Hi friend, just stopping by and saying hi. So Hi and I love your icon, it's so cute. I saw your artwork and it is amazing. I can't wait to see more fantastic art from you so I'm subscribing to your portfolio so I can see more. Have a great day
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their gueatbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/12 | Reply
Awww I love your portfolio..Your world is very awesome.Just thought id sign hehe while im here^^Hope we can be friends^^Oh and your are it very awesome as well..I love it
Last edited by LGA775 at 11:40:33 AM CDT on April 7, 2012.
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Yup, it was... wow, thanks for remembering >3<
Ehehe, super late reply from me as well. I've been overseas for the past 6 weeks (without internet:O). Anyways, thank you for the kind thoughts and your lovely comment:)
I-wow, thank you very much for your compliment!! <3 Not sure that I'm a good example to follow (I still have a lot of things to learn T^T) but I'm so glad you like my drawings~
Ten times better than I am. XDD And the featured fandom is a daily box where the Otaku staff choose a wallpaper, fan art, comic, card, or whatever and feature it for all the members of the O to see! They haven't been doing that lately, though! >_<
Heya! ^^ This is just a very belated welcoming to theO, but I figured that it's better late than never! In case ya still have any questions about this site, or just wanna chat with someone random, feel free to PM me! I'd love to hear from ya! :))
And your fanarts are absolutely amazing! *absolute failure at drawing right here* Keep up the great work, and you might just get the featured fandom some day!
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Welcome to the community! I'm Sarah, you can call me by any name you want! Well, if you have any questions, problems, need with getting around the site, you can PM me anytime! Or maybe some little chit-chat? I'm always free to chat (as long as I'm not doing homework, that is XD)
Hello Cheriepy! Welcome to the Otaku! :D
Hope to see some more of your amazing art skills. Love your fan art! It's just amazing, especially the colours ^_^
If you need help, please feel free to ask! :P
You can call me chisuke, since it's much shorter ^_~
~See you soon.
Hello Song! I think that's a nice name~ thank you *wipes tear*
I like Higurashi, Lucky Star, Lovely Complex, DRRRR, CCS, Death Note, Shana etc. (basically anything that has cute characters or nice art).
Hey there! ^^ Welcome to theO! If ya ever need any help around here or just feel the need to talk to someone, feel free to PM me! I'd love to hear from ya! :))
hi!and welcome to theO!i hope you have a great time here and i hope we can be friendsand also you can pm me if you want but im clueless if you need help sorry!=]
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
Maybe I did? Omg, I need to hang out on here more... but I've still got a massive artblock atm:(
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/18/13 | Reply
I got promoted? I need to check here more often
Awww, t-thank you *hugs*
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/09/13 | Reply
Ah, thank you so much for the sub King (/totally don't feel worthy though)~ <3
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/18/12 | Reply
... hi! And wow, I'm honoured (but your colouring/ drawing is wayyy better than mine haha) >__<
Thank you so much for the sub!!
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/16/12 | Reply
don't mind me >_> - lured here by your cute art ^^'
such pretty colouring! QAQ
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/12/12 | Reply
Awwww, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much (I was super happy when I read the message just then!) >3<
Administrator | Posted 07/12/12 | Reply
Just dropping by to say congrats on being promoted! :D
Keep up the lovely work and all the best~
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Mon cher et Ma cherie!
想你 想你 想你 想你 想你 想你想见你
想你 想你 想你 想你 想你 想你
想你 想你 想你 想你 想你 想你 想你想见你
想你 想你 想你 想你 想你 想你
想你 想你 想你 想你想 想你
想你想见你 想你想你 想你 想你 想你想见你
* ♥`•.¸¸.•´´•:*´¨`*:•.••.¸¸. ´´¯`•♥
Spread the LOVE this month!
Post this to the people you love!
You've ben hugged!
Send one to all your friends who you think deserve a hug (which, hopefully includes the person who sent it to you)!!
You might send it to your enemies as well!
It'll really make them stop and think!!!
If you don't receive this back, nobody likes you, and they wish you'd stop bugging them!
If you receive this back 1 time, open up! Find more friends, enemies, or enemies pretending to be friends
If you receive this back 2 times, you're off to a good start! (Unless you sent it to yourself! That's cheating!)
If you receive this back 3 times, you're a good friend.
If you receive this back 4 times, you're truly loved as a friend!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/10/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
I-I really don't know what to say... it's nearly midnight where I am (/sleepy).
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/12 | Reply
Hi friend, just stopping by and saying hi. So Hi and I love your icon, it's so cute. I saw your artwork and it is amazing. I can't wait to see more fantastic art from you so I'm subscribing to your portfolio so I can see more. Have a great day
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/12 | Reply
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their gueatbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/15/12 | Reply
Wahhhh, you're too kind ;u;
I don't deserve your sub, so thank you very muchly~~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/15/12 | Reply
* A * ! you're gallery is super adorable~
just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm subbing c:
I can't wait to see more art from you > u < ~
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/12 | Reply
Hehe Awesome^^ Glad to hear that Cheriepy..^^ Nice username as well..^^ Subcribing you now
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/08/12 | Reply
Ahh, thank you so much =3=
I'd love to be friends with you! :D
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/12 | Reply
Awww I love your portfolio..Your world is very awesome.Just thought id sign hehe while im here^^Hope we can be friends^^Oh and your are it very awesome as well..I love it
Last edited by LGA775 at 11:40:33 AM CDT on April 7, 2012.
