Kazamas-Keyblade Featured Posts

Date Title World
09/21/23 The Gush Ep. 2: Black Lagoon Getting A Mobile.. Feats of Fandom
09/04/23 I'm Worried Feats of Fandom
06/16/23 Should I? Life Is An Anime
04/29/23 Challenge Update Life Is An Anime
10/12/22 So...That Happened Life Is An Anime
09/08/22 The Gush Ep. 1: Battle of Eientei Feats of Fandom
03/19/22 New FLCL in 2023: My Initial Reaction! Feats of Fandom
01/30/22 I Don't Make Sense Feats of Fandom
08/18/21 Update on Update Life Is An Anime
06/05/21 FLCL Week 2021: Haruko's Maternity Feats of Fandom
06/05/21 Life Is An Anime Major Update Life Is An Anime
01/07/21 What I Like About: Code Lyoko Feats of Fandom
09/08/20 Get Ready to Be Hit with a Nostaligia Bomb Life Is An Anime
08/08/20 What I Like About: Baka & Test Feats of Fandom
08/04/20 FLCL 2020 FOF Fan Art Feats of Fandom
08/04/20 FOF Project: Character Analysis of Yuji Sakam.. Feats of Fandom
06/09/20 FLCL Week 2020 (Part 3 of 3) Feats of Fandom
06/09/20 FLCL Week 2020 (Part 2 of 3) Feats of Fandom
06/07/20 FLCL Week 2020 (Part 1 of 3) Feats of Fandom
06/07/20 Tech Issue? Life Is An Anime
05/28/20 Revamped Life Is An Anime
04/05/20 Quick Anime Question Life Is An Anime
04/05/20 Nostalgia Blast Crunch the Chord
03/22/20 Other Contact Info Life Is An Anime
03/22/20 Built Icons Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 My Movie Resume Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 My TV Show Resume Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 Video-Game Resume Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 My Current Watchlist Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 My Anime Resume Life Is An Anime
03/21/20 The Shonen Tale of Kazama's Keyblade Life Is An Anime
12/24/19 2019 FOF Project Feats of Fandom
04/02/19 2019 FOF Updates (Vote?!) Feats of Fandom
08/20/18 A Longtime Fan's Thoughts On Tekken 7 Feats of Fandom
07/26/18 What I Like About Goku Black (DBZ/DBS) Feats of Fandom
07/20/18 What Naruto Means to Me Feats of Fandom
07/08/18 OR NOT Feats of Fandom
07/07/18 We Are A Go! Feats of Fandom
07/04/18 Intended Order of Service Feats of Fandom
07/02/18 Live Reaction IP Feats of Fandom
07/01/18 I CANNOT CONTAIN! Feats of Fandom
06/09/18 FLCL Week Project 2- Never Knows Best: A Char.. Feats of Fandom
05/28/18 A Word From The Band Feats of Fandom
05/26/18 The Road Leading Into FLCL: Progressive Feats of Fandom
04/29/18 YOU COULD BE IN KINGDOM HEARTS III! Feats of Fandom
04/08/18 Selena's War Stories & Interviews OC Poll and Countdown
04/07/18 Selena the Bar-Hopper OC Poll and Countdown
03/23/18 My Thoughts on FLCL-Progressive & FLCL-Al.. Feats of Fandom
03/18/18 TDE's OC Poll & Countdown OC Poll and Countdown
02/26/18 Mr. Droopy Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Old America Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Old East Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Best Pairing Ever Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Reminder Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Unexpected Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 IDEK Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 A Wave of Scenery Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Beautiful Thoughts Crunch the Chord
01/01/18 Home Crunch the Chord
01/02/18 Celestial Crunch the Chord
12/30/17 I Know I'm Late Crunch the Chord
12/30/17 Rock & Rap: Good Combo Crunch the Chord
12/29/17 Fortress Crunch the Chord
12/27/17 CHANGE OF PLANS! Feats of Fandom
12/26/17 CHANGE OF PLANS! Feats of Fandom
12/26/17 Passive Crunch the Chord
12/27/17 What I'm Going For...[LIVESTREAM TONIGHT!] Feats of Fandom
12/25/17 An Interesting Christmas Gift Feats of Fandom
12/26/17 Free-Fight Crunch the Chord
12/24/17 Rushing! Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 LIVESTREAM??? Feats of Fandom
12/23/17 Dance with the Devil Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 AEIOU Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Is it me Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Me Celebrity Life Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Stop 'Em In Their Tracks Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Going, Going, Going Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Atonement Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 If I Hadn't Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Odd Dance Music Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Chancellor Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 LBJ Crunch the Chord
