I just gave 1€ to Japan to an Association in my campus. So, it makes 114.57 yen.
The money will be given to the "The NGO collaboration center for Hanshin Quake Rehabilitation"... =)
I'm amazed by all the means we can have to give money to Japan, humanity isn't that bad, after all...^^
I donated $30 to Peace Winds America, $20 to Red Cross America, and $1 to the International Students Union on my school campus. I don't know who they're sending the money they raised to.
Just donated 4000 yen ($50) to the Japanese Red Cross through the Google page.
Japan has given so much to the world in terms of technology and innovation. An event like this is devastating, and they will continue to be in our prayers.
God bless Japan through her struggles and challenges during these times.
Japan gave us so much.This is what we can do for them. In my country material situation is worst then ever but I donated money to the Croatian Red Cross for Japanese Red cross, 'cause texting what U have here probably isn't working.
Even small amount is a big help now. Keep helping
Oh... During the week, I gave $5 to "Save the Children" via CityVille =)
Everyone playing zynga games on facebook can do it, it's really a good mean if you can't send money for now... ^^ I still don't know how that Red Cross text thing work in France :(
Thanks for donating to help the animals! I know that is my biggest fear too!
@Adam - Thanks for adding the link!
@everyone- GREAT JOB! It's so awesome to see so many people coming together to support the country and people who have given us so much! I hope to donate more next payday. I feel so sad when I see news coverage getting less and less, but then I come on here and my spirits are raised by everyone here, giving whatever they can. I know even kind words, prayers, and positive energy are appreciated by those affected. <3 <3
For now I've given $800 yen. It's certainly good to see so many people helping out. Whether it's via direct donations, creating artwork or simply expressing their well wishes. The fact that so many people care about the welfare of others is heartwarming. :)
I also donated 800 yen to Animal Rescue Kansai (Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue). That's one of my fears, that my animals would be left to fend for themselves 'cause I was lost in some disaster... :(
really glad that you guys are organizing this, they really have given so much to us, now it's time for us to reach out. ended up donating $10 to the red cross, just because i've done classes and programs with them in the past
I've just donated 12,000 yen not to long ago. It's time to help the people who gave us what we love today! This is an awesome thing you guys are doing and I can't wait to see the final numbers!
Thank you guys so much for putting up the link. Sadly I wish I could have given more...
@Hulaberry32 - You're welcome. Thanks for donating to help the animals.
@Adam - Is it possible for you to add the links I posted in my previous post, for where to donate to help Japanese animals affected, to the main post? Even if you just put them by where you have it listed that Hulaberry32 and I donated to those causes it would be great. Some people might want to help, but might not want to search through all the comments.
800 yen donated via Red Cross on Saturday morning.
Possibly sending more soon. Since I got payment twice in the past few days, I'm just going to send another portion over. They need it far more than I do.
I was planning on donating to the relief effort after I heard about the earthquake and it's aftermath. When I got the email from Otaku, it seemed like as good an opportunity as any. I donated 800 yen ($9.90) to the Japanese Red Cross. I like that Otaku is addressing the anime community to support a country that has offered us so much in arts and entertainment.
Last edited by SangoHime at 2:29:42 PM CDT on March 15, 2011.
I rarely visit this website but I just received a mail about the donation and I'm really pleased that so many people have donated money. I myself don't have the opportunity to do so but I'm glad that others have done it. I hope Japan gets back on its feet as soon as possible. ;s
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
It's wonderful to see how many people are donating money, or participating to spread awareness of the situation! Unfortunately I cannot donate any money myself, but I have made an artistic contribution...
Thanks a lot, theOtaku staff!
I have made two donations to two different organizations.
1. Donation amount: ¥2,500 JPY
Total: ¥2,500 JPY
Purpose: for earthquake animals
Contributor: Christina
2. Contribution to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support by Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support $30.00 USD
I know everyone is thinking about the humans, but please think about donating to help the animals affected by the earthquake and tsunami. I have four cats who I consider to be my children. I know if something horrible happened, and I knew I wasn't going to make it, my last thoughts would be that I hope they are ok, and I hope somebody comes to save them. I am sure there are many people who didn't make it through the earthquake/tsunami who felt the same way. Sending funds to help their beloved furry family members is a way to honor them. Here are links to some Japanese Animal Rescue Organizations that are helping....
