What part of my comment did you NOT UNDERSTAND? I was quite clear:
The next person to comment will earn a temp ban from theO for flamming and backseat modding. BEHAVE KIDS.
Congrats you've earned being banned from the site for 48 hours.
To anyone else who would comment, use your head and THINK. Of course the art is gone, I took care of it already. And the warning about being temp banned still stands. ENOUGH ALREADY.
And that is enough with the melodramatic trolling people. Each and everyone of you that has come here to bash this member, needs to go and read this article here:
U! hi :D how r u.... I SWEAR 2 GOD IF U STEAL ANY1 ELSES ART U GET BANNED FROM EVERYTHING! i usually am not mean or rude on here, but plz if u actually decide 2 listen 2 me, stop this! i believe that u urself prob. have wonderful art urself, not other ppls! plz understand that art is made from the heart, and when u take some1s art it's like ripping a part of some1s heart out of their chest and putting a big "MINE" label on it. so plz stop this stealing! it's not a good way 2 make friends!
i will eat your art stealin face...art is from the soul if you have to steal it....then did you also steal your soul?
im rose and i think your a horrible person!!
stealing art is not allowed on this site or in the world you call home
{and you should probably thank god that i dont know where you live}
pricki shall kill you dead
I have a feeling your just going to ignore everything that we say.
But listen please.
I want to know. Why you took my and many other artists work and posted them on photobucket, and im sure other sites... and why did you claim them as your own work?
Is it because you feel insecure about your drawing abilities?
well let me tell you, no one starts out amazing or good at first.
we had practiced and worked at it untill we got better.
And that is all you have to do. just practice. there is no sence in you doing this. you're just hurting people and yourself.
Last edited by Reenigrl at 6:15:51 PM EDT on July 28, 2009.
Seriously, you go around taking people's art that they OBVIOUSLY PUT THEIR TIME, HEART, AND SWEAT INTO, and you just go around taking them and claiming them as your own. You have some guts don't you. If you love their art, it's okay to appreciate them like everyone else does. You don't post ANYTHING OF THEIR'S WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION and you DEFINITELY DON'T CLAIM THEM AS YOURS!!
And what's worse is that you decide to come to one of the places that the user's you stole from put their art up. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FOUND OUT DUMB ASS.
You're better off trying to make your own things and improve if you believe you suck so much. Stealing is no excuse k.
So, while everyone is piling on your back [and reporting you as I type]
you might as well start apologizing to the people YOU KNOW you stole from, delete your accounts that has all of the stolen arts, and start off FRESH!
If it's getting better or getting attention you want, put up your own stuff. People are here to critique and help you on what you might need to work on if that's what you need. Stealing isn't the answer and you're gonna get what's coming for you if you continue. What goes around comes back around Ten Fold [or three same thing]
And Karma's a real bitch. So stop what you're doing now k?
hey there! ^^
Welcome to theO, even if you have been here for a while. Your going to love it here I just know it!
I love kingdom hearts too! And you art is really good. hehe
I'm going to sub to you know so we can be friends and I can see more of your art. ^^
See ya around
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
People need to actually READ before commenting:
the warning about being temp banned still stands
Congrats you too have earned being banned from the site for 48 hours.
Any other takers? Every single person who refuses to walk away from this will be TEMP BANNED.
theOtaku Staff
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
there's no need for the language. i don't wanna start a fight with u but it is in the rules that u don't cuss on comments
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
What part of my comment did you NOT UNDERSTAND? I was quite clear:
The next person to comment will earn a temp ban from theO for flamming and backseat modding. BEHAVE KIDS.
Congrats you've earned being banned from the site for 48 hours.
To anyone else who would comment, use your head and THINK. Of course the art is gone, I took care of it already. And the warning about being temp banned still stands. ENOUGH ALREADY.
theOtaku Staff
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/29/09 | Reply
She had art just last week....She deleted them of course.
Surprise me ;]
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
And that is enough with the melodramatic trolling people. Each and everyone of you that has come here to bash this member, needs to go and read this article here:
Reporting A Plagiarized Submission
The next person to comment will earn a temp ban from theO for flamming and backseat modding. BEHAVE KIDS.
theOtaku Staff
In the name of the tune I will punish you!
