I've never liked comic books, I think manga is way superior.
However, movies based on comic books I am a fan of (except the Batman movies, I don't really like any of those). The Avengers is probably my favorite movie (I can't wait for number 2!). I love the Iron Mans, Thor, and X-Men movies too. I like the Hulks, Captain America, and Spider Mans ok.
Ahaa~ Calvin and Hobbes is definitely one of the [uhh..my? :P] classics. *thebestthebestthebest!*
I read a lot of comics before moving to manga and anime.. I really loved the twist in Spiderman:The Other where he's more or less possesaed by this alien thingy and goes around meeting a bunch of other superheroes. It was awesome.
The only one I can think of at the moment are the original TMNT comics. (I was actually just reading theme right before this.) When I was younger I read a lot of Archie comics, and a little Sonic the Hedgehog, because my grandma owned them and I always got bored when I was at her house.
All these comments and no one's mentioned Bill Willingham's Fables? It's a fantastic series! It's takes the idea of fairytale characters living in modern society and runs with it. Kinda like Once Upon a Time, but darker and (in my opinion) better.
I also really enjoy Scott Pilgrim because it's everything I love with a snarky narrative.
I haven't read a North American comic in ages, but I've always liked X-Men. They weren't heroes who were lauded for their abilities, but were hated, feared, and even hunted for being what they were. Yet, they still fought for what they thought was right, and defended those who didn't really understand them. Outsiders who had to remain outsiders to do what they do.
I did enjoy the stand-alone graphic novel Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley: Library of Loons (Plug plug plug). In a way, that work could have been ripped straight from Sofia Coppola's mind, examining a young woman's grappling with life.
Last edited by Pleiades Rising at 10:01:19 PM EST on January 25, 2013.
Well, it's not a series, but I really liked Watchmen (the book. I've never seen the movie). I'm still trying to decode it- it was a great, dark read with lots of... foreshadowing, and... other "stuff".
I'm a huge fan of the Superman/Batman line of comics, though I get the feeling New 52 probably erased them from existence now. They're really interesting to read because you essentially see two very different frames of mind and their thought processes while at the same time completely understanding and playing off each other.
Polar opposites in terms of motivations and method, but completely on the same page. It's awesome.
X-23!! It's about the female clone of Wolverine from X-Men! There's two series of comics. Hmmm, besides that. I used to read Ultimate Spider-Man for a little while. Besides that I'm just not that exposed to comics. I mean they are cool though, I'd like to see other comics though aside from the Superhero stuff. I do have a 1983 copy of The New Teen Titans, just one issue. An old friend of mine gave it to me years ago.
I read a steampunk web comic some time ago called Girl Genius that I liked. I read about 40 pages and one of the main characters has already been reduced to a pile of ash.
A Fiery Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
Hmm... my favorite non-manga comic would have to be Scott Pilgrim (which makes fun of the "you're reading this the wrong way!" thing in manga in the third volume) or maybe The Lil' Depressed Boy.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
I've read a few issues of Teen Titans Go!, back when it was still being made (and a few of the Sonic Archie comics as well). However, this did lead to a two-book series (by TTG!'s author, J. Torres) that I really like called Love as a Foreign Language. While North American in origin, it plays out much like a romance manga (and keeps it pretty clean, for the most part, which I also like). Maybe I can't relate it to a specific series, but the story is like this:
Joel is homesick for Canada and everything else familiar after spending a while teaching English in Korea. He's ready to leave it all and go back home until he meets the language school's new secretary, Hana. It's pretty much about him trying to pursue Hana, a piece of heaven in his culture-shock hell. Will he want to leave so soon now that he's met her?
It's in two "omnibus" books (originally published as six smaller volumes) that are about the size of a typical manga volume each, and it was published by Oni Press. I don't know if it's still available, but if you can find it, I definitely recommend it :D (if you like romantic comedies and all that, anyways...)
I also read a couple of online comics, both of which have or are getting a first volume published: Awkward Zombie and Brawl in the Family. I missed out on the Kickstarters but I'd love to purchase them when they're available.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 11:12:41 AM EST on January 24, 2013.
The only comic book series I really ever read was Tintin, which I did enjoy. So I guess that is my favorite. Although I'm a little infatuated with Neil Gaimon, so I really need to read Sandman at some point.
It's always hard to choose one favorite, but my favorites are of course:
Justice League of America (the first series volume; I'm more into the retro JL stuff than the more recent series)
Earth 2 (good old dark edge take on the Earth 2 Justice Society)
The Amazing Spider-Man
Batman (nothing beats a tale about a bat-masked grim dark avenger of the night, and the stories get better and better in series volume 2)
World's Finest (first series volume; featuring classic tales of the fantastic brains-and-brawn of team of DC flagship heroes Batman and Superman)
Anything Star Trek-related
Now on the question of relating non-manga comic to manga, Batman can be compared to Captain Harlock as both involve dark heroes who put justice before law when necesseary. Plus, both Batman and Captain Harlock each possesses multiple canon histories, though Batman's own are shown on page to consist together a multiverse within one continuity with Harlock stories often avoiding explanation for contradicting elements.
