It seems that the e-card that I made out of an available fanart is not being accepted, Adam. When I tried the second time, staff comments said, "You cannot use fan art made by someone else." I'm sure I have pasted the source url also both times, but I still can't get accepted for some reason.
Adam, is the wallpaper not supposed to show the shared artwork link until the wallpaper has been approved? Or should it show even before it's been approved?
Thanks for the reply! Yup, I see your point, but I'll probably just link it in the description. :)
Also, I might want to post my own work outside theO, so I think it'll be less confusing for those hunting down the wallpapers/e-cards posted elsewhere, next time. Might be just me over-thinking Still, thanks!
Exactly. I agree with you, it would be far easier if we could do the reverse option and make selected fanarts available for use, rather than vice versa.
And everyone in the subscriptions list being notified when we change the fanarts' status.. I only had about 5 to do, and I'm already cringing at the spammage it must be lol. Let alone those who have them in double, triple digits to go through. @-@
Then again, it's for the better good in the future? ... :S It would be good if there is a work-about.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
The wallpaper instructions should say "use" between "you are allowed to" and "certain fan art".
And the page still says "If you are submitting a wallpaper or an eCard, do not include someone else's fan art in your submission. Screen captures only!" Shouldn't this be corrected?
Last edited by wallpaperotaku at 6:10:54 PM CST on January 30, 2012.
I'm grateful for the new feature, Adam, but when I tried to select to block some of my fan art from being used by other members of thsi website, the ones I tried blocking from use each still shows the comment "Available to use" next to the sign saying "Sourced by" with the "You're allowed to use this piece for your wallpapers and ecards if you: (1) paste this page's URL when you submit them and (2) agree not to upload your new work outside" message underneath the "sourced by" status comment.
The individual button does not seem to be working for me. I have my backroom permissions left untouched, and when I go to edit a certain piece to block it from being used, it still says that the piece is available for use...?
"It would also be nice if we could change the option for a certain fanart, even though we checked the "block theo designers(...)" box in the backroom."
I just played with this, and we can get this, if we uncheck that box, and individually change the options for each fanart. Does seem a bit of a hassle for those with ~100 pieces in their gallery, to do though. xD
Small Question: If an artist uses their own fanart to make a card/wallpaper, is it a rule that they have to paste the fanart's url into that box? ^^
Administrator | Posted 02/04/12 | Reply
@superstarpanou: You did not link the url. Only that you used fan art made by someone else. Try resubmitting with the url linked.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/04/12 | Reply
It seems that the e-card that I made out of an available fanart is not being accepted, Adam. When I tried the second time, staff comments said, "You cannot use fan art made by someone else." I'm sure I have pasted the source url also both times, but I still can't get accepted for some reason.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply
I see! Thanks~ *adds it to list of things n00bs didn't know* :3 So only editing world posts send out notifs then? kk
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply
Adam, is the wallpaper not supposed to show the shared artwork link until the wallpaper has been approved? Or should it show even before it's been approved?
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/31/12 | Reply

Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Your friends aren't notified when you edit art, only when you submit.
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Thanks for the heads up WO
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
This is great! I can't wait to turn some of my favorite artists' drawings into wallpapers/e-cards! :3
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Thanks for the reply! Yup, I see your point, but I'll probably just link it in the description. :)
Also, I might want to post my own work outside theO, so I think it'll be less confusing for those hunting down the wallpapers/e-cards posted elsewhere, next time.
Might be just me over-thinkingStill, thanks!Aoz0ra
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Exactly. I agree with you, it would be far easier if we could do the reverse option and make selected fanarts available for use, rather than vice versa.
And everyone in the subscriptions list being notified when we change the fanarts' status.. I only had about 5 to do, and I'm already cringing at the spammage it must be lol. Let alone those who have them in double, triple digits to go through. @-@
Then again, it's for the better good in the future? ... :S It would be good if there is a work-about.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
The wallpaper instructions should say "use" between "you are allowed to" and "certain fan art".
And the page still says "If you are submitting a wallpaper or an eCard, do not include someone else's fan art in your submission. Screen captures only!" Shouldn't this be corrected?
Last edited by wallpaperotaku at 6:10:54 PM CST on January 30, 2012.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Perfect! Thanks :D
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Sounds interesting, that's for sure.
Let's hope this doesn't blow up somethin' fierce, yo!
Protos Heis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
I doubt people would even use my drawings unless they did recoloring. lol
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
It should work now, let me know if it doesn't
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
I appreciate this new feature, but ah... err... same thing that Ritona Raito and stararnold said.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 3:04:47 PM CST on January 30, 2012.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
I'm grateful for the new feature, Adam, but when I tried to select to block some of my fan art from being used by other members of thsi website, the ones I tried blocking from use each still shows the comment "Available to use" next to the sign saying "Sourced by" with the "You're allowed to use this piece for your wallpapers and ecards if you: (1) paste this page's URL when you submit them and (2) agree not to upload your new work outside" message underneath the "sourced by" status comment.
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
The individual button does not seem to be working for me. I have my backroom permissions left untouched, and when I go to edit a certain piece to block it from being used, it still says that the piece is available for use...?
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
The problem with direct click-to-submit is that then it's impossible to submit a work to a challenge with a sourced fan art
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
Fantastic! Thanks Adam.
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
You don't have to check it but it'll help cross-link them for your fans
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/12 | Reply
"It would also be nice if we could change the option for a certain fanart, even though we checked the "block theo designers(...)" box in the backroom."
I just played with this, and we can get this, if we uncheck that box, and individually change the options for each fanart. Does seem a bit of a hassle for those with ~100 pieces in their gallery, to do though. xD
Small Question: If an artist uses their own fanart to make a card/wallpaper, is it a rule that they have to paste the fanart's url into that box? ^^