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/19/12 | Reply
Of course:DD
/send you love
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/12/12 | Reply
;lkjad;lfkjasdf w-what do mean mean by beaten? D:
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/16/12 | Reply
Yup, it was... wow, thanks for remembering >3<
Ehehe, super late reply from me as well. I've been overseas for the past 6 weeks (without internet:O). Anyways, thank you for the kind thoughts and your lovely comment:)
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/20/11 | Reply
I-wow, thank you very much for your compliment!! <3 Not sure that I'm a good example to follow (I still have a lot of things to learn T^T) but I'm so glad you like my drawings~
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/22/11 | Reply
Wowwwww, thank you for subscribing!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/22/11 | Reply
Your fan arts are cute! I have to subscribe you
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/21/11 | Reply
Wow, thank you so much for the sub >3<
Thank you for your comment as well~~
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/21/11 | Reply
Your artwork is really adorable~~ I'll be looking forward to your work from now on!
I sub you! ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/25/11 | Reply
Aww, I love your art~ ^u^
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/25/11 | Reply
I'm not deserving, but thank you very much!
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/25/11 | Reply
Your art is amazing~ <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/10 | Reply
nah, it's nothing, it's only natural for me to fave an awesome work
you deserve more love ♥♥
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/27/10 | Reply
Ten times better than I am. XDD And the featured fandom is a daily box where the Otaku staff choose a wallpaper, fan art, comic, card, or whatever and feature it for all the members of the O to see! They haven't been doing that lately, though! >_<
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/27/10 | Reply
Awww, thank you very much. I'm not that great haha -_-; Okay then, what's featured fandom?
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/27/10 | Reply
You're welcome. Thank you back to you =3=
(I was pretty honored when I saw you favourited something of mine *_________*).
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
Heya! ^^ This is just a very belated welcoming to theO, but I figured that it's better late than never! In case ya still have any questions about this site, or just wanna chat with someone random, feel free to PM me! I'd love to hear from ya! :))
And your fanarts are absolutely amazing! *absolute failure at drawing right here* Keep up the great work, and you might just get the featured fandom some day!
See ya around~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
thanks for the sub~
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/11/10 | Reply
Hello! You too Dev-chan, catch you around. Thank you ^^
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/11/10 | Reply
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Hope to see you around! ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/10 | Reply
you're welcome

Otakuite++ | Posted 12/11/10 | Reply
Hi Sarah; thank you very much *A*
Yup, will do~
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/10/10 | Reply
Hey !

Your fan art "half beast" is awesome :3!
Welcome to the community! I'm Sarah, you can call me by any name you want!
Well, if you have any questions, problems, need with getting around the site, you can PM me anytime! Or maybe some little chit-chat? 
I'm always free to chat (as long as I'm not doing homework, that is XD)
Hope we can be friends.
Have fun!
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/10/10 | Reply
Aww, thanks! I actually drew it (it is Captain Murasa from Touhou12). I'm from Sydney, Australia:)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/09/10 | Reply
Hey. Welcome to theO. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask (^_^)/)
Administrator | Posted 12/09/10 | Reply
Hello Cheriepy! Welcome to the Otaku! :D
Hope to see some more of your amazing art skills. Love your fan art! It's just amazing, especially the colours ^_^
If you need help, please feel free to ask! :P
You can call me chisuke, since it's much shorter ^_~
~See you soon.
Find a reason to smile
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Hiya (I feel so welcomed here already T_T). Thank you very much; hope to see you around:D
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Hello Song! I think that's a nice name~ thank you *wipes tear*
I like Higurashi, Lucky Star, Lovely Complex, DRRRR, CCS, Death Note, Shana etc. (basically anything that has cute characters or nice art).
Thank you for commenting ^_^
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Haha, no worries, we can be clueless together >_<
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Hi hi^^ I'd love to be friends:DD
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
That's very kind of you; thank you very much >_<
Yayy, I don't think any of my friends IRL actually like both of them together...
See you around!
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Hey there! ^^ Welcome to theO! If ya ever need any help around here or just feel the need to talk to someone, feel free to PM me! I'd love to hear from ya! :))
See ya~
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Hello Miku haha, a least I won't forget your name:D I'm from Australia. Thank you very much for your offer, and yes, I'd love to be friends^^
Do you use pixiv (sorry, just an assumption because you said you're from Japan)?
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Ahh, since you're online now, what is 'Worlds'?
Last edited by cheriepy at 7:32:50 PM CST on December 8, 2010.
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Thank you very much-- uhhh I think I need to do more random clicking then I'll be fine:)
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Thank you ;u;
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
hi!and welcome to theO!i hope you have a great time here and i hope we can be friendsand also you can pm me if you want but im clueless if you need help sorry!=]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/08/10 | Reply
Welcome!! If you have questions, dont hesitate to ask!
Laugh Often