I really really wish I could donate!! ^^' i asked my dad, but he said "no" with the simpilest of faces. I am sad, he is usually really cool! but alas! I am currently drawing a picture for it, so i will definitally tag it for this! :)
I wish everyone out there in japan good luck! you have no idea how defistated i was in school today, we spent all of science hour reading stuff on it, and watching CNN student news about it...~i thought i was going to be sick!~
It seems you need a credit card to donate through that google link. I don't have one... But i'll find another way! i've donated £4 through buying one of Yours Truly'sadoptable art critters ^^
*Finds a currency converter* I think that is 536 yen...
[edit: Done! Donated £25 through the british red cross Japan relief site ^^ Sooo 3,886 yen in total.]
Now to make some cards...
Last edited by chibi-anna-chan at 6:00:04 PM CDT on March 14, 2011.
I can't because I don't have a card or something^^; But I'll try to have information about what Red Cross is doing here, in France.
I did a wallpaper for Japan that I posted today anyway (just thought about the tag "japanrelief", silly me) and I will participate to the challenge created for Japan... That's all I can do for now, alas... *sighs*
YAY!!!!! Do this everyone! If you want good karma now is the time to get it do the right thing!!!!!!!!!
P.S. the world does NOT end in 2012!!!! That is simply when the Mayan calendar ended. Oh and there will be a Supermoon all this month of March 2011. Look it up. And pray for Japan!!!!!! Much love to all you out there with family in Japan or if you are in Japan
On twitter, there's a movement going around among artists (specially notable mangakas like Noizi Ito) called #draw_for_japan where you can submit your drawings!
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated 800 yen. As a former volunteer for the Red Cross, I strongly urge everyone to donate. Even five bucks can pay for a day's worth of meals for someone, or blankets (or coffee for volunteers and rescue workers). They really appreciate it.
I definately cant donate moneywise, but i definately can donate artwise. From now on, it's all about Japan, and i'm going to tag them all japanrelief. This is the least i can do for Japan, who's offered us soo much.
Just donated $5. I wanted to do a bit more, but I can't right now. Nevertheless, my university's anime club, as well as a few other clubs on campus, are going to get together and do a fund raiser for Japan and I'm hoping by then I'll have a bit more money that I'll be able to donate. ^^
I have just now donated 10 dollars via that Japanese Red Cross page.^^
This is a fantastic idea, and thanks for bringing this up!
I have made a fan work for it too, and I am sure that many people will do the same!
I can't really do a whole lot for donating money, though I really REALLY wish I could. But I can at least make an artwork and share a few links in it, and of course, tag it with Japanrelief. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for them.
Unfortunately, whatever money I have has been transferred into paypal account which doesn't seem to be a valid way to donate funds :(...at least not to my knowledge (if anyone knows otherwise, please enlighten me, I would love to find out how to donate) and I'm just not sure about revealing my bank info over the internet without a "go between" like paypal, there's just so many risks.
but I can at least maybe do something in the way of art, you've already used my tribute image for this news post, is there anything I can do with that to maybe help direct viewers to trustworthy donation sites, etc.? (I know you mentioned something like this in the article, but I'm afraid I didn't fully understand what to do)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
My internet's been down, so I just uploaded this wallpaper. Since I cannot donate, I created it for the cause--hope it helps!
Last edited by 1dev13 at 8:41:38 PM CDT on April 16, 2011.
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/11 | Reply
I just gave 1€ to Japan to an Association in my campus. So, it makes 114.57 yen.
