It would look good and more clean without the blood, but since this anime is full of tragedy and brutal scene.. I wanted to make the wallpaper as tragic as the scene on anime, that's why I added that blood brush to make it look more dirty and tragic
"I am gonna love you like I've never been broken."
This looks amazing! I really like how you mixed a light and darkness in here by adding in some brightness and contrast and adding some blood splatters to make it seem darker, and adding in Armin's quote really fits the general atmosphere of it too.
I love it, thanks so much! *u*
Last edited by ElementalNinja at 12:36:04 PM EDT on October 19, 2013.
Kurihara Akane
Eternal Swiftie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/13 | Reply
I didn't extract it xD I found it as a render :D Icould not render scan as good as that >.>
"I am gonna love you like I've never been broken."
Kurihara Akane
Eternal Swiftie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/13 | Reply
you are always welcome
"I am gonna love you like I've never been broken."
Kurihara Akane
Eternal Swiftie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/13 | Reply
Thank you, happy to hear that :D
"I am gonna love you like I've never been broken."
Kurihara Akane
Eternal Swiftie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/13 | Reply
@aurora witch:
It would look good and more clean without the blood, but since this anime is full of tragedy and brutal scene.. I wanted to make the wallpaper as tragic as the scene on anime, that's why I added that blood brush to make it look more dirty and tragic
"I am gonna love you like I've never been broken."
aurora witch
Endless Witch (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/20/13 | Reply
Liked all the edit and the main scan itself but without blood brushes it would be better i think. Just an opinion.
SOLDIER 1st Class (Otaku Legend) | Posted 10/19/13 | Reply
Wow the text and the effects on this are absolutely amazing. It's a great wallpaper really nice work I love it!
Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero, you need to have dreams
Daemon Devourer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/19/13 | Reply
This looks amazing! I really like how you mixed a light and darkness in here by adding in some brightness and contrast and adding some blood splatters to make it seem darker, and adding in Armin's quote really fits the general atmosphere of it too.
I love it, thanks so much! *u*
Last edited by ElementalNinja at 12:36:04 PM EDT on October 19, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/19/13 | Reply
Armin's quote X3.
Here's the scan :3.
Great job if you extracted the scan, nice work overall :3