My comment trophy is gone. What happened?? And why the error page often comes out? I hope you can delete all comments that don't exist. And one more thing, why do I have 2 new PMs which never exist.
...Though...I'm still waiting for the time when this website (or any website) has a feature that shows that a comment has been read or gives you a link if you have been mentioned in a post...but that'd be too complex. I just feel like DA needs that the most, though, because it's hard to dedicate pics to people...O.o;
Woah, sorry for the rant...XD I just am having fun with this. I can see how my online speech has changed over the years! XD
Next thing ya know, there'll be a little chat box down in the corner of your page so you can chat to people on your Friends List when they're online. =w=b
*brick'd, bagged, burned, and buried*
I kinda like the new feature. Just gonna say. *single nod*
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I just noticed that my Comments trophy has disappeared...=/
Strange. Oh well x3 I think that, all in all, I like this new feature. It'll be fun to stalk other people's comments >:3 Haha, just kidding. I think that it'll be easier to look up some of your older comments, cause I always felt that the ones that were shown on the comment dashboard were gone too soon, you know?^^ Maybe it would be a good thing to be able to put the privacy setting for comments to 'just friends' though - maybe some people don't want everyone browsing their comments. But it's cool!^^
This is so awesome! ^^ But I would like the feature to be able to delete past comments from it if the source where I commented isn't available anymore. >.< It's incredibly frustrating when I see a snippet of a comment only to see that the page/item doesn't exist anymore.
Not sure what you're getting at here, since theO has privacy settings. If people leave their worlds open or comment on other open posts and say something they shouldn't, that's their own fault.
I have made suggestions in the past and I always do them privately. This is not the place to be adding suggestions, as it that is not what the question was. Adam asked what we thought of it, I simply stated my opinion. I would recommend taking this to PM if you have such an issue with my statement.
Well then, while we're on the subject, how about a list of things that, in your opinion, need fixing or improvement, along with solutions and suggestions towards fixing them?
Simply saying "there are bigger fish to fry" isn't really helpful at all. In order to accomplish anything, you also gotta point out where to start fishing, and suggest the kind of bait to use.
W-wow..was I seriously that..weird? Oi, how embarassing!
Ah well, brings back some pretty good memories, I guess. Meh, I got nothing to hide, lol. I seemed to overuse somethings though... >>'
I think it is a nice idea so far but we'll have to see it in action!I hope that works out well since leaving a comment is one of the most common activities on this site.
It feels a little pointless to me when there are so many other things that need fixing/improving. It's only useful for so long and after you've looked through all your old crap, the fad wears off. After one scan through, I highly doubt I'll ever even click the thing again. Also, this doesn't really feel like a 'new' feature if you catch my drift.
At least make the next 'new' feature something more beneficial.
I very much so like this new feature. I've only been actively using this site for a year and a couple months, so the 'change in maturity' doesn't really apply to me but I've seen many of my friends having a riot about reading their stuff from several years ago.
I'm also fond of the creeper protection and, well, even though I was wary of people stalking my comments at first it's not like overly personal things would be posted in a non-private world anyways.
Thumbs up, Adam.
I proposed this a while back myself. A feature that hides medals and gifts leaving 3-4 rows visible hiding the rest under a "Click to view more gifts" option. Click that and the gifts unfold.
I think it is a good feature. I have way too many comments to browse through on my portfolio though... Haha. If anything I think this will encourage people to leave better more constructive comments on art and such.
I'm glad to hear this Comment History.
Aside of that, I'm also glad to that privacy on All comments on friends-only worlds are marked 'PRIVATE' to people other than yourself. It's so good to hear that *smiles*
This comment history also helps me amuse myself reading all the comments written on my portfolio and others...
Separating artworks and stuffs really helps me and other memebers to find the comments written on it. So.....
And yeah... About this stuff... Sometimes, it really makes me smiles all of a sudden... *smiles*
THANK YOU for making this Adam... *bows and smiles*
Well, I don't mind that new feature. I don't especially like it but since it's already like that everywhere, I won't complain.
