Mine was Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura.Cardcaptor Sakura was the fist anime I had watched in my life, when I was 9. That is also why I keep him close to my heart.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/21/12 | Reply
OMFG, YES! JADE CURTISS IS DA SMEX! XD (sorry for yelling XD lol) Even though he's over 10 years older than I am, doesn't matter, he's freakin awesome =eue=
Omg ... I Love ................. Usui Takumi. I know misaki and usui are meant for each other but i still love him. He's always been the famous "perverted outer-space alien"
XD omg. well, when i was a youngen, i had a crush on Yami from yu-gi-oh. or at least i said i did, but back then i had no idea what anime was at the time. when i did know what anime was, i had a crush on naruto from, well, naruto. XD it's like, no matter how old we are, the characters from any show we like, there will always be one that we get a crush on. let it be from some sort of animated series like Naruto or Generator Rex, to a show with real people in it, but playing a character, like one of my favs Supernatural(which just so happens to have been turned into an anime since it's creation >w<).
Last edited by AnimeGal816 at 8:31:05 PM CST on February 17, 2012.
this is probably late but it was the men from vampire knight. more specifically Zero. He was IT when I first became an otaku. and he still is. especially with that bod.*insert wolf whistle here*
LOL!~ You made me laugh so much!XD
Yup,I was so kid,but I loved him!^_^ I was cheering for him to win fights,even though he's the villain!XD LOL!So funny!~~ > ¬ <
You're right!"One of the screaming Shishi fan girls"!XD
[Although I didn't know what was to be a fan girl at that time!XD LOL!]
Mewtwo! Yes, the Pokemon. That was the only anime crush I ever had. Really, I've moved on from falling in love with fictional characters. But I haven't moved on too far 'cause I'm in love with a rock star, now.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
The funny thing is I never first thought of having a fictional character as a crush when I became an anime fan during the 1990s, but ya' know, things kinda' kicked in as time went by. My first anime crush, if I remember right, was probably Merle from The Vision of Escaflowne. What attracted me about Merle was how she gets attached to the ones she loves (especially Van) as well as her pink hair and somewhat kawaii catgirl face.
My list of anime crushes continue on to this day, even to include characters, ecen to include those of anime I've seen before watching The Vision of Escalfowne (Maetel from Galaxy Express 999 for example).
Last edited by stararnold at 11:23:33 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
First anime crush? Hmm... it had to be Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, I think that was my first anime. Or Li from Card Captors :). Bokura from the original YuGiOh! Yah, it's one of those people. Good times :D.... I really can't remember, mwahahaha.
Hmmm... First anime crush eh?
Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Totally ruined many future crushes for other bishie for me, this guy. "Enter-name-of-Shoujo-hero can't fight as convincingly, isn't as courteous, isn't as funny, isn't as handsome, doesn't have magnifecento red hair, is too brash, is too stupid, is always just trying to bully their girls, and then always gets away with it and make girls fall them - he suckkksss. =3=" <-- Me, then. Poor Ash Ketchum had less attraction for me than Pikachu had. x3
And now I'm giggling at Usui Takumi (Kaichou wa Maid-sama) and Kudou Senri (Seiyuu ka!). What is wrong with me, tell me? I've regressed!
I admit, Yu Yu Hakusho's Kurama was a crush too (red hair, red hair and flower whips la di da + the unexpected lolfaces), along with Hiei, Yosuke, Young!Genkai, and - Er, yes, Genkai, the lady. A female. ._. Maybe not so much a crush than fangirling... But I had my few favourites of pretty, kickass women back then. Like CyberSix. :x
Probably Roy Mustang. I like him a lot in personality and looks. FMA was one of the very 1st anime I watched (it and Inuyasha introduced me to anime) and he was the 1st anime character I was attracted to.
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Edward Elric. :3 He's so little and cute. I found him irresistable when I first discovered that series when I was 13. And then there was a time when I couldn't decide between him and Roy. But I chose Ed. ^_^
Lol, now that I think about it every single time I pick up manga or watch anime, I fall in love with someone. my first would have to be Sasuke from Naruto. I loved Hanabusa Aido from Vampire Knight for a long time, but as soon as I saw Momiji Sohma's face- I fell in love with him. He is not only my favorite zodiac animal, but he's also blonde and adorable! Who could ask for anything more out of an anime character??? Thank you Fruits Basket!!!!
My first? You had to pick something I may or may not remember, didn't you? XD I think it was Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew. He's always had an extremely special place in my heart because we're really similar. (In my opinion) He really loves Ichigo, but doesn't know how to show it well. I'm the same way; I'm very violent and I guess tsundere. I have no idea how to show my affection other than a good slap on the back of the head and pretending like I don't care what happens. So I see a lot of myself in him and that is probably why he was my first anime crush. Plus, he's freakin' hot! XD
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
LOL!~ I don't remember very well,but I think my first anime crush was Shishiwakamaru from Yu Yu Hakusho!XD Haha!~ I'm not sure that...But yey I liked his hair!XD [Chibi-Shishiwakamaru is very cute!~ >///<]
I'm not one for anime crushes but I'll be honest I think Larxene from Kingdom Hearts is pretty hot. Same goes for Ed. Yes when I was younger I thought Ed from Cowboy Bebop was cute.
Mine was Shirogane Ryou / Elliot from Tokyo Mew Mew. It was the first anime i ever watched. theta was before i became an otaku and a complete closet fangirl.
current KYA moments are Kaito, Kiyoteru, Sebastian (kuroshitsuji), Usui (Maid-sama) and sadly, many many more.