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
U! hi :D how r u.... I SWEAR 2 GOD IF U STEAL ANY1 ELSES ART U GET BANNED FROM EVERYTHING! i usually am not mean or rude on here, but plz if u actually decide 2 listen 2 me, stop this! i believe that u urself prob. have wonderful art urself, not other ppls! plz understand that art is made from the heart, and when u take some1s art it's like ripping a part of some1s heart out of their chest and putting a big "MINE" label on it. so plz stop this stealing! it's not a good way 2 make friends!
Air (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
im rose and i think your a horrible person!!
stealing art is not allowed on this site or in the world you call home
{and you should probably thank god that i dont know where you live}
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
I hope you bathe in gasoline while smoke a cigar, art theif.
Lizzy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
I have a feeling your just going to ignore everything that we say.
But listen please.
I want to know. Why you took my and many other artists work and posted them on photobucket, and im sure other sites... and why did you claim them as your own work?
Is it because you feel insecure about your drawing abilities?
well let me tell you, no one starts out amazing or good at first.
we had practiced and worked at it untill we got better.
And that is all you have to do. just practice. there is no sence in you doing this. you're just hurting people and yourself.
Last edited by Reenigrl at 6:15:51 PM EDT on July 28, 2009.
burn it all. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
Is she banned now? =|
Last edited by Kissable-Krista at 5:52:52 PM EDT on July 28, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
Seriously, you go around taking people's art that they OBVIOUSLY PUT THEIR TIME, HEART, AND SWEAT INTO, and you just go around taking them and claiming them as your own. You have some guts don't you. If you love their art, it's okay to appreciate them like everyone else does. You don't post ANYTHING OF THEIR'S WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION and you DEFINITELY DON'T CLAIM THEM AS YOURS!!
And what's worse is that you decide to come to one of the places that the user's you stole from put their art up. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FOUND OUT DUMB ASS.
You're better off trying to make your own things and improve if you believe you suck so much. Stealing is no excuse k.
So, while everyone is piling on your back [and reporting you as I type]
you might as well start apologizing to the people YOU KNOW you stole from, delete your accounts that has all of the stolen arts, and start off FRESH!
If it's getting better or getting attention you want, put up your own stuff. People are here to critique and help you on what you might need to work on if that's what you need. Stealing isn't the answer and you're gonna get what's coming for you if you continue. What goes around comes back around Ten Fold [or three same thing]
And Karma's a real bitch. So stop what you're doing now k?
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/28/09 | Reply
that takes guts to steal. though it would take even more guts to fess up and apologize. then post your OWN work, eh?
Last edited by SnowStarChan at 4:40:06 PM EDT on July 28, 2009.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
hi, i like your stuff, it's so pretty all of it! i will see you later, bye!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
I really like your art so far!
Keep it up and I hope we can be close friends!! Stay in touch!
Same as always,
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/24/09 | Reply
hey there! ^^
Welcome to theO, even if you have been here for a while. Your going to love it here I just know it!
I love kingdom hearts too! And you art is really good. hehe
I'm going to sub to you know so we can be friends and I can see more of your art. ^^
See ya around
Gero Chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/24/09 | Reply
Hay there! Just wanted to say thank you for subscribing to me!
It is very appreciated!
- Gero Chan
Valiant Faerie
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Oooo, so do I! hope we can be friends!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/06/09 | Reply
Welcome to the O
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/06/09 | Reply
Hello, welcome to the O
if you need a friend just PM me
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/06/09 | Reply
Hello and welcome to theO! I hope you will enjoy your time here and will make lots of friends. I hope we can be friends. :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/06/09 | Reply
Hi there ^0^ I subbed ya and now we are friends (A)
hahaha, anywayzz I read you introduction and I like it what you ant to do x]
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/06/09 | Reply
Hi, if you want to make funny art, I'm looking forward to it.
And I hope we could be friends! 
Gero Chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/05/09 | Reply
Hi and welcome to theO, Animeluver625! I can't wait to see some of your art work!
- Gero Chan
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/09 | Reply
I love your purpose for being here. Subbed you so were friends now. lol . keep in touch.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/05/09 | Reply
Hi and welcome!
Hope you enjoy,let's be buddies!
Otakuite | Posted 07/05/09 | Reply