hi axel! oh, seems like u've changed ur nick..or is it ur account? lol
so sorry 4 not being on9 4 a very long time..got too bz with these college stuff..
Sorry about the really really late reply. I have been talking to people through personal messages. And I did not realize that there were some people that left me comments, just found that out. I really don't log on here that much, I just look at all the cool pics and PM people back who already write to me.
GOSH I am so sorry,.. so be patients w/me I'll still learning the ropes around here.
But it's great to meet you talk to later.
hello, thank you for dropping by at my place. *nods* that was very sweet of you. anyways i'm here to return the favor. i hope we can become friends. ^__^ ttyl, k?
Hello there ^^ nice to meet you, I just thought i'd say hi after reading your post on the new members page *smiles*
I see you have already made some cards and things, best of luck with those, you look like you have some talent there ^^
Take care, if you ever want to ask me something then please go ahead *smiles* Oh, I see you asked someone about moving avatars? Sometimes you can find them on places like photobucket if you search there. That is where I found mine.
Hi there :3 I checked out our profolios, and it seems that we're three days apart; your birthday being June 27, and mine being June 30, and it seems that I'm a year older than u.
By the way, don't be afraid to write in my guestbook, 'kay ;3
Lol..its always fine with me..For the 1st time I know about giving gifts to others, I had already given 3 gifts to my new friends..so excited to give something..lol..
Anyway,thanx..I would love to have something from you..
Hi, it's Axelflame again :3 Since your a new member here in the Otaku, next month, I plan on sending ya a little gift just to show ya that I can be a really good friend to u, is that okay with u?
Hi there, this is Axelflame :3 Thanks for subscribing to me, and I like to say welcome to theOtaku :3 I really hope to meet u very soon, and I hope we can be good friends too, plus it would be great if I can chat with u in the chatroom as well (I mean, once you've been a member here for three months :3)
Funimation has a lot of cool stuff liek that if you look around. Some of the other memebers might know how to actually design a moving avi, but I'm not that computer-savi yet. haha.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
can i read the story?i used to collect sailormoon's fan stories from other websites..i really enjoy fans' satories cuz sometimes its more creative and includes love stories between d characters..makes more interesting..lol..its okay bout ur english..i think i can understand it..
btw,im muslim too but u can just call me cleo..its easier to remember..lol..
A Bleach fan huh? Im one too! It's a pleasure to make ur acquitence! -bows-
Im 13, but ppl usually think I'm older because of the drawings I make. I'ts mostly 'bout Bleach... Feel free to message me, subscribe to me, or drop me a line of questions. I hope you'll like it here as much as I do! ^^
And about Bleach...
I like it so much im writing a story 'bout it! I'ts about Toushirou, so if ur interested, send me a PM! ^^ Please don't.. my english sucks... anyway! My favourite character is Toushirou, as u can see, but Im not a fangirl. Please remember that. I REALLY hate Kurosaki's guts, so don't talk to me 'bout him, 'kay? ^^
About me...
I have 7 sisters and 4 brothers. including me, it's 8 females. So 12 children. -.-' Im second to last.. I live in Belgium, but I come from Morocco, in other words, Im a Muslim!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
@Blue Jaguar:
hi axel! oh, seems like u've changed ur nick..or is it ur account? lol
so sorry 4 not being on9 4 a very long time..got too bz with these college stuff..
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
@Umeda Isao:
waahh...thanx =)
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/07/10 | Reply
yep, thanx a lot..its nice of u =)
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/01/10 | Reply
my name is Amamiya Ushio, I subbed you...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/15/09 | Reply
nice to meet u
hop we can be friend, feel free to comment/pm me coz im not bite
Otakuite | Posted 10/25/09 | Reply
Sorry about the really really late reply. I have been talking to people through personal messages. And I did not realize that there were some people that left me comments, just found that out. I really don't log on here that much, I just look at all the cool pics and PM people back who already write to me.
GOSH I am so sorry,.. so be patients w/me I'll still learning the ropes around here.
But it's great to meet you talk to later.
Blue Jaguar
Otakuite | Posted 07/07/09 | Reply
Yo, cleo! Long time no see, hehehehehe :3
In case u didn't know as to who I am, it's me, Axelflame ;3
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/28/09 | Reply
Happy birthday!!!
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Umeda Isao
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/27/09 | Reply
Tanjoubi Omedetou! Happy Birthday
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/09 | Reply
hello, thank you for dropping by at my place. *nods* that was very sweet of you. anyways i'm here to return the favor. i hope we can become friends. ^__^ ttyl, k?
