You're definitely right, but I think you over analyzed. All you need to do is look at this line "To fight for markdown lunchboxes?" and you would know it was Ben-to. :-)
Since we're on holiday break now and won't record a show for a few weeks, I'll go ahead and say this now to ease the suspense.
We've been mulling the idea of ending the Otaku show after this season, mainly because things will be changing for Ichigo next year. He and his wife will be having their first child some time in March. Of course, taking care of a baby is serious work, and this plus other things will reduce the time Ichigo will have to do the show each week, and the main Anime Pulse show has to take priority. Even if we end the Otaku show, we'd like to cross-post AP to the site. Frankly the AP shows are better since we go and look for news ourselves, so we're never bereft of it, and we also do our anime reviews.
These plans are only in discussion right now, and we'll certainly announce ahead of time if we decide to do anything.
Last edited by TimeChaser at 3:24:41 PM CST on December 20, 2011.
Start by using any anime that mentions wolves or has a quote regarding wolves.
Eliminate any animes that are considered older. Someone like SomeGuy probably has seen them. This takes animes like Sherlock Hound and Princess Mononoke out of the picture. Limit the search to about 2008
The anime is usually off the beaten path. It is just like SomeGuy to dig for diamonds in the rough. This is how he is able to sort through all the caption battle pictures and deliver us something glorious every week. This eliminates Spice and Wolf, a highly popular wolf anime.
Most likely, the quote does not refer specifically to wolves, as is SomeGuy's method of thinking. He wouldn't just give the answer to you. So that takes out the majority of shows that feature wolves or okami.
Honor and pride are codes of valor and we tend to see Japanese warriors talking about animals to describe themselves. Thus, focus on all fighting and action anime.
Seeing as if the search is still too large to be definitive, limit the time to 2010 onwards. Better yet, because this year is about to end, the subs of this year's anime schedule are most likely posted somewhere.
Thus, I can limit the amount of animes to action/fighting and made in 2011 and references wolves, focusing on animes that are currently airing. A quick search on ANN shows the schedule for late 2011. Only one anime fits the category that I have laid out.
The anime SomeGuy is currently watching is Ben-To, a fighting anime about control over a supermarket's products. The battle of the products focuses on two groups of teenagers. The two warring sides are Wolves and Dogs and it is clear that the Wolves are the more prideful of the two.
Did I get it right?
Last edited by Hisaishi at 11:11:56 AM CST on December 20, 2011.
@SomeGuy I'm going to say Wolf's Rain? If not, check that anime out! My local anime club watched it and I think it was the last series we got through (we also got through Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) before I left it. Slick anime featuring a Steven Blum villain in the dub!
Anyway, onto the Podcast!
I live in Northeast States (not New England). So I don't know. Meh to censorship.
Oh my Buddha! Seems like every time I get back into TheO, it looks like the podcast is going to end.
Gotta love The Speed Gamers. OKU NO AI!
Yeah, I found out the Hosada Mamoru news just after I went through a one-shot of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars after midnight a week ago (one-shot being no breaks, usually used regarding an entire series). I can finally say I saw a non-Ghibli or Pokemon anime film. Man, director has some skills.
It is Angol MWAH. It's a Keroro Gunsou character
Ah, Pretty Cure. Just like Gundam except less mecha.
Also, forgot to mention I enjoyed hearing H.T. last week. TRIGUN!
Last edited by Hisaishi at 3:20:57 AM CST on December 19, 2011.
Ohhhhhhh right. Adam didn't have all the new FTP info. Eheheh. Right, right. Oops.
Yeah, that Firefall game. I didn't know anything about it until I got to PAX this year. They did seem to have a big marketing push with a GIANT pneumatic display of a drop pod or drilling machine or something that would move and smoke and make noises every now and then. Aesthetically it reminded me of Gears of War with a Starcraft font. I still know nothing about this game. I should look that up . . .
Ahh, you folks didn't catch what references I was making all post for caption battles. I always wonder about those sometimes. Welp, I'll put it out there:
Fifteen points for anyone who can tell what show I've been watching based on this week's caption battle post. Go!
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
@AP Ichigo:
Seriously, all I read was "remember the pride and honor of wolves". I completely skipped the boxed lunch thing.
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
Ah, okay. Thank you for letting me know. ^^
AP Ichigo
Japan Bureau (Podcasters) | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
You're definitely right, but I think you over analyzed. All you need to do is look at this line "To fight for markdown lunchboxes?" and you would know it was Ben-to. :-)
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
@Alazne Chan:
Since we're on holiday break now and won't record a show for a few weeks, I'll go ahead and say this now to ease the suspense.