I just think some other things more "important" can be improved. For example, the medals take a lot of place on a portfolio after some time and I feel mean when I have to hide some gifts of my friends lol
I agree with Solenm Serpent and Katana, this is a great feature and I thank you for implementing it, Adam. From what I gather looking at both sides of the argument, there are a lot more positive points than negative and the negative ones can be dealt with pretty easily (creep not leaving you alone? add them to your ignore list or report them).
Also, twilight samurai's idea is pretty good; having separate sections for Wallpapers, Fan Art and so on would definitely help if you're looking for a particular comment.
All in all, I approve of this feature wholeheartedly. Now off to embarrass myself by reading six years' worth of comments!
Edit: in regards to the first point, that's what I've been trying to say in this entire debate: YOU are responsible for what you post. YOU are stupid if you give out your full name, address and whatever else to the world without knowing the possible outcomes. Comments are useful for getting to know someone: Worlds are basically "me me me", but comments show how you treat others.
Last edited by sweetdevil at 3:59:44 AM CST on January 2, 2012.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
People who are seriously bothered by this feature probably shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. If you're going to post something to a public web site, you should be prepared for anyone and everyone to be able to see it. Expecting otherwise is just foolish.
I will say there was a rousing response of disgust to the fact that we had a pervert lurking our site.
I find your reference to this rather ironic seeing that I just banned two accounts by this persistent pervert in the last week. Creepers don't go away and comments that take more time to track down doesn't deter them one bit. So getting rid of the new feature wouldn't slow them down or stop true predators at all. If it is on the net and public in any manner, they can and will view it. There is no getting around it.
However, if you could just turn that feature off, that eliminates any usefulness for staff.
That isn't entirely true. I already had access to viewing comments if needed. We had a limited ability to do so with the previous version before VV. This new deal has some improvements over the previous ability to track comments and yet still has some limitations that we didn't have before.
So in reality this is more of something that is finally being brought back only on a much larger and more inclusive scale. Anyway, I know that if Adam does add a feature that lets people toggle it off, I will insist that it does not work for staff.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I think this is kind of a fun idea. I mean sure, I can see the downside of other people being able to see comments that some might be embarrassed about. Still, I think the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. Not only is it a very good way to weed out any potential internet creepers, but it's also a good way to get to know some of the other people here on TheO.
This seems kind of unnecessary and kind of dumb and looks like it can be exploited. I think it would also help creepers by giving them the opportunity to have someone's comments for up to eight and a half years for some of us. Besides, if you're worried about privacy, then the internet probably isn't for you. Nice try, Adam, but I'm not quite feeling it.
I find this new feature not so useful and I wasn't hoping for something like this. If you provide the option to hide this feature, I would choose to hide it.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
I like the idea, and you gave very valid reasons for providing this functionality.
When I went back to my Portfolio, it took me a few moments to figure out where I would view my comments. The "Comments" part of the Portfolio isn't the most conspicuous field... After clicking it, I found myself face-to-face with every single comment I have ever made. (Yes, I know you said this would be the case. :))
My feedback: It would be nice to somehow separate or segregate my comments. Perhaps we could also be given the ability to view comments we've made on Fan Art or on eCards, etc. Scrolling through (in my case) 50-some pages of comments is overwhelming and a bit taxing, unless I had tons of time on my hand or was extremely bored one day.
Thanks for keeping us in mind, Adam. You're doing a great job! (And bring on the next challenge! Any time. Any place. >:D)
Last edited by twilight samurai at 11:23:47 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Ahh, this is a pretty interesting feature!. It has its ups and i's downs, which I'm sure will be resolved through time (and even if they aren't, it's still nice). I may never use it because oh my lord my comments were absolute crap way back in the day... I had some good, but many, many n00b ones. Thanks, Bossman!
