I posted this in Adam's world, but I think I have to post this here as well. I apologize for having a negative view of this contest in the past few days, especially after realizing that I conducted something very similar to thisback in 2008.
I guess I got carried away by the negative comments that people had made with the Member of the Year award and forgot that I did the same thing before.
So I apologize everyone if I unknowingly became a hypocrite. I'll do my best not to do it again.
On a related note, isn't it odd that The Otaku of the Year 2008 was actually well-received while 2011 Member of the Year had a lot of negative comments? Is this because mine was just an unofficial Watercooler event while the 2011 version was an official site event?
And I actually learned about this new thing through the new comments feature. So yeah...irony, isn't it?
As The Mask already asked, is this thing still happening or is it being pushed under the rug? I hope it's not forgotten about after all of the commotion it's caused.
wow there's a lot of controversy over this!
i don't know many wallpaper and ecard designers, and there are too many fan artists here to pick one! but i think alchemic mushroom deserves to be nominated for fancomic artist because she puts a lot of effort and detail into her stories!
Just wondering. Is this event still pushing through? With the recent comment slam getting everyone's attention, it looks like many might have forgotten about this.
I agree with this 100%. I don't find it all too fair. Especially as there are those out there who may feel hurt for being left out by those who they know and are 'best friends' with. While nominations should come from the site members, anonymous voting is much nicer. It seems a little too much like an excuse to boost activity otherwise...
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
I have thought and thought on this, so I think I have finally reached a verdict. I honestly had a hard time figuring out who I wanted to vote for since all the people I know on here are so nice and talented.
Here we go:
This was a tough decision. ^_^; All of my friends on here are extremely talented and friendly.
Member of the Year: Roleni-Chan. I have known her for such a long time, and she has always been kind to me on here. ^_^
Commenter of the Year: AngelBest Dream. Again, he is a nice person, and always has the time to leave fun and helpful comments on my stuffs.
Fan Artist of the Year: twilight samurai. Talented. Very talented. :D
eCard Designer of the Year: alphonse13 I can tell that she always puts a ton of effort into her cards. They are extremely well made.
As for the Wallpaper and Fan Comic category, I can't really comment on. I don't really follow either as much as I used to. ^_^;
Last edited by Enigmatic Turk at 6:31:25 PM CST on December 30, 2011.
Okay, I think I'm ready to nominate another candidate for another category.
Fan Comics: Alchemic Mushroom. They never fail to catch my eye, and the designs and style tend to change when the content needs it. Plus, I'm looking forward to reading about lawsuits for the sake of glorious, prosperous, frivolous lawsuits!
I think I'll toss a few out here. I only wish I could list more cause we have a lot of creative and fun people here. Not gonna put something for every category though. ANYWAY...
Member of the Year: Without a doubt I have to mention Miracle Star19. She's our own little bubbly friendly member who always has time to say hi and chat with people.
Wallpaper Designer of the Year:SakuraDust. She really puts a lot of work into her creations. I always enjoy seeing them.
Comic Artist of the Year: She'll probably maim me for this but... Kei for her CHACK comic.
eCard Designer of the Year:Ritona Raito. For putting a lot of thought and work into the cards she makes.
And that about wraps up mine. Now I need to pester Adam on how this is going to finally be done since I don't know yet. lolol
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I recommend Team Plasma N for eCard Designer of the Year =3 Her cards are often funny or have good meaning to them. Also, the text is almost always legible and well contrasted to the image behind it =3 Also, separate from the cards, she's been quite helpful in general on this site for me in our rp club =^_^= I think it'd be a good way to cap off her year if she received this honor =)
Eh, you know. I thought this over again and, it's kinda stupid for it to cause some actual drama. I mean, I like to think we're all a little more mature than getting upset if our friends don't vote for us, right? TheO is normally a really nice, understanding place and all of the people I know are really kind and not people to get upset over something so trivial. This will only cause problems if we actually let it cause problems by being immature and getting mad over this.
Still, voting won't be easy, since there are so many members I feel deserve to be nominated for every section, but I'll leave some anyways.
Wallpapers: Blue Latte, SakuraDust, Dark Flame 3479, Hanako Sho
eCards: Winterlion, xNotUnderstood, Ritona Raito, Angel Zakuro, CleaversforKids, Asuha612
Comments: Lightfykki, ItachiSasuke
Fan Art: Rosel D, UnknownRumors
There c:
Last edited by MikuBerry at 8:52:52 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
I don't think that this is gonna be fair, but i think i give my votes anyways... as for the member of the year... i think that would be the most unfair... so many people tried give an offer for new members if they need help(like Blue Latte) or tried to help get some support for underappreciated artists(like kisskiss-bangbang aka Matt)... so i would give the prize of the Member of the year for somebody like them, who is friendly and tries to host and explore good artists... but i don't know everyone here, and i think many of us is like this, so i don't think the member of the year(or even the others) could be voted fairly.
But i still give my vote for the eCard designer of the year:Angel Zakuro, Ritona Raito and Hanaro Souhi
as for the wallpaper designer of the year:Dark Flame3479, Hanako Sho and MikuBerry
as for the fan artist of the year: Rosel D, Haxelo and Itemilicious
as for the commenter of the year: kisskiss-bangbang, chibi-anna-chan,
Karmira and Kikkima
I don't know the fan comic artists so well, so i don't give vote for this section.
Last edited by Karisan at 7:46:50 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
After some thought i'm gonna do some voting. My members of the year are thelostsindar, Angel Zakuro and Aishia. I'm choosing three because they really helped me this year, and they've all contributed some fantastic artwork to the site too.
I'm just going to choose a few for each category, as i'm indecisive and can't pin my choice to just one member ^^'
Wallpaper artist: Darkflame3479, Sakura Dust, ItachiSasuke
Commenter: Light Fykki, aragorn1014, Hanaro Souhi
eCards: Blue Latte, CleaversForKids, and Ritona Raito
fanart: Kachikamac, 15385bic, harvestmoonluvr
fan comic:moonlit dream, Alchemic Mushroom, MangaKid
Okay.... so I've decided to nominate! I see a lot more people posting their votes, and I believe this isn't something to get too riled up about. I have no wish to upset anyone, especially my dear friends. But I really feel like voting just for fun. At first, I was having lots of trouble just choosing between the great artists on theO and friends. But I came up with this little list. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FAVOURITING PEOPLE ON THEO!!! Everyone is my friend equally, and I wish I could post everyones names up. The Otakus I have chosen are based on MY current views in each catagory as well as well as my past 4 month experiences of being on theO. I'm writing all this stuff so my amazing friends and all other awesome artists will maybe understand my stand a bit more. My nominees are:
Member of the Year: ItachiSasuke, for all her help and friendship with me and many other Otakus!
Commenter of the Year: ItachiSasuke again, since she's always leaving nice and honest comments on my art and others artwork to encourage and praise us.
Fan Artist of the Year: Ikemarth, who can use a simple pencil and very tiny reference pics to create inspiring, masterpiece sketches!!
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: lhtkid, who always posts amazing wallies and knows how to perfectly create them!
Comic Artist of the Year: toyotamikun, who makes some really amazing manga and comic stories with her markers!
eCard Designer of the Year: Team Plasma N, who's cards always awake thoughtful and deep emotions in my soul when I view them.
Those are my votes, but keep in mind I could very easily pick another 100 Otakus to fill those spaces since I don't think anyone can put a vote on awesome artists or great friendship. Thanks for understanding! :)
wut dramu i see no dramu.
i nominate myself. :U
No, but seriously. For e-cards I nominate Ritona Raito, because her cards are always so pleasing to look at.
I dunno about the other categories. I like too many fanartists, I don't bother to look at wallpapers much, I don't pay attention to who comments the most.
For member of the year, I would have to vote for DemonsandAngels. She's always there to help me, and I know she does her best to help other members, too!
I'm new here but I know a lot of people from other sites so I can nominate too
Fanarts: Rosel D
I know him from Deviantart, he has a great gallery, his Hetalia style can be easily mistaken for Himaruya's own one. Check his gallery out on DA he has an awesome planets as characters designs
Wallpapers: Sakura-Dust
I know her from Minitokyo and Animepaper, incontestable walling mistress, enough said
Cards: Ritona Raito
I love how she has a different style in every card, really cool
I don't know about member of the year, but how about staff members who helped or some people who wrote good critiques, harsh or not.
These are my 2 cents
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Miracle Star19 for member of the year! She is always so cheerful and nice! She is always there to help anyone who needs help! She never causes trouble and she gives people who deserve it second chances.
I would suggest Starscream(axel) as Fan Artist of the Year because she contributes many well made art both serious and comical. She has a vast portfolio of varied drawings. Though not many are "Original" in the sense that some of the characters already existed but that's fan art.
Last edited by Linku-kun at 5:08:04 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Can I nominate myself? XD
I remember with the anime characters battle the first part was typing in a character on a page so the names submitted were anonomous, that's probably best for here too--unless we want people to mention what they'd like to be voted for and why they would deserve the honor, but that would be too much like politics ^^
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
This was really hard to choose, but I really like the idea of this. I love the O and all my friends here. This doesn't change that, and it shouldn't. Here are my two cent nominations.
Member of the Year: Lunastarz (She started the OHC which has given me so many friends and has stuck to it with a little nudging from my next nomination. SupportKIRA (She has done so much for me and her art is amazing and well-thought through as well.)
ECards: Ritona Raito (She never release a dull card and has a message somewhere in her stash for everyone.)
Fan art: Dyanaanime and 15385bic They may not submit something each week (sometimes we wait a month) but the art is finished, beautiful, and shows their love and effort.
Comics: Heartless15 (She may not be as active as she used to be but her enthralling stories and her clean finished pages has lead me to promote her.
I cannot choose even just two people for wallpapers. I'll wait to see what the fates pull there.
This is a good idea in theory but...i dont know...if i vote for someone here it'll start feeling like an annual competition from here on out and I really don't think thats what theO is about.
People here are my friends and i want it to stay that way.