Last edited by SakuraNorkus at 7:40:31 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
I know! Sometimes, you look back and you're like, "Really? Why did I do that?" ._. I know I'm guilty of liking a few characters who definitely weren't human... but nowadays, all the guys that I like certainly are human :)
*high fives* No need to be embarrassed lol!! Same here! I was probably also 5 or whatever. Hahahaa. XD But I was obsessed like a crush. Though I did go for Knuckles a bit later. >3> A little strange maybe, but oh well! XD Now I'm just like "wow, I can't believe I was in love with a hedgehog."
O_O You too?? That was one of the characters I didn't want to admit! But I might as well now. When I was five, I liked Sonic sooo much... I don't know if I'd call it a "crush", but I called him "my hero" and even had cute little Sonic sandals :3 He and I even share the same birthday :D Nowadays, he's pretty cool and a bit nostalgic... like an old friend :)
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 5:49:00 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Lololol. My FIRST crush was Sonic the Hedgehog. XD And he isn't exactly human. >> But my brothers would play the games on sega genesis, and I'd watch the cartoon when I was little...got a crush on him...but then when FF7 came out (I was what, 7 or 8 years old then?) I fell HARD for Cloud. XDDD BUT. Anime-wise, first one was Legato from Trigun. I was so obsessed lol.
If video games are open then Tifa Lockhart. I've liked her since I was four. And I still like her a lot, but I don't really have a crush on her anymore. My first anime crush would be Winry Rockbell, because I like a girl who's good with a wrench and scary when she's mad.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I never really did the whole crush dynamic when it came to anime / video game characters, but I would make up characters that were almost 99% based off of existing characters and worlds. So the first few characters that I based "my" characters off of were probably Misty/Pokemon and Goku/DBZ.
Then later I was just obsessed with Tidus / Yuna. Final Fantasy X, holla!
At least I'm not the only one (kind of worried I was a little weird, having crushes on anime characters). Considering that I only got involved in anime in the last five years (Bleach was one of my first purchases) I don't really have a lot of nostalgia towards the older shows. That's not to say I never had crushes on anime characters or that I don't have any right now - but it is safe to say they're of an entirely different sort than most that have been posted.
Anyway, Dante from Devil May Cry the Animation (still haven't played the video games) was without a doubt one of the first (if not the first) anime characters that I had a crush on. I just thought he was so totally cool, being a demon hunter, and had an awesome sense of style - not to mention his gorgeous silver hair. And the fact that whenever he goes into a bar he orders a strawberry sundae just endeared him to me even more. I do still like him, but I have realized that (at least in the anime) he's not a very fleshed out character.
The Advent Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Sesshomaru, plain and simple. And I wouldn't call it a crush at all...I HAVE STRAIGHT UP LOVE FOR THAT MAN!!! The first time I watched Inuyahsa it was with a friend. At first we both loved Inuyasha because he was so cute, kinda sexy, and just straight up goofy (funny), but the episode in which Sesshomaru made his grand appearance I looked to my friend and said, "Oh...he's mine. Try to claim him, I'll shank you." *snickers* (And yes people, his entrance was grand...so fricking grand it was...wait for it...EPIC!!! Bwahahahaha!)
Anyway, as I was saying, in the little bit of anime I've watched, there's not one...NOT ONE!!! character that I've loved as much as Sesshomaru. Some people may think he's just straight up evil, but what they fail to realize is that there's a really kind and caring side to him. In my point of view, the people who still thinks of Sesshomaru as "Evil" is because they fail to understand his character. That's all I have to say on that subject~X<3
I do have more love for another character. It's not like Sesshomaru, but it's close enough. Vincent Valentine. My friend is always bashing me about my choice here (mostly because he's overly obsessed with Cloud, Sephiroth, and Angeal...BAH >,<), anyway Vincent's been my favorite FF character for a long time and he too has a special place in my heart (though it's not as big as Sesshomaru's spot *tee-hees* b=w=d)
I would share some of my minor crushes with you all, but there are so many out there, I can't fit them all into one comment. ...Okay, I could, but it would be just too much to read, therefore, I'm ending my comment now. I shared my two number ones, I'll leave it at that.
On that note, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Oh wait, are we also going to discuss our current trends? Most recently for me was Guy from Tales of the Abyss (given that I was late to playing the game), Keith Goodman from Tiger & Bunny, and Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4. I just realized all of them are blonde and that is so not what I was going for.
I've had phases throughout the years when it comes to connecting with female anime characters -
In the beginning, female characters were the farthest thing from my mind, all i cared about were the battles that were taking place between the good guys and the bad guys. In the earlier days, alot of the anime i watched didnt really have any female characters that stood out, so i didnt really become immersed with the female characters until i had grown up a bit and began branching out into more different anime titles.
As i grew up, i remember taking notice to Bulma in the original Dragonball (even though i had watched it years earlier), and also Noin from Gundam Wing.
As time went by and the years have passed, ive connected with newer female characters such as Misato from Evangelion, and Eve from Megazone 23, and i'm sure my journey still has a long ways too go.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
before I KNEW what anime was it was...Yami Yugi/Atem. lol Then Ryoh from Tokyo Mew Mew aka Elliot from Mew Mew Power
Once I got into anime I would say Jimmy Kudo <---yes I watched the Dub...and Sasuke Uchiha...and Sesshomaru. I can't just have one crush. :P
Now...I have a crush on Itachi Uchiha (Naruto) and Dino Cavallone (Reborn!)<3
Neat! I actually started picking up and trying to play violin too (though you sound like you've been playing for a much longer time than me; I'm primarily a pianist as it is...) :D It's my mom's violin, though; and unfortunately, I haven't really picked it back up since I accidentally broke one of the strings (we replaced it, but man, that thing hurt when it snapped! >_<)
Oh... just to stay on topic of anime crushes... I've also liked Sanji (One Piece), Dino (Reborn!), and Isaki Ishinagi (Mixed Vegetables), but because Mixed Vegetables isn't really a popular series (and it's manga only right now), not a lot of people would know who Isaki is.