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's a rule to abide by in real life, and I don't see why that isn't a rule you should abide by online. I can't help but feel that the only reason people really want their comments private is because they want to hide them from certain people.
The features that are in place respect your privacy where you have marked it private. All this feature does is make it easier to track down your comments; it's not like it brings them back from being deleted or what have you.
Anyhow, I said my bit on the post congratulating us for breaking the goal, which can be summed up as "ahh nostalgia" and "oh dang I've been here a very long time".
Last edited by Katana at 11:10:49 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Well... haters are gonna hate I guess. Oh well, I think it is cool, I get to see what I wrote from back then. Whether it serves a purpose or not is not important to me. It's all fun stuff.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Oh awesome =3 I was actually hoping for a feature like this =^_^= It also helps those more popular members who get more than maybe 50 comments in one day so they don't miss any =3 And now I can go back and check for important info X3 haha
The new feature was actually more helpful than I thought when I had to look for a previous challenge that I had wanted to enter, but forgot to. ^^
Oh, and I want to ask if this is just a bug for me or what, but my comment trophy (it was gold) is now gone! It was there this morning....I think.
I can't say I find the new feature terribly useful, other than to amuse myself by viewing my n00b-ish comments back in '10, but I think it'll be a nice addition to the site. I don't much care either way, but as long as its for users-only, I think many will feel more comfortable with it. TheO is a fantastic site, either way~ :3
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Wow...I can read my comments from all the way back in 2004 O_o I'm bound to find lots of fun memories in there! Thanks for the new feature - I like it! Although I can see the benefits of letting members choose whether their comments are available for others to read or not.
We should keep it because people love the sheer amuseing factor of it, and we shouldn't take that away. Although for people who find it unerving we should allow it to be removed, much like the notification for when you get a subscriber. That feature can be turned on or off if you please. Personly- thats the way to go here.
In the end, I think you're right about this (especially as it seems to be a common feature on other sites). I definitely think people should give it a chance. Let's have a "test-drive" period. Maybe check in and see if sentiments have changed on this one later on, after the feature has gotten some use.
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Alright. So here's the thing. I am not entirely against this idea, but I've just been test-driving the feature - delving through other people's comments - and really, I kind of felt like a bit of a stalker. (So I basically won't be doing that very much).
What if we had different levels of visibility for comments? Maybe the first page of comments would be visible to friends only, etc., and after that, other people can't see the comments. Perhaps this could just be a choice - individuals could choose if they want to show a limited number of comments, or show them all. And they would, of course have access to all of their own comments.
I'm still not totally against this idea. But I thought I might throw some other ideas out there.
I think wanting to make this feature optional defeats the purpose of the feature entirely. Especially with the idea of 'Creeper Protection'. If only members can read your comments, and private comments can only be seen by you, then what is there to hide? Other sites certainly don't offer the option of turning it off and I doubt this update would make any sense if the op-out option were added. :/
I say, stick to your guns Adam. There were those who disliked Version Vibrant when it came out, and those who were strongly against the front page revision, but each addition has had it's ups and downs, and the site is better with them.
I think is a great design! It might benefit us and also a tinge of amusement... I'm already looking through my comments of the past, I came upon so many awesome memories.
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I really don't have any particular concerns about this. It looks like the necessary protections are in place (only members can see it, etc.), and I might be interested in using it to some extent regarding:
" can browse that person's comments and learn a lot from their feedback to other members."
Perhaps in the future we'll be able to search our own comments by keywords or category (comments on fanart, on worlds, etc). That would really make things interesting.
You guys are good, ill give you that. You put up some very convincing arguments to keep the feature in place. And you can't really argue with them. Its not a invation of privicy because there already public, and it is a saftey feature because many people can be a witness to any flaming.
I'm still not a fan though.
If perhaps there was a feature that would allow you to turn off outside veiwing, or even just make it avalible to you and yourself only Id be more down with it.
