That's when you draw a picture to make it look like it could be an anime screenshot. Sometimes people even add subtitles. Examples: the anime, Slayers and one with OCs.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
I enjoy with the weekly inspirational posts you post :3. But I welcome any possible variety in these weekly posts. I don't have any idea myself, it would be nice to see others' ideas.
I featured a few tutorials on my portfolio if anyone is interested, otherwise please ignore this shameless self-promotion :3
For screenshots, you can see animescreencaps,animegalleries and pureanimegallery. Also you can find blogs which have screenshots like on tumblr or LJ, but you have to type what you want when you search on Google for example. You may not find what you want, or it's not in the best quality. The best quality you can have is to download the episode in HD and take the screenshot yourself X3. It's tiring, but worth it if you really want a certain screenshots.
And if you need a specif material for cards tell me, I might be able to help :3 as I'm a solely cards artist XD. I rarely make iPhone walls now....
Actually, MT is the best site for scans now. AP is down unfortunately, Zerochan might have some official scan that MT does have but, you have to be able to distinguish fanarts from official scans, as many uploaders on ZC tag something as official but it's actually a fanart. Plus you will spend a looot of time searching from the real official scan between the wrong tagged images, plus you might find them with text, or not great so great quality (rarely though). MT has a great collection of scans but it requires ages to dig for them X3.
You can search for official artbooks, but they're either on MT or they're not scanned well..or just taken by a phone camera for example.
Tutorials would be something I would deffo be interested in. To me, it doesn't matter if there is a video or audio log involved (I'm more of a "reading" type of person -w-"), but the "color themes and key words as an inspiration" deal seems pretty cool too :)
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
I do always look forward to seeing the weekly inspiration post, but I don't really have the time to do them unfortunately since I'm busy.
I think that it would definitely be a good idea to maybe balance the weekly inspiration between "Drawing Artist" and "E-card/Wallpaper Artist", like one week do something for Drawing Artist and the next week do something for the E-card/WallPaper Artist?
I myself tend to draw more then I do e-card/wallpaper graphics so I'd like to suggest some things related to drawing.
So far the weekly submissions seems to lean on digital art, so I think it would be nice to encourage a little more traditional methods since I feel like people have easier access to those.
Having tutorials would be really nice to see but I feel like it would depend on what kinds of things people would be interested in knowing like, how to draw eyes, How to draw a body, How to do perspective, etc...
Discussing art techniques would also be really nice! like how to blend markers, color pencil, pens, or how to do pointillism, or cross hatching.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
Tutorials would be a nice feature to have. Another feature to include could be links to sites that have useable materials for making wallpapers, e-cards, things like that. For instance I'd like to know about a site where I can find good screenshots for wallpapers. Or maybe there's another place besides Minitokyo where we can find good scans.
Really though, to me this little weekly inspiration corner has been more geared towards fan art than wallpapers. But then that's just my perspective.
I'd like to see some tutorials. Maybe something with setting a scene, composition, and the like. Perspective tutorials would be nice as well. What about making fake screenshots? I've always wanted to do that.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/15 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Oh these X3 I forgot about them. I look forward to seeing them of them here. Thank you~ :3.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/24/15 | Reply
That's when you draw a picture to make it look like it could be an anime screenshot. Sometimes people even add subtitles. Examples: the anime, Slayers and one with OCs.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/15 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
What are fake screenshots?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/15 | Reply
I enjoy with the weekly inspirational posts you post :3. But I welcome any possible variety in these weekly posts. I don't have any idea myself, it would be nice to see others' ideas.
I featured a few tutorials on my portfolio if anyone is interested, otherwise please ignore this shameless self-promotion :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/15 | Reply
For screenshots, you can see animescreencaps,animegalleries and pureanimegallery. Also you can find blogs which have screenshots like on tumblr or LJ, but you have to type what you want when you search on Google for example. You may not find what you want, or it's not in the best quality. The best quality you can have is to download the episode in HD and take the screenshot yourself X3. It's tiring, but worth it if you really want a certain screenshots.
And if you need a specif material for cards tell me, I might be able to help :3
as I'm a solely cards artist XD. I rarely make iPhone walls now....Actually, MT is the best site for scans now. AP is down unfortunately, Zerochan might have some official scan that MT does have but, you have to be able to distinguish fanarts from official scans, as many uploaders on ZC tag something as official but it's actually a fanart. Plus you will spend a looot of time searching from the real official scan between the wrong tagged images, plus you might find them with text, or not great so great quality (rarely though). MT has a great collection of scans but it requires ages to dig for them X3.
You can search for official artbooks, but they're either on MT or they're not scanned well..or just taken by a phone camera for example.
Best of luck with your works :3
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/23/15 | Reply
Tutorials would be something I would deffo be interested in. To me, it doesn't matter if there is a video or audio log involved (I'm more of a "reading" type of person -w-"), but the "color themes and key words as an inspiration" deal seems pretty cool too :)
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/22/15 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I really like the alternating idea Toya! I think it would be great to balance the two. :)
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/15 | Reply
Video tutorials would be awesome.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
I do always look forward to seeing the weekly inspiration post, but I don't really have the time to do them unfortunately since I'm busy.
I think that it would definitely be a good idea to maybe balance the weekly inspiration between "Drawing Artist" and "E-card/Wallpaper Artist", like one week do something for Drawing Artist and the next week do something for the E-card/WallPaper Artist?
I myself tend to draw more then I do e-card/wallpaper graphics so I'd like to suggest some things related to drawing.
So far the weekly submissions seems to lean on digital art, so I think it would be nice to encourage a little more traditional methods since I feel like people have easier access to those.
Having tutorials would be really nice to see but I feel like it would depend on what kinds of things people would be interested in knowing like, how to draw eyes, How to draw a body, How to do perspective, etc...
Discussing art techniques would also be really nice! like how to blend markers, color pencil, pens, or how to do pointillism, or cross hatching.
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
Tutorials would be a nice feature to have. Another feature to include could be links to sites that have useable materials for making wallpapers, e-cards, things like that. For instance I'd like to know about a site where I can find good screenshots for wallpapers. Or maybe there's another place besides Minitokyo where we can find good scans.
Really though, to me this little weekly inspiration corner has been more geared towards fan art than wallpapers. But then that's just my perspective.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
I agree that tutorials would be fun to see. I like to see how people create their art. Maybe some WIP shots?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/15 | Reply
I'd like to see some tutorials. Maybe something with setting a scene, composition, and the like. Perspective tutorials would be nice as well. What about making fake screenshots? I've always wanted to do that.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!