The money will be given to the "The NGO collaboration center for Hanshin Quake Rehabilitation"... =)
I'm amazed by all the means we can have to give money to Japan, humanity isn't that bad, after all...^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/27/11 | Reply
I have just donated 10 dollars more to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/11 | Reply
I donated $30 to Peace Winds America, $20 to Red Cross America, and $1 to the International Students Union on my school campus. I don't know who they're sending the money they raised to.
segunda etapa
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/24/11 | Reply
I just donated $10 through mail. (Sending it to Melbourne to be sent to Japan)
Wow - We've more than doubled our $1000 goal! Everyone here is so generous and awesome!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/11 | Reply
Just donated $10 (800 yen) via redcross. Wish I could do more, but just can't afford it at moment.....
Michiyo Shimizu
Queen of theO � (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/22/11 | Reply
Finally donated 20 dollars... 1600 yen? ;w;
I am not a follower, I am a friend. I do not ask for subscribers, only friends.
Otakuite | Posted 03/22/11 | Reply
Just donated 4000 yen ($50) to the Japanese Red Cross through the Google page.
Japan has given so much to the world in terms of technology and innovation. An event like this is devastating, and they will continue to be in our prayers.
God bless Japan through her struggles and challenges during these times.
Bagel Gurl | Posted 03/22/11 | Reply
I donated another 8,000 yen but through Samaritan's Purse
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Drow ranger (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/21/11 | Reply
Japan gave us so much.This is what we can do for them. In my country material situation is worst then ever but I donated money to the Croatian Red Cross for Japanese Red cross, 'cause texting what U have here probably isn't working.
Even small amount is a big help now. Keep helping
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/19/11 | Reply
Oh... During the week, I gave $5 to "Save the Children" via CityVille =)
Everyone playing zynga games on facebook can do it, it's really a good mean if you can't send money for now... ^^ I still don't know how that Red Cross text thing work in France :(
Otakuite | Posted 03/19/11 | Reply
Thanks for donating to help the animals! I know that is my biggest fear too!
@Adam - Thanks for adding the link!
@everyone- GREAT JOB! It's so awesome to see so many people coming together to support the country and people who have given us so much! I hope to donate more next payday. I feel so sad when I see news coverage getting less and less, but then I come on here and my spirits are raised by everyone here, giving whatever they can. I know even kind words, prayers, and positive energy are appreciated by those affected. <3 <3
Otakuite | Posted 03/19/11 | Reply
I'm so sorry for your loss! <3
Otakuite | Posted 03/19/11 | Reply
I really wish i could go over there and help,
looked at red cross britain and they don't fly people overseas to help :(
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
I donated $25 through American Red Cross for Japan.
Otakuite | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
Just donated 800 yen through Japanese Red Cross. I'm praying for all the people over there who have been affected by this.
Awesome dude (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
I donated 800 yen ($10) through the Red Cross text message system. Its all I can afford.
Getaway Driver (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
Payday today for driving the children to school. I sent in my 2000 yen donation just now.
Sunshine 60
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
I donated 800 yen via text message. I pray for Japan and the people there from the bottom of my heart.
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 03/18/11 | Reply
For now I've given $800 yen. It's certainly good to see so many people helping out. Whether it's via direct donations, creating artwork or simply expressing their well wishes. The fact that so many people care about the welfare of others is heartwarming. :)
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Beulah Page
Otakuite | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
Added 2000 yen to the Japanese Red Cross.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I donated $25. I hope Japan gets well soon.
Otakuite | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I wish I could have helped reach the goal. :'( BUT I did draw art and made cards. :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I also donated 800 yen to Animal Rescue Kansai (Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue). That's one of my fears, that my animals would be left to fend for themselves 'cause I was lost in some disaster... :(
Tokyo iris
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I donated $10 via text to the Red Cross
Otakuite | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
Japanese Red Cross - 800 yen ($10) donated, only wish we could do more. Japan you're in our prayers! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I Donated $10 to to the red cross via text :D Huzzah Japan~
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I just dropped 2,000 Yen in there. Glad to help, wish I could do more.