Omg, I don't know... I think it was Shaolan Li from Card Captor Sakura, yup ♥ A crush that lasted when he came back older in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle lol
In the same time, I had a crush on Heero Yui from Gundam Wing. Yeah, those two were my first anime crushes.
Back when I was super super young...Megaman. The one from the cartoon. I was SUPER little, mind you. As far as I was concerned he was a hero who could shoot bullets from his arm and always saved the day. The crush didn't last long.
Jump forward to when I was 10 or 11 or so...Link. I first played Majora's Mask and Link just stole my heart there. Imagine how much I melted when I discovered Ocarina of Time and adult Link. Hot hot hot~ And it's stayed Link ever since. Only difference is that now it's SS Link cuz man he's just so adorkable <3
This is an interesting one. :3 Let's see.. It is hard to tell, because it was quite some time ago, but I have good memories for Maron Kusakabe from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. :)
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Ahh, well I'm glad I'm not alone in this XD
Humm, my first anime crush though? Well... It happened a few years before I even knew what anime was, or was even old enough to stay up and watch adult swim on cartoon network. I loved watching the commercials for AS though, and one day they announced this new show and played the commercial. I litterally instantly fell in love with the main character, his voice, his story everything. From then on whenever I heard the commercial playing I would drop whatever I was doing and just stare at the TV. Admittedly I would even cry whenever it came on, because their story was just so sad *was about 6-8* It was only after I had pretty much forgotten about all this, that I realised the commercial was for Fullmetal Alchemist and my first anime crush was Edward Elric XD
Then came the Inuyasha obsession, and then Deidara <333
Last edited by inufluffy12 at 2:20:58 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Would any of you be surprise if I said Vegeta from DBZ was my first crush character? Looking back at how awesome I found him, yeah I'm counting that as a crush. Xp
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I'm giggling over here because I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in this whole "I've got a crush on an animated character" thing XD Actually, I've had several, and still have a couple right now (okay, quite a few)... as for the first anime crush... that's tough. Lemme think... maybe Oujiro from Angelic Layer? I mean, I'm too embarrassed to talk about characters I really liked when I started liking characters (I was like, three ._.) But if you want to know some of the guys I like right now, with the exception of Flan (Reborn!), CitrusStorm actually drew me a Valentine picture with some of my favorite guys :D You can check it out, if you'd like.
And now to embarrass myself: right now, I really like Kazuki Hihara (La Corda d'Oro) ^_^ He's just too cute. And Link; I love how expressive he is in Skyward Sword :D But both of these guys are in the picture.
EDIT: Dangit, how could I forget about Kaito (Vocaloid)???
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 2:24:32 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
That being said, my first animes were Sailor Moon and Pokemon, with which both I now have a love/hate relationship. My first anime crush is hard to pinpoint but it could have been Misty. Though I really can't tell. I try not to get too attached to the characters unless they're really amazingly done with plenty of development.
Mine is definitely Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood. He is funny, kind, and just plain gorgeous in vampire form. I also have a soft spot for Alucard from Hellsing, he also I a really hot vampire. I guess I'm a vampire kind of girl.
Last edited by SuperAnimegirl33 at 1:26:31 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
The assbutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I think the one that i will always always have a crush on is Sora from Kingdom Hearts, i just love that spiky haired kid so much! he's so sweet and cute~ though he isn't really anime...anime wise i would have to saaaayyy....Syaoran from Tsubasa
Last edited by Butterflykiss at 12:59:43 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Zelgadis and Gourry from Slayers. Yes, I'm a bit of a two-timer. But it's mostly Zelgadis. Why? Because they're both awesome at protecting those they care about and patient and really, really cute.
My first anime crush was Ryoko from the series Tenchi Muyo, particularly the OVA version. Powerful, cat-like, and yet still emotionally vulnerable; it was hard not to fall for her.
I know it's silly, but I've had a crush on many different anime/non-anime/manga/game characters it depended on the anime series and that characters personality... *giggle* The anime/manga/game character's I have had a crush on: Like Daisuke/Dark/Satoshi from D.N.Angel, Riku/Sora/Roxas/Axel/Lea/Terra/Ventus/Demyx from Kingdom Hearts, Zidane/Squall/Tidus/Cloud/Irvine/Kaze/Makenshi/Baralai/Gippal from Final Fantasy, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, Mushra/Saago/Mushrambo from Shinzo and that's just the begining of the dent. I'm obsessed with anime. O.o That and I'm a fantasy romance dreamer...
Last edited by Dragon Anime at 12:05:34 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
My first anime crush is the all so wonderful Renji Abarai!! I love him because of his fierce nature and the way he looks is oh so beautiful!! I think he's an awesome character created for a fan like me
My first anime crush was B Ko from Project A-Ko I believe that was the very first anime I've seen, or at least the first anime I've seen knowing it was an anime.
mine was VASH THE STAMPEDE from TRIGUN Not my fault that i fell for "A HAPPY-GO-LUCKY" outlaw who happened to luv doughnuts and acting like an idiot sumtimes lol! He was rather hot i related to him cuz of the way i act around my friends, being all silly and wanting to have fun with them as much as i can
Sai Saici from G Gundam. In my youth I claimed to have an infatuation with Matt from Digimon, but I think I did that more to fit in with my internet friends were a few more years my senior (that's what you get when you're eight). Otherwise it was the yellow spandex that did me in, I dunno.