I personally like the idea of awards because I enjoy competition! I'll throw my votes out there... member of the year- Raisha. she has been dedicated to the site for nearly six years and has been such a good person! ecard designer- xNotUnderstood and Team Plasma N. xNotUnderstood for hundreds of beautiful cards and Team Plasma N for hundreds of witty cards! wallpaper designer- starwing12 for hundreds of beautiful wallpapers! fan artist- Kachikamac.Seriously one of the greatest artists on theOtaku. fancomic artist- this is really hard but it's a tie between Gainax and ilovecandy. The both of them have a lot of motivation to draw that much. If only I had enough dedication to have 400+ pages in a series or 100+ comic strips alone! commentor- artgrrl. She always has something nice to say with over 4000+ comments!
My very biased honorable mentions go to people like Haven Relis (for being so nice), C C C (for being my best friend on theO), Mr Hentai (for being cool) and so many more! You're all like family!
I'm for this. It makes a lot more sense then random anon voting along with bias. The levels thing sounds fair enough as well, it does level the playing field!
It's a-okay XD
To be honest I don't really mind friendships and such, but the quality of the submissions. The only drama I'd personally care about is if the winners would either have an average or poor quality gallery. Then I return to what I said, personality overshadows everything.
I also suppose there will be voting after these nominations else there's no contest. How will the said voting be done, I don't know, but I'd still go for judges. Anonymous voting can be done for friends and not necessarily for talent.
Judges have my vote, it's always the best way to settle things.
For example the judges go over galleries of mentioned cards, walls, fanarts users and judge based on quality, layout, creativity, number of submissions or other criteria they think of and give marks.
The only person that should be voted by people is the member of the year. That user is the one who helped the community in a special way so the ones s/he helped should do the voting. If they could present some examples of the user's helpfulness, that would be great.
Don't worry, ChibiSasuke didn't mean that. She/he (I don't know, sorry) was replying to dattebaneyo, who said "eCard Designer of the Year: ChibiSasuke".
Sorry for randomly jumping in, just wanted to clear that ^^' and I maybe just complicated it...
I Vote KyanChan to be the Member of the year i have not met a nicer person she always helps me out I believe she shows the spirit of theO as well as contributing to other things like cards and wallpapers
Last edited by Skulduggery69 at 11:51:57 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
The assbutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the Year: Savitar all the way |D
Commenter of the Year:Kyanchan
Fan Artist of the Year: angelofpurity16
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Miku Berry
Comic Artist of the Year: FUNimation
eCard Designer of the Year: Winterlion
yup |D
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
First foremost, I think this should be based on how active you are, what you submitted, and so forth. If leaders or staff pick there might be a bias as well however, some of those staff members are also worthy of the title. So bothersome....
Honestly, I don't like knowing people seeing my votes but at this point since I see no over turn, I guess I will give it. Also some of these votes I just feel are to many people saying "This person did this on MY work" or "They are MY friend." I believe that isn't what this is about. I am going to vote for people deserving of the titles who may or may not be friends so here goes my votes so I hope others follow in those footsteps:
Member of the Year: n/a should be someone who has participated in all categories here on the otaku.
Commenter of the Year: Corn
Fan Artist of the Year: 15385bic
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: kitabug69
Comic Artist of the Year: toyotami kun
eCard Designer of the Year: xNotUnderstood
Those are my votes!
Last edited by Team Plasma N at 10:25:56 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
Member of the Year: lunastarz
Commenter of the Year: N/A
Fan Artist of the Year: jenuchiha
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Support KIRA
Comic Artist of the Year: Rein Akira
eCard Designer of the Year: ChibiSasuke
Last edited by dattebaneyo at 6:02:13 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
So basically its whoever has the most friends/fans wins. This shall mostly cause a lot of drama... and arguments. And everything blows up in a giant explosion!!! But not before I get my gifties! bb-chan owes me three gifties! I bet three gifties that this will not work!
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Oh, man, I was going to nominate, but after reading over everyone's comments, I agree that this would bring needless drama to the site. I've been part of this community for a long time, and it's always been pleasant. It would be a shame if these little contests started causing the kind of rants and trashy slander you see in other places on the net. Please don't make theO that kind of community.
What started as a comment became this, so please Read or Die: Link
As for this, here I go!
Fan Artist: It was a difficult decision, but I have to choose sth1d4 This artist does some of the most interesting and unique-looking art on this site. More Than Honorable mentions go to Raindrop23 and the enigmatic vee209.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I guess I don't really care who gets awarded for what, or who gets chosen for member of the year. I'm not in this for the awards, just to get my work out there. If people like my work, then good. If they don't, then oh well. I just don't feel the need to be in any needless popularity contest.
I just realized that this kinda reminds me of when the cheezburger were having the best website of all time (Between icanhascheezburger, failblog, and memebase) except for the part where no one really said it was a bad idea. There was arguing, but there's always arguing there!
I vote Shinmaru as the best Weeabo Member
I vote Desbreko as the one to save Hyrule and use the Triforce
And I vote Katana for being 20% cooler than all the rest of you!
Last edited by Japan at 6:10:13 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I've read some comments, and I agree that anonymous voting is probably a better idea... I personally don't mind the current setting too much, but there are always people who will be offended because they don't see their own names -or those of their closest friends- anywhere in the comments...
But I will vote because I do want to be involved.
Member of the Year: Ritona Raito. I feel that she definitely contributes a lot to the community! A few examples: the 'What's this?' World, and the Secret Santa event for icons that she organised:)
Commenter of the Year: LightFykki. I think he's commented on every single thing I posted this year, and always has some very sweet words to cheer me up:) And I'm sure that goes for a lot more people!^^
Fan Artist of the Year: aragorn1014. Her fanart makes people happy and it's amazing!^__^
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: MikuBerry. Gosh, she made a lot!;) And they're all wonderful in their own way:)
eCard Designer of the Year: Angel Zakuro. The way she uses textures and typography on her cards never fails to amaze me. And she's a true angel(ite)!:D
I can't decide which artist to nominate at there are so many good artistson here and so it eouldn't be fair to just pick one!
but I'd like to nominate Romanos Vixen and Windfish55 for member of the year as they are both very kind and nice people, who give out great advice and try and cheer you up!!
But there is one member who would cover all of them but he hasn't been on much because of illness so I don't know if it would count
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
I feel that this will be a popularity contest, like another user commented. And a lot of these votes will be biased. And some users might not know which people to vote for, since they do not know every single member. And this also might hurt people's self esteem, "Gee, no one likes my art, so I won't make it" and they might feel bad about it.
I do know there are members who deserve it, no doubt, but to make an educated vote, one would have to know all the users.
I totally think aragorn1014 should be either Member of the Year or Fan Artist of the year, because she worked so hard to organize the Secret Santa, and after people put up their art, she commented on EVERYONE'S pictures thanking them for being a part of it. It was so sweet and responsible! And she did a great job organizing the event.
From my point of view, a lot of the stuff that the site seems to be trying to incorporate is just pitting members against each other. Popularity contests never seem to work. A 2011 Member of the Year contest is a nice idea, but as many have said before, it should be anonymous to avoid unnecessary drama spurring up between friends and associates. Even if the polling was anonymous, people would still feel left out and put down if they weren't chosen or even mentioned. A true contest should be able to include everyone on the site. Such as an art contest where people work hard to cast in their entries rather than one where other people decide who the winner is based on personality, etc. I'll cast in my vote objectively, considering there's a whole plethora of members on this site that deserve to be recognized for the generosity and talent; not just one for each select category.
â—‹ Member of the Year: aragorn1014 - She puts in a lot of effort into this site. She communicates with other members and always tries to get people involved. She puts a whole lot of care and effort in the holiday activities she sets up for us all to enjoy <3
â—‹ Commenter of the Year: King-sama for all the wonderful compliments and critiques she gives to many members.
â—‹ Fan Artist of the Year: I really think there should be more than one for this category :/ I'd nominate Erie Machista, luluseason, saiyukiluver, and a whole bunch more if it were possible.
â—‹ Wallpaper Designer of the Year: SakuraDust
â—‹ eCard Designer of the Year: Blue Latte
And again, I don't get on this site often after all the changes were incorporated, so I know there are a lot more members on here that deserved to be recognized and admired. Even if they don't have the best art in the world, people should pay attention to them and help them improve in whatever it is they strive to do. That what 'A friendly place for creative anime fans' should really be about. I usually never get involved in things like this, so thanks for taking the time to read this ♥ I hope my point and the ones everyone else is bringing up gets across.
Oh, what the heck. I'll nominate a few people, because they truly deserve it, and I want them to be recognized for their awesomeness. And believe me, all of my friends are very talented folks.
Commenter of the Year - LightFykki
Fan Artist of the Year - AlexaClyne
Wallpaper Designer of the Year - Dark Flame 3479
eCard Designer of the Year - CleaversForKids
screwattack.com had a member of the year thing too, didn't cause drama over there. But then again the members of this site and that site are pretty different. *shrugs shoulders*
Yeah, I realize that. I was thinking, they did say nomination, so I was guessing that it would be: People nominate, anonymous voting for people nominated, ????, yay!
Yeah, people have been on a website for a long time, while I just flit around websites, but I have seen a lot worse. But I like arguing with people so this is interesting enough :3
While I agree that there isn't as much drama as everyone claims (atleast as far as I've seen) I think people are more concerned about being fair. A lot of comments here say something along the lines of "this will be a popularity contest", "people won't get the recognition they deserve", or "I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings by not voting for them" which, imo, are decent points. That's why I favor the idea of anonymous voting. "this is just a website, not your entire life," true but this site is important enough to some of us that we've been here for nearly six years.
oh lordy...this..shall not end well. Everyone on this site is a major contribution and we shouldnt have too have a contest too show it. When people rank up is how we show whos an active member. Allot of peoples feelings will get hurt if they arent nominated...
I think this should be deleted and forgotten. Maybe TheO could Send everyone a gift or rank them upp too show there appreciation for everyone on here? just an oppinion
I don't really see what people have a problem with this. They say there's drama but I personally have never seen any. I mean, this is just a website, not your entire life. Well, this is coming from someone who learned "if you can't take an insult, don't go on the Internet" when I first started out going online, so I guess it doesn't bother me.
