Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
Thanks i really wanted to use the fate stay night scan for ages but everyones been using it so i thought i'd add a twist and mix it up glad you liked it
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/12 | Reply
as usual, you mixed the images great!*__* looks very epic!
Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
Thanks i really wanted to use the fate stay night scan for ages but everyones been using it so i thought i'd add a twist and mix it up glad you liked it

I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/12 | Reply
as usual, you mixed the images great!*__* looks very epic!