I forgot to show you how to sign people's guestbooks and I forgot how to show you how to get an avatar. D: Your sexyness distracted me bbyy. I'll have to show you next time I'm over or tell you over the phone.
But all the people's who've signed your guestbook so far are awesomeeee.
Be prepared to have another random sign your guestbook! Mwahahaha! *cough*
Hello ^^ I'm Britty's friend, the English Munchkin [tis true]. I think i'm gona have to add you because #1: you luff the Britty, and #2 you mentioned something random about eating children on your world... My housemate has some wierd joke about something similar... Seriously, every now and then she randomly says "I eat children for breakfast" in some strange fake Eastern European accent XD
Enough babble? I think so~! See you around perhaps. If I get too irritating feel free to distract me by giving me a mug of tea ^_~
Hey there! You're the famous Tyler that I keep hearing about. ^_~ Haha, I'm Britty's friend Kelsey. Nice to meet you. :) I'm glad you got a site here now!! I'm adding you then. Take care~
Fundies HOORAH
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/25/09 | Reply
I forgot to show you how to sign people's guestbooks and I forgot how to show you how to get an avatar. D: Your sexyness distracted me bbyy. I'll have to show you next time I'm over or tell you over the phone.
But all the people's who've signed your guestbook so far are awesomeeee.
I love youu!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/25/09 | Reply
Be prepared to have another random sign your guestbook! Mwahahaha! *cough*
Hello ^^ I'm Britty's friend, the English Munchkin [tis true]. I think i'm gona have to add you because #1: you luff the Britty, and #2 you mentioned something random about eating children on your world... My housemate has some wierd joke about something similar... Seriously, every now and then she randomly says "I eat children for breakfast" in some strange fake Eastern European accent XD
Enough babble? I think so~! See you around perhaps. If I get too irritating feel free to distract me by giving me a mug of tea ^_~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/24/09 | Reply
I'm Brittany's friend? :D
oh hay thar
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 05/23/09 | Reply
Hey there! You're the famous Tyler that I keep hearing about. ^_~ Haha, I'm Britty's friend Kelsey. Nice to meet you. :) I'm glad you got a site here now!! I'm adding you then. Take care~
Fundies HOORAH
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/06/08 | Reply
Hai thar Tylerrrr!!!
I knows you!!!!!! And...... I...... LOVES you!!! <333