It all seems a little to... off for me. Like we're putting ourselfs out there more and more for people to see. Its a tad but unsettling, and is a slight bit queer all around.
I'm mostly indifferent on the whole issue, not ecstatic about it nor am I freakishly worried. The idea has actually grown on me in the last 24 hours. My two cents on the debate is that there should be consideration to having some kind of on/off option, or a way to make it so only you have access to the master list of all your comments (as opposed to every member of theO). I'm sure it would calm all the worries of people wigging out over this.
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
I was a little worried about it at first but now that you've pointed out that only members can view it and it keeps the amount of trolling down (although I honestly haven't seen more than 5 trolling comments on here) I feel better about it.
I think it's a good idea, though. :)
So interesting! I never would have guessed! I'm gonna be using this feature for sure^^ And hopefully I'll stop saying anything that will embarrass me in the future >//u//< Thanks for not raising the comment total higher after 5000, Adam!... though I'm sure we'd never back down from another challenge Happy New year!
THANK YOU. Those last two statements were what I wanted to hear. <3 What I was concerned about. The whole friends-only thing and if only members can read them. :) I think I have too many comments for it to work. I tried going to the last page (of my comments, to see the really old ones)...but I got an error lol. Probably because they were from myO or the older versions?? Or just that having over 14,000 comments is too much to handle? XD
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 9:08:44 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Finally. I have been trying to explain all of these points to those who are flipping out. Maybe if it's coming from you guys, people will listen even more. :/
Overall, thank you for the new feature Adam! I love all of the new edits and additions you're making to the site.
Witty members and laughing at their witty comments.
I have no idea why that made me laugh so hard xD
I love looking at my old comments. Especially since it's been a whole year for me! (even longer for some people!) and it's exactly like I said: same old song and dance. People were pissed, now they're okay with it.
Well, at first I honestly thought this was a little creepy, but it is kind of helpful. I like to look back on old conversations and laugh my little maniac head offXD. That being said, this isn't bad in the least. >XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/07/12 | Reply
Wait, how do I check my comments?
I went to my portfolio but nothing's changed lol, yeah I'm slow.....
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
Hey wait! I JUST noticed that my comments trophy disappeared! But I worked so hard to get my gold trophy...Sadface.
Why did they disappear?
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
You da boss, bossman!!
*goes to check out comment*
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
This sounds like fun!! ^-^ whoo-Hoo!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Mine went too T.T
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/03/12 | Reply
My comment trophy is gone. What happened?? And why the error page often comes out? I hope you can delete all comments that don't exist. And one more thing, why do I have 2 new PMs which never exist.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
That is weird. :/ It's happened to a lot of people...but not you lol! My ruby trophy is gone!!! ;__;
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
@snow fox:
I know! D; Especially because that's what I'm usually looking for.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Yes, but now everyone can see it! EVERYONE.
Love thy Evangelion.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Ah! This is really fun! I like the new idea~!
...Though...I'm still waiting for the time when this website (or any website) has a feature that shows that a comment has been read or gives you a link if you have been mentioned in a post...but that'd be too complex. I just feel like DA needs that the most, though, because it's hard to dedicate pics to people...O.o;
Woah, sorry for the rant...XD I just am having fun with this. I can see how my online speech has changed over the years! XD
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Isn't that what you usually do?
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I am going to celebrate by commenting with all sorts of awful stuff that everyone can see!
Love thy Evangelion.
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
i don't comment much so...
it's pretty meh for me lD;;
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Next thing ya know, there'll be a little chat box down in the corner of your page so you can chat to people on your Friends List when they're online. =w=b
*brick'd, bagged, burned, and buried*
I kinda like the new feature. Just gonna say. *single nod*
And, then... I met you.
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
@Alazne Chan:
I agree with this! It also applies to your favorited fanart...
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Wow, just noticed this as well, lol. Glad I'm not the only one!