Mine was May from pokemon because i used to watch the show every now and then and i slowly fallen for her. I was young then and her eyes were so pretty like Sapphires and when she took off her bandana i nearly fainted at times. (ok i don't if i was allowed to post on this as a guy but i thought it would be fun). Also i hate Drew so much i nearly broke a TV and if I did i wouldnt be here. I was jealous of him because he got May to blush many times and was with her.
Otakuite | Posted 03/04/12 | Reply
Toss up between Haku in Spirited Away & Tai in Digimon. Pretty sure Tai came first though :3
Koi Kisu
Otakuite | Posted 02/28/12 | Reply
Vegeta when I was super young and Light Yagami recetly...
Last edited by Koi Kisu at 9:27:34 AM CST on February 28, 2012.
Otakuite | Posted 02/21/12 | Reply
Mine was Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura.Cardcaptor Sakura was the fist anime I had watched in my life, when I was 9. That is also why I keep him close to my heart.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/21/12 | Reply
It's a bit late, but I wanted to be included X3
First: Hm... My first anime love might have been Yami Yugi from original Yu-Gi-Oh X3 It was them leather pants =eue=
Lost Love found again after a while: Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew <3
Current Anime Crush: Gokudera from Katekyo Hitman Reborn Or Heisuke from Hakuouki X3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/21/12 | Reply
OMFG, YES! JADE CURTISS IS DA SMEX! XD (sorry for yelling XD lol) Even though he's over 10 years older than I am, doesn't matter, he's freakin awesome =eue=
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/20/12 | Reply
Oooooo Vegeta when he first crash landed on Earth. Oh MAMA. I was like 5 lol
Commander Z
Otakuite | Posted 02/20/12 | Reply
Rock Lee. Can you believe that? I think I was in the third grade, I didn't know any better.
Otakuite | Posted 02/19/12 | Reply
Lawliet Ryuzaki
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/19/12 | Reply
Bleach- Urahara
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/19/12 | Reply
ZUKO! Avatar the last airbender.
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
my first crush....naruto,hehheheh
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
my first crush naruto....he so kawai...
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
I'm little late for valentines day but my first anime crush was Ishida Yamato from digimons >////<
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
My anime crush was Saeko from High School of the Dead
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
me .. my first crush was MOKA AKASHIYA in rosario vampire ..
Otakuite | Posted 02/18/12 | Reply
Omg ... I Love ................. Usui Takumi. I know misaki and usui are meant for each other but i still love him. He's always been the famous "perverted outer-space alien"
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/17/12 | Reply
XD omg. well, when i was a youngen, i had a crush on Yami from yu-gi-oh. or at least i said i did, but back then i had no idea what anime was at the time. when i did know what anime was, i had a crush on naruto from, well, naruto. XD it's like, no matter how old we are, the characters from any show we like, there will always be one that we get a crush on. let it be from some sort of animated series like Naruto or Generator Rex, to a show with real people in it, but playing a character, like one of my favs Supernatural(which just so happens to have been turned into an anime since it's creation >w<).
Last edited by AnimeGal816 at 8:31:05 PM CST on February 17, 2012.
Otakuite | Posted 02/17/12 | Reply
Wow I´m impressd, i´m not the only one
I have seen a lot of anime and the one who really got all my interest are Scorpio Milo and Gemini Saga from Saint Seiya.
Two diferent personalities that I really like a lot
Oh and Hades too
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/17/12 | Reply
Envy from FMA manga(there's a difference).
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
I thought Jinx was cute back then too.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
Youve got taste my friend.
Otakuite | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
Shiki from Togainu No Chi! Damn, what a sexy beast he is. xD
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
this is probably late but it was the men from vampire knight. more specifically Zero. He was IT when I first became an otaku. and he still is. especially with that bod.*insert wolf whistle here*
Otakuite | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
This may be a day late but... Van from Escaflowne. Always wanted my guys with wings after that.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
my first Anime crush is Ken Hidaka from WeiB Kreuz,
and until now I say this...
I wouldn't mind getting killed by that hottie!!
Akeni Chan
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
Jeebus, I had a thing for Haku from Spirited Away. * u*
Then as I got older, Spike (Cowboy Bebop) was my eye candy. lol
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
LOL!~ You made me laugh so much!XD
Yup,I was so kid,but I loved him!^_^ I was cheering for him to win fights,even though he's the villain!XD LOL!So funny!~~ > ¬ <
You're right!"One of the screaming Shishi fan girls"!XD
[Although I didn't know what was to be a fan girl at that time!XD LOL!]
Otakuite | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
My anime crush was Tamaki-Sempai from Ouran High Host Club. That guy is pretty cute. ^v^
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
Kie from bayblades if I remember correctly xD I was around 6 or something, can't recall exactly.
Last edited by Heartstop at 12:19:36 PM CST on February 15, 2012.
Ruki Kun666
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
Mine was Sasuke from Naruto Dx
-is now in love with Muramasa and Pluto.-
Last edited by Ruki Kun666 at 11:06:25 AM CST on February 15, 2012.
Oldschool (Otaku Legend) | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
Kamui Shiro and Subaru Sumeragi. From X and Tokyo Babylon. Sigh....nostalgia.
Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
Yuki Somha, Fruits Basket.
Otakuite | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
My first anime crush is from Fushigi Yuugi .. Tamahome
he has heroic image in my eyes 
blue dragon123
Rising Blue Flame (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/12 | Reply
I frist anime crush would be Roronoa Zoro from One Piece.