Otakuite | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
really glad that you guys are organizing this, they really have given so much to us, now it's time for us to reach out. ended up donating $10 to the red cross, just because i've done classes and programs with them in the past
Umeda Isao
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
I've just donated 12,000 yen not to long ago. It's time to help the people who gave us what we love today! This is an awesome thing you guys are doing and I can't wait to see the final numbers!
Thank you guys so much for putting up the link. Sadly I wish I could have given more...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/17/11 | Reply
This is cool, thank you for the link. I just donated 2000 yen. I can't wait to see just how much this community will give.
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
It would be cool if we could have some sort of progress bar towards our goal on the right (like where "theOtaku.com Japan Aid Fundraiser" block is ^^.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
I donated $10 to RedCross >.> I wanna donate more... gots to get some more moneys...
I pray for all people in Japan, hope everyone gets back on their feet!
Last edited by beloved blood at 8:17:25 PM CDT on March 16, 2011.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
I'm offering art expressively made for this purpose. All income will be donated to Red Cross after to help Japan. :)
The crazy bubbly shadow
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Donated $10 to RedCross, $10 to Salvation Army, and $10 to Global Giving. ^-^
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
I donated 12.000 yen through the supplied google page. I lost a penfriend in the first tsunami so I am pretty motivated to help people there.
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
@Hulaberry32 - You're welcome. Thanks for donating to help the animals.
@Adam - Is it possible for you to add the links I posted in my previous post, for where to donate to help Japanese animals affected, to the main post? Even if you just put them by where you have it listed that Hulaberry32 and I donated to those causes it would be great. Some people might want to help, but might not want to search through all the comments.
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Just to clarify, I donated $25 and not $31 to Global Giving. That would amount to approximately 2,000 yen.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Otakuite | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Donated $10 to REDCROSS.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
donated $25 and on pay day will do more
Administrator | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated $25 via Music for Relief, sent care package (food,towels, etc..) to Japan and will donate more after payday. I wish I had more monies to help.
Keep praying for Japan.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated $80 to the Japanese Red Cross.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated 4000 yen to Japanese Red Cross.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
800 yen donated via Red Cross on Saturday morning.
Possibly sending more soon. Since I got payment twice in the past few days, I'm just going to send another portion over. They need it far more than I do.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I have just donated 1600 yen, $20, to the Animal Refuge Kansai organization. :))
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Thank you so much for that link! I will be definitely donating, because I absolutely love animals and think they should be helped as well. :))
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated 800¥ to the Japanese red cross. Great idea otaku
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
This fundraiser is a wonderful idea, and I'm glad so many members are choosing to donate. I donated 800 yen to the Japanese Red Cross.
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I've donated $25 to Global Giving last Saturday. Would that count?
"Students, be ambitious!"
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I donated 800 yen to the Japanese Red Cross. Praying for Japan as well.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
2000 yen to the Japanese Red Cross
Laugh Often
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I donated $10 via text. I'll ask my friends to donate too.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I was planning on donating to the relief effort after I heard about the earthquake and it's aftermath. When I got the email from Otaku, it seemed like as good an opportunity as any. I donated 800 yen ($9.90) to the Japanese Red Cross. I like that Otaku is addressing the anime community to support a country that has offered us so much in arts and entertainment.
Last edited by SangoHime at 2:29:42 PM CDT on March 15, 2011.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I rarely visit this website but I just received a mail about the donation and I'm really pleased that so many people have donated money. I myself don't have the opportunity to do so but I'm glad that others have done it. I hope Japan gets back on its feet as soon as possible. ;s
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Just donated $50 to Japanese Red Cross.
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated another $50 to the American Red Cross.
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Contributed 1600 yen to the Japanese Red Cross
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Oh my :D We're already halfway there!! <3
Wonderful work everyone!! ;w;
Last edited by OnlyAMarionette at 9:20:12 AM CDT on March 15, 2011.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
It's wonderful to see how many people are donating money, or participating to spread awareness of the situation! Unfortunately I cannot donate any money myself, but I have made an artistic contribution...
Thanks a lot, theOtaku staff!