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Ditto! I was just going to say...the comments trophy disappeared. ;__;
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I just noticed that my Comments trophy has disappeared...=/
Strange. Oh well x3 I think that, all in all, I like this new feature. It'll be fun to stalk other people's comments >:3 Haha, just kidding. I think that it'll be easier to look up some of your older comments, cause I always felt that the ones that were shown on the comment dashboard were gone too soon, you know?^^ Maybe it would be a good thing to be able to put the privacy setting for comments to 'just friends' though - maybe some people don't want everyone browsing their comments. But it's cool!^^
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
This is so awesome! ^^ But I would like the feature to be able to delete past comments from it if the source where I commented isn't available anymore. >.< It's incredibly frustrating when I see a snippet of a comment only to see that the page/item doesn't exist anymore.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Not sure what you're getting at here, since theO has privacy settings. If people leave their worlds open or comment on other open posts and say something they shouldn't, that's their own fault.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Oh, sweet! Thank you so much! I feel much less stupid now.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I'm not even kidding. Oh my gosh. It's probably a huge ginormous impossible to miss button, isn't it?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I legit can't find it. Oh my goodness, I'm such a blonde...
Fembot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I have made suggestions in the past and I always do them privately. This is not the place to be adding suggestions, as it that is not what the question was. Adam asked what we thought of it, I simply stated my opinion. I would recommend taking this to PM if you have such an issue with my statement.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Well then, while we're on the subject, how about a list of things that, in your opinion, need fixing or improvement, along with solutions and suggestions towards fixing them?
Simply saying "there are bigger fish to fry" isn't really helpful at all. In order to accomplish anything, you also gotta point out where to start fishing, and suggest the kind of bait to use.
star petals
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Sounds great! I especially like that Worlds comments will be private - thank you for considering that!
Daemon Devourer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
W-wow..was I seriously that..weird? Oi, how embarassing!
Ah well, brings back some pretty good memories, I guess. Meh, I got nothing to hide, lol. I seemed to overuse somethings though... >>'
Eh, not bad. Not bad at all..very new, in fact.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I think it is a nice idea so far but we'll have to see it in action!I hope that works out well since leaving a comment is one of the most common activities on this site.
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Wow. My old comments were so cutesy. I didn't realize how often I left off my sentences with =^_^=. And I said kawaii way too much.
I tried taking a look back at my first couple of comments but the comment history doesn't work well on super old news feeds.
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
...oh dear, I can see my old noob comments again :'D that oughta cause some laughs.
~*FABULOUS MAX*~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Offtopic but please, submitting a standard resolution wallpaper...can you stop making this mandatory? Please ;__;
Fembot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
That's why a lot of sites have something called 'privacy settings'. :P
Fembot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
It feels a little pointless to me when there are so many other things that need fixing/improving. It's only useful for so long and after you've looked through all your old crap, the fad wears off. After one scan through, I highly doubt I'll ever even click the thing again. Also, this doesn't really feel like a 'new' feature if you catch my drift.
At least make the next 'new' feature something more beneficial.
Felix the Cat
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I very much so like this new feature. I've only been actively using this site for a year and a couple months, so the 'change in maturity' doesn't really apply to me but I've seen many of my friends having a riot about reading their stuff from several years ago.
I'm also fond of the creeper protection and, well, even though I was wary of people stalking my comments at first it's not like overly personal things would be posted in a non-private world anyways.
Thumbs up, Adam.
Moderator | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I proposed this a while back myself. A feature that hides medals and gifts leaving 3-4 rows visible hiding the rest under a "Click to view more gifts" option. Click that and the gifts unfold.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I think it is a good feature. I have way too many comments to browse through on my portfolio though... Haha. If anything I think this will encourage people to leave better more constructive comments on art and such.
alexea arescia
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I'm glad to hear this Comment History.
Aside of that, I'm also glad to that privacy on All comments on friends-only worlds are marked 'PRIVATE' to people other than yourself. It's so good to hear that *smiles*
This comment history also helps me amuse myself reading all the comments written on my portfolio and others...