It's my second favorite anime and the first was DBZ (but I don't have any crush on that show, just love watch it.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Yes, the Pokemon. That was the only anime crush I ever had. Really, I've moved on from falling in love with fictional characters. 
But I haven't moved on too far 'cause I'm in love with a rock star, now.Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I think my first crush was Satoshi from DNAngel. Because DNAngel was one of the first animes I had ever watched. ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
The funny thing is I never first thought of having a fictional character as a crush when I became an anime fan during the 1990s, but ya' know, things kinda' kicked in as time went by. My first anime crush, if I remember right, was probably Merle from The Vision of Escaflowne. What attracted me about Merle was how she gets attached to the ones she loves (especially Van) as well as her pink hair and somewhat kawaii catgirl face.
My list of anime crushes continue on to this day, even to include characters, ecen to include those of anime I've seen before watching The Vision of Escalfowne (Maetel from Galaxy Express 999 for example).
Last edited by stararnold at 11:23:33 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Roxas from kingdom hearts was mine! i don't know what came over me, i was twelve.... aaaahhhh, youth.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
First anime crush? Hmm... it had to be Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, I think that was my first anime. Or Li from Card Captors :). Bokura from the original YuGiOh! Yah, it's one of those people. Good times :D.... I really can't remember, mwahahaha.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Hmmm... First anime crush eh?
Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Totally ruined many future crushes for other bishie for me, this guy. "Enter-name-of-Shoujo-hero can't fight as convincingly, isn't as courteous, isn't as funny, isn't as handsome, doesn't have magnifecento red hair, is too brash, is too stupid, is always just trying to bully their girls, and then always gets away with it and make girls fall them - he suckkksss. =3=" <-- Me, then. Poor Ash Ketchum had less attraction for me than Pikachu had. x3
And now I'm giggling at Usui Takumi (Kaichou wa Maid-sama) and Kudou Senri (Seiyuu ka!). What is wrong with me, tell me? I've regressed!
I admit, Yu Yu Hakusho's Kurama was a crush too (red hair, red hair and flower whips la di da + the unexpected lolfaces), along with Hiei, Yosuke, Young!Genkai, and - Er, yes, Genkai, the lady. A female. ._. Maybe not so much a crush than fangirling... But I had my few favourites of pretty, kickass women back then. Like CyberSix. :x
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Tuxedo Mask was my first anime crush/love!

But now that I'm older and have wached a lot more anime my anime crush/love list is miles long!
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
When it first started airing in the US, Ninamori Eri from Fooly Cooly (Japanese Title - Furi Curi)
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was probably Death the Kid 8.8
Otakuite | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Alucard from hellsing! Yup...when I was seven I had a crush on a vampire killer who was a vampire.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
mine was probably sasuke uchiha. then ichigo kurosaki, then deidara, then suigetsu, then deidara again, and now its edward elric
Otakuite | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Hinata Hyuga.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
That has to be
and still isIchigo Kurosaki...along withmanya couple others ...FaithlessFighter
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
@Hanaro Souhi:
Lol one of the screaming ShiShi fan girls.
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Probably Roy Mustang. I like him a lot in personality and looks. FMA was one of the very 1st anime I watched (it and Inuyasha introduced me to anime) and he was the 1st anime character I was attracted to.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
first crush I think Trunks from DBZ.
first I obsessed over is Mustang from FMA.
first from manga Yuki, Kyo was too mean I like him now.
The assbutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
yes~ I loves him <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Oh crap I can't remember which one came first. Richie from Pokemon or Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho XD
Ochibi~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Yami Yugi.
Although my first serious crush was Inuyasha.
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Edward Elric. :3 He's so little and cute. I found him irresistable when I first discovered that series when I was 13. And then there was a time when I couldn't decide between him and Roy. But I chose Ed. ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
LOL I'm the same way
every anime/manga
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Lol, now that I think about it every single time I pick up manga or watch anime, I fall in love with someone. my first would have to be Sasuke from Naruto. I loved Hanabusa Aido from Vampire Knight for a long time, but as soon as I saw Momiji Sohma's face- I fell in love with him.
He is not only my favorite zodiac animal, but he's also blonde and adorable! Who could ask for anything more out of an anime character??? Thank you Fruits Basket!!!!
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
lol I think it was Ash from Pokemon... or Kurama from YYH XD its been a while lol.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Zelos Wilder.
Because Pink = Lady's Man
Alazne Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first? You had to pick something I may or may not remember, didn't you? XD I think it was Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew. He's always had an extremely special place in my heart because we're really similar. (In my opinion) He really loves Ichigo, but doesn't know how to show it well. I'm the same way; I'm very violent and I guess tsundere. I have no idea how to show my affection other than a good slap on the back of the head and pretending like I don't care what happens. So I see a lot of myself in him and that is probably why he was my first anime crush. Plus, he's freakin' hot! XD
Himbo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I think my first anime crush was Yuki Sohma from Furuba^^' But my first real completely insane obsession was probably Fai from Tsubasa...
Hanaro Souhi
Addicted to Sweets (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
LOL!~ I don't remember very well,but I think my first anime crush was Shishiwakamaru from Yu Yu Hakusho!XD Haha!~ I'm not sure that...But yey I liked his hair!XD [Chibi-Shishiwakamaru is very cute!~ >///<]
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I'm not one for anime crushes but I'll be honest I think Larxene from Kingdom Hearts is pretty hot. Same goes for Ed. Yes when I was younger I thought Ed from Cowboy Bebop was cute.
Ametsu the Ninja
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Goku. Dragon Ball Z. I was five years old.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I was always stuck between Gohan and Trunks from DBZ... both the younger versions, 'cause I was only like nine at the time :p
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Shirogane Ryou / Elliot from Tokyo Mew Mew. It was the first anime i ever watched. theta was before i became an otaku and a complete closet fangirl.
current KYA moments are Kaito, Kiyoteru, Sebastian (kuroshitsuji), Usui (Maid-sama) and sadly, many many more.