We've been mulling the idea of ending the Otaku show after this season, mainly because things will be changing for Ichigo next year. He and his wife will be having their first child some time in March. Of course, taking care of a baby is serious work, and this plus other things will reduce the time Ichigo will have to do the show each week, and the main Anime Pulse show has to take priority. Even if we end the Otaku show, we'd like to cross-post AP to the site. Frankly the AP shows are better since we go and look for news ourselves, so we're never bereft of it, and we also do our anime reviews.
These plans are only in discussion right now, and we'll certainly announce ahead of time if we decide to do anything.
Last edited by TimeChaser at 3:24:41 PM CST on December 20, 2011.
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
This can't be the last season! D: I love you guys too much!
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
Alright, time to go all Criminal Minds on this.
Start by using any anime that mentions wolves or has a quote regarding wolves.
Eliminate any animes that are considered older. Someone like SomeGuy probably has seen them. This takes animes like Sherlock Hound and Princess Mononoke out of the picture. Limit the search to about 2008
The anime is usually off the beaten path. It is just like SomeGuy to dig for diamonds in the rough. This is how he is able to sort through all the caption battle pictures and deliver us something glorious every week. This eliminates Spice and Wolf, a highly popular wolf anime.
Most likely, the quote does not refer specifically to wolves, as is SomeGuy's method of thinking. He wouldn't just give the answer to you. So that takes out the majority of shows that feature wolves or okami.
Honor and pride are codes of valor and we tend to see Japanese warriors talking about animals to describe themselves. Thus, focus on all fighting and action anime.
Seeing as if the search is still too large to be definitive, limit the time to 2010 onwards. Better yet, because this year is about to end, the subs of this year's anime schedule are most likely posted somewhere.
Thus, I can limit the amount of animes to action/fighting and made in 2011 and references wolves, focusing on animes that are currently airing. A quick search on ANN shows the schedule for late 2011. Only one anime fits the category that I have laid out.
The anime SomeGuy is currently watching is Ben-To, a fighting anime about control over a supermarket's products. The battle of the products focuses on two groups of teenagers. The two warring sides are Wolves and Dogs and it is clear that the Wolves are the more prideful of the two.
Did I get it right?
Last edited by Hisaishi at 11:11:56 AM CST on December 20, 2011.
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/19/11 | Reply
Well, if you guys stop doing this show, I'll still have AP.
Three cheers for the Gaming for Charity people!
Wow, 'Jack Frost'; that's one of my favorite MST3Ks.
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 12/19/11 | Reply
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/19/11 | Reply
@SomeGuy I'm going to say Wolf's Rain? If not, check that anime out! My local anime club watched it and I think it was the last series we got through (we also got through Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) before I left it. Slick anime featuring a Steven Blum villain in the dub!
Anyway, onto the Podcast!
I live in Northeast States (not New England). So I don't know. Meh to censorship.
Oh my Buddha! Seems like every time I get back into TheO, it looks like the podcast is going to end.
Gotta love The Speed Gamers. OKU NO AI!
Yeah, I found out the Hosada Mamoru news just after I went through a one-shot of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars after midnight a week ago (one-shot being no breaks, usually used regarding an entire series). I can finally say I saw a non-Ghibli or Pokemon anime film. Man, director has some skills.
It is Angol MWAH. It's a Keroro Gunsou character
Ah, Pretty Cure. Just like Gundam except less mecha.
Also, forgot to mention I enjoyed hearing H.T. last week. TRIGUN!
Last edited by Hisaishi at 3:20:57 AM CST on December 19, 2011.
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 12/19/11 | Reply
Ohhhhhhh right. Adam didn't have all the new FTP info. Eheheh. Right, right. Oops.
Yeah, that Firefall game. I didn't know anything about it until I got to PAX this year. They did seem to have a big marketing push with a GIANT pneumatic display of a drop pod or drilling machine or something that would move and smoke and make noises every now and then. Aesthetically it reminded me of Gears of War with a Starcraft font. I still know nothing about this game. I should look that up . . .
Ahh, you folks didn't catch what references I was making all post for caption battles. I always wonder about those sometimes. Welp, I'll put it out there:
Fifteen points for anyone who can tell what show I've been watching based on this week's caption battle post. Go!