Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
A year ago, a girl named Kathy was hated by everyone. Everyone made fun of her. She was ignored. Even by messages.
One day she decided to kill herself. even her parents ignored her. She jumped out her window. No one noticed untill people started disappearing. Kathy haunted them. She made them suffer like the way she did. She hung them slowly and stabbed over and over very slowly so they could suffer like she did. If you don't send this message to 15 different comments, you will die tonight by Kathy. Because she considers it ignoring her.
Example 1:
Dave looked at the first sentence and said, "Spam" and the next day the neighbors found him in his backyard, dead.
Example 2:
Joane was alone. She didn't have kids or a husband. She had a lot of friends. When she had a sleepover with them she quickly had to check her e-mail. She saw this message and sent it only to 6 people because she thought she couldn't die that night because she was surrounded by people. The next morning Joane's friends found her in her bathtub, dead.
If you don't send this, KATHY WILL FIND YOU
You have a very unique style and I just absolutely love it :) I especially like your 'in the style of...' picture. just sheer genius with watercolors :) can't wait to see what else you come out with!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
Hey how are you? Awe you have awesome art..I just thought i would drop by and sign and subscribes to your wonderfull art..Well hope to see you around..And may your art skills get better and better..You have awesome drawing skills..I mean it..
Well take care and Happy new year..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
you know what I normally use? papermate mechanical pencils, Crayola colored pencils. and sharpies. :P
and you think you can't draw like me well get ready too because i'm posting a challenge >D
O mai. lol
Eventually Heechyl will be replaced with Hankyung <3 >w< but i love this icon.. so blue and pretty-ful.
If I could do designs like yours, oh my, I would be the happiest person everrrrrr. >:V I do need a template... yet I'm nowhere near an art store. T^T stupid car.. I could try and use bottle caps and my compass. >__<
*blinks* well dont worry i forgot to too. actually i forget to do this a lot to people^^;
they kinda have to yell at me or bring it up. i hardly use the whole system really but if i see someone uploaded fan art i normally click on it.
and first of all YOU ARE AN AMAZING DRAWER I HAVE NO IDEA WHY YOU ENVY ME!!! Evanescent Feelings of yours was fraickin awesome D:::::::: i loved it! you have a lot of ideas you just needs to get a circle template and make them come to life! ^_^
i use a circle template D: it helps!
;~~~; so anyway i love heechul he's awesome go you for having an icon for him *hugs*
well i think that you color great....*pouty face*....ww, naw but i still maintain that it's great but it's your artwork so i guess it's your opinion that matters, huh?X3
not true color loves you...either that or your love of color has overcome its hatred of you...cause you can color great...oh and that's how i always feel...color despises me utterly......X3 anyways....laterzX3
hey=w=....your drawings rock!!!!!X3 I am kinda envious...I suck at drawing figuresX3......your abbilities are pretty awesome. anyways it's a pleasure to meet you. hope that we can be friendsX3.
hi animatious! i'm tenma-chan! new here and looking for some friends. i love your artwork. your pictures are beautiful, even if you don't color them. hope we can be friends. look forward to more of your artwork. later
OMJ~ I remember seeing some of your stuff while on a search... XDDDD (goes back to subscribe)
Pfft, I WISH I knew Korean, but I am learning. v.v I know as much as a little baby... or maybe a baby knows more than me. >__<
lmao I try... v.v
OMFJ You have the Japanese coach too? XDDD My mom bought it for herself, but I was using it too... but I don't remember learning anything new, 'cept months, days of the week and maybe colorzzz~ :D I'm patiently waiting for a My Korean Coach. I really hope they make one. T^T
(just realized your farther than me on the game) >__>"
@A@ OMFJ~! Your avi is full of win. XDDD so cute~
Wowz~ I make people wanna do stuffz *tears of joy*
Thanks so much~ O3O *hugs and kisses* :D
Hi~.~!! I was lookin at teh fan art and I saw ur picIt looked sho nice!(The blue pen one)Everytime I see your art, it eigther makes me: A) Want to draw, or B)Learn more Japanese because of your writing..I got a game for my b-day ,My Japanese Coach.. And right now,I'm a first grader!!Yay!! Anyway keep up the good work!!(So sorry bought that ADD moment!!)