12/23/17 Believe Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 I'm Cool Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Trance Hall Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Scary Bear Face Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Out of Earth/Wind/Fire Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Lead Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Seems like Gaara Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Reflect Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Sounds Like A Letter Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 One Life to Another Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 My Hype Song Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Good Fight Music Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Not How I Remember Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Mall Music Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Electric Guitar Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Tragedies Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 So Alucard Does Music Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 If Anything Gets Me Into Persona... Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Sad I Don't Know Music Crunch the Chord
12/22/17 Gonna Be Me Crunch the Chord
11/25/17 Stay In Character Meme 2 Feats of Fandom
11/12/17 It Happened; How Do I Come Back? Feats of Fandom
09/18/17 Man of the Show Crunch the Chord
09/10/17 Dinner Meme Feats of Fandom
08/27/17 Upcoming Events Feats of Fandom
08/27/17 Pretty Much Me RN Crunch the Chord
08/13/17 Fooly Cooly Season 2 + 3 Trailer Hype Feats of Fandom
08/12/17 Me Too Crunch the Chord
06/18/17 Yes Crunch the Chord
06/18/17 Never Crunch the Chord
06/11/17 All That's Missing Is An Oops... Crunch the Chord
06/11/17 Everytime I Turn Around Crunch the Chord
06/11/17 Better Days Crunch the Chord
06/11/17 Submission Crunch the Chord
06/11/17 Into the Night Crunch the Chord
06/05/17 My Opening Feat of Fandom [POTENTIAL DELAY] Feats of Fandom
06/02/17 Leave Me Be Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 In My World Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 I Ain't About That Life Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 Smarter...They Forgot Smarter Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 Pulse Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 Humm... Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 Anime Facts 2 Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 Anime Facts Crunch the Chord
06/01/17 One Last Time Crunch the Chord
05/29/17 Here I Go Crunch the Chord
05/22/17 Letting Go Crunch the Chord
05/22/17 So Much Michigan Crunch the Chord
05/22/17 Black Spiderman Crunch the Chord
05/22/17 Midnight Sex Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 Just Good Music Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 CAKE Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 The Boondocks Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 Awkard Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 Triple Threat Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 Reflections to the Past Crunch the Chord
03/29/17 Atmosphere of Peace Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 Chillest Thing Ever Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 Is This Harmonizing? Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 So Simple Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 A Household Item Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 Who Remembers This Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 Karma Chameleon Crunch the Chord
03/26/17 I'll Chase You! Crunch the Chord
12/31/16 Time to Go Crunch the Chord
12/30/16 Still Not Into K-Music Crunch the Chord
12/23/16 Go JoJo Crunch the Chord
12/22/16 I Used to Hate this OP Crunch the Chord
12/22/16 Just In Space Crunch the Chord
12/22/16 Leaf's Edge Crunch the Chord
12/22/16 Hilarity in Good Taste Crunch the Chord
12/22/16 Thank You Friend Crunch the Chord
12/20/16 A Plea for Prayer Faith
11/05/16 About Time!! Crunch the Chord
10/22/16 Your Grand Display Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 Hit Repeat Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 At You Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 Whistle Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 Rollin' Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 Drop It Crunch the Chord
10/09/16 Timeline Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 Ultimate Band Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 Everyone Should Know This One Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 Simple Things Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 American Jukebox Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 Dance Kingdom Party Song Crunch the Chord
07/08/16 Hoes In Different Area Codes Crunch the Chord