Last edited by stararnold at 10:21:24 PM EST on January 23, 2013.
I like things along the lines of Persepolis, Maus, and others.
I do like some lighter stuff though; Raina Telgemeier, and First Second books in particular.
Also French-Language comic translations of TinTin and Asterix.
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
My favorite is A Babies vs X Babies which is sorta like the Avengers Vs X Men except baby formed and a lot less violent and cuter. Its only a one shot and there's not a lot of words but its definitely one to read.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
I've never been a comic book fan. The major exception is that I like to collect some of the graphic novel compilations of the Doctor Who Magazine comic strips.
Hellboy by Mike Mignola is without a doubt my favorite comic book. The manga I'm making now was heavily impacted by the Hellboy books. I even had to scrap the original story arc because it was nearly identical to Hellboy: Seed of Destruction.
As for superheros, I could never get into superhero comic books, but I really love superheros and superhero movies. At least, good superhero movies. I love Sam Raimi's Spiderman and the new Avengers movies.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
This is certainly an interesting topic. I used to read comic books many years ago, but got sick of them when the plots got to be like a soap opera. There was this one plot where Spider-Man was cloned and neither of them could figure out who was the real one. That was it for me. Plus every now and then they reboot the whole comic book universe to try and keep it fresh.
Still, I do like a lot of comic book super heroes. And Spider-Man was my favorite comic book series back when I read them. But I usually don't bother with comic books now. On a slightly different note though, I have noticed some comic book super heroes and some anime characters that are similar to each other. Take a look at Superman and Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise. Both are practically invincible super powered aliens who fight for good, and they were both sent to Earth in space capsules as infants right before their respective planets exploded.
Oh man this is sooooo hard...I love the Miller Daredevil, Sandman, and Persopolois and a bunch of others... ITs too hard to decide between them...
Superman's my favorite superhero though if that helps answer the question!
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/30/13 | Reply
I love the original Superman comics. They're very different from the image some people seem to have of Superman, but so perfect!

Otakuite++ | Posted 01/27/13 | Reply
I've never liked comic books, I think manga is way superior.
(I can't wait for number 2!). I love the Iron Mans, Thor, and X-Men movies too. I like the Hulks, Captain America, and Spider Mans ok.
However, movies based on comic books I am a fan of (except the Batman movies, I don't really like any of those). The Avengers is probably my favorite movie
Otakuite | Posted 01/27/13 | Reply
Ahaa~ Calvin and Hobbes is definitely one of the [uhh..my? :P] classics. *thebestthebestthebest!*
I read a lot of comics before moving to manga and anime.. I really loved the twist in Spiderman:The Other where he's more or less possesaed by this alien thingy and goes around meeting a bunch of other superheroes. It was awesome.
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/26/13 | Reply
Tintin or Asterix, my two childhood favorites ^^
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/13 | Reply
The only one I can think of at the moment are the original TMNT comics. (I was actually just reading theme right before this.) When I was younger I read a lot of Archie comics, and a little Sonic the Hedgehog, because my grandma owned them and I always got bored when I was at her house.
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/13 | Reply
All these comments and no one's mentioned Bill Willingham's Fables? It's a fantastic series! It's takes the idea of fairytale characters living in modern society and runs with it. Kinda like Once Upon a Time, but darker and (in my opinion) better.
I also really enjoy Scott Pilgrim because it's everything I love with a snarky narrative.
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/13 | Reply
I haven't read a North American comic in ages, but I've always liked X-Men. They weren't heroes who were lauded for their abilities, but were hated, feared, and even hunted for being what they were. Yet, they still fought for what they thought was right, and defended those who didn't really understand them. Outsiders who had to remain outsiders to do what they do.
I did enjoy the stand-alone graphic novel Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley: Library of Loons (Plug plug plug). In a way, that work could have been ripped straight from Sofia Coppola's mind, examining a young woman's grappling with life.
Last edited by Pleiades Rising at 10:01:19 PM EST on January 25, 2013.
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/13 | Reply
Well, it's not a series, but I really liked Watchmen (the book. I've never seen the movie). I'm still trying to decode it- it was a great, dark read with lots of... foreshadowing, and... other "stuff".
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 01/25/13 | Reply
I'm a huge fan of the Superman/Batman line of comics, though I get the feeling New 52 probably erased them from existence now. They're really interesting to read because you essentially see two very different frames of mind and their thought processes while at the same time completely understanding and playing off each other.
Polar opposites in terms of motivations and method, but completely on the same page. It's awesome.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/25/13 | Reply
X-23!! It's about the female clone of Wolverine from X-Men! There's two series of comics. Hmmm, besides that. I used to read Ultimate Spider-Man for a little while. Besides that I'm just not that exposed to comics. I mean they are cool though, I'd like to see other comics though aside from the Superhero stuff. I do have a 1983 copy of The New Teen Titans, just one issue. An old friend of mine gave it to me years ago.
