Thanks a lot
Well right now my favorite animes are honey and clover, kimi ni todoke, vampire knight, kuroshitsuji, lucky star and a lot more
How about you?
Thanks but you can just call me Chun Hyang in english it means "scent of the spring flower" sounds so lame (o_o")o
I know we can be good friends by the way are you a boy or a girl you don't need to answer if you don't want
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/28/10 | Reply
can i be your friend
Chun Hyang Khang
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
Thanks a lot
Well right now my favorite animes are honey and clover, kimi ni todoke, vampire knight, kuroshitsuji, lucky star and a lot more
How about you?
Chun Hyang Khang
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
Thanks a lot for that I'll be sure to contact you if I have any difficulties
Chun Hyang Khang
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
Thanks but you can just call me Chun Hyang in english it means "scent of the spring flower" sounds so lame (o_o")o
I know we can be good friends by the way are you a boy or a girl you don't need to answer if you don't want
Chun Hyang Khang
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
It is nice to meet you too Serein @_@
Will you allow me to call you that?
Thanks for the welcome!
Chun Hyang Khang
Otakuite | Posted 12/23/10 | Reply
Nice to meet you too Miku
you can call me Chun Hyang I'm from Korea
I hope we can be friends too
Can I ask you if you are a boy or a girl?
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/20/10 | Reply
Welcome to TheOtaku!
may you enjoy your stay very much ∩_∩
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/20/10 | Reply
Konichiwa! :D I'm 1dev13, but feel free to call me Dev or Dev-chan! ^-^ But anyway, welcome to theOtaku! :D If you ever need help, or are just looking for a friend, feel free to PM me~ *Subscribes*
Hope to see you around! ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/20/10 | Reply

Welcome to otaku! Hope you have lots of fun here and hope to see some submissions from you very soon
If you need any help, feel free to PM me.
Okay, hope we can be good friends.. see ya!