Soul Eater 2 Juno Valesti

Episode 1: A new beginning

“It was three months to this day, when the world was almost devoured by the madness of the Kishin, Asura. It was also at that time that the evil organization of Arachnophobia almost triumphed over us. But we, of Shibusen, have managed to overcome the impossible when we defeated the Kishin and toppled Arachnophobia!”

Everyone cheered as Death the Kid said those words. Yes, it was three months later, after the defeat of the Kishin. The world has begun anew. The madness of the Kishin that caused great chaos over every country in the world had faded away. With Asura and Arachnophobia destroyed, peace and order was restored in a short time. Now, at the first ever “Kishin’s Defeat Party!!!” the battered students of Shibusen can finally take a break.

Kid was about to continue with his speech, when “Everyone enjoy!” the Shinigami shouted from out of nowhere with his usual happy self. The Shinigami hasn’t fully recovered after having fought the Kishin. Even so, this didn’t stop him from becoming the life of the party.

“Honorable Father, I’m happy you’re recovering, but please let me finish my speech,” said Kid, respectfully.
“Have fun! There are drinks and food over at the buffet table,” Shinigami shouted.
“You aren’t even listening to me!” Kid began shouting as well.
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“What? That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“Exactly, it’s like I don’t even know you anymore,” Shinigami replied, looking away as if he were a parent talking to a rebellious teen. Everyone smiled and laughed as the Father-Son argument turned into a slapstick comedy routine on stage. Meanwhile, at one of the tables, Tsubaki could only sit and smile at the other students who couldn’t help not notice Black Star stuff himself with chicken. Anyone who saw this scene of inhuman gluttony could only think of the word, “SLOB”

At the dance floor stood Soul in a slick black tux, “Hey Soul,” Maka called out. He turned to find her in a plain red dress as she approached him with an open hand.

“Let’s dance,” she said with a smile.
“I’m not really into dancing so- ‘MAKA CHOP!!!’ -This is not cool,” he sighed as the music warmed up with a waltz. Unbeknownst to them, two figures stood watch from the balcony.
“Don’t those two look cute together?” commented Stein, leaning on the parapet.
“Please don’t remind me,” Spirit murmured as he was looking at Death City.
“Why? Is there a problem?”
“Damn right there is! Maka has horrible taste in men. That’s why she keeps hanging out with that punk, Soul!” his eyes began to swell up in tears as he imagined his daughter in the arms of Soul, laughing at him as they drifted away into the distance.

“I will save you Maka!” he suddenly shouted out and turned to the dance floor.
“Geez, you’ll never learn,” Stein said, stopping him from making a fool of himself.
“Excuse me,” someone spoke in a soft voice.
“Huh?” the two men were surprised to find a beautiful girl in a stunning black dress.
“Are you by chance, Death the Kid?” she asked politely to Stein.
“Uh, no. I’m Professor Stein.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You see, I was only told that he was the guy in white,” she referred to his white lab coat.

“That’s alright. Maybe you should try asking those two over there,” he pointed over towards the Thompson Sisters’ table. She thanked him and went over.
“Was that a student?” asked Spirit.
“Probably not, this is the first time I’ve seen her.”
“She must be a new angel!”
“Oh, no you don’t!” he said, grabbing hold of Spirit, “take your stalking somewhere else!”

In the meantime, at the other end of the party was a very nervous Crona. She was wearing a pink dress with a white rose corsage. This sudden change of clothes made her a bit uneasy since she wasn’t used to wearing such apparel. She slowly looked around for a familiar face but failed until Ragnarok appeared and started pounding her on the head.

“Crona, you wimp, what are you doing?”
“I-I’m looking for Maka-sama,” she replied.
“Then move! Don’t stand here like an idiot,” he pointed how out of place she was in a crowd of dancing students. She hesitantly agrees and searches for her friend. But after having Ragnarok question the other students, her confidence dwindles as each of them answered of having not seen her around.

“She must have left,” she concluded, her shoulders slumped. She was about to lose all hope when an all too familiar voice called her name. Before she even turned around, she had already known who that was. It was Maka, alright.

“You made it,” she smiled. At that moment, Crona’s spirit skyrocketed. She smiled back at her friend who then complimented her dress. She laughed since it was Maka herself who gave her the dress to wear. Afterwards, Maka led her through the crowd and towards their table where the rest of the gang was.

“Take it easy you guys,” said Tsubaki, trying to ease down the tension between Soul and Black Star. The two were eyeing one another with intense concentration. One could cut the tension with a toothpick.

“What’s going on?” Maka and Crona arrived just in time to witness the fight.
“Maka, you’re here,” Tsubaki was relieved, “Well you see, Black Star said that no one could surpass him now. And then Soul said that ‘are you sure?’ and now chicken-” she was cut short when the two boys started wolfing down chunks of food at opposite sides of a buffet table.
“Idiots,” remarked Maka in disgust.

It was only thirty-minutes into the party when all hell broke loose. Oxford, Kim and a few of their classmates began having a loud argument about the importance of love over money which annoyed the heck out of everyone. Over at the buffet tables, Soul and Black Star were shoveling food down their throats like there was no tomorrow. Furthermore, at what was supposed to be the romantic balcony area were two grown men, Stein and Spirit, having a wrestling match. It was pandemonium!

“Sid-sama, maybe we should do something before this gets out of hand,” suggested Yumi Azusa, the Death Scythe of East Asia.
“You’re right. Nygus, you’ll be the DJ, and I’ll handle the dance floor.”

“Wait,” In an instant, Sid leaped from the stage unto the dance floor before Yumi could finish, “that wasn’t what I meant, Sid-sama.” Nygus had no choice, so she took over the music and changed it to something more modern. The students were surprised to see Sid dancing with the music. At first he started with a few twists and spins and then followed it up by doing an inverse moon walk on the ceiling and topped it off with his signature move the DARK STAR (Doing.Absoulutely.Ridiculous.Kausing Some.Terrible.Awkward.Routine) Just as Yumi expected, not only did Sid’s plan backfire it discouraged the students to dance and made the whole party seem…wrong.

“This didn’t go well,” Shinigami sighed, rubbing his temples.

Juno Valesti
Date Published
06/07/09 (Originally Created: 05/01/09)
Soul Eater Chronicles
Soul Eater Fan Words
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