The Poison Of God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
Fairly recently,I avoid online watching(I much prefer buying anime and manga in retails) though I did used to do a lot of downloading off many sites...
As of now though,40% of what I'm watching are on DVD,45% on my Xbox Live account (more precisely,Zune),8% on legal sites (Funanimation) and the last 7% is actual illegal downloading.
Here where I live I don't have an access to most of the 'legal' anime sites, nor can I watch them on TV here (except on certain other ways).
So I usually download them, but I always try to find them as legal as possible.
Also I always do try whenever I have the chance and money to buy anime in hard format on DVDs or Blue-Rays and I do plan to one get the all that I watched once and show appreciation at least in that way.
I usually buy all of my anime, and the anime i dont buy, i record from tv, etc. My main outlet of anime is through a local game store called Game Exchange. They buy and sell anime dvds, and they usually have some new titles there every week, so it is a good place to find anime.
I also order anime from Amazon as well. Lately i've been ordering alot of VHS anime from Amazon because it is insanely cheap (less than 1$ per VHS tape) plus you can find alot of titles that havent even been released on dvd yet. I save alot of money by ordering the VHS tapes though, you can certainly get alot more for your money that way.
I've also been getting back into recording anime from tv. Sometimes i catch some anime movies on some channels and ill record them like i did back in the 1990's.
Hulu/ Hulu Plus also has an insane amount of anime to choose from. I watch alot of stuff on there using my Xbox360 and my PS3. They have alot of series and alot of movies to choose from, and if you have the money i would highly recommend it.
As for watching anime online, i dont have the patience for that and i never did. Back in the day i had basic dial up internet, so i never tried it, and when i got high speed internet a few years ago, it just didnt catch my eye then either.
The old days I remember just consisted of IRC, KaZaA, and Toonami... I didn't know bluray's were around in the "old days" I'm no expert though, so I could just be clueless.
I have the premium subscription on funimation..
In the past I've bought, and returned many, many box sets, but that was when I had a good paying job, and lived a block away from an FYE in Portland Oregon..
I used to stream a lot from gogoanime, but now I use chia anime, for no reason in particular..
I do buy DVD's and other merchandise as much as I can though, cause that is the best way after all...
Last edited by aminesick at 5:19:10 PM EDT on October 27, 2012.
40% official/legal outlets like Funimation or the Roku's Manga Channel (a funny misnomer).
20% regular TV like Adult Swim's rerunning of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
40% DVDs borrowed from the library.
My favorite online sites to watch anime are Funimation and, although I also watch anime on Hulu.
A Fiery Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
Even before sites like Crunchyroll or Funimation streams, I think the only time I ever watched a fansub was for Naruto and it was only the episode where they tried to see what was under Kakashi's mask.
Now as far as these days I'll say I probably streams (including Netflix) are 55%, DVDs are 40%, and 5% for TV.
I prefer to read the manga, so it is extremely rare for me to watch anime. If I did I would use animehere or Netflix. I used to use Hulu. Other than that I can't really say.
I usually don't watch anime, but when I do, I watch it on Crunchyroll or AdultSwim/Toonami on Saturdays. When I had onDemand, I watched some on there as well. Netflix is used for my whole family, so I don't want to freak them out with any anime :P. I just don't like watching TV on the computer.
I'd rather just read it.
Last edited by beloved blood at 4:04:25 PM EDT on October 26, 2012.
I watch all my anime on Hulu. The constant advertizing is pretty annoying, but I'm too stingy to pay for a HuluPlus account and I don't want to pirate stuff. Pirating is bad, people!
Fansubs and unlicensed stuff take up most of my anime viewing (80% or so). Official releases (in some form or other) take up the other 20%.
Watching newer airing shows helps me decide if I want to buy them if and when they get licensed in North America. If FUNi releases Jormungand domestically, I'll probably be lining up to buy the set. If anyone gets the rights for Hyouka, I'd throw my wallet at the company that releases it. (Just don't give me any of that subbed-only jibber jabber. Releasing a subbed-only DVD in North America is like making the fandom pay for a shiny fansub that comes with bells and whistles.)
As far as quality goes, some fansubs of newer shows look darn good. Hyouka was poetic, and only the most inept fansubber could have messed it up. Of course, that has to do with the quality of the animation itself (On the other hand, Aracana Famiglia was dumpcity, which no amount of polishing could have make it attractive to even a fly). That said, give me a quality release, and I'll buy it. (Will someone license Black Rock Shooter in North America already!?)