Trust me, there could be MUCH worse things than a silly contest. So uh... Yeah :)
I nominate TimeChaser for "Member of the year" based on the user's extremely frequent daily WORLD page posting, which is a major contribution to this website on a daily basis.
As for "Wallpaper designer of the year", I nominate Darkarax based on the user's creative choice of phrases when doing each piece while choosing an offical anime/manga image to be part of the wallpaper piece. Those pieces are well inspiring on me.
As for "Fan artist of the year", I nominate krow666 based on the stylishness of the user's bishoujo drawings.
As what I predict, this isn't going well..Argues will surely get into this and chaos here in this site might also happen... Lots of members will just end up being disappointed "why aren't they voted?"... Besides, I know most of us still don't know everyone here so people would basically vote for their close friends or fans...
This nomination would just end up cruelly....
Though, that only my opinion...
Well.... I wish for it not to happen if it really does gonna happen....
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I can't say that I'm thrilled with the idea of member nominations. Now, if the mods and admins notice and point out some stellar members, that's fine with me. However, to have friends nominating friends... it can cause problems.
And I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I don't know a whole lot of people on here and generally tend to keep to myself most of the time if I don't know people (just the way I am; nothing against the friendly people on here). There's no way in heck someone like me would ever get nominated unless I locked myself away and devoted my entire life to art (and producing unfathomably excellent works) and being on the internet. Thanks, but it's just a really fun hobby for me.
So yeah, feeling a little left out. "Tough" some might say, but when you're on the left-out end, it's not really fun. I've felt this way on other websites too when member nominations rolled around.
Well, after scanning through the comments, I agree with SakuraDust the most... It's way too hard for people to decide these kind of things and I agree with some of the other comments as well. But whatever the out come of this, I'll be sure to tune in.
Alright, I'll make some peace not war, with sugar, spice and everything nice! And here's the result:
Everyone gets a vote from me :D. Well, getting nominated makes people feel good, right? Yes, there are pros and cons, but meh. Let's lighten up a little.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I kinda agree that this is not really a fair voting thing....But if we must go through with this...I will vote for three categories...
Member of the Year:lunastar- She is wonderful and helps so many people. And she is so much fun<3
Best Wallpapers: xNotUnderstood
Art: harvestmoonluvr
<3 the rest I cannot judge on...at all.
I totally agree with this.
I personally don't like the member of the year thing since I don't think anyone is any better than anyone else. The other categories sound like a nice idea though.
First of all........ It was quite surprising that Adam made this 2011 Member of the Year Nominations, I really wasn't expecting him to be doing that though....
Everyone here has a splendid talent or creativity.... So.... As what other members did, I won't also be nominating....
I agree to what SakuraDust said... She's right, it's really the best if the staff or selected members will choose the winner/s... As well as what MangaKid said, lots of people and close friends would be hurt.... And I hope that won't happen in the future... JanetChan is also right, everyone her is equal...
So it's really better if I'll just be going to leave it all to the staff and other members to be fair....
I'll just be looking forward to it until the nomination's over...
Wow, just read through all these comments and decided i won't vote. Mature or not, all of you guys are my friends, and i just can't up somebody else. I'm sorry, i love you all equally.
Besides, your all great at everything you do. Well, at least in my heart. ^_^
Alrighty... I think this is a great idea, and it sounds like it would be fun! But after reading all the comments, I almost changed my mind about it. I actually did think all the voting would be anonymous at first! Anyway, I think I would have a lot of trouble choosing between my fav artists and friends xP I'd probably not be able to choose only one person per catagory, and I haven't even met too many people on theO yet! So my nominations would be based on my own views and my own experiences here which will leave a lot of people out and even hurt my other friends and other artists after all is said and done. Hmmm I don't know... I'll see how it goes before I nominate anyone :) All in all, I like the idea of choosing people and making them feel special. I just don't want to leave anyone out >_< Lol everyone was already getting flustered about this after just reading this blog, even before nominations even were posted xD
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:34:37 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
member of the year &/or commenter of the year vote: aragorn1014
because she never abandons theO and she's always giving out wonderful critiques to artists to help them improve : ) she always aproaches everyone with a friendly attitude and she's make my Otaku experience a wonderful one.
Hey! I was just scanning through these amazingly interesting comments when I saw your nominations^^ *huggles* Thanks for the nomination, my friend! :D I'm still deciding on whether I should nominate or not lol It sounds like fun, but other people bring up a good point here... hmmmm.
Ummm... Should something what I say even matter? xD Probably not, so it is best to leave this and see how it will turn out after all this comments.^^
As I can see many members are for that, many not, and some have mixed feelings. Not sure myself, this has positive and as well many negative sides of it. If it was an anonymous voting and nominating, then it would fix some of the negative aspects, but still...
This would be a great idea if the results would be judged by the staff or some selected users, not voted for. The quality and creativity of work can be overshadowed by personality. For example if one with average walls has a "omg, i woob your walls, so cute and perfect" type of commenting, then people tend to vote for that person.
So yeah, with judges this would be a great idea, with majority vote, not so much. There's even a big chance that a person with poor skills can be 'the best', again, because of loving personality.
And I'll just nominate 1 person, for cards: CleaversforKids. Too many users adopted her style and used it as their own, she's a great deal of inspiration.
Last edited by SakuraDust at 5:11:09 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
i dont think this is a good idea.It could cause problems among members and just like other members have said it would hurt people's feelings..besides there is enough drama here..dont want to make it worse..
Anyway everyone are good in their own way..each one have their own style..You cant judge them like this..
Last edited by Angelic Smile at 4:13:29 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Wow, the backlash is stunning. And only a few people voted, too.
I agree with what (mostly) everyone said, this sounds fairly competitive; I know it isn't meant to be taken seriously and, really, winning in one of the categories is just a little ego boost for the winner, and I love drama just as much as the next person, but it will lead to talking behind backs - especially if the voting is done out in the open. I don't really mind either way, though, good opportunity to see how mature people are (/not).
That being said, here are my votes:
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Angel Zakuro
eCard Designer of the Year: Ritona Raito
Don't pelt me with stones, I haven't been around much.
@Hula: yeah, most of us are mature but there's bound to be someone going all "OMG Y U NO VOTE FOR ME?? You're not my friend anymore!!!shift+1abuse1!eleventeen". Either way, the outcome will be very entertaining and me and my popcorn are eagerly anticipating it ^w^
Last edited by sweetdevil at 2:23:52 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Member of the Year: Lunastarz
Commenter of the Year: Pleiades Rising
Fan Artist of the Year: Raindrop23 (Her works are so inspirational!)
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: GIDRA or Variance
Comic Artist of the Year: MrHentai
eCard Designer of the Year: CleaversForKids
Member of the Year: Lunastarz!!!!!!!!!!
She helped me out when I first came on this site 2 years ago, and she hasn't stopped helping me since. I know for a fact that she has also helps hundreds of others on this site make friends, solve problems, and has given them a safe and friendly place to interact in.
Let's see. On one aspect, publicly posting one's nominees for this event ain't a really good idea since that might cause some problems along the way. Like Ritona Raito said, it would be good if there was a system where they can send their nominations in a more private manner.
In another aspect, this competition ain't exactly a popularity contest as well. It did mention some attributes that would serve as basis for crowning a certain member as the winner of the event, instead of relying on who has the most number of votes. The problem is that there's no formula or rubric for determining the winners, so that becomes a problem there, especially for the judges on judgment day.
Now what would I propose? With just 3-4 days left before the announcement of winners, I would just let the event run its course. In my opinion, there's no more time to implement the secret voting system. If ever there are plans for this to be repeated next year, let's just learn from this experience.
As for my nominees...I might do it later. Can't think of anyone at the moment.
I'll just be sitting back & watching this. I've never been part of drama, don't intend to ever be. Though I do need to put up a few artists for nomination, not because of my relations with them, but I genuinely believe that they deserve some sort of recognition.
Fan Artist of the Year: 39raindrops
Comic Artist of the Year: Alchemic Mushroom
I'm not nominating anyone else because for all of the other categories, there are multiple artists whom I love, and I believe that it wouldn't be fair to choose one over the other.
That said, I'll be sitting back to watch what happens.
I'm having rather mixed emotions about this. I think it's a nice idea to honor those that you have been inspired by, and those that have worked really hard and provided us with a lot of beautiful artwork to see. But, I'm sure that there will be people who will feel disappointed if they're not voted for by their friends. It's tough to say. I see a good and a bad side to this. Besides, I'd have a hard time voting anyways because everyone on theO is so nice, and there are so many talented artists that have inspired me a lot. So, I can't vote either way.
I think this is a bad idea. I would vote but,it'll just cause hurt feelings and drama. It would be very biased too. I have friends on here I've been friends with for a long time,and that I know much better than others but...that doesn't make them any more important or deserving than my newer friends. And honestly,I'm voting for the entire community as member of the year.
I don't pay a lot of attention to a lot of art aspects on the site, but I shall nominate with abandon!
Member of the Year: Taco-chan! I mean Shinmaru because he amuses me and it the only person who cares about movies more than I do.
Commenter of the Year: SomeGuy because it's always worthwhile
Fan Artist of the Year Not my thing
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Variance He has been rather prolific in his time here and his work is pretty.
Comic Artist of the Year Felix for Gome For President.
eCard Designer of the Year I don't know.
eCard Designer: Vioxx
Fan Artist: echoberry/chuuco
Wallpaper Designer: someone who doesn't just take a scan and make it the size of a wallpaper, without changing anything else (or just putting on one simple texture)
Comic Artist: rosel D
Commenter: MangaKid
I've read a few of the comments, and I'm with Shin. This is being taken a tad too seriously. I love the idea, I love the drama and I will vote loud and proud on every round, if there are rounds... hmmm... Probably vote for myself too.