Separating artworks and stuffs really helps me and other memebers to find the comments written on it. So.....
And yeah... About this stuff... Sometimes, it really makes me smiles all of a sudden... *smiles*
THANK YOU for making this Adam... *bows and smiles*
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Well, I don't mind that new feature. I don't especially like it but since it's already like that everywhere, I won't complain.
I just think some other things more "important" can be improved. For example, the medals take a lot of place on a portfolio after some time and I feel mean when I have to hide some gifts of my friends lol
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I agree with Solenm Serpent and Katana, this is a great feature and I thank you for implementing it, Adam. From what I gather looking at both sides of the argument, there are a lot more positive points than negative and the negative ones can be dealt with pretty easily (creep not leaving you alone? add them to your ignore list or report them).
Also, twilight samurai's idea is pretty good; having separate sections for Wallpapers, Fan Art and so on would definitely help if you're looking for a particular comment.
All in all, I approve of this feature wholeheartedly. Now off to embarrass myself by reading six years' worth of comments!
Edit: in regards to the first point, that's what I've been trying to say in this entire debate: YOU are responsible for what you post. YOU are stupid if you give out your full name, address and whatever else to the world without knowing the possible outcomes. Comments are useful for getting to know someone: Worlds are basically "me me me", but comments show how you treat others.
Last edited by sweetdevil at 3:59:44 AM CST on January 2, 2012.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
People who are seriously bothered by this feature probably shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. If you're going to post something to a public web site, you should be prepared for anyone and everyone to be able to see it. Expecting otherwise is just foolish.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Same here, I was pretty much like this:
>:33 this is such a kawaii update, I can't wait to see more!

Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I wonder what stupid things I said when I was 12/13~
Oh lawdy.
Last edited by jeweloflife at 1:38:08 AM CST on January 2, 2012.
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I will say there was a rousing response of disgust to the fact that we had a pervert lurking our site.
I find your reference to this rather ironic seeing that I just banned two accounts by this persistent pervert in the last week. Creepers don't go away and comments that take more time to track down doesn't deter them one bit. So getting rid of the new feature wouldn't slow them down or stop true predators at all. If it is on the net and public in any manner, they can and will view it. There is no getting around it.
However, if you could just turn that feature off, that eliminates any usefulness for staff.
That isn't entirely true. I already had access to viewing comments if needed. We had a limited ability to do so with the previous version before VV. This new deal has some improvements over the previous ability to track comments and yet still has some limitations that we didn't have before.
So in reality this is more of something that is finally being brought back only on a much larger and more inclusive scale. Anyway, I know that if Adam does add a feature that lets people toggle it off, I will insist that it does not work for staff.
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
I think this is kind of a fun idea. I mean sure, I can see the downside of other people being able to see comments that some might be embarrassed about. Still, I think the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. Not only is it a very good way to weed out any potential internet creepers, but it's also a good way to get to know some of the other people here on TheO.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
For your entire comment, ---> x
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
Sometimes when I click on my old comment, an error page comes up.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/12 | Reply
This seems kind of unnecessary and kind of dumb and looks like it can be exploited. I think it would also help creepers by giving them the opportunity to have someone's comments for up to eight and a half years for some of us. Besides, if you're worried about privacy, then the internet probably isn't for you. Nice try, Adam, but I'm not quite feeling it.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I'm fairly indifferent concerning this new feature. I think it's a bit of a waste, personally. I wouldn't mind if there were an on/off switch to this.
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I find this new feature not so useful and I wasn't hoping for something like this. If you provide the option to hide this feature, I would choose to hide it.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
2008? Try from 2005!!! ;) I was such a n00b then... Still am in some ways. :)
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I like the idea, and you gave very valid reasons for providing this functionality.
