If what you say is true, Ichigo, then my family is f---ed. The yen got stronger? All the internet say is lies to me now. I liked S-Cry-Ed, but Toonami failed to deliver before getting cancelled. I thought bi-weekly/monthly meant every two weeks/months. I love you, no homo, for hating reality shows. One last thing, I'm tired. TIRED! Of the constant spewing of school kids in anime. TIRED of one guy not taking advantage of being surrounded by women. TIRED of moe even! Good thing I bought Tokyo Godfathers yesterday. It was splendid. Now I only need to watch Grave of the Fireflies, and I shall be content, and likely crying. But Stan Lee and Hiroyuki Takei double teamed me with Ultimo!
Last edited by Adam at 11:47:01 PM CDT on March 28, 2011.
Maybe this isn't quite the case, but my guess for how S-cry-ed is so famous is probably something to do with Cougar. It's not a biased opinion, but I'm pretty sure pretty much everyone who saw that show adored him and that's at least part of how the show got popular. That and Bandai also wants us to buy more of their DVDs.
If 'hentai' is now in the dictionary, does it include a link to words like 'ecchi' and related terms?
I'd like to see a full release of all these Ghibli shorts.
'Final Justice': Okay, you kids get one more justice and then you have to go to bed; no more arguing.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/30/11 | Reply
I'M BAAAAAAACK. And an Otaku Reality show. what the hell are they thinking? did something hit the director's head or something?!?!?!?!?!
Otakuite | Posted 03/30/11 | Reply
@cougarsama 1 US Dollar will get you about 80 Yen last time I checked.
Otakuite | Posted 03/30/11 | Reply
I wish I could go to Tokyo once a month!! ^_^ *Bonus if I could do that just to watch studio Ghibli shorts.
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/11 | Reply
Bi-monthly apparently means every two months, semi-monthly means twice a month. I don't know either.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Silver Mech
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/28/11 | Reply
If what you say is true, Ichigo, then my family is f---ed. The yen got stronger? All the internet say is lies to me now. I liked S-Cry-Ed, but Toonami failed to deliver before getting cancelled. I thought bi-weekly/monthly meant every two weeks/months. I love you, no homo, for hating reality shows. One last thing, I'm tired. TIRED! Of the constant spewing of school kids in anime. TIRED of one guy not taking advantage of being surrounded by women. TIRED of moe even! Good thing I bought Tokyo Godfathers yesterday. It was splendid. Now I only need to watch Grave of the Fireflies, and I shall be content, and likely crying. But Stan Lee and Hiroyuki Takei double teamed me with Ultimo!
Last edited by Adam at 11:47:01 PM CDT on March 28, 2011.
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 03/28/11 | Reply
Bonus points this week to anyone who writes a caption in line with the actual series being cosplayed.
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/11 | Reply
So how much is the yen worth just now?
Maybe this isn't quite the case, but my guess for how S-cry-ed is so famous is probably something to do with Cougar. It's not a biased opinion, but I'm pretty sure pretty much everyone who saw that show adored him and that's at least part of how the show got popular. That and Bandai also wants us to buy more of their DVDs.
If 'hentai' is now in the dictionary, does it include a link to words like 'ecchi' and related terms?
I'd like to see a full release of all these Ghibli shorts.
'Final Justice': Okay, you kids get one more justice and then you have to go to bed; no more arguing.