Guide to Video Game Gift Giving for Any Occasion Kastom

From the truly god-like and sexy man that brought you such guides as Kastom's Guide on How to Become More Like Kastom, Trains: Friend or Foe?, and How to Give Kastom All Your Money, here is a new soon to be famous guide!

Kastom’s Handy Dandy Guide to Video Game Gift Giving for Any Occasion
Because the greatest gift you can give, is the gift of games.

So, you have some occasion to go to. Maybe it's your friend's birthday. Perhaps you are meeting a younger relative. Possibly a close friend recently got dumped. Perchance you are reconciling with a friend. Conceivably a friend is graduating. Mayhaps you just wish to celebrate something with a significant other.

Synonyms for "maybe" are hard.

Whatever the case, you need a gift. And what better gift than the gift of a game? But what game will you get? You don’t want to give the wrong game and make everyone think you’re an idiot! You keep that fact to yourself.

So what do you do? Well, luckily for you, and all the women in the world, Kastom exists. I have put together this amazingly detailed guide to solve all of your woes, because I am obviously way smarter than you.

So read on, I will give you hope, in your otherwise hopeless life.

Please Note: You must be at least "Luigi" cool on Kastom's Handy Dandy Coolness Scale to be able to include your name in a title. Kastom is pretty well off the chart cool, so he can use his name in the title.

But also note that talking about yourself in the third person immediately makes you uncool. Kastom is sad.

Date Published
05/05/09 (Originally Created: 04/21/09)
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