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated 1600 yen to Japanese Red Cross via Google Checkout.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I have made two donations to two different organizations.
1. Donation amount: ¥2,500 JPY
Total: ¥2,500 JPY
Purpose: for earthquake animals
Contributor: Christina
2. Contribution to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support by Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support $30.00 USD
I know everyone is thinking about the humans, but please think about donating to help the animals affected by the earthquake and tsunami. I have four cats who I consider to be my children. I know if something horrible happened, and I knew I wasn't going to make it, my last thoughts would be that I hope they are ok, and I hope somebody comes to save them. I am sure there are many people who didn't make it through the earthquake/tsunami who felt the same way. Sending funds to help their beloved furry family members is a way to honor them. Here are links to some Japanese Animal Rescue Organizations that are helping....
Animal Refuge Kansai (homepage: http://drupal.animalrefugekansai.org/?q=en/ )
PayPal (through homepage)- Please add "for earthquake animals"
Japan Cat Network, HEART-Tokushima, Animal Garden Niigata
(Facebook page) http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_204822102863541
(link to page with chip-in link) http://japanearthquakeanimalrelief.chipin.com/japan-earthquake-animal-rescue-and-support
Last edited by DaisyX at 3:06:55 AM CDT on March 15, 2011.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated 800¥ to Japanese Red Cross via Google Checkout.

Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
$10 via text. Probably should have asked my parents first. Oh well. Save people first, ask permission later, ne?
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Gambino (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
Donated 100 dollars to the Japanese Red Cross.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
I texted to donate $10 to Red Cross. Thanks Admins for getting this started so we can encourage each other to help :)
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
will love to help out, will donate asap
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
glad u made this adam : 3 . spread the awareness and what people can do to help. wishing the best for japan.
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated $5 to the Canadian Red Cross via text message. (For Canadians it's $5 instead of $10.)
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
One fourth of the way to our goal! Keep it up guys! ^ ^
*would donate if she could*
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I'll try my best to help Japan with my arts! ^-^
Miracle Star19
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Donated 1600 yen to Japanese Red Cross
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated $10 dollars through the Japanese Red Cross
Hopefully I can donate more later on.
Bagel Gurl | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I donated another 4,000 yen/50 USD through salvation army
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated $20 through the Japanese Red Cross page. :)) I plan on donating more, but this is all I can do for now. ^^;
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I wish I could have donated more, but my card was empty... so I donated through the text system.
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I really really wish I could donate!! ^^' i asked my dad, but he said "no" with the simpilest of faces. I am sad, he is usually really cool! but alas! I am currently drawing a picture for it, so i will definitally tag it for this! :)
I wish everyone out there in japan good luck! you have no idea how defistated i was in school today, we spent all of science hour reading stuff on it, and watching CNN student news about it...~i thought i was going to be sick!~
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
No not true! Every card for japan is worth something! :')
If you enter my challenge Pray for Japan every card submitted is worth a dollar in donation! Just trying to get the word out! ^^
Last edited by OnlyAMarionette at 6:09:49 PM CDT on March 14, 2011.
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Sent in another $10 through American Red Cross.
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
It seems you need a credit card to donate through that google link. I don't have one... But i'll find another way! i've donated £4 through buying one of Yours Truly's adoptable art critters ^^
*Finds a currency converter* I think that is 536 yen...
[edit: Done! Donated £25 through the british red cross Japan relief site ^^ Sooo 3,886 yen in total.]
Now to make some cards...
Last edited by chibi-anna-chan at 6:00:04 PM CDT on March 14, 2011.
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I can't because I don't have a card or something^^; But I'll try to have information about what Red Cross is doing here, in France.
I did a wallpaper for Japan that I posted today anyway (just thought about the tag "japanrelief", silly me) and I will participate to the challenge created for Japan... That's all I can do for now, alas... *sighs*
Black Dahlia
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
YAY!!!!! Do this everyone! If you want good karma now is the time to get it do the right thing!!!!!!!!!