Last edited by Pleiades Rising at 11:59:36 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I'm not sure what percentage. I mostly watch one piece nowadays. Though I do use two different sites: which updates weekly as the episodes come out in japan. (naruto, bleach, one piece) they also post the manga (which is likely fan translated) Then there is which houses a large variety of anime series as well as movies. Just dubs is free. Though whether the series is dead or not is hit and miss because on the more popular series there will often be an episode or more that is a broken link. Likely taken down by a company. It's not the most reliable but it'll do in a pinch.
If I want to watch an anime, first I try to make sure it isn't on Hulu, Crunchyroll, Netflix instant view, or Funimation's site/youtube channel. If it is, I watch it there, and if it isn't, I'll just google it and try to find a video that way.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I actually mostly buy DVDs if I like it. But when funds are low I watch anime on FUNi and on the official Naruto website aka VIZ.
Every once in a while I use Dub happy when I want to see if the dub is any good.
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
If they make it available officially, I watch it officially -- usually use Netflix, YouTube's official FUNimation channel or Crunchyroll to preview, and if I/my family likes it, we buy it. (It's like being able to rent, which I love!) If it hasn't been released where I live for whatever reason, I'll stream from sites like AnimeFreak and WatchAnimeOnline. I'd say the percent is about 50/50.
Last edited by kita mikichi at 3:24:03 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
I actually am one of those people (looks like we're pretty few) that only watch DVD's. I have a couple of reasons for that. The two big ones for me is that I hate watching TV on my computer - I've done it when my TV has been on the blink, but if I can avoid it I will never do it again. The second one is that I like having a permanent, physical library of shows - whenever I want to watch something, all I have to do is pop the DVD in.
Oh gosh... I dunno...
Alot of anime I watch is not officailly translated for whatever reason. I am also bit of a subs over dubs person so netflix doesn't do it for me... Funimation does a pretty good job streaming subs on their website I use that when I can.
I do buy on DVD when I love the series, and when they're available.
I'm a Hulu person, myself. When Hulu came out, I was so glad that I could watch anime online in a legal manner.
I had downloaded fan-subbed stuff way back when, which I hated doing because (1) it wasn't legal and (2) it wasn't official. Plus, for English fan-subs, they used waaaay too much romanji. And they used it inconsistently, too. I hardly know any Japanese, so I'm glad that all the really, really long attack names that characters shout out are translated. (Conversely, I'm a bit disappointed when characters' names are romanized so that the family name is last.)
There are a few drawbacks to watching Hulu. They're a bit dysfunctional in that some of their anime is in the "Animation and Cartoons" section as opposed to the "Anime" section. Also, the selection is a bit limited. I'm a strictly subtitles person, so I'm a bit disappointed when Hulu only has dubs of certain anime (they have no control over which version they get). There are also weird situations when something is translated very poorly.
If I can't find it on Hulu, another thing I can do is check my library. My library is part of a network of libraries that shares all their resources, which means more access to anime DVDs that one library alone may not have.
In the unlikely event that I have to resort to any less-than-legal methods, that means I'm REALLY DESPERATE to watch something.
I have a question for you Netflix users: what's the selection like? Also, I don't have a subscription (obviously). Is there a way I can see their selection without subscribing?
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
I would say 30% are legal, through the official channels of french editors on Dailymotion, 35% would be on sites like goodanime when the editors do not share it online and the other 35% are DVDs, since I like to buy the animes I liked or sure I would like.
I have that little problem as a French (and I believe it's like that for a lot of Europeans): I am most of the time not allowed to access official websites where I could watch anime legally...! :(
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I usually watch anime on Netflix these days. They don't really seem to have as much new stuff but they do have a good selection. And if possible I sometimes get the actually DVDs to watch, but it depends on the price of the DVDs in question and how much I like the series itself.
In the past I've also watched anime on Youtube, but I'm not sure how legal that is.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I'd say about 90% legal and 10% video clips uploaded to YouTube (which would be the illegal part, but they posted it, not me) I tend to stick to Hulu mostly (for Toriko and older One Piece simulcasts that I missed from previous weeks) and, with a bit of Crunchyroll. The rest is all on DVD (some my own, and some from the library).
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 3:46:19 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
The Poison Of God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
Fairly recently,I avoid online watching(I much prefer buying anime and manga in retails) though I did used to do a lot of downloading off many sites...
As of now though,40% of what I'm watching are on DVD,45% on my Xbox Live account (more precisely,Zune),8% on legal sites (Funanimation) and the last 7% is actual illegal downloading.
Otakuite | Posted 10/28/12 | Reply
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/28/12 | Reply
Here where I live I don't have an access to most of the 'legal' anime sites, nor can I watch them on TV here (except on certain other ways).
So I usually download them, but I always try to find them as legal as possible.