Ochibi~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
I remember getting a comic book version of The Hobbit at the library once and kept taking it out because I loved it so I'm going to say that.
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
doesn't exist for me
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
I read a steampunk web comic some time ago called Girl Genius that I liked. I read about 40 pages and one of the main characters has already been reduced to a pile of ash.

A Fiery Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
Hmm... my favorite non-manga comic would have to be Scott Pilgrim (which makes fun of the "you're reading this the wrong way!" thing in manga in the third volume) or maybe The Lil' Depressed Boy.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
Hm, that's a good Question...
I really liked the Spiderman series, and a bunch of others! But at this time, I can't really remember them. x3
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
I've read a few issues of Teen Titans Go!, back when it was still being made (and a few of the Sonic Archie comics as well). However, this did lead to a two-book series (by TTG!'s author, J. Torres) that I really like called Love as a Foreign Language. While North American in origin, it plays out much like a romance manga (and keeps it pretty clean, for the most part, which I also like). Maybe I can't relate it to a specific series, but the story is like this:
Joel is homesick for Canada and everything else familiar after spending a while teaching English in Korea. He's ready to leave it all and go back home until he meets the language school's new secretary, Hana. It's pretty much about him trying to pursue Hana, a piece of heaven in his culture-shock hell. Will he want to leave so soon now that he's met her?
It's in two "omnibus" books (originally published as six smaller volumes) that are about the size of a typical manga volume each, and it was published by Oni Press. I don't know if it's still available, but if you can find it, I definitely recommend it :D (if you like romantic comedies and all that, anyways...)
I also read a couple of online comics, both of which have or are getting a first volume published: Awkward Zombie and Brawl in the Family. I missed out on the Kickstarters but I'd love to purchase them when they're available.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 11:12:41 AM EST on January 24, 2013.
Ellenor Mererid
Spoilers ;3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
The league of extraordinary gentlemen
Tintin is quite good too
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/24/13 | Reply
Does Homestuck count?
The only comic book series I really ever read was Tintin, which I did enjoy. So I guess that is my favorite. Although I'm a little infatuated with Neil Gaimon, so I really need to read Sandman at some point.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Garfield ;)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
It's always hard to choose one favorite, but my favorites are of course:
Now on the question of relating non-manga comic to manga, Batman can be compared to Captain Harlock as both involve dark heroes who put justice before law when necesseary. Plus, both Batman and Captain Harlock each possesses multiple canon histories, though Batman's own are shown on page to consist together a multiverse within one continuity with Harlock stories often avoiding explanation for contradicting elements.
Last edited by stararnold at 10:21:24 PM EST on January 23, 2013.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
I like things along the lines of Persepolis, Maus, and others.
I do like some lighter stuff though; Raina Telgemeier, and First Second books in particular.
Also French-Language comic translations of TinTin and Asterix.
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
My favorite is A Babies vs X Babies which is sorta like the Avengers Vs X Men except baby formed and a lot less violent and cuter. Its only a one shot and there's not a lot of words but its definitely one to read.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Axe Cop, Axe Cop all the way.
Master of Lists (Senior Otaku) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Yes I don't think the Sonic Franchise ever recovered from Sonic X & Sonic 06.
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
I liked the "Sonic" comics too! But now they're all dumbed-down. >_<
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
I've never been a comic book fan. The major exception is that I like to collect some of the graphic novel compilations of the Doctor Who Magazine comic strips.
Master of Lists (Senior Otaku) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Archie Comics version of Sonic the Hedgehog. It's darker tones make for some interesting stories.
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Hellboy by Mike Mignola is without a doubt my favorite comic book. The manga I'm making now was heavily impacted by the Hellboy books. I even had to scrap the original story arc because it was nearly identical to Hellboy: Seed of Destruction.

As for superheros, I could never get into superhero comic books, but I really love superheros and superhero movies. At least, good superhero movies. I love Sam Raimi's Spiderman and the new Avengers movies.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
This is certainly an interesting topic. I used to read comic books many years ago, but got sick of them when the plots got to be like a soap opera. There was this one plot where Spider-Man was cloned and neither of them could figure out who was the real one. That was it for me. Plus every now and then they reboot the whole comic book universe to try and keep it fresh.
Still, I do like a lot of comic book super heroes. And Spider-Man was my favorite comic book series back when I read them. But I usually don't bother with comic books now. On a slightly different note though, I have noticed some comic book super heroes and some anime characters that are similar to each other. Take a look at Superman and Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise. Both are practically invincible super powered aliens who fight for good, and they were both sent to Earth in space capsules as infants right before their respective planets exploded.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Transient Rain (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Oh man this is sooooo hard...I love the Miller Daredevil, Sandman, and Persopolois and a bunch of others... ITs too hard to decide between them...
Superman's my favorite superhero though if that helps answer the question!