Last edited by SakuraNorkus at 7:40:31 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Now it's definitley the Vongola Decimo. My cutie tuna-fish~~
LOL. I remember once having this weird serious crush on Jojo from Horton Hears a Who.Hulaberry32
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Uryu Ishida, from Bleach. XD
Or Tuxedo Mask, cause I know I thought I was going to marry him when I was about five. *shot*
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 6:07:22 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush was Allen from D.Gray-man. XD;
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Lol! Amen to that! XD I stick to humans as well. Or mostly human. >3> They might be elves or vampires or something.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Kyo Sohma of Fruits Basket! He was the ultimate guy; brave, cute, a bit akward, but sweet. I still <3 Kyo!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
I know! Sometimes, you look back and you're like, "Really? Why did I do that?" ._. I know I'm guilty of liking a few characters who definitely weren't human... but nowadays, all the guys that I like certainly are human :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
L is so cool
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
*high fives* No need to be embarrassed lol!! Same here! I was probably also 5 or whatever. Hahahaa. XD But I was obsessed like a crush. Though I did go for Knuckles a bit later. >3> A little strange maybe, but oh well! XD Now I'm just like "wow, I can't believe I was in love with a hedgehog."
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
sayoran :D <3
Shadow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Sesshoumaru. BV
And I think Shinichi Kudo???That lasted 6 years too.
I don't get crushes on animu characters anymore though.
Or vidya gaem characters. :B
I no longer see the appeal.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
O_O You too?? That was one of the characters I didn't want to admit! But I might as well now. When I was five, I liked Sonic sooo much... I don't know if I'd call it a "crush", but I called him "my hero" and even had cute little Sonic sandals :3 He and I even share the same birthday :D Nowadays, he's pretty cool and a bit nostalgic... like an old friend :)
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 5:49:00 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Username says it all. ;u;
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Lololol. My FIRST crush was Sonic the Hedgehog. XD And he isn't exactly human. >> But my brothers would play the games on sega genesis, and I'd watch the cartoon when I was little...got a crush on him...but then when FF7 came out (I was what, 7 or 8 years old then?) I fell HARD for Cloud. XDDD BUT. Anime-wise, first one was Legato from Trigun. I was so obsessed lol.
Dr Lawsworth
Otakuite | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
If video games are open then Tifa Lockhart. I've liked her since I was four. And I still like her a lot, but I don't really have a crush on her anymore. My first anime crush would be Winry Rockbell, because I like a girl who's good with a wrench and scary when she's mad.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Tuxedo Mask from Sailor moon and Sora/Roxas from KH. As for right now? Too many to count... XD
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I never really did the whole crush dynamic when it came to anime / video game characters, but I would make up characters that were almost 99% based off of existing characters and worlds. So the first few characters that I based "my" characters off of were probably Misty/Pokemon and Goku/DBZ.
Then later I was just obsessed with Tidus / Yuna. Final Fantasy X, holla!
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
The first really notable one was Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. Still into the angsty ones, even now. *sigh*
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
my 1st crush was Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
i have to agree xD
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first? Yami Yugi and Marik Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh haha. Like 99% of the other girls that watched that anime.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
A Fiery Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Well, it was a tie between Misty from Pokemon or Sora from Digimon. 11 year old me liked red heads. XD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Helios from Sailor Moon! :D
Domine Kuro
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
revy from black lagoon, kushina from naruto, and most of all tomoe from samurai X. and a few others but those are the most special to me.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I had a literal crush on him from the minute my sister introduced me to the game.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
At least I'm not the only one (kind of worried I was a little weird, having crushes on anime characters). Considering that I only got involved in anime in the last five years (Bleach was one of my first purchases) I don't really have a lot of nostalgia towards the older shows. That's not to say I never had crushes on anime characters
or that I don't have any right now- but it is safe to say they're of an entirely different sort than most that have been posted.Anyway, Dante from Devil May Cry the Animation (still haven't played the video games) was without a doubt one of the first (if not the first) anime characters that I had a crush on. I just thought he was so totally cool, being a demon hunter, and had an awesome sense of style - not to mention his gorgeous silver hair. And the fact that whenever he goes into a bar he orders a strawberry sundae just endeared him to me even more. I do still like him, but I have realized that (at least in the anime) he's not a very fleshed out character.
The Advent Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Sesshomaru, plain and simple. And I wouldn't call it a crush at all...I HAVE STRAIGHT UP LOVE FOR THAT MAN!!! The first time I watched Inuyahsa it was with a friend. At first we both loved Inuyasha because he was so cute, kinda sexy, and just straight up goofy (funny), but the episode in which Sesshomaru made his grand appearance I looked to my friend and said, "Oh...he's mine. Try to claim him, I'll shank you." *snickers* (And yes people, his entrance was grand...so fricking grand it was...wait for it...EPIC!!! Bwahahahaha!)
Anyway, as I was saying, in the little bit of anime I've watched, there's not one...NOT ONE!!! character that I've loved as much as Sesshomaru. Some people may think he's just straight up evil, but what they fail to realize is that there's a really kind and caring side to him. In my point of view, the people who still thinks of Sesshomaru as "Evil" is because they fail to understand his character. That's all I have to say on that subject~X<3
I do have more love for another character. It's not like Sesshomaru, but it's close enough. Vincent Valentine. My friend is always bashing me about my choice here (mostly because he's overly obsessed with Cloud, Sephiroth, and Angeal...BAH >,<), anyway Vincent's been my favorite FF character for a long time and he too has a special place in my heart (though it's not as big as Sesshomaru's spot *tee-hees* b=w=d)
I would share some of my minor crushes with you all, but there are so many out there, I can't fit them all into one comment. ...Okay, I could, but it would be just too much to read, therefore, I'm ending my comment now. I shared my two number ones, I'll leave it at that.
