it's actually been around for a bit, and there is ways for you to get it in america, it's just publically announced or very popular. i forget where, but i did read u can get them i think on AT&T. or somewhere, i could be horribly wrong, but hey.
i personally don't like the idea, just because cell phone screens are way to small, and the fact that i love owning the books, i mean, everyone says we're blind already, why give us another option of our eyes falling out of our heads?
I mixed feelings about this news; on the bright side, more people are rediscovering an interest in reading (and the cell phone industry is making a killing off of their loyal readers). On the negative side, this also implies that people are looking at virtual screens for an extended duration of time (again) and that more people are going to have to visit their eye doctors more often. (Even though that last comment also applies to those who are gazing into books and manga for too long! ^_~)
I'd rather read a book as an actual book. I once tried to read a novel for a class online and kept losing my place every time I had to scroll down. C'mon, the technological advancements in some things are wonderful, but let's keep some things the old-fashioned way. Besides, texts are limited to words and characters; wouldn't that be tricky? "It ws th wrst of tms; it ws th bst of tms." Looks ridiculous.
miss teapot
Otakuite | Posted 02/02/09 | Reply
yeah n japa ppl also read mangas on mobile :P
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
it's actually been around for a bit, and there is ways for you to get it in america, it's just publically announced or very popular. i forget where, but i did read u can get them i think on AT&T. or somewhere, i could be horribly wrong, but hey.
i personally don't like the idea, just because cell phone screens are way to small, and the fact that i love owning the books, i mean, everyone says we're blind already, why give us another option of our eyes falling out of our heads?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
Woah. Cell phone novels? Sounds interesting.
But I think I'll stick to old-fashioned, low-tech, regular books, thank you very much.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
I read a story about cellphone novels last year. It's a pretty interesting phenomenon.
Love thy Evangelion.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
I mixed feelings about this news; on the bright side, more people are rediscovering an interest in reading (and the cell phone industry is making a killing off of their loyal readers). On the negative side, this also implies that people are looking at virtual screens for an extended duration of time (again) and that more people are going to have to visit their eye doctors more often. (Even though that last comment also applies to those who are gazing into books and manga for too long! ^_~)
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
I prefer books.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
There's an idea that North America can use. It would be awesome if there's also cell phone comics as well.
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
I'd rather read a book as an actual book. I once tried to read a novel for a class online and kept losing my place every time I had to scroll down. C'mon, the technological advancements in some things are wonderful, but let's keep some things the old-fashioned way. Besides, texts are limited to words and characters; wouldn't that be tricky? "It ws th wrst of tms; it ws th bst of tms." Looks ridiculous.
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
86% of Japanese High School students need thicker glasses
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
Sounds like a nice idea.. And it makes reading a novel so much easier because don't have to carry a bulky book around.