Also I always do try whenever I have the chance and money to buy anime in hard format on DVDs or Blue-Rays and I do plan to one get the all that I watched once and show appreciation at least in that way.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/27/12 | Reply
I usually buy all of my anime, and the anime i dont buy, i record from tv, etc. My main outlet of anime is through a local game store called Game Exchange. They buy and sell anime dvds, and they usually have some new titles there every week, so it is a good place to find anime.
I also order anime from Amazon as well. Lately i've been ordering alot of VHS anime from Amazon because it is insanely cheap (less than 1$ per VHS tape) plus you can find alot of titles that havent even been released on dvd yet. I save alot of money by ordering the VHS tapes though, you can certainly get alot more for your money that way.
I've also been getting back into recording anime from tv. Sometimes i catch some anime movies on some channels and ill record them like i did back in the 1990's.
Hulu/ Hulu Plus also has an insane amount of anime to choose from. I watch alot of stuff on there using my Xbox360 and my PS3. They have alot of series and alot of movies to choose from, and if you have the money i would highly recommend it.
As for watching anime online, i dont have the patience for that and i never did. Back in the day i had basic dial up internet, so i never tried it, and when i got high speed internet a few years ago, it just didnt catch my eye then either.
I just buy and record anime lol.
D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/27/12 | Reply
The old days I remember just consisted of IRC, KaZaA, and Toonami... I didn't know bluray's were around in the "old days" I'm no expert though, so I could just be clueless.
I have the premium subscription on funimation..
In the past I've bought, and returned many, many box sets, but that was when I had a good paying job, and lived a block away from an FYE in Portland Oregon..
I used to stream a lot from gogoanime, but now I use chia anime, for no reason in particular..
I do buy DVD's and other merchandise as much as I can though, cause that is the best way after all...
Last edited by aminesick at 5:19:10 PM EDT on October 27, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/27/12 | Reply
40% official/legal outlets like Funimation or the Roku's Manga Channel (a funny misnomer).
20% regular TV like Adult Swim's rerunning of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
40% DVDs borrowed from the library.
My favorite online sites to watch anime are Funimation and, although I also watch anime on Hulu.
A Fiery Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
Even before sites like Crunchyroll or Funimation streams, I think the only time I ever watched a fansub was for Naruto and it was only the episode where they tried to see what was under Kakashi's mask.
Now as far as these days I'll say I probably streams (including Netflix) are 55%, DVDs are 40%, and 5% for TV.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
I prefer to read the manga, so it is extremely rare for me to watch anime. If I did I would use animehere or Netflix. I used to use Hulu. Other than that I can't really say.
I'm a vampire!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
I usually don't watch anime, but when I do, I watch it on Crunchyroll or AdultSwim/Toonami on Saturdays. When I had onDemand, I watched some on there as well. Netflix is used for my whole family, so I don't want to freak them out with any anime :P. I just don't like watching TV on the computer.
I'd rather just read it.
Last edited by beloved blood at 4:04:25 PM EDT on October 26, 2012.
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
I watch all my anime on Hulu. The constant advertizing is pretty annoying, but I'm too stingy to pay for a HuluPlus account and I don't want to pirate stuff. Pirating is bad, people!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/26/12 | Reply
I watch anime on animehere.
Otakuite | Posted 10/25/12 | Reply
All the animes I watch I found on![](
Otakuite | Posted 10/25/12 | Reply
I usually watch my animes on Youtube or something![](
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
Fansubs and unlicensed stuff take up most of my anime viewing (80% or so). Official releases (in some form or other) take up the other 20%.
Watching newer airing shows helps me decide if I want to buy them if and when they get licensed in North America. If FUNi releases Jormungand domestically, I'll probably be lining up to buy the set. If anyone gets the rights for Hyouka, I'd throw my wallet at the company that releases it. (Just don't give me any of that subbed-only jibber jabber. Releasing a subbed-only DVD in North America is like making the fandom pay for a shiny fansub that comes with bells and whistles.)
As far as quality goes, some fansubs of newer shows look darn good. Hyouka was poetic, and only the most inept fansubber could have messed it up. Of course, that has to do with the quality of the animation itself (On the other hand, Aracana Famiglia was dumpcity, which no amount of polishing could have make it attractive to even a fly). That said, give me a quality release, and I'll buy it. (Will someone license Black Rock Shooter in North America already!?)