06/23/16 An Impromptu Slight To Super Preachers Faith
06/22/16 An Important Warning And Word To Christians! Faith
06/11/16 Frontiers Crunch the Chord
06/11/16 Pyrite Crunch the Chord
05/27/16 Shinkokyuu Crunch the Chord
05/27/16 Kuro Higurashi Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Night's Enlightenment Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Awesome Anime Dubstep Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Boats & Curves Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Story of my Life Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Knock It Down Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 This Should'nt Count Crunch the Chord
06/11/16 A New Rule Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 I Almost Fell Asleep To This Song Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Selah Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 Don't Stop It Crunch the Chord
05/21/16 The First Musical Drug Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 I'm Going To Regret This Later Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 For Some Reason This Reminds Me of Poison Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 Acronyms...Gotta Love 'Em Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 Over-Rule Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 Dead Boys Party Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 And Never Burn Out! Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 Biblical Perspective Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 Go Home!!! Crunch the Chord
05/13/16 I Need Something Like This Right Now Crunch the Chord
05/14/16 The Sky Is Falling Crunch the Chord
05/08/16 An Open Letter to PGR from TDE Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
04/28/16 Dark People Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Compel You To Drive~ Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Four 4 The Crunch! Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Don't Know If This Counts Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Sanctuary Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 I Feel Like This Is Somewhat Offensive Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 First of Best Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Onomatopoeia Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 That Saxophone Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Is That Racist? Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Roll Track Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Take It Back To Middle School Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 Please Watch This Anime Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 The Old-School Workout Theme Crunch the Chord
04/28/16 What I Like About You Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 I Spent The Last Few Weeks Just Grinnin' Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Devil's Dice Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Yes...What the hell? Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Sad, But True Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 What The Funk? Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Post Your Punches Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 I Want To Go To Iceland!! Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Repost Revamped Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 I Want More Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Checking out the Acoustics Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Simple Things Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Don't Have To Move~ Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 It's Literally True... Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Elsa Does Not Belong Here!!! Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Identity Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Should've Gotten The Extension Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Bass War Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Burned Alive Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 High Metal Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Good Songs Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Weather Patterns Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 That Old Time Rock n Roll Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 That Old Time Rock n Roll Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Show Me Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 SOS Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 The Little Spanish I Know Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 The Little Spanish I Know Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Unreal Steel Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 A Redemption Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Dark Shadows Crunch the Chord