When I went back to my Portfolio, it took me a few moments to figure out where I would view my comments. The "Comments" part of the Portfolio isn't the most conspicuous field... After clicking it, I found myself face-to-face with every single comment I have ever made. (Yes, I know you said this would be the case. :))
My feedback: It would be nice to somehow separate or segregate my comments. Perhaps we could also be given the ability to view comments we've made on Fan Art or on eCards, etc. Scrolling through (in my case) 50-some pages of comments is overwhelming and a bit taxing, unless I had tons of time on my hand or was extremely bored one day.
Thanks for keeping us in mind, Adam. You're doing a great job! (And bring on the next challenge! Any time. Any place. >:D)
Last edited by twilight samurai at 11:23:47 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Transient Rain (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I am excited to see how this works...
I am not entirely sure I'll use it often but then agian I said that with worlds too. XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Ahh, this is a pretty interesting feature!. It has its ups and i's downs, which I'm sure will be resolved through time (and even if they aren't, it's still nice).
I may never use it because oh my lord my comments were absolute crap way back in the day... I had some good, but many, many n00b ones.Thanks, Bossman!Katana
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's a rule to abide by in real life, and I don't see why that isn't a rule you should abide by online. I can't help but feel that the only reason people really want their comments private is because they want to hide them from certain people.
The features that are in place respect your privacy where you have marked it private. All this feature does is make it easier to track down your comments; it's not like it brings them back from being deleted or what have you.
Anyhow, I said my bit on the post congratulating us for breaking the goal, which can be summed up as "ahh nostalgia" and "oh dang I've been here a very long time".
Last edited by Katana at 11:10:49 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Well... haters are gonna hate I guess. Oh well, I think it is cool, I get to see what I wrote from back then. Whether it serves a purpose or not is not important to me. It's all fun stuff.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Oh awesome =3 I was actually hoping for a feature like this =^_^= It also helps those more popular members who get more than maybe 50 comments in one day so they don't miss any =3 And now I can go back and check for important info X3 haha
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
yeah, totally. Not everyone feels the same, and it should be set for how you would like it
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
The new feature was actually more helpful than I thought when I had to look for a previous challenge that I had wanted to enter, but forgot to. ^^
Oh, and I want to ask if this is just a bug for me or what, but my comment trophy (it was gold) is now gone! It was there this morning....I think.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I can't say I find the new feature terribly useful, other than to amuse myself by viewing my n00b-ish comments back in '10, but I think it'll be a nice addition to the site. I don't much care either way, but as long as its for users-only, I think many will feel more comfortable with it. TheO is a fantastic site, either way~ :3
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Gosh, comments from 2008.
Nearly 4 years ago.
Holy. D:
It's pretty cool though. 8D
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Wow...I can read my comments from all the way back in 2004 O_o I'm bound to find lots of fun memories in there! Thanks for the new feature - I like it! Although I can see the benefits of letting members choose whether their comments are available for others to read or not.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
We should keep it because people love the sheer amuseing factor of it, and we shouldn't take that away. Although for people who find it unerving we should allow it to be removed, much like the notification for when you get a subscriber. That feature can be turned on or off if you please. Personly- thats the way to go here.
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
In the end, I think you're right about this (especially as it seems to be a common feature on other sites). I definitely think people should give it a chance. Let's have a "test-drive" period. Maybe check in and see if sentiments have changed on this one later on, after the feature has gotten some use.
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Alright. So here's the thing. I am not entirely against this idea, but I've just been test-driving the feature - delving through other people's comments - and really, I kind of felt like a bit of a stalker. (So I basically won't be doing that very much).
What if we had different levels of visibility for comments? Maybe the first page of comments would be visible to friends only, etc., and after that, other people can't see the comments. Perhaps this could just be a choice - individuals could choose if they want to show a limited number of comments, or show them all. And they would, of course have access to all of their own comments.