Last edited by Pleiades Rising at 11:59:36 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I'm not sure what percentage. I mostly watch one piece nowadays. Though I do use two different sites: which updates weekly as the episodes come out in japan. (naruto, bleach, one piece) they also post the manga (which is likely fan translated) Then there is which houses a large variety of anime series as well as movies. Just dubs is free. Though whether the series is dead or not is hit and miss because on the more popular series there will often be an episode or more that is a broken link. Likely taken down by a company. It's not the most reliable but it'll do in a pinch.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I watch my anime on crunchyroll and funimation, I don't really see a need to torrent anymore.
Otakuite | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I normally just watch different series on
It has both Subbed and Dubbed anime sections, and a section for cartoons in general![](
Cair Paravel
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
If I want to watch an anime, first I try to make sure it isn't on Hulu, Crunchyroll, Netflix instant view, or Funimation's site/youtube channel. If it is, I watch it there, and if it isn't, I'll just google it and try to find a video that way.
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I actually mostly buy DVDs if I like it. But when funds are low I watch anime on FUNi and on the official Naruto website aka VIZ.
Every once in a while I use Dub happy when I want to see if the dub is any good.
Akia Aoi
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I use either or or even
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
If they make it available officially, I watch it officially -- usually use Netflix, YouTube's official FUNimation channel or Crunchyroll to preview, and if I/my family likes it, we buy it. (It's like being able to rent, which I love!) If it hasn't been released where I live for whatever reason, I'll stream from sites like AnimeFreak and WatchAnimeOnline. I'd say the percent is about 50/50.
Last edited by kita mikichi at 3:24:03 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I actually am one of those people (looks like we're pretty few) that only watch DVD's. I have a couple of reasons for that. The two big ones for me is that I hate watching TV on my computer - I've done it when my TV has been on the blink, but if I can avoid it I will never do it again. The second one is that I like having a permanent, physical library of shows - whenever I want to watch something, all I have to do is pop the DVD in.
Transient Rain (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
Oh gosh... I dunno...
Alot of anime I watch is not officailly translated for whatever reason. I am also bit of a subs over dubs person so netflix doesn't do it for me... Funimation does a pretty good job streaming subs on their website I use that when I can.
I do buy on DVD when I love the series, and when they're available.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I'm a Hulu person, myself. When Hulu came out, I was so glad that I could watch anime online in a legal manner.
I had downloaded fan-subbed stuff way back when, which I hated doing because (1) it wasn't legal and (2) it wasn't official. Plus, for English fan-subs, they used waaaay too much romanji. And they used it inconsistently, too. I hardly know any Japanese, so I'm glad that all the really, really long attack names that characters shout out are translated. (Conversely, I'm a bit disappointed when characters' names are romanized so that the family name is last.)
There are a few drawbacks to watching Hulu. They're a bit dysfunctional in that some of their anime is in the "Animation and Cartoons" section as opposed to the "Anime" section. Also, the selection is a bit limited. I'm a strictly subtitles person, so I'm a bit disappointed when Hulu only has dubs of certain anime (they have no control over which version they get). There are also weird situations when something is translated very poorly.
If I can't find it on Hulu, another thing I can do is check my library. My library is part of a network of libraries that shares all their resources, which means more access to anime DVDs that one library alone may not have.
In the unlikely event that I have to resort to any less-than-legal methods, that means I'm REALLY DESPERATE to watch something.
I have a question for you Netflix users: what's the selection like? Also, I don't have a subscription (obviously). Is there a way I can see their selection without subscribing?
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I would say 30% are legal, through the official channels of french editors on Dailymotion, 35% would be on sites like goodanime when the editors do not share it online and the other 35% are DVDs, since I like to buy the animes I liked or sure I would like.
I have that little problem as a French (and I believe it's like that for a lot of Europeans): I am most of the time not allowed to access official websites where I could watch anime legally...! :(
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I usually watch anime on Netflix these days. They don't really seem to have as much new stuff but they do have a good selection. And if possible I sometimes get the actually DVDs to watch, but it depends on the price of the DVDs in question and how much I like the series itself.
In the past I've also watched anime on Youtube, but I'm not sure how legal that is.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I'd say about 90% legal and 10% video clips uploaded to YouTube (which would be the illegal part, but they posted it, not me) I tend to stick to Hulu mostly (for Toriko and older One Piece simulcasts that I missed from previous weeks) and, with a bit of Crunchyroll. The rest is all on DVD (some my own, and some from the library).
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 3:46:19 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
For me it's 75% illegal and 25% legal... I can't help it though... I'm more into downloaded stuff..![](
Last edited by kuroroyukihime at 12:44:54 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
It depends on it. I watch anime everywhere.
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/24/12 | Reply
I watch anime on Netflix or FUNimation. That's it. Nothing else.
Last edited by Moka at 12:15:14 PM EDT on October 24, 2012.