King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/15 | Reply
Ok, I really don't understand how I didn't run into your stuff you before? You are like Leonardo Da Vinci crazy good and I JUST saw your work?? How can some with such talent exist?? How can this be?? xD
Anyways, I have subscribed to you! Can't wait to see more of your stuff! Keep up the fantastic work
Hey there geikou-san!! your work is pretty amazing- you have SERIOUS skill with digital coloring!! *super jealous* keep it up!! I'll be keeping an eye on you ^___^ p.s. i love your outfit designs and poses! so hard to find people who have an eye for composition!
Thanks for all the guestbook signatures and comments. ^^ Sorry I'm not more active here... >_>
SakuraDust, I do have a dA:
I try to keep up with that one more and I've also been posting non-painting art there. ^^
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/20/10 | Reply
Hi there! I wanted to stop by and say that your art is absolutely gorgeous. It really is inspiring to me - you're probably one of my favorite artists on theO. So I thought I'd subscribe - I wouldn't want to miss any more amazing art! ;)
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
Hey how are you? Awe you have awesome art..I just thought i would drop by and sign and subscribes to your wonderfull art..Well hope to see you around..And may your art skills get better and better..You have awesome drawing skills..I mean it..
Well take care and Happy new year..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
woah...your art is just....woah
there is no other way to describe its awesome-ness
its like epic flavored ice cream, topped with awesome-sause times like 50000000 X 10000000
seriously you should have wayyy more subs and GB signatures <3 cant wait for more art ^vv^
You are an absolutely amazing artist! I can't understand why you don't have more popularity (: Your realistic CGing is so beautiful and I've been trying like crazy to gain similar skills.
Amazing job.
I can't believe you only have 5 signatures and 25 subscribers! Your art is beautiful and your characters are really unique. You are an amazing artist and I look forward to seeing more of your art in the future.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/29/15 | Reply
Haha, I'm not sure I could possibly compare to da Vinci, but thank you. ^o^
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/15 | Reply
Ok, I really don't understand how I didn't run into your stuff you before? You are like Leonardo Da Vinci crazy good and I JUST saw your work?? How can some with such talent exist?? How can this be?? xD
Anyways, I have subscribed to you! Can't wait to see more of your stuff! Keep up the fantastic work
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/01/14 | Reply
Hello! I saw some of your art and they were awesome!
Hope to see more! :)
Lizzy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/01/13 | Reply
Where have you been? in hiding? needle in a haystack. Cause I should have been watching you a long time ago.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Your art is incredible!
Can't wait to see more! ^^
Jenny Lyn Young
JinYukiChan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/13 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/17/12 | Reply
I do. ^^ You can find me on dA here:
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/12 | Reply
i looove your pictures :3 i also like your stuff on facebook :3
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
Wishing you all the best for 2012, reach out and seize the future in the palm of your hand
---Immortal Queen---
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
Keep up the good work!! subs
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/19/11 | Reply
Hey there geikou-san!! your work is pretty amazing- you have SERIOUS skill with digital coloring!! *super jealous* keep it up!! I'll be keeping an eye on you ^___^ p.s. i love your outfit designs and poses! so hard to find people who have an eye for composition!
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/16/11 | Reply
i love your drawings
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/11 | Reply
lol - cant believe im only signing now >_>
my bad
ur art rocks XD
thanks for the lineart tip too =D
Otakuite | Posted 10/19/10 | Reply
nice art~! ^_^ keep up the great work~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/10 | Reply
your work is really great i really like ur black and white ones subs
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Holy shit! I love all your pieces, you are truly a great artist!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/10 | Reply
Wow keep up the good work! Totally awesome!

Grand Otaku | Posted 08/25/10 | Reply
wow ur an awesome artist im so totally subbing u
i love ur srt x x
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/30/10 | Reply
Thanks for all the guestbook signatures and comments. ^^ Sorry I'm not more active here... >_>
SakuraDust, I do have a dA:
I try to keep up with that one more and I've also been posting non-painting art there. ^^
Aishia, I responded to you at dA. ^^
Thanks again! <3
Moderator | Posted 05/28/10 | Reply
Do you have a dA account?
I'll subscribe here, but i thought you'd be more active someplace else, so i was wondering...
Keep up the amazing work ^3^
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/20/10 | Reply
Hi there! I wanted to stop by and say that your art is absolutely gorgeous. It really is inspiring to me - you're probably one of my favorite artists on theO. So I thought I'd subscribe - I wouldn't want to miss any more amazing art! ;)
Anyways, hope to see you around sometime!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/10 | Reply
Hey how are you? Awe you have awesome art..I just thought i would drop by and sign and subscribes to your wonderfull art..Well hope to see you around..And may your art skills get better and better..You have awesome drawing skills..I mean it..
Well take care and Happy new year..^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/01/09 | Reply
wow. i love your artwork. they're really nice. ^_^

i can't wait to see more.
Erie Machista
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/11/09 | Reply
OMG O_O Such an amazing art works!!!! How come there's only 14 signaturs o_O your arts are absolutely awesome!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/31/09 | Reply
woah...your art is just....woah
there is no other way to describe its awesome-ness
its like epic flavored ice cream, topped with awesome-sause times like 50000000 X 10000000
seriously you should have wayyy more subs and GB signatures <3 cant wait for more art ^vv^
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/28/09 | Reply
Love ur art has such a realistic feel to it:}
Queen of Sheba
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/27/09 | Reply
Holy FLIP!!! You are a FANTASTIC ARTIST!!! XD Good job! *subscribes*
Queen of Sheba
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/24/09 | Reply
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/27/09 | Reply
oh wow..... ur art is amazing..
ur 36th subscriber... wha... why... err.. how lazy can people be... its not logical to miss someone as awesome as u.. *stomps*
anyway, hope to see more from u.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/28/09 | Reply
i like your art. especially the eyes.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/21/09 | Reply
You are an absolutely amazing artist! I can't understand why you don't have more popularity (: Your realistic CGing is so beautiful and I've been trying like crazy to gain similar skills.
Amazing job.
Otakuite | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
ur skills are top notch. i'll be on the look out for more of your work!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/14/09 | Reply
I can't believe you only have 5 signatures and 25 subscribers! Your art is beautiful and your characters are really unique. You are an amazing artist and I look forward to seeing more of your art in the future.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
I just love your work! I hope we can be freinds! -AsagiTaichou visitmy site for a good fanfic
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
:) Wow, I love your work; so beautiful.
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
I love your pictures!! You'r an amazing artist. ^^
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
You've got some amazing drawing skills.I just had to write something in your guestbook.Hope to see you around!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
cant understand why you only have 6 subscribers!!! and no signatures, your art is amazing!