I'm still not totally against this idea. But I thought I might throw some other ideas out there.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I think wanting to make this feature optional defeats the purpose of the feature entirely. Especially with the idea of 'Creeper Protection'. If only members can read your comments, and private comments can only be seen by you, then what is there to hide? Other sites certainly don't offer the option of turning it off and I doubt this update would make any sense if the op-out option were added. :/
I say, stick to your guns Adam. There were those who disliked Version Vibrant when it came out, and those who were strongly against the front page revision, but each addition has had it's ups and downs, and the site is better with them.
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I agree all the way. They should keep it, but we should decide if we want it on our accounts or not
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I think is a great design! It might benefit us and also a tinge of amusement... I'm already looking through my comments of the past, I came upon so many awesome memories.
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I really don't have any particular concerns about this. It looks like the necessary protections are in place (only members can see it, etc.), and I might be interested in using it to some extent regarding:
" can browse that person's comments and learn a lot from their feedback to other members."
Perhaps in the future we'll be able to search our own comments by keywords or category (comments on fanart, on worlds, etc). That would really make things interesting.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
You guys are good, ill give you that. You put up some very convincing arguments to keep the feature in place. And you can't really argue with them. Its not a invation of privicy because there already public, and it is a saftey feature because many people can be a witness to any flaming.
I'm still not a fan though.
If perhaps there was a feature that would allow you to turn off outside veiwing, or even just make it avalible to you and yourself only Id be more down with it.
It all seems a little to... off for me. Like we're putting ourselfs out there more and more for people to see. Its a tad but unsettling, and is a slight bit queer all around.
I'll vote against.
Matt Tsuki
Dark Flame 3479
Infiltrator (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I'm mostly indifferent on the whole issue, not ecstatic about it nor am I freakishly worried. The idea has actually grown on me in the last 24 hours. My two cents on the debate is that there should be consideration to having some kind of on/off option, or a way to make it so only you have access to the master list of all your comments (as opposed to every member of theO). I'm sure it would calm all the worries of people wigging out over this.
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
It's "hello," sir. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
I was a little worried about it at first but now that you've pointed out that only members can view it and it keeps the amount of trolling down (although I honestly haven't seen more than 5 trolling comments on here) I feel better about it.
I think it's a good idea, though. :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
So interesting!
I never would have guessed! I'm gonna be using this feature for sure^^ And hopefully I'll stop saying anything that will embarrass me in the future >//u//< Thanks
Happy New year!
for not raising the comment total higher after 5000, Adam!... though I'm sure we'd never back down from another challenge21Emmz12
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Oh thank you! :D
C yaz!! ^^
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
THANK YOU. Those last two statements were what I wanted to hear. <3 What I was concerned about. The whole friends-only thing and if only members can read them. :) I think I have too many comments for it to work. I tried going to the last page (of my comments, to see the really old ones)...but I got an error lol. Probably because they were from myO or the older versions?? Or just that having over 14,000 comments is too much to handle? XD
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 9:08:44 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Finally. I have been trying to explain all of these points to those who are flipping out. Maybe if it's coming from you guys, people will listen even more. :/
Overall, thank you for the new feature Adam! I love all of the new edits and additions you're making to the site.
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
All fixed now
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Witty members and laughing at their witty comments.
I have no idea why that made me laugh so hard xD
I love looking at my old comments. Especially since it's been a whole year for me! (even longer for some people!) and it's exactly like I said: same old song and dance. People were pissed, now they're okay with it.
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Very cool idea! :D
But when i click on it, an error page comes up saying "Sorry, this member doesn't exist" :S
C yaz!! ♫
Last edited by 21Emmz12 at 9:05:52 PM CST on January 1, 2012.
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
This is a cool feature. I've amused myself by looking at my old comments. Oh how i've matured. xD
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
My issus comes from my old account, want those comments gone then it should be good.
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/01/12 | Reply
Well, at first I honestly thought this was a little creepy, but it is kind of helpful. I like to look back on old conversations and laugh my little maniac head off
XD. That being said, this isn't bad in the least. >XD