almost immediately though, my stomach let out a huge rumble. *Sigh* Nope not a dream, I thought, and if I don't get home from school soon, Keisuke will come looking for me. No doubt this will be the first place he looks too. Kaisuke, My older brother, found out about the powers of The Universe of the Four Gods the second time I entered the book. He followed my adventures of gathering my sacred warriors and my endeavor to save not only the world of ancient China but also my best friend Yui. When I had left the book the first time, needing to come home to recuperate from an illness and the emotional stress, she had been sucked into the book as the priestess of Seiryū.

Shaking my head, I started very slowly towards the door. As I got closer, I started to hear voices. It sounded as if whoever was in the room was arguing! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go inside to find the book because this may be the only chance I would get. Still though, I knew I couldn't be seen. With my back to the wall I started to edge towards the door.

"...documents can't be looked at! They're dangerous!" the first man insisted with an accent I was unfamiliar with. Maybe Swedish? Curious now, I creeped a little closer.

"This is the most secure room in the building. I assure you, Dr., nobody will be getting into this room." Not if I can help it! I thought. The reply came from a voice that I'd know anywhere by now. It was the janitor who always chased me out of this area. Now an idea was starting to form in my head. I had gotten into the habit of carrying lots of gum around with me three years ago when I was around Tamahome so that whenever he needed quick money I could just give him a few pieces to sell. Looking through my school bag, I found about fifteen sticks. I hope this is enough! was the thought as I crammed all fifteen into my mouth at once. In the room the men continued to argue.

"These documents contain an experiment that nobody knows the outcome to yet. I heard that this room has had a few break-ins before as well. Do you honestly think that I can overlook that?" asked the doctor in a furious voice.
"Those break-ins happened over three years ago and when that happened we made some modifications to the lock down concerning this room," answered the janitor.

Seeming a little more at ease hearing this, the doctor only seemed to have one more question. Sensing this, I took the wad of gum and jammed in into the mounting plate for the door. It filled just enough that the handle would actually stay open without showing that it was.

"Who was it that was actually able to break in last time?" At this question my heart seemed to stop.
"Some junior high school girl and her brother, but when we got into the room we only found him. It was the darnedest thing. We searched the whole library that night but we couldn't find a trace of her," replied the janitor. He seemed very confused by this.

"I hope the girl's alright whenever she is." The doctor sounded a little concerned.

Hearing this, the janitor was quick to reassure him. "She's perfectly fine. I keep having to chase her away from this room though! I wonder what's inside here that she wants so badly." He trailed off seeming to be lost in thought.
I knew that was my signal to leave the area. All I could do would be to walk away and hope that the gum did the trick.

Miaka Kusanagi
Date Published
02/23/09 (Originally Created: 02/23/09)
Miaka Kusanagi
Fushigi Yugi Fan Words
4 hugs hug
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