Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/25/08 | Reply
This is a good thing!
It shows that the anime industry is paying attention and trying to get you anime faster. Remember? The way you said you wanted it?
Oh, and if you still insist on your fansubs when you can get the same episode a week later FOR FREE, then I claim full rights to call you a dirty thief. :P
Last edited by Miss Anonymous at 11:56:04 AM EST on November 25, 2008.
But... I don't get it.
How are people like me supposed to understand the episodes when I don't speak japanese D8
And now I can't see the 5th movie.
RAWR! *bites head off*
Actually, I think it was quite smart of Dattebayo to stop and encourage legal ways of getting episodes. Especially since the legal episodes are FREE. Hear that? FREE. Viz definitely knows how to connect with its fans.
So sorry guys, but there won't be any riots on the streets. ^_^
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/25/08 | Reply
This is a good thing!
It shows that the anime industry is paying attention and trying to get you anime faster. Remember? The way you said you wanted it?
Oh, and if you still insist on your fansubs when you can get the same episode a week later FOR FREE, then I claim full rights to call you a dirty thief. :P
Last edited by Miss Anonymous at 11:56:04 AM EST on November 25, 2008.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/25/08 | Reply
Viz is going to sub the episodes from January on.
But good point about the movie. I really hope Dattebayo releases that. I mean, they must be at least half done with it by now...
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
There are other groups. >->
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
But... I don't get it.
How are people like me supposed to understand the episodes when I don't speak japanese D8
And now I can't see the 5th movie.
RAWR! *bites head off*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
Actually, I think it was quite smart of Dattebayo to stop and encourage legal ways of getting episodes. Especially since the legal episodes are FREE. Hear that? FREE. Viz definitely knows how to connect with its fans.
So sorry guys, but there won't be any riots on the streets. ^_^
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
Lol, yeah, same here~ Though it won't be a friend I'll'll be my brother...hahaha~ xD
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
For the first time ever for a good reason I get too point and laugh at my friend :|
Otacon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
I will bring the popcorn and soda :D
I beat up trees. >_>
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
Haha, agreed. The fans need their weekly dose of Naruto. Or they might end up rabidly learning Japanese...
Otacon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/24/08 | Reply
And there will be riots in the streets.
I beat up trees. >_>