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
I never replied to your question!!! XD OF COURSE I'll be your friend. Hope to see you on Chat!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/23/09 | Reply
Hi there. Hope you are enjoying the otaku so far... hope we can be friends ...
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/23/09 | Reply
Hello there ^^ nice to meet you, I just thought i'd say hi after reading your post on the new members page *smiles*
I see you have already made some cards and things, best of luck with those, you look like you have some talent there ^^
Take care, if you ever want to ask me something then please go ahead *smiles* Oh, I see you asked someone about moving avatars? Sometimes you can find them on places like photobucket if you search there. That is where I found mine.
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/23/09 | Reply
oh hi there. I hope you have lots of fun!
Otakuite | Posted 05/22/09 | Reply
thank you! *hug*
of course we can be friends ;)
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/17/09 | Reply
Hi there! I hope u got the gift I just sent to u.
Hope u really like it
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
u bet! lots of my frens fell in love with those chars..lol..
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/01/09 | Reply
Hi there :3 I checked out our profolios, and it seems that we're three days apart; your birthday being June 27, and mine being June 30, and it seems that I'm a year older than u.
By the way, don't be afraid to write in my guestbook, 'kay ;3
See ya around
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/29/09 | Reply
Well thanks for stopping by i really appreciate it, i like your ison as well :D
ouran high school host club is soooo hilarious!
Tenshi Higaru
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
haha, yeah that is pretty wierd xD
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
@Tenshi Higaru:
Hey, did you noticed..? Our avatars somehow having some similarities..
The different is maybe for the fine sketches and colours..
Tenshi Higaru
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Hey there, Yeah sure we can be friends :D
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Lol..its always fine with me..For the 1st time I know about giving gifts to others, I had already given 3 gifts to my new friends..so excited to give something..lol..
Anyway,thanx..I would love to have something from you..
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
Hi, it's Axelflame again :3 Since your a new member here in the Otaku, next month, I plan on sending ya a little gift just to show ya that I can be a really good friend to u, is that okay with u?
See ya around ;3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/22/09 | Reply
owh...ok then.. I'll try again and I'll inform u whatever happens.. Thanx..
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/22/09 | Reply
Well, I had sent some of it to be submitted. We'll just have to wait and wether it's approved or not.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/22/09 | Reply
haha of course we can be friends! :)
can't wait to see some artwork from you x]
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
yeah..I would like too..Keep in touch..^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
Hi there, this is Axelflame :3 Thanks for subscribing to me, and I like to say welcome to theOtaku :3 I really hope to meet u very soon, and I hope we can be good friends too, plus it would be great if I can chat with u in the chatroom as well (I mean, once you've been a member here for three months :3)
See ya around ;3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
I hope so sailorRaven..
I love sailor mars so much and not forgotten jadite,her love for eternity..he's so gorgeous..
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Hello and Welcome cleolitz~!
I hope you enjoy here at theO and that we can be friends~! ^_^v
PS: I'm a Sailor Moon fan too! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
I'll give you the link were I got mine..
Funimation has a lot of cool stuff liek that if you look around. Some of the other memebers might know how to actually design a moving avi, but I'm not that computer-savi yet. haha.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
how did u guys put those animated pics..? i would like to learn please...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Hello! It DR! Welcome, and I look forward to learning more about you. *goes to see world*.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Yep I'm an active member ^_^ Just ask and I'll help out any way I can!
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Welcome to TheO. I'm Refi-chan ^-^ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I have a 'Big Sister' world that I have dedicated to helping peoples! :3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
oh..! great..!
can i read the story?i used to collect sailormoon's fan stories from other websites..i really enjoy fans' satories cuz sometimes its more creative and includes love stories between d characters..makes more interesting..lol..its okay bout ur english..i think i can understand it..
btw,im muslim too but u can just call me cleo..its easier to remember..lol..
drazu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
A Bleach fan huh? Im one too! It's a pleasure to make ur acquitence! -bows-
Im 13, but ppl usually think I'm older because of the drawings I make. I'ts mostly 'bout Bleach... Feel free to message me, subscribe to me, or drop me a line of questions. I hope you'll like it here as much as I do! ^^
And about Bleach...
I like it so much im writing a story 'bout it! I'ts about Toushirou, so if ur interested, send me a PM! ^^ Please don't.. my english sucks... anyway! My favourite character is Toushirou, as u can see, but Im not a fangirl. Please remember that. I REALLY hate Kurosaki's guts, so don't talk to me 'bout him, 'kay? ^^
About me...
I have 7 sisters and 4 brothers. including me, it's 8 females. So 12 children. -.-' Im second to last.. I live in Belgium, but I come from Morocco, in other words, Im a Muslim!
Hope to see u around..