On that note, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Oh wait, are we also going to discuss our current trends? Most recently for me was Guy from Tales of the Abyss (given that I was late to playing the game), Keith Goodman from Tiger & Bunny, and Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4. I just realized all of them are blonde and that is so not what I was going for.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
First anime crush was totally Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. //dork
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."
Otakuite | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush was Rukia from Bleach but now its Erza from Fairy Tail
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Man first anime crush gotta be Itachi. One heck of a bad butt character.
Eiri Yuki s Lover
YukiFangirlSupreme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first was def Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon ^//^ I was like 6 so what do u expect lol now my anime loves r Eiri Yuki and Tsuruga Ren <3
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
First anime character crush was Sailor Mercury. Years later though, I know I need a more outgoing woman. :P
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I'll have to send you a comment on your guestbook or something lol. I've never heard of mixed vegetables. I'll have to check that one out.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My all time anime love (and it will never change like all my crushes) Is Sosuke Aizen
I love him so much I've even dreamed about him... alottttt. And he looks like a real person in my dreams to.... Sad I know lol
But I can't wait to sleep now just incase I get to meet him in my dreams lol
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I've had phases throughout the years when it comes to connecting with female anime characters -
In the beginning, female characters were the farthest thing from my mind, all i cared about were the battles that were taking place between the good guys and the bad guys. In the earlier days, alot of the anime i watched didnt really have any female characters that stood out, so i didnt really become immersed with the female characters until i had grown up a bit and began branching out into more different anime titles.
As i grew up, i remember taking notice to Bulma in the original Dragonball (even though i had watched it years earlier), and also Noin from Gundam Wing.
As time went by and the years have passed, ive connected with newer female characters such as Misato from Evangelion, and Eve from Megazone 23, and i'm sure my journey still has a long ways too go.
Too bad im still single.
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush was definitely Trunks...but in video games it was Link ♥ Hehe~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Oh gosh, this one's a tad tricky to answer because I fell for at least three different characters around the same time-frame...
Of the ones I can immediately think of, the answer has to be Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. So suave, so intelligent, so freaking hot!!! 8D
...(*clears throat*)...I thought I had successfully imprisoned my inner fan-girl by now...
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
before I KNEW what anime was it was...Yami Yugi/Atem. lol Then Ryoh from Tokyo Mew Mew aka Elliot from Mew Mew Power
Once I got into anime I would say Jimmy Kudo <---yes I watched the Dub...and Sasuke Uchiha...and Sesshomaru. I can't just have one crush. :P
Now...I have a crush on Itachi Uchiha (Naruto) and Dino Cavallone (Reborn!)<3
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Neat! I actually started picking up and trying to play violin too (though you sound like you've been playing for a much longer time than me; I'm primarily a pianist as it is...) :D It's my mom's violin, though; and unfortunately, I haven't really picked it back up since I accidentally broke one of the strings (we replaced it, but man, that thing hurt when it snapped! >_<)
Oh... just to stay on topic of anime crushes... I've also liked Sanji (One Piece), Dino (Reborn!), and Isaki Ishinagi (Mixed Vegetables), but because Mixed Vegetables isn't really a popular series (and it's manga only right now), not a lot of people would know who Isaki is.
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Omg, I don't know... I think it was Shaolan Li from Card Captor Sakura, yup ♥ A crush that lasted when he came back older in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle lol
In the same time, I had a crush on Heero Yui from Gundam Wing. Yeah, those two were my first anime crushes.
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Back when I was super super young...Megaman. The one from the cartoon. I was SUPER little, mind you. As far as I was concerned he was a hero who could shoot bullets from his arm and always saved the day. The crush didn't last long.
Jump forward to when I was 10 or 11 or so...Link. I first played Majora's Mask and Link just stole my heart there. Imagine how much I melted when I discovered Ocarina of Time and adult Link. Hot hot hot~ And it's stayed Link ever since. Only difference is that now it's SS Link cuz man he's just so adorkable <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
First Anime Crush- Yusei from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's
Longest Anime Crush- Inuyasha from Inuyasha
Current Anime Crush- None :(
Felt liek adding the other two ^^
I'm no longer crushing on anime atm but I am crushing on Eunhyuk from the K-pop band Super Junior ^^
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
It is. I was so inspired with my violin after watching!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
This is an interesting one. :3 Let's see.. It is hard to tell, because it was quite some time ago, but I have good memories for Maron Kusakabe from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. :)
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Isn't it a great series? :D
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Ahh, well I'm glad I'm not alone in this XD
Humm, my first anime crush though? Well... It happened a few years before I even knew what anime was, or was even old enough to stay up and watch adult swim on cartoon network. I loved watching the commercials for AS though, and one day they announced this new show and played the commercial. I litterally instantly fell in love with the main character, his voice, his story everything. From then on whenever I heard the commercial playing I would drop whatever I was doing and just stare at the TV. Admittedly I would even cry whenever it came on, because their story was just so sad *was about 6-8* It was only after I had pretty much forgotten about all this, that I realised the commercial was for Fullmetal Alchemist and my first anime crush was Edward Elric XD
Then came the Inuyasha obsession, and then Deidara <333
Last edited by inufluffy12 at 2:20:58 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
The guys are so cute in La Cordo D'Oro. I love that anime.
