Hiei in RainbowLand: The Musical tiggerola

80's Cartoon meets Anime! Hiei wakes up in a land full of color and happiness! The Color Kids take him as their long lost friend, Black Night. But Hiei isn't the only demon around. Kurama, Jin, Touya, and even Yukina show up! Will Hiei put up with his new friends, or will he join Murky and Lurky to rid the world of color forever?

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From the Author: This story was originally a crossover short that was well recieved and sparked the ongoing adventure to create a full-blown wondrous story that it now is. In my Voice Acting endeavors, I underwent converting the story into a RadioPlay. With a year of casting, directing, asking actors for their lines, and mixing (graw! I hate mixing! It takes FOREVER! Like I work at it for one hour and complete putting 10 seconds together!) it is finally finished! My favorite part of putting it to audio was adding the element of sound, which converted my little story into a feature length musical!

In this process, I have made some discoveries, like Hiei's theme (bgm) and Rainbow Brite's theme (opening song) have the same motif (which is they have the same reoccurring sequence of notes!) which help me realize that the universe was calling for me to put Hiei there! So he shouldn't have any reason to kill me...at least for this incident ^.~

Just like a Disney cartoon, I created plenty of bonus features (bloopers, soundtrack,and more) So I have a link to that, plus some of the vids of what was on YouTube. Yes I mixed it all, made amvs for all the songs, eng. translations, notated music and created arrangements, etc. So I hope this is well received like it was when I first posted and how it is currently exciting people on YouTube. And remember, with being able to meet voices actors, this is currently Chuck Huber and Jerry Jewell approved!

Naturally I also included the original script, which for an audio production was based off of. There is one major difference in the order of scenes and then the minor differences of characters describing what cannot be seen.

Musical Production plus bonus features

RadioPlay part 1 of 9
Playlist for all the parts

Featured AMV
Playlist for all the associated AMVs

And/Or feel free to read the original story that the musical was created from in the following pages! ^.~

Date Published
05/10/09 (Originally Created: 04/25/09)
The Library
Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Words
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