Happy Birthday, Mr. K! It might be sometime (or sooner, I hope) before you read this, but it's not a belated birthday greeting on my behalf. May you be one step closer to formulating a completely satisfactory GUT, for when that day arrives I can say: "I knew him before he was famous!" All in all, I hope you had a good day, and have many more ahead of you.
Sup, I'm Carney. I'm a friend of Ryu and Katana (I'm actually pretty much Katanas neighbor) and I am very jealous of your touching of Lord Stanley's Cup... I have many stories of your glorious adventures and am excited to meet you, so... Wassup!!!
If the stats are correct on your birthday, it would appear we are very close to each other in age XD I think you're cool, everytime I go in the chatroom you always say something to me and you seem so nice and awesome. Anyways, hope to talk to you outside of the chatroom sometime =D Later alligator
hey hey kastom. Thank you for subbing me oh so awsome kastom lol...i like the style of your work. Cant wait to see more, keep it up and see you around...
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
*noticed the title* Since when there is Otaku Princess? lol I never knew~.
Anyway, you might remember me from chat xD
It was nice talking to you ^^
I admire people who speak proper grammar and spelling. Plus, you're quite good at writing~... I need to learn a lot from you :3
:OOOOOO Mia avi! You into Fire Emblem now?! Even if you're not, at least your profile pic matches your title now. Heh. Later.
And since I was already on your page, and always miss those b-day alerts and stuff, I took care of it early.
Thoughts of Physics aren't allowed on birthdays. Enjoy your 20th. =)
Last edited by nomad009 at 2:44:46 PM EDT on September 9, 2009.
The Turning Tide (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
You are very interesting to talk to, I would like to debate with you sometime, but I am not very fond of Physics...maybe we can debate about other things??? I am sure that you might like other sciences....kinda....maybe... btw I subscribed to you!
Last edited by HametsuKuro at 1:01:51 AM EDT on June 7, 2009.
Scroll down the THREE FREAKING YEARS portion of the page. Since you're here, I guess you have the right to see this, if ever you never did see this. This was back when you retired indefinitely from the site.
Also, I just realized that you haven't posted your old articles. Is it okay if you re-post it here in the site, if only for the sake of keeping your old writeups active online for other people to see? You could always go to Archive.org if you lost your copies.
P.S. What the...your title's Otaku Princess already?!
Last edited by The Mask at 11:48:11 AM EDT on May 14, 2009.
Wow. I just realized that I haven't signed your guestbook yet.
Anyway, I'm glad that you came back after a long leave of absence back then. You're a really cool guy, and I mean it. Terrific writer, great anime fan...really man, you're a cool guy.
I've heard about your awesome hair. Maybe I should take some time to look at it, 'coz I haven't been able to do so the whole time I've met you.
And lastly, I have to admit this to you that when you became the 2009 theOtaku.com Princess, there once came a point where I seriously started to wonder what your gender really is. Blame that on the constant princess references in the comments. Nowadays though, I can somewhat equate you with Santino Marella of the WWE and his current gimmick of "Santina Marella" (his "twin sister") that debuted in Wrestlemania 25 and became Miss Wrestlemania there. No hard feelings there, right?
'Til our next talk, Kastom. HAVE A NICE DAY.
Last edited by The Mask at 2:43:33 PM EDT on April 10, 2009.
Yo Kastom! I really appreciate you welcoming me back. It brings back the memories...
Ooh! And I went to Canada. Quebec, which I don't think is your neck of the woods (Ontario, right?) but still different. Place is pretty cool, and really beautiful outdoors. Don't know why I brought all that up. Whatever. Went to Canada. :)
See ya around the O!
Hehe no problem, fun thing is I have added you for quite sometime and forgot completely to sign your guestbook. I apologize about that, I do get distracted very easily heh.
And its true we have talked sometimes whenever I show up in the comunity chat well now we can do it more often.
Thank you so much for the add and for leaving a message on the gb! I appreciate a lot.
