Hello Keri
I'm actually happy I found you lol. I know how it was when I first joined. Kinda sad I didn't think I would make any frieds. But them people found my site and sighed my guest book.
I do'nt really hang out much on here, I still stay on Myotaku, I'm sure if you ask innocent♥ she will help you find me! ^^ I wish you luck on your new site. And don't forget!! HAVE FUN!! ^,~
Hello Keri. Haha, these are called Guestbooks. XD lol. Yeah so you have made such a difference in my life, I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. You are like the other half of my heart and soul. Thank you for everything Keri. I WUV YOU BUNCHES!!! *hugs*
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/27/08 | Reply
Hello Keri
I'm actually happy I found you lol. I know how it was when I first joined. Kinda sad I didn't think I would make any frieds. But them people found my site and sighed my guest book.
I do'nt really hang out much on here, I still stay on Myotaku, I'm sure if you ask innocent♥ she will help you find me! ^^ I wish you luck on your new site. And don't forget!! HAVE FUN!! ^,~
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
Hello Keri. Haha, these are called Guestbooks. XD lol. Yeah so you have made such a difference in my life, I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. You are like the other half of my heart and soul. Thank you for everything Keri. I WUV YOU BUNCHES!!! *hugs*
-GRAPES!!!!!! XD