Adam is trying to add fun community oriented things. I didn't know who most of the commentors were, and not having perused the field, I'm curious. I appreciate that you think it's a bad idea. Some people think carbon dioxide is a bad idea. Everything is a bad idea in some capacity. I mean slicing the bread before selling it makes it go stale faster. Sliced bread is a bad idea.
Now, as far as practical matters are involved, Is Adam choosing from the nominations made in the comments? is there voting? I think that if there's voting involved that anonymity could be a little more called for. Perhaps setting up a proxy and have nominations PM'd and then set up voting by Pm to said proxy or committee. Comments can be used to bolster support.
People are too easily put out these days. Allow yourselves to have some fun, yeash...
Meh, I decided I should just give my nominations, regardless of anonymity. These people are amazing, and deserve to be recognized for their contributions to this site.
Commenter: MikuBerry Fan Artist: rosel D Wallpaper Designer: Dark Flame 3479 Comic Artist: Gainax eCard Designer: Angel Zakuro
I won't be joining this one. Thanks, TheO, but... this isn't a popularity contest. And, I know a 'popularity contest' wasn't the intent, but that's what these ALWAYS amount out to be.
I don't quite see what the big deal here, is. I agree that anonymity would ease a lot of tensions that may form around this entire thing, but I think we're all mature enough not to get our knickers in a twist at not being nominated for an award, yes? Or no, which is what I'm getting from the comments. XD Let's just go with FaithlessFughter's idea, and call it a day.
....I'm just gonna sum my comment up with, this not being such a great idea. Perhaps if there was a more anonymous way to vote so people don't end up getting offended (though I feel people will be disappointed if they're not nominated anyways), it would be better. But, I really do not feel like this is fair :/
I didn't take this to be a popularity contest so much as a "Who's friendly?" contest. Which might still be a bad idea, but if people don't take it seriously (which they really, really shouldn't be), I don't see the problem.
That being said, Moletta. Because she always makes chat chill and comfortable.
Personally, I think this would be fun, but I haven't noticed or been in any of the drama so far on theO, so I can't really say. But I do believe this would be unfair to those who make really beautiful e-cards/wallpapers/fanarts/fancomics, but aren't discovered by others. There's also those who are less popular, but still make great things.
I think it's best to judge it based off of how many subscribers they earned throughout the year, how great their things are, how long they've been on theO, and the amount of hugs/favorites their things got. Instead of nominations and what not.
After giving all this some thought, I agree this isn't gonna turn out well, despite being a good idea, and I'm not just saying it because of the "friends against friends," but there's also something else.
When you nominate someone, you basically want them to gain some recognition because they're good with what they do and DESERVE/NEED it.
The problem is, a LOT of people are probably just going to nominate someone they're a fan of, and it'll just turn into a big popularity contest just like the "Greatest Anime Character" contest.
What I'm trying to say is, this is a good idea, but it's just bound to turn sour with drama and most likely popular and well-known members winning while not-as-well-known members get nothing :c
This sounds like this will cause a lot of chaos on here, and that probably won't be a good idea, a lot of people will be hurt. I know that there are a lot more really good and talented artist on here but if one wins then everyone else would probably go "why did they win?" and it will just be a big mess. So I agree with everyone else on here, this is just gong to cause a lot of drama that we don't need on here.
You know, I think this IS a good idea. It's just honouring someone we think deserves praise after lots of hard work and contribution here on TheOtaku. So, in that case, I want to nominate someone!
eCard Designer: It's a hard one, but I really think Ritona Raito is deserving. Look at her cards. They're really beautiful! And she's always dedicating them other members. There's a reason she's so high up on the leader boards! D8 It's because her work is AWESOME <3 How can anyone deny that?
To those who think this is a bad idea, just think of it this way: it gives members someone to aspire to.
Wait- I change my mind- There are too many nice people >.< it's not fair to people who have done loads but aren't voted for!!! Maybe this should be rethought?
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think there needs to be an anonymous system and I know that is possible. We did this for the vote why not do it for those artist as well where its ONE vote for each category?! I think that would be awesome and that way we do not have point fingers. I love the idea if we can do that!
Member of the year? Hold the phone now mates is it just me or is this place getting a little too 'deviantART'? I come here because there are is LESS drama-rama.
We ALL know that the six people who get the magic prize are going to feel like a million, and the people who didn't even get a mention are going to feel cheated, and argue argue argue. Happened back when we had those 'Feature Fandom' blip here, and it happened with the 'Anime Character of All Time' and she'll happen again.
My two cents?
Scrap it all. If you must keep something like this running run it as a COMMINITY award. No magic medal to Allen being a better artist than Jim-Bob, or for Mimi commenting five word spam on peoples art.
We have an awards ceremony at my job every year and as professional adults in the workplace, even this caues drama. I can only imagine what would happen here. I do agree with Ritona Raito, that if you are going through with this, then def make the nominations anonymous!
Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist
I don't think this is a good idea... it could hurt people's feelings and cause the same kind of drama that happened with the whole 'best anime character ever' thing this summer.
I change my mind. Now that people have explained it, I see its not such a good idea either. This could hurt people's feelings, and as someone already stated, it could cause Drama and there is enough of that already on this site.
Though people should be mature enough not to cause Drama...still, I think this could end up sour.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Reading through the comments, I agree with most of people. Anyway:
I personally like the idea; it would be grate to show people here that we appreciate what they do . There really are many amazing people here :).
But on the contrary, some could get offended for not getting votes. Many people wouldn't , but it could hurt you if someone who you vote for, and consider a great friend, doesn't vote for you. I'm not saying that you should vote because you're friends with the person (but some sure would).
Still, love the idea and I think it would be amazing; only if the voting was secret (like it was for the best anime character ? ).
Won't it be quite difficult to decide? Bias would play a big role in nominating rather than overall traits and contributions of a person. Well, I suppose it would be hard to decide either way. I think everyone here is nice and help others if help is needed. Many have contributed to theotaku too. As someone(s) have pointed out, it's probably best if there was an anonymous voting.
Dude, do you know the social atmosphere of this place? At all? We have enough petty drama on this site already. This would only add fuel to the fire and cause more problems than what it's worth. If you want a contest where people can vote for others, do some Art of Otaku thing again... just not this.
I feel like there should be an anonymous system for these votes/nominations. Maybe set something up where members can message you with a link or name of their nominations? That way no one's feelings get hurt and we still have nominations running smoothly.
But overall, I do like the idea of this. I just feel like it needs to be better organized in terms of anonymity. :)
Hmmm this is soooo hard! And I see what other people are trying to say. However, this is just a friendly activity for fellow O's to par take in. And it's just you're opinion because it's how it relates to you no? So I don't see why others would get mad or there'd be fights and stuff. Surely we're more mature than that? Though, this is just my opinion. There are some O people out there who really deserve recognition and this is a great way to do that. Maybe? IDK XD
Anyway, I'd like to put a vote out there: :)
Commenter of the year: LightFykki
eCard Designer: Mikuberry
Member of the Year: Amestar
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
This is a really cool idea, but doesnt it kinda show Favoritism?
I would love to pick my friend for this, or who best deserves it and make them feel special. But its kinda like pointing fingers and there are a lot of people here on theO
I like the idea, yeah. But I think this is such a good idea, I'm sorry.
Alchemic Mushroom
Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
I'm wondering the same thing.
SarhH (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
For comics, i'd go with Rosel D
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Has the nomination been shot down? You said the 31st, it's January 1st... Is the contest down?
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I posted this in Adam's world, but I think I have to post this here as well. I apologize for having a negative view of this contest in the past few days, especially after realizing that I conducted something very similar to this back in 2008.
I guess I got carried away by the negative comments that people had made with the Member of the Year award and forgot that I did the same thing before.
So I apologize everyone if I unknowingly became a hypocrite. I'll do my best not to do it again.
On a related note, isn't it odd that The Otaku of the Year 2008 was actually well-received while 2011 Member of the Year had a lot of negative comments? Is this because mine was just an unofficial Watercooler event while the 2011 version was an official site event?
And I actually learned about this new thing through the new comments feature. So yeah...irony, isn't it?
"Students, be ambitious!"
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
As The Mask already asked, is this thing still happening or is it being pushed under the rug? I hope it's not forgotten about after all of the commotion it's caused.
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Blubber Farts
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
wow there's a lot of controversy over this!
i don't know many wallpaper and ecard designers, and there are too many fan artists here to pick one! but i think alchemic mushroom deserves to be nominated for fancomic artist because she puts a lot of effort and detail into her stories!
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
Just wondering. Is this event still pushing through? With the recent comment slam getting everyone's attention, it looks like many might have forgotten about this.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Fembot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
I agree with this 100%. I don't find it all too fair. Especially as there are those out there who may feel hurt for being left out by those who they know and are 'best friends' with. While nominations should come from the site members, anonymous voting is much nicer. It seems a little too much like an excuse to boost activity otherwise...
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
I have thought and thought on this, so I think I have finally reached a verdict. I honestly had a hard time figuring out who I wanted to vote for since all the people I know on here are so nice and talented.
Here we go:
This was a tough decision. ^_^; All of my friends on here are extremely talented and friendly.
As for the Wallpaper and Fan Comic category, I can't really comment on. I don't really follow either as much as I used to. ^_^;
Last edited by Enigmatic Turk at 6:31:25 PM CST on December 30, 2011.
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Moderator | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
Your avatar is adorable! /random
Roxas 69
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
well im gunnahave to go with skulduggery69 hes helped me a lot this year! a good bro
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
I agree with ya Ace. ABORT!!!!
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
Okay, I think I'm ready to nominate another candidate for another category.
Fan Comics: Alchemic Mushroom. They never fail to catch my eye, and the designs and style tend to change when the content needs it. Plus, I'm looking forward to reading about lawsuits for the sake of glorious, prosperous, frivolous lawsuits!
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
@RedMoon Wolf:
Eh? LOL I'm talking to my friend, silly~
I'm talking about how she nominated me...
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
Uwaaaa. Thank you Hime~ *hugs*
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 12/30/11 | Reply
I think I'll toss a few out here. I only wish I could list more cause we have a lot of creative and fun people here. Not gonna put something for every category though. ANYWAY...
