Haha right?! And there seriously were like two weeks last year when I could barely fit all the manga in my locker. It was taking up space where my textbooks should have been, stacked horizontally, vertically, sideways...haha it was actually pretty funny.
Haha yeah of course I can lend them to you! If you ever want to read anything just ask because I probably own it And my locker is already like a drug deal locker except with manga lmao. My friends and I always exchange manga in Albertsons bags and it looks sketchy hahaha
The manga goes quite a bit father (there's only 11 volumes here compared to Japan's 18 asdfghjkl but that's still farther than the anime) if you're interested just lemme know and I can lend you my copies~
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
LOL me neither. I end up carrying all of my things in my hand (which is a real pain when I have to carry my sax around too xC)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
I can't fit half my stuff in my bag lol
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
ROFL nice. xD
I didn't even use my locker last year (or the year before that, or the year before that....) and so it got so dusty rofl.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
Haha right?! And there seriously were like two weeks last year when I could barely fit all the manga in my locker. It was taking up space where my textbooks should have been, stacked horizontally, vertically, sideways...haha it was actually pretty funny.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
ROFL nice analogy xDD Thank you~ x)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
Lol frolicking
Haha yeah of course I can lend them to you! If you ever want to read anything just ask
because I probably own itAnd my locker is already like a drug deal locker except with manga lmao. My friends and I always exchange manga in Albertsons bags and it looks sketchy hahahagomdorri
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
REALLY?! Yes please, I want to read them all >___< No early AP studying for meeeee /frolick
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
The manga goes quite a bit father (there's only 11 volumes here compared to Japan's 18 asdfghjkl but that's still farther than the anime) if you're interested just lemme know and I can lend you my copies~
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/27/12 | Reply
LOL you're right. And I haven't read the manga, but I did luuuuffffle the anime.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/26/12 | Reply
I'm almost done with the PH anime. I love the manga to death, but I was actually somewhat impressed with the anime as well.
Oz looks BA in this scan LOL *runs away from the insane shota boy*