Hey Kastom, its Backlash Wave, but with a new account since my old name doesn't fit with my current tastes. I'm currently into making wallpapers now that I know how to take screenshots, lol. See ya around
I believe that the very first time I signed your myOtaku guestbook, it went something like this: "Hey, it's crazy-hair!" That should now be upgraded to "Hey, it's awesome-hair!".
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/11 | Reply
Wishing you all the best for 2012, reach out and seize the future in the palm of your hand
---Immortal Queen---
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
Miss Lily
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
Woow.. I think there are several rare titles here. What Otaku Princess means??
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/10 | Reply
Happy Birthday, Mr. K! It might be sometime (or sooner, I hope) before you read this, but it's not a belated birthday greeting on my behalf. May you be one step closer to formulating a completely satisfactory GUT, for when that day arrives I can say: "I knew him before he was famous!" All in all, I hope you had a good day, and have many more ahead of you.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/01/10 | Reply
So I realized today that while we are friends on facebook I never subscribed to you here. So. I will subscribe to you now haha o3o;;
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/04/10 | Reply
Sup, I'm Carney. I'm a friend of Ryu and Katana (I'm actually pretty much Katanas neighbor) and I am very jealous of your touching of Lord Stanley's Cup... I have many stories of your glorious adventures and am excited to meet you, so... Wassup!!!
Gambino (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/04/10 | Reply
Ah what the hell? I didn't suscribe to you either! D:
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/01/10 | Reply
my name is Amamiya Ushio, I subbed you...
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/08/10 | Reply
If the stats are correct on your birthday, it would appear we are very close to each other in age XD I think you're cool, everytime I go in the chatroom you always say something to me and you seem so nice and awesome. Anyways, hope to talk to you outside of the chatroom sometime =D Later alligator
Immortal Queen
Fighting Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/10 | Reply
hey hey kastom. Thank you for subbing me oh so awsome kastom lol...i like the style of your work. Cant wait to see more, keep it up and see you around...
Dear Common Sense, I miss you please come home, before I do something else stupid. Love Me.
Chibi Light
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/25/09 | Reply
Merry Christmas!! : D
Chibi Light
Puppet Mistress
Mistress (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/11/09 | Reply
Meets you in the chat!
Happy Otakuing!
turtle chris
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/09 | Reply
Wow your a great writer, and a great artist, wallpaperer, and cardmakerer, lol your just allround great!!!!
SarhH (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
yo sir crosstyper!
Clyne Lacus
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/02/09 | Reply
*noticed the title* Since when there is Otaku Princess? lol I never knew~.
Anyway, you might remember me from chat xD
It was nice talking to you ^^
I admire people who speak proper grammar and spelling. Plus, you're quite good at writing~... I need to learn a lot from you :3
so I'll subscribe you :3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
... I never signed this? What... The...!?
I may as well make this a useful sign -- [Happy late Birthday!] :D
Otacon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/09 | Reply
Happy Birthday KASTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I beat up trees. >_>
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/09 | Reply
:OOOOOO Mia avi! You into Fire Emblem now?! Even if you're not, at least your profile pic matches your title now. Heh. Later.
And since I was already on your page, and always miss those b-day alerts and stuff, I took care of it early.
Thoughts of Physics aren't allowed on birthdays. Enjoy your 20th. =)
Last edited by nomad009 at 2:44:46 PM EDT on September 9, 2009.
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/09 | Reply
I really like your essays and reaserch. I hope to read more, so I'm going to subscribe if that's ok with you. ^_^
The Turning Tide (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/09 | Reply
You are very interesting to talk to, I would like to debate with you sometime, but I am not very fond of Physics...maybe we can debate about other things??? I am sure that you might like other sciences....kinda....maybe...
btw I subscribed to you!
Last edited by HametsuKuro at 1:01:51 AM EDT on June 7, 2009.
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Hey there. Just dropping by to show you this link:
Scroll down the THREE FREAKING YEARS portion of the page. Since you're here, I guess you have the right to see this, if ever you never did see this. This was back when you retired indefinitely from the site.
Also, I just realized that you haven't posted your old articles. Is it okay if you re-post it here in the site, if only for the sake of keeping your old writeups active online for other people to see? You could always go to Archive.org if you lost your copies.