03/31/16 Not For Anyone Crunch the Chord
02/17/16 Someone Say Fire Crunch the Chord
01/03/16 Theory of Reflection~ Faith
12/31/15 TDE's Crunch of The Year 2015 Part 2 Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Time + Metal = Awesome Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 C'mon It's Always Hot! Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 DDR Always Has Good Songs Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Creepy Sentiments Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Sakura Sounds?? Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Still Spinning OST Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 The Replay Value Burns Through Time Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Someone Quoted This Song To Me Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Just Horny Horns Crunch the Chord
12/31/15 Just Horny Horns Crunch the Chord
12/23/15 My Otaku Christmas Wish~ Faith
12/16/15 They Don't Make 'em like this anymore Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 Speed It UP 1.25 and it almost Works Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 Audience At The Gates Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 What You Say At N' Audition Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 Like a Shot Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 Burn Crunch the Chord
12/16/15 Are You Okay, Ani~ Crunch the Chord
11/28/15 Serenade My Death Crunch the Chord
11/28/15 I Want You To Stay Crunch the Chord
11/28/15 Toon~Amie Crunch the Chord
11/25/15 Ride on Top Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Kanojo no Motoge Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 My Town Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Detect Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Why the Heel Not Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Surprised and Not Surprised Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Fire At Will Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 A Desperate Cry For Help Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Gone Girl Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 That Note Presets the Date Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Bangs and Hollow Whimpers Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 I'm Still Alive Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Old Favor Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 What They Say ~ Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Pixel Actor Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 The Waking Dead Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Crowd Control Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 One Direction Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Can't Even Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 Trigger Words Crunch the Chord
11/21/15 No Insurance Crunch the Chord
11/19/15 I Got You Crunch the Chord
10/08/15 The Way It Should Be Crunch the Chord
10/07/15 My New Victory Theme, Maybe?! Or Crunch of t.. Crunch the Chord
09/20/15 D-d-d-damn; Who Even Tastes Those? Crunch the Chord
09/20/15 Everyone Does It--Seemingly Crunch the Chord
09/20/15 Feel It In Your Bones Crunch the Chord
09/19/15 Not With the Stars Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 In My Light-Skin Feelings Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 A Ways Beyond Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 Thrills and Kills Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 I've Been Served Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 Too Good Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 Everybody Knows Her Crunch the Chord
09/06/15 It's Bee Too Long! Crunch the Chord
07/24/15 TDE's Top 10 OP/ED Countdown [5 OPs + 5 EDs] OP/ED Musical Countdown
07/15/15 Crunch of The Year 2015 Part 1 Crunch the Chord
06/26/15 I Was Him, Y'know Crunch the Chord
06/26/15 Down At Your Core Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Nature Valley Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Focused Reinforcement Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 It Just Got Real Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Spectrum Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Japanese Vevo Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Scares Are Everywhere Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Pick 'em Off Crunch the Chord