Member of the Year: Without a doubt I have to mention Miracle Star19. She's our own little bubbly friendly member who always has time to say hi and chat with people.
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: SakuraDust. She really puts a lot of work into her creations. I always enjoy seeing them.
Comic Artist of the Year: She'll probably maim me for this but... Kei for her CHACK comic.
eCard Designer of the Year: Ritona Raito. For putting a lot of thought and work into the cards she makes.
And that about wraps up mine. Now I need to pester Adam on how this is going to finally be done since I don't know yet. lolol
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I recommend Team Plasma N for eCard Designer of the Year =3 Her cards are often funny or have good meaning to them. Also, the text is almost always legible and well contrasted to the image behind it =3 Also, separate from the cards, she's been quite helpful in general on this site for me in our rp club =^_^= I think it'd be a good way to cap off her year if she received this honor =)
Domine Kuro
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Hey adam. these updates are cool. the tab feature on the portfolio is genius.
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Eh, you know. I thought this over again and, it's kinda stupid for it to cause some actual drama. I mean, I like to think we're all a little more mature than getting upset if our friends don't vote for us, right? TheO is normally a really nice, understanding place and all of the people I know are really kind and not people to get upset over something so trivial. This will only cause problems if we actually let it cause problems by being immature and getting mad over this.
Still, voting won't be easy, since there are so many members I feel deserve to be nominated for every section, but I'll leave some anyways.
Wallpapers: Blue Latte, SakuraDust, Dark Flame 3479, Hanako Sho
eCards: Winterlion, xNotUnderstood, Ritona Raito, Angel Zakuro, CleaversforKids, Asuha612
Comments: Lightfykki, ItachiSasuke
Fan Art: Rosel D, UnknownRumors
There c:
Last edited by MikuBerry at 8:52:52 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Natsu nii
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
it's like voting for class president back in middle school again- i think it's a given that the popular people are going to win... <:/
Still... my votes probably go to
Member of the Year-Superstarpanou because she posts great work often but is super nice on top of it
Commenter of the Year- to me probably either corn or moonlit dream
Fan Artist of the Year- vacuumology, they don't post to much but their work is outstanding and always inspires me to work harder
Wallpaper Designer of the Year- Felicie
Comic Artist of the Year- I'd hope me..! but i really enjoy reading xfishyx's stuff too :3
and eCard Designer of the Year- envythejealous!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I don't think that this is gonna be fair, but i think i give my votes anyways... as for the member of the year... i think that would be the most unfair... so many people tried give an offer for new members if they need help(like Blue Latte) or tried to help get some support for underappreciated artists(like kisskiss-bangbang aka Matt)... so i would give the prize of the Member of the year for somebody like them, who is friendly and tries to host and explore good artists... but i don't know everyone here, and i think many of us is like this, so i don't think the member of the year(or even the others) could be voted fairly.
But i still give my vote for the eCard designer of the year:Angel Zakuro, Ritona Raito and Hanaro Souhi
as for the wallpaper designer of the year:Dark Flame3479, Hanako Sho and MikuBerry
as for the fan artist of the year: Rosel D, Haxelo and Itemilicious
as for the commenter of the year: kisskiss-bangbang, chibi-anna-chan,
Karmira and Kikkima
I don't know the fan comic artists so well, so i don't give vote for this section.
Last edited by Karisan at 7:46:50 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
After some thought i'm gonna do some voting. My members of the year are thelostsindar, Angel Zakuro and Aishia. I'm choosing three because they really helped me this year, and they've all contributed some fantastic artwork to the site too.
I'm just going to choose a few for each category, as i'm indecisive and can't pin my choice to just one member ^^'
Wallpaper artist: Darkflame3479, Sakura Dust, ItachiSasuke
Commenter: Light Fykki, aragorn1014, Hanaro Souhi
eCards: Blue Latte, CleaversForKids, and Ritona Raito
fanart: Kachikamac, 15385bic, harvestmoonluvr
fan comic:moonlit dream, Alchemic Mushroom, MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Okay.... so I've decided to nominate! I see a lot more people posting their votes, and I believe this isn't something to get too riled up about. I have no wish to upset anyone, especially my dear friends. But I really feel like voting just for fun. At first, I was having lots of trouble just choosing between the great artists on theO and friends. But I came up with this little list. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FAVOURITING PEOPLE ON THEO!!! Everyone is my friend equally, and I wish I could post everyones names up. The Otakus I have chosen are based on MY current views in each catagory as well as well as my past 4 month experiences of being on theO. I'm writing all this stuff so my amazing friends and all other awesome artists will maybe understand my stand a bit more. My nominees are:
Member of the Year: ItachiSasuke, for all her help and friendship with me and many other Otakus!
Commenter of the Year: ItachiSasuke again, since she's always leaving nice and honest comments on my art and others artwork to encourage and praise us.
Fan Artist of the Year: Ikemarth, who can use a simple pencil and very tiny reference pics to create inspiring, masterpiece sketches!!
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: lhtkid, who always posts amazing wallies and knows how to perfectly create them!
Comic Artist of the Year: toyotamikun, who makes some really amazing manga and comic stories with her markers!
eCard Designer of the Year: Team Plasma N, who's cards always awake thoughtful and deep emotions in my soul when I view them.
Those are my votes, but keep in mind I could very easily pick another 100 Otakus to fill those spaces since I don't think anyone can put a vote on awesome artists or great friendship. Thanks for understanding! :)
Shadow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
wut dramu i see no dramu.
i nominate myself. :U
No, but seriously. For e-cards I nominate Ritona Raito, because her cards are always so pleasing to look at.
I dunno about the other categories. I like too many fanartists, I don't bother to look at wallpapers much, I don't pay attention to who comments the most.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
For member of the year, I would have to vote for DemonsandAngels. She's always there to help me, and I know she does her best to help other members, too!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
XD I definitely agree.
*pass the popcorn*
Otakuite | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I'm new here but I know a lot of people from other sites so I can nominate too
Fanarts: Rosel D

I know him from Deviantart, he has a great gallery, his Hetalia style can be easily mistaken for Himaruya's own one. Check his gallery out on DA he has an awesome planets as characters designs
Wallpapers: Sakura-Dust
I know her from Minitokyo and Animepaper, incontestable walling mistress, enough said
Cards: Ritona Raito
I love how she has a different style in every card, really cool
I don't know about member of the year, but how about staff members who helped or some people who wrote good critiques, harsh or not.
These are my 2 cents
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Miracle Star19 for member of the year! She is always so cheerful and nice! She is always there to help anyone who needs help! She never causes trouble and she gives people who deserve it second chances.
I would suggest Starscream(axel) as Fan Artist of the Year because she contributes many well made art both serious and comical. She has a vast portfolio of varied drawings. Though not many are "Original" in the sense that some of the characters already existed but that's fan art.
Last edited by Linku-kun at 5:08:04 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
...does anyone understand that it won't create drama unless you LET it? *cracks up*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Your cards are so cute though. <3333
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Can I nominate myself?XDI remember with the anime characters battle the first part was typing in a character on a page so the names submitted were anonomous, that's probably best for here too--unless we want people to mention what they'd like to be voted for and why they would deserve the honor, but that would be too much like politics ^^
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
This was really hard to choose, but I really like the idea of this. I love the O and all my friends here. This doesn't change that, and it shouldn't. Here are my two cent nominations.
Member of the Year: Lunastarz (She started the OHC which has given me so many friends and has stuck to it with a little nudging from my next nomination. SupportKIRA (She has done so much for me and her art is amazing and well-thought through as well.)
ECards: Ritona Raito (She never release a dull card and has a message somewhere in her stash for everyone.)
Fan art: Dyanaanime and 15385bic They may not submit something each week (sometimes we wait a month) but the art is finished, beautiful, and shows their love and effort.
Comics: Heartless15 (She may not be as active as she used to be but her enthralling stories and her clean finished pages has lead me to promote her.
I cannot choose even just two people for wallpapers. I'll wait to see what the fates pull there.
Good luck to all!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
This is a good idea in theory but...i dont know...if i vote for someone here it'll start feeling like an annual competition from here on out and I really don't think thats what theO is about.
People here are my friends and i want it to stay that way.
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
@Pleiades Rising:
This, a thousand times over. Everyone needs to go and read your post and chill instead of assuming or expecting this to be a drama fest.
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Alchemic Mushroom
Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I personally like the idea of awards because I enjoy competition! I'll throw my votes out there...
member of the year- Raisha. she has been dedicated to the site for nearly six years and has been such a good person!
ecard designer- xNotUnderstood and Team Plasma N. xNotUnderstood for hundreds of beautiful cards and Team Plasma N for hundreds of witty cards!
wallpaper designer- starwing12 for hundreds of beautiful wallpapers!
fan artist- Kachikamac. Seriously one of the greatest artists on theOtaku.
fancomic artist- this is really hard but it's a tie between Gainax and ilovecandy. The both of them have a lot of motivation to draw that much. If only I had enough dedication to have 400+ pages in a series or 100+ comic strips alone!
commentor- artgrrl. She always has something nice to say with over 4000+ comments!
My very biased honorable mentions go to people like Haven Relis (for being so nice), C C C (for being my best friend on theO), Mr Hentai (for being cool) and so many more! You're all like family!
smoking crimson
Sunrise (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I'm for this. It makes a lot more sense then random anon voting along with bias. The levels thing sounds fair enough as well, it does level the playing field!
Moderator | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
It's a-okay XD
To be honest I don't really mind friendships and such, but the quality of the submissions. The only drama I'd personally care about is if the winners would either have an average or poor quality gallery. Then I return to what I said, personality overshadows everything.
I also suppose there will be voting after these nominations else there's no contest. How will the said voting be done, I don't know, but I'd still go for judges. Anonymous voting can be done for friends and not necessarily for talent.
Judges have my vote, it's always the best way to settle things.
For example the judges go over galleries of mentioned cards, walls, fanarts users and judge based on quality, layout, creativity, number of submissions or other criteria they think of and give marks.
