WOW! And you still make amazing wallies for iPhone users even though you don't have one? *HUGS* You're so sweet!! You do a really great job all the time :D I can't wait for your next ones! I love looking at them^^
thanks too much!
yeah, I'm waiting for hot summer days^^
even so the spring began, today is snow falling again (nothing unusual for our country, it will be continued to the end of March, i think)
I'm really loving your iPhone walls! Nice work on this one!! I love the brightness and glow... It looks so happy!! If I had a iPhone, I'd love to use this one *3*
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/12 | Reply
WOW! And you still make amazing wallies for iPhone users even though you don't have one? *HUGS* You're so sweet!! You do a really great job all the time :D I can't wait for your next ones! I love looking at them^^
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
thanks too much!
(nothing unusual for our country, it will be continued to the end of March, i think)
yeah, I'm waiting for hot summer days^^
even so the spring began, today is snow falling again
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
thank you! I'm very glad you like this
I also use my very old mobile, but when this category appears, I think I must entry smth in it (LOL!!!)))
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
@Hanako Sho:
ага, маленькие солнышки же
а еще семки! хыхыхы)))))
typical Madao (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
thank you, glad you like it!!! In fact I also haven't got i-phone or smth like that, my phone is too old and simple^^
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
How beautiful, I love the bright colors. If I had an iPhone I would surely use this as my wallpaper. Thank you so much!!
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Hanako Sho
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
Охохо, какая красотень!
Подсолнухи~~~~~ Мои любимые цветы :D
Очень ярко сделано)
Last edited by Hanako Sho at 10:29:27 AM CST on March 5, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/05/12 | Reply
I'm really loving your iPhone walls! Nice work on this one!! I love the brightness and glow... It looks so happy!! If I had a iPhone, I'd love to use this one *3*