06/24/15 Reaction Crunch the Chord
05/18/15 Going and Going Crunch the Chord
05/18/15 Who Is Your Girlfriend, ba-da-da-da!? Crunch the Chord
05/13/15 Break My Fall [Or My Foot] Quirks About Me
05/13/15 Gone Are Those Days Quirks About Me
05/05/15 Why Did I Think of This? Crunch the Chord
04/29/15 Hey, It's True Crunch the Chord
04/29/15 Anxious Traffic Crunch the Chord
04/29/15 The Caged Always Scream Crunch the Chord
04/29/15 Boys Don't Cry Crunch the Chord
04/29/15 Because It... Crunch the Chord
04/20/15 When It Comes Down Crunch the Chord
04/19/15 TDE Quirk #220: Scared Straight Quirks About Me
04/15/15 Best Opening In All of Shonen Anime Crunch the Chord
04/14/15 HHPAY, That Almost Spells Happy! Crunch the Chord
04/14/15 Just Watch Crunch the Chord
04/01/15 Another One of 'em Crunch the Chord
04/01/15 It's Coming Crunch the Chord
03/02/15 Golly, What a Day Crunch the Chord
02/19/15 One Worth Recieving Crunch the Chord
02/19/15 My Favorite Gospel Song Crunch the Chord
02/17/15 Spill the Silo Crunch the Chord
02/17/15 Someone Has to Be Crunch the Chord
02/14/15 Kill the Foolish Pride Crunch the Chord
02/14/15 It's Real But You-- Crunch the Chord
02/13/15 1-2-3! Crunch the Chord
02/13/15 Reminds Me Of... Crunch the Chord
02/12/15 This Is Why They Call Me The-Dark-Eclipse Crunch the Chord
02/12/15 Check This Out Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 I Want Another World Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 It's Out There Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 Because That's The Life Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 You Only Get ONE LIFE! Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 Don't Fight Dumb Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 It's Still Alive Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 It's Not Like Winning Big Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 To Pray Tell Crunch the Chord
02/10/15 To Win Crunch the Chord
02/08/15 Light It Up Crunch the Chord
02/09/15 Alaxastar's New Wardrobe [RP] OC UNIVERSE
01/28/15 Whenever You Call Crunch the Chord
01/24/15 More Songs About Weather?! Crunch the Chord
01/24/15 Don't Care About The Stains?! Crunch the Chord
01/24/15 Following Crunch the Chord
01/02/15 Montage of Misery Crunch the Chord
12/30/14 More Than Just a Silhouette Crunch the Chord
12/30/14 It IS a Nice Car Crunch the Chord
12/26/14 Coke Is Something Else~ Crunch the Chord
12/26/14 A Man's Future Defined Crunch the Chord
12/26/14 Trickle Down The Treble Crunch the Chord
12/26/14 Circum-Song Crunch the Chord
12/23/14 What Else? Crunch the Chord
12/06/14 Just Do It! Crunch the Chord
12/03/14 You've Been... Crunch the Chord
11/30/14 Not So Scary After All [PLEASE VIEW] Crunch the Chord
11/30/14 Why Do Anime Songs Have to Deal With Fire? Crunch the Chord
11/30/14 Can't Come Up With a Catchy Title Crunch the Chord
11/26/14 Broken and Confused but still a little Busy Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
11/24/14 I Wish I Could Profile This Crunch the Chord
11/24/14 When Nobody Is There For Me... Crunch the Chord
11/22/14 Lock Those Doors & Check Your Lights Crunch the Chord
11/21/14 That's Why You Will Not Survive Crunch the Chord
11/19/14 I'm Not Asking You, I'm... Crunch the Chord
11/19/14 It's A Family Thanksgiving! OC UNIVERSE
11/19/14 You are Me Crunch the Chord
11/12/14 Howl of the White Wolf Crunch the Chord
11/10/14 Oh Yeah; Oh Yeah! Crunch the Chord
11/10/14 Just Three Little Words Crunch the Chord
10/18/14 Crunch, Clips, Da!! Crunch the Chord
10/18/14 Bomb-A-Bullseye! Crunch the Chord
10/04/14 My Favorite Ending Theme of All Time! Crunch the Chord
10/04/14 Hit It, Cadet!! Crunch the Chord
09/27/14 Unorthodox Methods...Not My Style A Blank Page
09/27/14 Not My Favorite Month, But... Crunch the Chord
09/23/14 Gurenn, I'm Gone Crunch the Chord
09/18/14 It's What You Gotta Do Crunch the Chord
09/19/14 Safe & Sound Crunch the Chord
09/16/14 Unimportant Detail(s) Post OC UNIVERSE
09/11/14 Ora, Ora, Ora... Crunch the Chord
09/01/14 The Day of Snooze {RP} OC UNIVERSE
08/28/14 The World is Beautiful Crunch the Chord
08/22/14 That Nostalgia Coming Back Crunch the Chord
08/19/14 Y'all Need To Know Crunch the Chord
08/15/14 Not From KH; But They're Real Crunch the Chord
08/13/14 Cleansing Blessing Crunch the Chord
08/08/14 TDE Quirk #311 Quirks About Me
08/05/14 TDE's Crunch Of 2014 Crunch the Chord
08/04/14 Understand, M'Dear Crunch the Chord
08/02/14 Bring It Back Crunch the Chord
07/31/14 Generations To Come Crunch the Chord
07/30/14 TDE Quirk #57 Quirks About Me
07/30/14 An Awkward Way To Ask Crunch the Chord
07/28/14 Kenny Rogers Has Nothing On This Crunch the Chord