The only person that should be voted by people is the member of the year. That user is the one who helped the community in a special way so the ones s/he helped should do the voting. If they could present some examples of the user's helpfulness, that would be great.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
@RedMoon Wolf:
Don't worry, ChibiSasuke didn't mean that. She/he (I don't know, sorry) was replying to dattebaneyo, who said "eCard Designer of the Year: ChibiSasuke".
Sorry for randomly jumping in, just wanted to clear that ^^'
and I maybe just complicated it...RedMoon Wolf
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
you better not mean mine -.-
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
Gaaaah, I agree with all of those! ;u;
Except the last one OTL
RedMoon Wolf
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/29/11 | Reply
I nominate Rosie Chan as Member of the Year. She's always been helpful when I was new and always immediately answered my questions.
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I Vote KyanChan to be the Member of the year i have not met a nicer person she always helps me out I believe she shows the spirit of theO as well as contributing to other things like cards and wallpapers
Last edited by Skulduggery69 at 11:51:57 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
The assbutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the Year: Savitar all the way |D
Commenter of the Year:Kyanchan
Fan Artist of the Year: angelofpurity16
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Miku Berry
Comic Artist of the Year: FUNimation
eCard Designer of the Year: Winterlion
yup |D
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
First foremost, I think this should be based on how active you are, what you submitted, and so forth. If leaders or staff pick there might be a bias as well however, some of those staff members are also worthy of the title. So bothersome....
Honestly, I don't like knowing people seeing my votes but at this point since I see no over turn, I guess I will give it. Also some of these votes I just feel are to many people saying "This person did this on MY work" or "They are MY friend." I believe that isn't what this is about. I am going to vote for people deserving of the titles who may or may not be friends so here goes my votes so I hope others follow in those footsteps:
Member of the Year: n/a should be someone who has participated in all categories here on the otaku.
Commenter of the Year: Corn
Fan Artist of the Year: 15385bic
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: kitabug69
Comic Artist of the Year: toyotami kun
eCard Designer of the Year: xNotUnderstood
Those are my votes!
Last edited by Team Plasma N at 10:25:56 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
Otakuite | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Me na Just joking
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the Year: lunastarz
Commenter of the Year: N/A
Fan Artist of the Year: jenuchiha
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Support KIRA
Comic Artist of the Year: Rein Akira
eCard Designer of the Year: ChibiSasuke
Last edited by dattebaneyo at 6:02:13 PM CST on December 29, 2011.
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the year: lunastarz
Fan artist of the year: dyanaanime
Wallpaper designer of the year: Support KIRA
eCard designer of the year: xNotUnderstood
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
So basically its whoever has the most friends/fans wins. This shall mostly cause a lot of drama... and arguments. And everything blows up in a giant explosion!!! But not before I get my gifties! bb-chan owes me three gifties! I bet three gifties that this will not work!
I'm a vampire!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Oh, man, I was going to nominate, but after reading over everyone's comments, I agree that this would bring needless drama to the site. I've been part of this community for a long time, and it's always been pleasant. It would be a shame if these little contests started causing the kind of rants and trashy slander you see in other places on the net. Please don't make theO that kind of community.
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
What started as a comment became this, so please Read or Die: Link
As for this, here I go!
Fan Artist: It was a difficult decision, but I have to choose sth1d4 This artist does some of the most interesting and unique-looking art on this site. More Than Honorable mentions go to Raindrop23 and the enigmatic vee209.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
@Blood Huntress:
jk. just kidding. XDDD. Vampyhitsu wins 3 gifties.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I guess I don't really care who gets awarded for what, or who gets chosen for member of the year. I'm not in this for the awards, just to get my work out there. If people like my work, then good. If they don't, then oh well. I just don't feel the need to be in any needless popularity contest.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I vote Skulduggery69 as member of the year. He's so nice!!! He's sincere, honest, and dependable!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I just realized that this kinda reminds me of when the cheezburger were having the best website of all time (Between icanhascheezburger, failblog, and memebase) except for the part where no one really said it was a bad idea. There was arguing, but there's always arguing there!
Bagel Gurl | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I vote Shinmaru as the best Weeabo Member
I vote Desbreko as the one to save Hyrule and use the Triforce
And I vote Katana for being 20% cooler than all the rest of you!
Last edited by Japan at 6:10:13 PM CST on December 28, 2011.
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I've read some comments, and I agree that anonymous voting is probably a better idea... I personally don't mind the current setting too much, but there are always people who will be offended because they don't see their own names -or those of their closest friends- anywhere in the comments...
But I will vote because I do want to be involved.
Member of the Year: Ritona Raito. I feel that she definitely contributes a lot to the community! A few examples: the 'What's this?' World, and the Secret Santa event for icons that she organised:)
Commenter of the Year: LightFykki. I think he's commented on every single thing I posted this year, and always has some very sweet words to cheer me up:) And I'm sure that goes for a lot more people!^^
Fan Artist of the Year: aragorn1014. Her fanart makes people happy and it's amazing!^__^
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: MikuBerry. Gosh, she made a lot!;) And they're all wonderful in their own way:)
eCard Designer of the Year: Angel Zakuro. The way she uses textures and typography on her cards never fails to amaze me. And she's a true angel(ite)!:D
There's my 2 cents...:) Good luck everyone!^^
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
There's a lot of people that should deserve recognition. Its too hard to choose. >_<
wolf of sorrow
JMusicGuru (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I agree with the majority. This is gonna cause alot of unwanted drama. ]:
Ellenor Mererid
Spoilers ;3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I can't decide which artist to nominate at there are so many good artistson here and so it eouldn't be fair to just pick one!
but I'd like to nominate Romanos Vixen and Windfish55 for member of the year as they are both very kind and nice people, who give out great advice and try and cheer you up!!
But there is one member who would cover all of them but he hasn't been on much because of illness so I don't know if it would count
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I second ImmortalQueen's nomination of SuperStaPanou for Fan Artist of the Year. Comments probably should go TimeChaser or someone.
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I would like to nominate SuperStarPanou for Fan Artist of the year :o
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
Pikachu Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I feel that this will be a popularity contest, like another user commented. And a lot of these votes will be biased. And some users might not know which people to vote for, since they do not know every single member. And this also might hurt people's self esteem, "Gee, no one likes my art, so I won't make it" and they might feel bad about it.
I do know there are members who deserve it, no doubt, but to make an educated vote, one would have to know all the users.
I don't know...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I totally think aragorn1014 should be either Member of the Year or Fan Artist of the year, because she worked so hard to organize the Secret Santa, and after people put up their art, she commented on EVERYONE'S pictures thanking them for being a part of it. It was so sweet and responsible! And she did a great job organizing the event.
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
From my point of view, a lot of the stuff that the site seems to be trying to incorporate is just pitting members against each other. Popularity contests never seem to work. A 2011 Member of the Year contest is a nice idea, but as many have said before, it should be anonymous to avoid unnecessary drama spurring up between friends and associates. Even if the polling was anonymous, people would still feel left out and put down if they weren't chosen or even mentioned. A true contest should be able to include everyone on the site. Such as an art contest where people work hard to cast in their entries rather than one where other people decide who the winner is based on personality, etc. I'll cast in my vote objectively, considering there's a whole plethora of members on this site that deserve to be recognized for the generosity and talent; not just one for each select category.
â—‹ Member of the Year: aragorn1014 - She puts in a lot of effort into this site. She communicates with other members and always tries to get people involved. She puts a whole lot of care and effort in the holiday activities she sets up for us all to enjoy <3
â—‹ Commenter of the Year: King-sama for all the wonderful compliments and critiques she gives to many members.
â—‹ Fan Artist of the Year: I really think there should be more than one for this category :/ I'd nominate Erie Machista, luluseason, saiyukiluver, and a whole bunch more if it were possible.
â—‹ Wallpaper Designer of the Year: SakuraDust
â—‹ eCard Designer of the Year: Blue Latte
And again, I don't get on this site often after all the changes were incorporated, so I know there are a lot more members on here that deserved to be recognized and admired. Even if they don't have the best art in the world, people should pay attention to them and help them improve in whatever it is they strive to do. That what 'A friendly place for creative anime fans' should really be about. I usually never get involved in things like this, so thanks for taking the time to read this ♥ I hope my point and the ones everyone else is bringing up gets across.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Oh, what the heck. I'll nominate a few people, because they truly deserve it, and I want them to be recognized for their awesomeness. And believe me, all of my friends are very talented folks.
Commenter of the Year - LightFykki
Fan Artist of the Year - AlexaClyne
Wallpaper Designer of the Year - Dark Flame 3479
eCard Designer of the Year - CleaversForKids
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
screwattack.com had a member of the year thing too, didn't cause drama over there. But then again the members of this site and that site are pretty different. *shrugs shoulders*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
@Alchemic Mushroom:
Yeah, I realize that. I was thinking, they did say nomination, so I was guessing that it would be: People nominate, anonymous voting for people nominated, ????, yay!
Yeah, people have been on a website for a long time, while I just flit around websites, but I have seen a lot worse. But I like arguing with people so this is interesting enough :3
Alchemic Mushroom
Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
While I agree that there isn't as much drama as everyone claims (atleast as far as I've seen) I think people are more concerned about being fair. A lot of comments here say something along the lines of "this will be a popularity contest", "people won't get the recognition they deserve", or "I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings by not voting for them" which, imo, are decent points. That's why I favor the idea of anonymous voting.
"this is just a website, not your entire life," true but this site is important enough to some of us that we've been here for nearly six years.
Cooki Monstress
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
oh lordy...this..shall not end well. Everyone on this site is a major contribution and we shouldnt have too have a contest too show it. When people rank up is how we show whos an active member. Allot of peoples feelings will get hurt if they arent nominated...
I think this should be deleted and forgotten. Maybe TheO could Send everyone a gift or rank them upp too show there appreciation for everyone on here? just an oppinion
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I don't really see what people have a problem with this. They say there's drama but I personally have never seen any. I mean, this is just a website, not your entire life. Well, this is coming from someone who learned "if you can't take an insult, don't go on the Internet" when I first started out going online, so I guess it doesn't bother me.
