Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 09/23/12 | Reply
Thanks glad you like it. still think the ending is sad and i like the way they left it. so many interpritations and theories on lelouch still being alive
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/09/13 | Reply
Lelouch.. You are the most amazing person... And you are the worlds savior.
"all hail lelouch!"
"all hail lelouch!"
"all hail lelouch!"
Devils Never Cry (Senior Otaku+) | Posted 09/23/12 | Reply
I feel it right at the heart of me and it grips me physically
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/21/12 | Reply
*Sniffle sniffle* So beautiful!

Awesomely amazing job!
I'm a vampire!