Hey!! I don't know if you remember me ^^;; I've been gone for what, a year? More? Anyway, I was browsing through my (this) old site and lookin at the wallpapers I'd once made--back when I had a life other than college...although is sitting in front of the computer making wallpapers considered having a life??--and I dunno, I just felt rather compelled to make a comment here, since, well, I dunno. Lol. I'm a nut I guess! Heck, I dunno if you're even still around! But well, in case you are, just wanted to say hi, even though I don't know you, you feel like an old friend. Er...hope I didn't creep you out there...I sure as heck probably would be... O.o Ahhh yeaaaaa so okay then, heading out now!! Have a good one! =D
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their guestbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Hi i'm nodoka (not my real name obviously, its Katherine) nice to meet you! I am a slighly weird (or so people think) Scottish girl. Love your art its amazing!!! Feel free to ask me stuff
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Hey thank you!! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply back...in fact, I can't remember if I already have! Lol, but I thank you kindly, and am glad to have met you, even just a bit. Cheers!
look at your update list and look at your ppls updates
click on it and underneath every post their should be a bar [boarder] underneath it it will have several links on it and one of them will be the coment one it will look just like this ^^
you add members bye clicking on the little heart on their portfolio [next to all the little avatars and number of their subscribers
you can find members bye going to the members list, and the ppl who submitted . also from your portfolio their should be the members tab selected in the menu just click on it and it will take you to the members list but before you scrol down to it, it will show you recent updates
you can do the same baisic things you could do on myo[but you cant use html]
also you can submit art wall papers ect[im guessing you alredy know that]
we have a chat room here but i think you need to be on for a whole month before you can get on it [for security rasons i gues XD]
and i cant think of many other things right now XD
* also stares at shyny layout*
hello im red kie
and welcome to theo!
iv watched some episodes of bleach and naruto but im taking a hiatus from those animes right now [i know most of what happens in all of naruto though i don't know ppl bye names and im not even in the soul society yet]sad is'nt it? *kicks awesome anime list*
well anyway i hope we can become freinds ^^
if their is ever anything you need please feel free to ask ^^
autumn fairy
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/01/10 | Reply
p.s. Happy early birthday! XD
autumn fairy
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/01/10 | Reply
Hey!! I don't know if you remember me ^^;; I've been gone for what, a year? More? Anyway, I was browsing through my (this) old site and lookin at the wallpapers I'd once made--back when I had a life other than college...although is sitting in front of the computer making wallpapers considered having a life??--and I dunno, I just felt rather compelled to make a comment here, since, well, I dunno. Lol. I'm a nut I guess! Heck, I dunno if you're even still around! But well, in case you are, just wanted to say hi, even though I don't know you, you feel like an old friend. Er...hope I didn't creep you out there...I sure as heck probably would be... O.o Ahhh yeaaaaa so okay then, heading out now!! Have a good one! =D
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their guestbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/08/09 | Reply
thankx for the nice commetn. i'll come stop by.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/08/09 | Reply
hi! Your art is amazing! can't wait to see what else you will draw! *subs,subs to me?*
hope we can be friends!
c ya around~~
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
thankx very much! :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
u are welcome. i hope we can be friends too
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
Hi! Thanks for subscribing! Hope to see more of your fan arts! I also love wolfs (not so obvious with my avatar, LOL!)
Hope we can be friends! (^_^?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
hello! your art is very nice. keep it up! have a look at my art sometime please?
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
Hi there I draw too from time to time and I draw from pictures and
mangas if you'd like you can chek my world and here are good stuff too
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
Hey there!! nice to meet you
I'm kitty-chan but you can call me oreo hope we can be friends
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Hi i'm nodoka (not my real name obviously, its Katherine) nice to meet you! I am a slighly weird (or so people think) Scottish girl. Love your art its amazing!!! Feel free to ask me stuff
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/02/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
thankx very much
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
welcome!! im subbin, ur work is nice!!
see ya around!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
Hey. Welcome to the Otaku. Seems like you already have a few fans. If you have any questions let me know.
autumn fairy
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
Hey thank you!! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply back...in fact, I can't remember if I already have! Lol, but I thank you kindly, and am glad to have met you, even just a bit. Cheers!
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/21/09 | Reply
u r welcome.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/21/09 | Reply
ah, tokyo mew mew was nice, even though they aren't playing it anymore...
but I thank you for your comment!
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
oh ok thankx.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
look at your update list and look at your ppls updates
click on it and underneath every post their should be a bar [boarder] underneath it it will have several links on it and one of them will be the coment one it will look just like this ^^
you add members bye clicking on the little heart on their portfolio [next to all the little avatars and number of their subscribers
you can find members bye going to the members list, and the ppl who submitted . also from your portfolio their should be the members tab selected in the menu just click on it and it will take you to the members list but before you scrol down to it, it will show you recent updates
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
@red kie:
oh ok. how do u comment o other accounts and add people?
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
you can do the same baisic things you could do on myo[but you cant use html]
also you can submit art wall papers ect[im guessing you alredy know that]
we have a chat room here but i think you need to be on for a whole month before you can get on it [for security rasons i gues XD]
and i cant think of many other things right now XD
* also stares at shyny layout*
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
@roxas b:
cool. i like others but i couldnt write them all. i love the icon
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
@red kie:
oh ok. thankx. i used to have the old myotaku but they kinda dont use it anymore. so what can u do on this one. you can call me arkain.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
hello im red kie
and welcome to theo!
iv watched some episodes of bleach and naruto but im taking a hiatus from those animes right now [i know most of what happens in all of naruto though i don't know ppl bye names and im not even in the soul society yet]sad is'nt it? *kicks awesome anime list*
well anyway i hope we can become freinds ^^
if their is ever anything you need please feel free to ask ^^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
roxas b
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
hi welcome to theo i like bleach and naruto well by