Trust me, there could be MUCH worse things than a silly contest. So uh... Yeah :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I nominate TimeChaser for "Member of the year" based on the user's extremely frequent daily WORLD page posting, which is a major contribution to this website on a daily basis.
As for "Wallpaper designer of the year", I nominate Darkarax based on the user's creative choice of phrases when doing each piece while choosing an offical anime/manga image to be part of the wallpaper piece. Those pieces are well inspiring on me.
As for "Fan artist of the year", I nominate krow666 based on the stylishness of the user's bishoujo drawings.
That's all the noiminations I can think off.
Blood Huntress
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Without a doubt, CleaversforKids for her cards and Auditore for wallpapers, Katana for art.
alexea arescia
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
As what I predict, this isn't going well..Argues will surely get into this and chaos here in this site might also happen... Lots of members will just end up being disappointed "why aren't they voted?"... Besides, I know most of us still don't know everyone here so people would basically vote for their close friends or fans...
This nomination would just end up cruelly....
Though, that only my opinion...
Well.... I wish for it not to happen if it really does gonna happen....
alexea arescia
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I suppose you're really right, though...........
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I can't say that I'm thrilled with the idea of member nominations. Now, if the mods and admins notice and point out some stellar members, that's fine with me. However, to have friends nominating friends... it can cause problems.
And I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I don't know a whole lot of people on here and generally tend to keep to myself most of the time if I don't know people (just the way I am; nothing against the friendly people on here). There's no way in heck someone like me would ever get nominated unless I locked myself away and devoted my entire life to art (and producing unfathomably excellent works) and being on the internet. Thanks, but it's just a really fun hobby for me.
So yeah, feeling a little left out. "Tough" some might say, but when you're on the left-out end, it's not really fun. I've felt this way on other websites too when member nominations rolled around.
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Well, after scanning through the comments, I agree with SakuraDust the most... It's way too hard for people to decide these kind of things and I agree with some of the other comments as well. But whatever the out come of this, I'll be sure to tune in.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Alright, I'll make some peace not war, with sugar, spice and everything nice! And here's the result:
Everyone gets a vote from me :D. Well, getting nominated makes people feel good, right? Yes, there are pros and cons, but meh. Let's lighten up a little.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I still think its not going to work. I bet 3 gifties its not!!!
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I kinda agree that this is not really a fair voting thing....But if we must go through with this...I will vote for three categories...
Member of the Year:lunastar- She is wonderful and helps so many people. And she is so much fun<3
Best Wallpapers: xNotUnderstood
Art: harvestmoonluvr
<3 the rest I cannot judge on...at all.
Alchemic Mushroom
Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I totally agree with this.
The other categories sound like a nice idea though.
I personally don't like the member of the year thing since I don't think anyone is any better than anyone else.
alexea arescia
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
First of all........ It was quite surprising that Adam made this 2011 Member of the Year Nominations, I really wasn't expecting him to be doing that though....
Everyone here has a splendid talent or creativity.... So.... As what other members did, I won't also be nominating....
I agree to what SakuraDust said... She's right, it's really the best if the staff or selected members will choose the winner/s... As well as what MangaKid said, lots of people and close friends would be hurt.... And I hope that won't happen in the future... JanetChan is also right, everyone her is equal...
So it's really better if I'll just be going to leave it all to the staff and other members to be fair....
I'll just be looking forward to it until the nomination's over...
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Wow, just read through all these comments and decided i won't vote. Mature or not, all of you guys are my friends, and i just can't up somebody else. I'm sorry, i love you all equally.
Besides, your all great at everything you do. Well, at least in my heart. ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Alrighty... I think this is a great idea, and it sounds like it would be fun! But after reading all the comments, I almost changed my mind about it. I actually did think all the voting would be anonymous at first! Anyway, I think I would have a lot of trouble choosing between my fav artists and friends xP I'd probably not be able to choose only one person per catagory, and I haven't even met too many people on theO yet! So my nominations would be based on my own views and my own experiences here which will leave a lot of people out and even hurt my other friends and other artists after all is said and done. Hmmm I don't know... I'll see how it goes before I nominate anyone :) All in all, I like the idea of choosing people and making them feel special. I just don't want to leave anyone out >_< Lol everyone was already getting flustered about this after just reading this blog, even before nominations even were posted xD
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:34:37 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
member of the year &/or commenter of the year vote: aragorn1014
because she never abandons theO and she's always giving out wonderful critiques to artists to help them improve : ) she always aproaches everyone with a friendly attitude and she's make my Otaku experience a wonderful one.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Hey! I was just scanning through these amazingly interesting comments when I saw your nominations^^ *huggles* Thanks for the nomination, my friend! :D I'm still deciding on whether I should nominate or not lol It sounds like fun, but other people bring up a good point here... hmmmm.
Getaway Driver (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
And Adam trolls the membership once again. . .
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
aurora witch helped me alot, she also makes great eCards and wallpapers.
for fanart: 15385bic
Last edited by angluvdeath at 6:07:55 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Ummm... Should something what I say even matter? xD Probably not, so it is best to leave this and see how it will turn out after all this comments.^^
As I can see many members are for that, many not, and some have mixed feelings. Not sure myself, this has positive and as well many negative sides of it. If it was an anonymous voting and nominating, then it would fix some of the negative aspects, but still...
Moderator | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
This would be a great idea if the results would be judged by the staff or some selected users, not voted for. The quality and creativity of work can be overshadowed by personality. For example if one with average walls has a "omg, i woob your walls, so cute and perfect" type of commenting, then people tend to vote for that person.
So yeah, with judges this would be a great idea, with majority vote, not so much. There's even a big chance that a person with poor skills can be 'the best', again, because of loving personality.
And I'll just nominate 1 person, for cards: CleaversforKids. Too many users adopted her style and used it as their own, she's a great deal of inspiration.
Last edited by SakuraDust at 5:11:09 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Whoa... This is not a good idea! I'm pretty sure its not going to work very well...
Angel Satina
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
i dont think this is a good idea.It could cause problems among members and just like other members have said it would hurt people's feelings..besides there is enough drama here..dont want to make it worse..
Anyway everyone are good in their own way..each one have their own style..You cant judge them like this..
Last edited by Angelic Smile at 4:13:29 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Can I nominate myself?
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
I second that vote for member of the year o uo
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Wow, the backlash is stunning. And only a few people voted, too.
I agree with what (mostly) everyone said, this sounds fairly competitive; I know it isn't meant to be taken seriously and, really, winning in one of the categories is just a little ego boost for the winner, and I love drama just as much as the next person, but it will lead to talking behind backs - especially if the voting is done out in the open. I don't really mind either way, though, good opportunity to see how mature people are (/not).
That being said, here are my votes:
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Angel Zakuro
eCard Designer of the Year: Ritona Raito
Don't pelt me with stones, I haven't been around much.
@Hula: yeah, most of us are mature but there's bound to be someone going all "OMG Y U NO VOTE FOR ME?? You're not my friend anymore!!!shift+1abuse1!eleventeen". Either way, the outcome will be very entertaining and me and my popcorn are eagerly anticipating it ^w^
Last edited by sweetdevil at 2:23:52 AM CST on December 28, 2011.
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the Year: Lunastarz
Commenter of the Year: Pleiades Rising
Fan Artist of the Year: Raindrop23 (Her works are so inspirational!)
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: GIDRA or Variance
Comic Artist of the Year: MrHentai
eCard Designer of the Year: CleaversForKids
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Definitely with you here.
Abort >.<''
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Member of the Year: Lunastarz!!!!!!!!!!
She helped me out when I first came on this site 2 years ago, and she hasn't stopped helping me since. I know for a fact that she has also helps hundreds of others on this site make friends, solve problems, and has given them a safe and friendly place to interact in.
Captain Hitsugaya
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
Let's see. On one aspect, publicly posting one's nominees for this event ain't a really good idea since that might cause some problems along the way. Like Ritona Raito said, it would be good if there was a system where they can send their nominations in a more private manner.
In another aspect, this competition ain't exactly a popularity contest as well. It did mention some attributes that would serve as basis for crowning a certain member as the winner of the event, instead of relying on who has the most number of votes. The problem is that there's no formula or rubric for determining the winners, so that becomes a problem there, especially for the judges on judgment day.
Now what would I propose? With just 3-4 days left before the announcement of winners, I would just let the event run its course. In my opinion, there's no more time to implement the secret voting system. If ever there are plans for this to be repeated next year, let's just learn from this experience.
As for my nominees...I might do it later. Can't think of anyone at the moment.
"Students, be ambitious!"
smoking crimson
Sunrise (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/11 | Reply
I'll just be sitting back & watching this. I've never been part of drama, don't intend to ever be. Though I do need to put up a few artists for nomination, not because of my relations with them, but I genuinely believe that they deserve some sort of recognition.
Fan Artist of the Year: 39raindrops
Comic Artist of the Year: Alchemic Mushroom
I'm not nominating anyone else because for all of the other categories, there are multiple artists whom I love, and I believe that it wouldn't be fair to choose one over the other.
That said, I'll be sitting back to watch what happens.
Otakuite | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think Skulduggery69
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I'm having rather mixed emotions about this. I think it's a nice idea to honor those that you have been inspired by, and those that have worked really hard and provided us with a lot of beautiful artwork to see. But, I'm sure that there will be people who will feel disappointed if they're not voted for by their friends. It's tough to say. I see a good and a bad side to this. Besides, I'd have a hard time voting anyways because everyone on theO is so nice, and there are so many talented artists that have inspired me a lot. So, I can't vote either way.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think this is a bad idea. I would vote but,it'll just cause hurt feelings and drama. It would be very biased too. I have friends on here I've been friends with for a long time,and that I know much better than others but...that doesn't make them any more important or deserving than my newer friends. And honestly,I'm voting for the entire community as member of the year.
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I don't pay a lot of attention to a lot of art aspects on the site, but I shall nominate with abandon!
Member of the Year: Taco-chan! I mean Shinmaru because he amuses me and it the only person who cares about movies more than I do.