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Ichigo Kurosaki! Luv him lol.
Senior Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Would any of you be surprise if I said Vegeta from DBZ was my first crush character? Looking back at how awesome I found him, yeah I'm counting that as a crush. Xp
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Definitely Satoshi from DNAngel~ <333Although he didn't look that good-looking in the anime... Q-Q He looks much cuter in the manga xDD
Wait-- Now that I think about it more, I think it was the good Bakura when I watched Yugioh long time ago~ xD Haha~
Last edited by superstarpanou at 5:35:44 PM CST on February 15, 2012.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
lol, Sanji from One Piece
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I know! :D I hope they make him as expressive as this in future games; I'd love that ^_^
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Link; I love how expressive he is in Skyward Sword :D
Heck yes. He's super adorable with how expressive he is. Makes it more fun to play. :3
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
But most of my crushes have been on video game characters
Same here actually since I didn't really get into anime until I was in my mid twenties.
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I'm giggling over here because I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in this whole "I've got a crush on an animated character" thing XD Actually, I've had several, and still have a couple right now (okay, quite a few)... as for the first anime crush... that's tough. Lemme think... maybe Oujiro from Angelic Layer? I mean, I'm too embarrassed to talk about characters I really liked when I started liking characters (I was like, three ._.) But if you want to know some of the guys I like right now, with the exception of Flan (Reborn!), CitrusStorm actually drew me a Valentine picture with some of my favorite guys :D You can check it out, if you'd like.
And now to embarrass myself: right now, I really like Kazuki Hihara (La Corda d'Oro) ^_^ He's just too cute. And Link; I love how expressive he is in Skyward Sword :D But both of these guys are in the picture.
EDIT: Dangit, how could I forget about Kaito (Vocaloid)???
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 2:24:32 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
As a straight male, Steven Blum's voice.
That being said, my first animes were Sailor Moon and Pokemon, with which both I now have a love/hate relationship. My first anime crush is hard to pinpoint but it could have been Misty. Though I really can't tell. I try not to get too attached to the characters unless they're really amazingly done with plenty of development.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine is definitely Abel Nightroad
from Trinity Blood. He is funny, kind, and just plain gorgeous in vampire form. I also have a soft spot for Alucard
from Hellsing, he also I a really hot vampire. I guess I'm a vampire kind of girl.
Last edited by SuperAnimegirl33 at 1:26:31 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Light Yagami. Until I saw L...
The assbutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I think the one that i will always always have a crush on is Sora from Kingdom Hearts, i just love that spiky haired kid so much! he's so sweet and cute~
though he isn't really anime...anime wise i would have to saaaayyy....Syaoran from Tsubasa
Last edited by Butterflykiss at 12:59:43 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
All i have to say is Nagisa from clannad or Hinata from naruto
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Oh man.. Probably Tuxedo Mask, Trunks, or Brock.
oh man what was wrong with me
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Zelgadis and Gourry from Slayers. Yes, I'm a bit of a two-timer. But it's mostly Zelgadis. Why? Because they're both awesome at protecting those they care about and patient and really, really cute.
Otakuite | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush was Ryoko from the series Tenchi Muyo, particularly the OVA version. Powerful, cat-like, and yet still emotionally vulnerable; it was hard not to fall for her.
Natsu nii
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
it's a long story, but Shino Aburame from naruto ^_^" dang he's so cute <3 haha
Dragon Anime
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
I know it's silly, but I've had a crush on many different anime/non-anime/manga/game characters it depended on the anime series and that characters personality... *giggle* The anime/manga/game character's I have had a crush on: Like Daisuke/Dark/Satoshi from D.N.Angel, Riku/Sora/Roxas/Axel/Lea/Terra/Ventus/Demyx from Kingdom Hearts, Zidane/Squall/Tidus/Cloud/Irvine/Kaze/Makenshi/Baralai/Gippal from Final Fantasy, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, Mushra/Saago/Mushrambo from Shinzo and that's just the begining of the dent. I'm obsessed with anime. O.o
That and I'm a fantasy romance dreamer...Last edited by Dragon Anime at 12:05:34 PM CST on February 14, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush is the all so wonderful Renji Abarai!! I love him because of his fierce nature and the way he looks is oh so beautiful!! I think he's an awesome character created for a fan like me

Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
My first anime crush was B Ko from Project A-Ko I believe that was the very first anime I've seen, or at least the first anime I've seen knowing it was an anime.
Transient Rain (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Oh gosh... Rurouni Kenshin...
I still have a soft spot fo that guy but I rooted for Karou all the way! lol
L'Cie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Not my fault that i fell for "A HAPPY-GO-LUCKY" outlaw who happened to luv doughnuts and acting like an idiot sumtimes
lol! He was rather hot
i related to him cuz of the way i act around my friends, being all silly and wanting to have fun with them as much as i can
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Sai Saici from G Gundam. In my youth I claimed to have an infatuation with Matt from Digimon, but I think I did that more to fit in with my internet friends were a few more years my senior (that's what you get when you're eight). Otherwise it was the yellow spandex that did me in, I dunno.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was May from pokemon because i used to watch the show every now and then and i slowly fallen for her. I was young then and her eyes were so pretty like Sapphires and when she took off her bandana i nearly fainted at times. (ok i don't if i was allowed to post on this as a guy but i thought it would be fun). Also i hate Drew so much i nearly broke a TV and if I did i wouldnt be here. I was jealous of him because he got May to blush many times and was with her.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
my first anime crush was Teen Gohan from DBZ :p
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Mine was Trunks from Dragon Ball Z ^^
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/12 | Reply
Vincent Valentine
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.