P.S. What the...your title's Otaku Princess already?!
Last edited by The Mask at 11:48:11 AM EDT on May 14, 2009.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/09 | Reply
Yo, Kastom! I have just realized that I have not subscribed... I must remedy this immediately... No wonder I can't see any updates from you...
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/09 | Reply
Wow. I just realized that I haven't signed your guestbook yet.
Anyway, I'm glad that you came back after a long leave of absence back then. You're a really cool guy, and I mean it. Terrific writer, great anime fan...really man, you're a cool guy.
I've heard about your awesome hair. Maybe I should take some time to look at it, 'coz I haven't been able to do so the whole time I've met you.
And lastly, I have to admit this to you that when you became the 2009 theOtaku.com Princess, there once came a point where I seriously started to wonder what your gender really is.
Blame that on the constant princess references in the comments. Nowadays though, I can somewhat equate you with Santino Marella of the WWE and his current gimmick of "Santina Marella" (his "twin sister") that debuted in Wrestlemania 25 and became Miss Wrestlemania there. No hard feelings there, right?
'Til our next talk, Kastom. HAVE A NICE DAY.
Last edited by The Mask at 2:43:33 PM EDT on April 10, 2009.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
I now do what should have been done long ago- sign your booketh.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/20/09 | Reply
Yo Kastom! I really appreciate you welcoming me back. It brings back the memories...
Ooh! And I went to Canada. Quebec, which I don't think is your neck of the woods (Ontario, right?) but still different. Place is pretty cool, and really beautiful outdoors. Don't know why I brought all that up. Whatever. Went to Canada. :)
See ya around the O!
the luna diviner
Otakuite | Posted 03/18/09 | Reply
so kastom im new at this so im gona try and be freinds with cha because im uses to everything else but every on your potfolio is pretty awsome.
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/04/09 | Reply
Oh... wait a second... I still need to sign your book too. Haha. ^_^' All I know is that you're pretty cool yourself... and an almost-neighbor.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
Hay thar princess. ;)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/28/09 | Reply
Hey there!
Hehe no problem, fun thing is I have added you for quite sometime and forgot completely to sign your guestbook. I apologize about that, I do get distracted very easily heh.
And its true we have talked sometimes whenever I show up in the comunity chat well now we can do it more often.
Thank you so much for the add and for leaving a message on the gb! I appreciate a lot.
Look forward to talk to you soon!
The crazy bubbly shadow
Hopeless Romantic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/04/09 | Reply
Hey Kastom, its Backlash Wave, but with a new account since my old name doesn't fit with my current tastes. I'm currently into making wallpapers now that I know how to take screenshots, lol. See ya around
Stalker Stabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/04/09 | Reply
Just letting you know that I hold no hard feelings over you becoming Adam's lawyer.
"Have you fallen in love?" "No, but I've stepped on it."
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/03/09 | Reply
You are the most insane person ever.
but that just makes you awesome.
so i'm subscribing you. the end.
p.s- biology pwns physics
Rawrtastic Siren (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/08 | Reply
hey!i love ur works!theyr totaly awesome!
see ya!
Otacon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/18/08 | Reply
It was really fun chatting with you. You actually beat me to the guestbook signing, LOL. I am subscribing to you also and I shall see you around.
Talk to you later
I beat up trees. >_>
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/16/08 | Reply
Thank you very much! TC and I have been friends for a few years. I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome when I decided to join. ^^
Sam & Max Ep 305-Sam: One recipie to rule them all and one egg to bind it!
The Beautiful German | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
Aw, you un-subscribed me? D:
Oh well. I'll still be subscribed to you. :3
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
I like your Fan Words! Keep up the good work!
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
Thanks for signing my new book and getting involved with the Watercooler ^^
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Thanks for writing so much--you have been founder blessed.
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
Not sure if I've actually said this to you yet: I'm really glad that you're back on theO. :)
And now here's the ARMY OF NINJAS:
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/08 | Reply
I believe that the very first time I signed your myOtaku guestbook, it went something like this: "Hey, it's crazy-hair!" That should now be upgraded to "Hey, it's awesome-hair!".