P.S. the world does NOT end in 2012!!!! That is simply when the Mayan calendar ended. Oh and there will be a Supermoon all this month of March 2011. Look it up. And pray for Japan!!!!!! Much love to all you out there with family in Japan or if you are in Japan
wolf of sorrow
JMusicGuru (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
On twitter, there's a movement going around among artists (specially notable mangakas like Noizi Ito) called #draw_for_japan where you can submit your drawings!
Token Brit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Donated 800 Yen.
Michiyo Shimizu
Queen of theO � (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I want to donate ;_; since I've been meaning to donate.
I trust theO that these funds will go directly to them ;3; LOL
I shall donate later when I'm out of school ~ -inschoolrightnow-
I am not a follower, I am a friend. I do not ask for subscribers, only friends.
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I donated about 800 yen yesterday. If I can afford it I'll donate some more.
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated 800 yen. As a former volunteer for the Red Cross, I strongly urge everyone to donate. Even five bucks can pay for a day's worth of meals for someone, or blankets (or coffee for volunteers and rescue workers). They really appreciate it.
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
If you can't donate, I am offering a PRAY FOR JAPAN eCard Challenge and a dollar will go toward the cause if you participate! :D
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Sent ¥4,000.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I really wish I could donate, I really do. But since I can't right now, I'll have to work on some artwork and spread some links around. :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I definately cant donate moneywise, but i definately can donate artwise. From now on, it's all about Japan, and i'm going to tag them all japanrelief. This is the least i can do for Japan, who's offered us soo much.
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Trying to help out in my own way! Sending some money on my next paycheck!! <3
Thanks so much for putting this up Adam!!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
@SG Creations:
lf you have paypal, you can also go to ACParadise to upgrade a member. lf you upgrade someone, the money goes to Red Cross.
Two people, Nya~! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just sent 1600 Y <3
I am also offering commissions:
100% of the money will go towards Red Cross in Japan.
Last edited by NekoTenshiEmi at 11:20:01 AM CDT on March 14, 2011.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just donated $5. I wanted to do a bit more, but I can't right now. Nevertheless, my university's anime club, as well as a few other clubs on campus, are going to get together and do a fund raiser for Japan and I'm hoping by then I'll have a bit more money that I'll be able to donate. ^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I have just now donated 10 dollars via that Japanese Red Cross page.^^
This is a fantastic idea, and thanks for bringing this up!
I have made a fan work for it too, and I am sure that many people will do the same!
Otakuite | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Send $10 through Redcross by texting
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Just sent in 800 yen through Google's page and $10 by texting REDCROSS to 90999.
Last edited by Ritona Raito at 9:26:11 AM CDT on March 14, 2011.
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I can't really do a whole lot for donating money, though I really REALLY wish I could. But I can at least make an artwork and share a few links in it, and of course, tag it with Japanrelief. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for them.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Now retired (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
good idea i'll get right on it
smoking crimson
Sunrise (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
This is a great idea, really good concept! I'm not too sure what I can do in monetary terms, but I will definitely draw up something.
Last edited by smoking crimson at 5:22:52 AM CDT on March 14, 2011.
Bagel Gurl | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
I already donated 50 dollars to the salvation army charity for Japan relief effort. Does that count?
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
SG Creations
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
okay, cool, will check out that option. thanks
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
@SG Creations:
Google Checkout is Google's version of PayPal, highly trustworthy.
Good idea about linking to other ways to donate, will come soon.
SG Creations
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/11 | Reply
Unfortunately, whatever money I have has been transferred into paypal account which doesn't seem to be a valid way to donate funds :(...at least not to my knowledge (if anyone knows otherwise, please enlighten me, I would love to find out how to donate) and I'm just not sure about revealing my bank info over the internet without a "go between" like paypal, there's just so many risks.
but I can at least maybe do something in the way of art, you've already used my tribute image for this news post, is there anything I can do with that to maybe help direct viewers to trustworthy donation sites, etc.? (I know you mentioned something like this in the article, but I'm afraid I didn't fully understand what to do)