Ah, your fan art's so cool! I've seen you randomly floating around for a while...I guess I'm just now getting around to stopping by. Anyways...Um...Oh! I subscribed. n__n Hope to see you around!
Strong Baby. :X *speechless* I never thought Seung ri could be so hot.... and GD is full of cute. :3 [you know it's mostly cute........BUT DANG IT'S GOOD CUTE.]
niiiiice GD is a bundle of cute (maybe some hot... Daniel Henney is hawt. XDDDD oh gawd...) and Seungri in Strong Baby, was... omj... O.o pfft... I like all of Big Bang. XDDDD
And I'm glad you like the artz~ >__> I need to upload something >__<
Hope we get along too~
your GDragon......oh yes. XD he's my favorite from big bang. and yes, i totally just got lured here b/c of that icon and i am very happy i did. YOU HAVE AMAZING ART!!!!! it's so cute. ^__^ anyways, i hope we can get along.
I haven't been on in so long it feels like. Probably already forgot me from Myotaku but thats okay. Nice to see your around because almost everyone that was on my friends list is gone I believe. Nice to see you.
Yes, I'm madly in love with asian dramas. Right now meh mom recommended a Tai-drama called "So I'm Not Handsom." X3 I've only seen the first ep, but I like it. XD
Hello! I remember you from MyO. It is great to see you around here as well! How are things? Do you still like Asian dramas? I've been watching more of those than anime lately. I love them! XD
Hope I can get back in touch with you. See you around sometime?
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
hey there!!
you have very cute
also your coloring
is very good!! *nods*
etto.. OH! im having a contest
would you like to join??
eeh... dunno what else to say
so bye bye♥
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
A year ago, a girl named Kathy was hated by everyone. Everyone made fun of her. She was ignored. Even by messages.
One day she decided to kill herself. even her parents ignored her. She jumped out her window. No one noticed untill people started disappearing. Kathy haunted them. She made them suffer like the way she did. She hung them slowly and stabbed over and over very slowly so they could suffer like she did. If you don't send this message to 15 different comments, you will die tonight by Kathy. Because she considers it ignoring her.
Example 1:
Dave looked at the first sentence and said, "Spam" and the next day the neighbors found him in his backyard, dead.
Example 2:
Joane was alone. She didn't have kids or a husband. She had a lot of friends. When she had a sleepover with them she quickly had to check her e-mail. She saw this message and sent it only to 6 people because she thought she couldn't die that night because she was surrounded by people. The next morning Joane's friends found her in her bathtub, dead.
If you don't send this, KATHY WILL FIND YOU
(Sorry about this...)
1337 otaku
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
You have a very unique style and I just absolutely love it :) I especially like your 'in the style of...' picture. just sheer genius with watercolors :) can't wait to see what else you come out with!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
Happy b-lated birthday ;) sowwy
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
Thank you~ :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
Happy birthday!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
Hey how are you? Awe you have awesome art..I just thought i would drop by and sign and subscribes to your wonderfull art..Well hope to see you around..And may your art skills get better and better..You have awesome drawing skills..I mean it..
Well take care and Happy new year..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/15/09 | Reply
there's an art tutorial world i made. try it. color stuff is on the second page and last post on the first
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
Oh lovely. You know what would be nice? If I knew how to use colored pencils well. SMH -___-
O mai, I love mech. pencils~
And, o me o my, this challenge~ :3 I'm going to have to conjure up my inner most artist and tell it to be super duper creative~~
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
you know what I normally use? papermate mechanical pencils, Crayola colored pencils. and sharpies. :P
and you think you can't draw like me well get ready too because i'm posting a challenge >D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
O mai. lol
Eventually Heechyl will be replaced with Hankyung <3 >w< but i love this icon.. so blue and pretty-ful.