Commenter of the Year: SomeGuy because it's always worthwhile
Fan Artist of the Year Not my thing
Wallpaper Designer of the Year: Variance He has been rather prolific in his time here and his work is pretty.
Comic Artist of the Year Felix for Gome For President.
eCard Designer of the Year I don't know.
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I guess I'll nominate as well. :D
eCard Designer: Vioxx
Fan Artist: echoberry/chuuco
Wallpaper Designer: someone who doesn't just take a scan and make it the size of a wallpaper, without changing anything else (or just putting on one simple texture)
Comic Artist: rosel D
Commenter: MangaKid
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Vote Gome 2012!
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Oh yeah almost forgot,
I won't fill every field in since I am not too sure how to objectively vote for them
Fan artist: Natsu nii
Wallpaper: Team Plasma N
eCard: Angel Zakuro
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I can understand the concerns here, but c'mon people, it's just for fun. I won't get my feelings hurt over something on the internet.
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I've read a few of the comments, and I'm with Shin. This is being taken a tad too seriously. I love the idea, I love the drama and I will vote loud and proud on every round, if there are rounds... hmmm... Probably vote for myself too.
Adam is trying to add fun community oriented things. I didn't know who most of the commentors were, and not having perused the field, I'm curious. I appreciate that you think it's a bad idea. Some people think carbon dioxide is a bad idea. Everything is a bad idea in some capacity. I mean slicing the bread before selling it makes it go stale faster. Sliced bread is a bad idea.
Now, as far as practical matters are involved, Is Adam choosing from the nominations made in the comments? is there voting? I think that if there's voting involved that anonymity could be a little more called for. Perhaps setting up a proxy and have nominations PM'd and then set up voting by Pm to said proxy or committee. Comments can be used to bolster support.
People are too easily put out these days. Allow yourselves to have some fun, yeash...
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Meh, I decided I should just give my nominations, regardless of anonymity. These people are amazing, and deserve to be recognized for their contributions to this site.
Commenter: MikuBerry
Fan Artist: rosel D
Wallpaper Designer: Dark Flame 3479
Comic Artist: Gainax
eCard Designer: Angel Zakuro
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Bad idea. .__.
I won't be joining this one. Thanks, TheO, but... this isn't a popularity contest. And, I know a 'popularity contest' wasn't the intent, but that's what these ALWAYS amount out to be.
So, no votes here. ^^; Switzerland and whatnot.
~AKA Shiro
And, then... I met you.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
*sits back with some popcorn*
. Congrats to all the nominees!!
Well, we'll just all see how this plays out
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Or you all could just not participate if you don't like it.
Just let the people who do like the idea vote.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I don't quite see what the big deal here, is. I agree that anonymity would ease a lot of tensions that may form around this entire thing, but I think we're all mature enough not to get our knickers in a twist at not being nominated for an award, yes? Or no, which is what I'm getting from the comments. XD Let's just go with FaithlessFughter's idea, and call it a day.
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
It is a bit
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Haha, I saw. Flattering it may be, I don't really care about this "best member" thing. I think it's a little unfair.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Imaginary Duck (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Can I nominate Kermit?
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
someone voted for you.
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
More than just a tad. lolol
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
theres always my plan.
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
....I'm just gonna sum my comment up with, this not being such a great idea. Perhaps if there was a more anonymous way to vote so people don't end up getting offended (though I feel people will be disappointed if they're not nominated anyways), it would be better. But, I really do not feel like this is fair :/
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Akia Aoi
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I nominate Savitar. He's always ready to help others. He's always been there for me when I needed a friend. He's like my big brother.
Imaginary Duck (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Just trying to lighten the mood guys.
Imaginary Duck (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I didn't take this to be a popularity contest so much as a "Who's friendly?" contest. Which might still be a bad idea, but if people don't take it seriously (which they really, really shouldn't be), I don't see the problem.
That being said, Moletta. Because she always makes chat chill and comfortable.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
lol, love your way of thinking xD
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Personally, I think this would be fun, but I haven't noticed or been in any of the drama so far on theO, so I can't really say. But I do believe this would be unfair to those who make really beautiful e-cards/wallpapers/fanarts/fancomics, but aren't discovered by others. There's also those who are less popular, but still make great things.
I think it's best to judge it based off of how many subscribers they earned throughout the year, how great their things are, how long they've been on theO, and the amount of hugs/favorites their things got. Instead of nominations and what not.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
After giving all this some thought, I agree this isn't gonna turn out well, despite being a good idea, and I'm not just saying it because of the "friends against friends," but there's also something else.
When you nominate someone, you basically want them to gain some recognition because they're good with what they do and DESERVE/NEED it.
The problem is, a LOT of people are probably just going to nominate someone they're a fan of, and it'll just turn into a big popularity contest just like the "Greatest Anime Character" contest.
What I'm trying to say is, this is a good idea, but it's just bound to turn sour with drama and most likely popular and well-known members winning while not-as-well-known members get nothing :c
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Silly Wabbit Trix are kids
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Hahaha, nice try. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Since we cant come to a clear decision I say we just nominate that FaithlessFighter guy for every category so no feelings get hurt.
Keyblade Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
This sounds like this will cause a lot of chaos on here, and that probably won't be a good idea, a lot of people will be hurt. I know that there are a lot more really good and talented artist on here but if one wins then everyone else would probably go "why did they win?" and it will just be a big mess. So I agree with everyone else on here, this is just gong to cause a lot of drama that we don't need on here.
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
You know, I think this IS a good idea. It's just honouring someone we think deserves praise after lots of hard work and contribution here on TheOtaku. So, in that case, I want to nominate someone!
eCard Designer: It's a hard one, but I really think Ritona Raito is deserving. Look at her cards. They're really beautiful! And she's always dedicating them other members. There's a reason she's so high up on the leader boards! D8 It's because her work is AWESOME <3 How can anyone deny that?
To those who think this is a bad idea, just think of it this way: it gives members someone to aspire to.
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Wait- I change my mind- There are too many nice people >.< it's not fair to people who have done loads but aren't voted for!!! Maybe this should be rethought?
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I would nominate GreenLeAfe, HalfwayVamped or xNotUnderstood.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Everybody Wins!
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think this is being taken just a tad too seriously.
Love thy Evangelion.
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think there needs to be an anonymous system and I know that is possible. We did this for the vote why not do it for those artist as well where its ONE vote for each category?! I think that would be awesome and that way we do not have point fingers. I love the idea if we can do that!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Member of the year? Hold the phone now mates is it just me or is this place getting a little too 'deviantART'? I come here because there are is LESS drama-rama.
We ALL know that the six people who get the magic prize are going to feel like a million, and the people who didn't even get a mention are going to feel cheated, and argue argue argue. Happened back when we had those 'Feature Fandom' blip here, and it happened with the 'Anime Character of All Time' and she'll happen again.
My two cents?
Scrap it all. If you must keep something like this running run it as a COMMINITY award. No magic medal to Allen being a better artist than Jim-Bob, or for Mimi commenting five word spam on peoples art.
Good idea- ends badly.
Ace said it best mates- ABORT ABORT ABORT.
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I can't just choose one...
Oldschool (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
We have an awards ceremony at my job every year and as professional adults in the workplace, even this caues drama. I can only imagine what would happen here. I do agree with Ritona Raito, that if you are going through with this, then def make the nominations anonymous!
Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I couldn't possibly choose just one member of the year...
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I don't think this is a good idea... it could hurt people's feelings and cause the same kind of drama that happened with the whole 'best anime character ever' thing this summer.
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I change my mind. Now that people have explained it, I see its not such a good idea either. This could hurt people's feelings, and as someone already stated, it could cause Drama and there is enough of that already on this site.
Though people should be mature enough not to cause Drama...still, I think this could end up sour.
Felix the Cat
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I think this will stir up a loooooot of trouble, just saying.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Reading through the comments, I agree with most of people. Anyway:
I personally like the idea; it would be grate to show people here that we appreciate what they do . There really are many amazing people here :).
But on the contrary, some could get offended for not getting votes. Many people wouldn't , but it could hurt you if someone who you vote for, and consider a great friend, doesn't vote for you. I'm not saying that you should vote because you're friends with the person (but some sure would).
Still, love the idea and I think it would be amazing; only if the voting was secret (like it was for the best anime character ? ).
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
*agrees with everything you just said, Hi-chan*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Won't it be quite difficult to decide? Bias would play a big role in nominating rather than overall traits and contributions of a person. Well, I suppose it would be hard to decide either way. I think everyone here is nice and help others if help is needed. Many have contributed to theotaku too. As someone(s) have pointed out, it's probably best if there was an anonymous voting.
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Dude, do you know the social atmosphere of this place? At all? We have enough petty drama on this site already. This would only add fuel to the fire and cause more problems than what it's worth. If you want a contest where people can vote for others, do some Art of Otaku thing again... just not this.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
I feel like there should be an anonymous system for these votes/nominations. Maybe set something up where members can message you with a link or name of their nominations? That way no one's feelings get hurt and we still have nominations running smoothly.
But overall, I do like the idea of this. I just feel like it needs to be better organized in terms of anonymity. :)
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Hmmm this is soooo hard! And I see what other people are trying to say. However, this is just a friendly activity for fellow O's to par take in. And it's just you're opinion because it's how it relates to you no? So I don't see why others would get mad or there'd be fights and stuff. Surely we're more mature than that? Though, this is just my opinion. There are some O people out there who really deserve recognition and this is a great way to do that. Maybe? IDK XD
Anyway, I'd like to put a vote out there: :)
Commenter of the year: LightFykki
eCard Designer: Mikuberry
Member of the Year: Amestar
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
This is a really cool idea, but doesnt it kinda show Favoritism?
I would love to pick my friend for this, or who best deserves it and make them feel special. But its kinda like pointing fingers and there are a lot of people here on theO
I like the idea, yeah. But I think this is such a good idea, I'm sorry.
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/27/11 | Reply
Im sure I pick alphonse13 for best E-card designer ill have to think about the others a little more