wow, I vaguely remember seeing you on myOtaku when i was still in my other account.. that's a lonnnggg time ago, but you only have 6 gb signs?? are you away a lot? Cuz judging by how long you've been on this site and how great your artwork is, you should definitly be more popular =P
wth happened to otaku? this is TD i'm just soo shocked this is TD if you still know me...answer me!!! pls...i'm so sad and don't know what to do T__________T
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/10 | Reply
wow, I vaguely remember seeing you on myOtaku when i was still in my other account.. that's a lonnnggg time ago, but you only have 6 gb signs?? are you away a lot? Cuz judging by how long you've been on this site and how great your artwork is, you should definitly be more popular =P
a thousand hearts for Duo~
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/25/09 | Reply
Thanks for the add... Thought I would stop by and give your GB a sig and say hello... Hope all is going well for you...
'Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.'
See you around TheO...
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
rawr random signature. :3
Michiyo Shimizu
Queen of theO � (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
You is a Stalka.
I am not a follower, I am a friend. I do not ask for subscribers, only friends.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
wth happened to otaku? this is TD i'm just soo shocked this is TD if you still know me...answer me!!! pls...i'm so sad and don't know what to do T__________T
The Beautiful German | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
You're on the Watercooler, so I thought I should drop and sign your GB. I'm subscribing to you too. Hope you do the same! :3
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
First to sign your new gb. X3
Just came around to say thank you for everything. You mean so much to me. You're just the best. X3
Love Bug =X3