If I could do designs like yours, oh my, I would be the happiest person everrrrrr. >:V I do need a template... yet I'm nowhere near an art store. T^T stupid car.. I could try and use bottle caps and my compass. >__<
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
*blinks* well dont worry i forgot to too. actually i forget to do this a lot to people^^;
they kinda have to yell at me or bring it up. i hardly use the whole system really but if i see someone uploaded fan art i normally click on it.
and first of all YOU ARE AN AMAZING DRAWER I HAVE NO IDEA WHY YOU ENVY ME!!! Evanescent Feelings of yours was fraickin awesome D:::::::: i loved it! you have a lot of ideas you just needs to get a circle template and make them come to life! ^_^
i use a circle template D: it helps!
;~~~; so anyway i love heechul he's awesome go you for having an icon for him *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
Holy Frak, your art is amazing!
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
well i think that you color great....*pouty face*....ww, naw but i still maintain that it's great but it's your artwork so i guess it's your opinion that matters, huh?X3

Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
>:V psh i feel like i struggle with colourzzz v.v
i tend to use the same colorz over and over and overT^Tbut thank you anyway :D
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
not true color loves you...either that or your love of color has overcome its hatred of you...cause you can color great...oh and that's how i always feel...color despises me utterly......X3 anyways....laterzX3

Grand Otaku | Posted 09/08/09 | Reply
hey=w=....your drawings rock!!!!!X3 I am kinda envious...I suck at drawing figuresX3......your abbilities are pretty awesome. anyways it's a pleasure to meet you. hope that we can be friendsX3.

Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
like~wise~ :3
;U; sank juu
and welcome to theO. :D
i <3 color, but i think color hates me>__>"tenmastwin82
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/21/09 | Reply
hi animatious! i'm tenma-chan! new here and looking for some friends. i love your artwork. your pictures are beautiful, even if you don't color them. hope we can be friends. look forward to more of your artwork. later
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/12/09 | Reply
OMJ~ I remember seeing some of your stuff while on a search... XDDDD (goes back to subscribe)
Pfft, I WISH I knew Korean, but I am learning. v.v I know as much as a little baby... or maybe a baby knows more than me. >__<
lmao I try... v.v
R A W R~ dO3Ob -(sank juu). . .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
@yuri nanami:
OMFJ You have the Japanese coach too? XDDD My mom bought it for herself, but I was using it too... but I don't remember learning anything new, 'cept months, days of the week and maybe colorzzz~ :D I'm patiently waiting for a My Korean Coach. I really hope they make one. T^T
(just realized your farther than me on the game) >__>"
@A@ OMFJ~! Your avi is full of win. XDDD so cute~
Wowz~ I make people wanna do stuffz *tears of joy*
Thanks so much~ O3O *hugs and kisses* :D
pfft, lmao, i went into Long-comment-mode... v.v
yuri nanami
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/08/09 | Reply
Hi~.~!! I was lookin at teh fan art and I saw ur pic
It looked sho nice!(The blue pen one)Everytime I see your art, it eigther makes me: A) Want to draw, or B)Learn more Japanese because of your writing..I got a game for my b-day ,My Japanese Coach.. And right now,I'm a first grader!!
Yay!! Anyway keep up the good work!!(So sorry bought that ADD moment!!)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/09 | Reply
Happy Birthday!!!! <(^^<)(>^^)>
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/09 | Reply
thanks, hun. XDDDDD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/09 | Reply
thankie~!!!!! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/09 | Reply
thank you~ XDDD
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/19/09 | Reply
happy b day :D
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/25/09 | Reply
nice artwork you got. keep it up. i can't wait to see more. ja! stop by sometimes.

Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/27/09 | Reply
orlly? :D
Thanks. :D
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/27/09 | Reply
Ah, your fan art's so cool! I've seen you randomly floating around for a while...I guess I'm just now getting around to stopping by. Anyways...Um...Oh! I subscribed. n__n Hope to see you around!
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
Strong Baby. :X *speechless* I never thought Seung ri could be so hot.... and GD is full of cute. :3 [you know it's mostly cute........BUT DANG IT'S GOOD CUTE.]
more art? that would be great. :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
@sparkle 078:
niiiiice GD is a bundle of cute (maybe some hot... Daniel Henney is hawt. XDDDD oh gawd...) and Seungri in Strong Baby, was... omj... O.o pfft... I like all of Big Bang. XDDDD
And I'm glad you like the artz~ >__> I need to upload something >__<
Hope we get along too~
R A W R~ @A@ mourzzzz. . .
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
your GDragon......oh yes. XD he's my favorite from big bang. and yes, i totally just got lured here b/c of that icon and i am very happy i did. YOU HAVE AMAZING ART!!!!! it's so cute. ^__^ anyways, i hope we can get along.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/28/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/28/09 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/15/09 | Reply
Your art is so cute and refreshing.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
I haven't been on in so long it feels like. Probably already forgot me from Myotaku but thats okay. Nice to see your around because almost everyone that was on my friends list is gone I believe. Nice to see you.
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/19/09 | Reply
Rawr. Nice art. :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/04/09 | Reply
@Rein Akira:
:D sanx ju~
I hope to be friends too. :D
And thanx for the sub :3
R A W R~
L I N E S. . .Rein Akira
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/04/09 | Reply
Hiya! Just droppin' by to tell you I think your art is so awesome! *Subscribes* I hope we can be friends!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/01/09 | Reply
Aw~ I'm glad I got to know you too Smexeh~ :D
Happeh New Years :3
R A W R~ first time commenting in 2009 :D. . .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/08/08 | Reply
glad u like :D
thanks for the sub. :D
R A W R~ chocolate... mmmm. . .
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/08/08 | Reply
oh i love ur artowrk and stuff its very cool i really lik it i hav to subb^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/07/08 | Reply
wow, all of your works are sooooo good, im going to sub to ya, i hope we can be pals
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/20/08 | Reply
glad you like 'em. thanks for the comment :D and 만나서 반갑습니다 nice to meet you too :D
R A W R~ hasta luego~. . .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/20/08 | Reply
네, 감사합니다 for the comments and add. :D
hasta luego~ X3
R A W R~ :D. . .
i luve2dance
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/20/08 | Reply
hellos luve your art!
just wanted to stop by and sign your gb, added u as a buddie hope we can be friends
pm me anytime
*dance chan*

Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/20/08 | Reply
OMG!! I love your art so much!! ;A; It's so adorable! I hope you do'nt mind an additional subscriber. XD lol. Nice to meet you!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/05/08 | Reply
lol thanx :D
urs are good too XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
Things are fine. :)
Yes, I'm madly in love with asian dramas
. Right now meh mom recommended a Tai-drama called "So I'm Not Handsom." X3 I've only seen the first ep, but I like it. XD
R A W R~ =3=. . .
Stalker Stabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
Hello! I remember you from MyO. It is great to see you around here as well! How are things? Do you still like Asian dramas? I've been watching more of those than anime lately. I love them! XD
Hope I can get back in touch with you. See you around sometime?
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
A contest? Sure why not. And thanks for the comment XD
R A W R~ =3= . . .
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/10/08 | Reply
hey there!!
you have very cute
also your coloring
is very good!! *nods*
etto.. OH! im having a contest
would you like to join??
eeh... dunno what else to say
so bye bye♥
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/27/08 | Reply
Thankies, I'm glad you like my doodles~ xD
**hugs** Thanks for coming by and keep it up~~