07/24/14 So-So-So-So Much Like me... Crunch the Chord
07/21/14 Eyes Can't See? Ears Can't Hear. Quirks About Me
07/21/14 Are You Ready Crunch the Chord
07/21/14 Bad Solution Crunch the Chord
07/18/14 Epic Display Crunch the Chord
07/16/14 Tread Away Crunch the Chord
07/16/14 SOS!!! Crunch the Chord
07/16/14 A Nice...Cold Heart. Crunch the Chord
07/11/14 I'll Be Fine A Blank Page
06/22/14 Beast Of Sunrise Crunch the Chord
06/20/14 Can't Think Straight Crunch the Chord
06/20/14 Lock & Load Crunch the Chord
06/11/14 TDE Quirk #140 Quirks About Me
06/07/14 Nobody Jos. Crunch the Chord
05/31/14 Tropic of Paradise Crunch the Chord
05/29/14 Would You Please... Crunch the Chord
05/26/14 TDE Quirk #173 Quirks About Me
05/21/14 Results Of An Asylum Crunch the Chord
05/21/14 Dark Shadow Crunch the Chord
05/20/14 Hey-Yo! Crunch the Chord
05/20/14 X Marks The Spot (Bruno Mars is a Pirate!) Crunch the Chord
05/05/14 Going Soon... OC UNIVERSE
05/01/14 One Day We Will... A Blank Page
04/14/14 A Thousand Ways To Die Crunch the Chord
04/14/14 I'm The Man Crunch the Chord
04/10/14 TDE Quirk #179 Quirks About Me
04/05/14 This is AWESOME Crunch the Chord
04/03/14 HUAH! Crunch the Chord
04/02/14 Beautiful Sounds Crunch the Chord
03/31/14 Don't Let It Hurt Crunch the Chord
03/31/14 Possible PGR AFD Challenge!! Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
03/27/14 What Do You Want Crunch the Chord
03/25/14 SleepWalking Crunch the Chord
03/25/14 Chocolate Rain Crunch the Chord
03/22/14 331 For The Win! Crunch the Chord
03/19/14 TDE Quirk #139 Quirks About Me
03/13/14 TDE Quirk #317 Quirks About Me
03/03/14 Viva Crunch the Chord
02/21/14 Prove It!! [RP] OC UNIVERSE
02/19/14 TDE Quirk #15 Quirks About Me
02/15/14 TDE Quirk #217 Quirks About Me
02/14/14 Shine Crunch the Chord
02/14/14 TDE Quirk #183 Quirks About Me
02/13/14 Conscience Conscious Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
02/12/14 Bump A Thought Crunch the Chord
02/10/14 My Biggest Weakness Crunch the Chord
02/06/14 Need A Push Crunch the Chord
01/27/14 In The Middle Crunch the Chord
01/25/14 Burning Light Crunch the Chord
01/21/14 COD MOD Crunch the Chord
01/16/14 TDE Quirk #73 Quirks About Me
01/14/14 Finally Crunch the Chord
01/14/14 Believe It Or Not, It Helps Crunch the Chord
01/06/14 We Know You Want It Crunch the Chord
01/04/14 VGM Core Crunch the Chord
01/04/14 Haven't Heard This Song In a Minute Crunch the Chord
12/30/13 TDE Quirk #74 Quirks About Me
12/21/13 Bulletproof Crunch the Chord
12/04/13 We All Know And Don't Know Crunch the Chord
12/04/13 Gotta Love It Crunch the Chord
11/27/13 TDE Quirk #107 Quirks About Me
11/27/13 Get Out Of My Face! Crunch the Chord
11/27/13 Everything Sucks Crunch the Chord
11/27/13 I First Thought It Was Gavin Degraw Crunch the Chord
11/27/13 ...Dammit, its catchy! Crunch the Chord
11/15/13 TDE Quirk #53 Quirks About Me
11/12/13 No Arguments! Crunch the Chord
11/08/13 TDE Quirk #557 Quirks About Me
11/05/13 Who's Up For Some Tennis~ OC UNIVERSE
11/04/13 Persistence That Never Dies Crunch the Chord
11/04/13 A Song Of Roaring Dreams Crunch the Chord
11/02/13 So Much Like Me... Crunch the Chord
11/01/13 A Revolution Crunch the Chord
10/30/13 On Some Sort Of Quest, Ye Are? Crunch the Chord
10/29/13 I'm A Dreamer Crunch the Chord
10/26/13 The Best AMV Ever! Crunch the Chord
10/24/13 Annoying But Alright Crunch the Chord
10/23/13 All Day Long Crunch the Chord
10/22/13 Given The Run-Down & Around Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
10/15/13 So Let Go Crunch the Chord
10/15/13 A Hollow RP Of Mystery And Murder OC UNIVERSE
10/07/13 A Dream I Don't Wanna Have... Crunch the Chord
09/29/13 Missed It Like No Other Crunch the Chord
09/28/13 All's Fair In Music Crunch the Chord
09/28/13 10x the Solo Crunch the Chord
09/25/13 Suspicions Of The Sea (Really long!) Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
09/25/13 Go Far Away Crunch the Chord
09/25/13 Don't Lie To Me! Crunch the Chord
09/25/13 Roots Crunch the Chord
09/23/13 A Technicolor Dream A Blank Page
09/23/13 Acoustic Crunch Crunch the Chord
09/22/13 A Light Crunch the Chord
09/22/13 It's Clear To Me Crunch the Chord
09/22/13 A Remix I Like Crunch the Chord
09/18/13 Just Let Go Sometimes Crunch the Chord
09/15/13 Ba-Ba-boom! Crunch the Chord
09/15/13 Fast Lights! Crunch the Chord
09/13/13 A Metallic March & Mash-Up Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
09/07/13 Cue Fight Scene! Crunch the Chord
08/29/13 Funny Song Crunch the Chord
08/29/13 RP: New Tech OC UNIVERSE
08/28/13 Lucky Day Crunch the Chord
08/26/13 Next Gen VGM Vs Old Style VGM Crunch the Chord
08/26/13 Next Gen DBZ v Old Gen DBZ Crunch the Chord
08/26/13 Welcome To The... Crunch the Chord
08/26/13 So Stupid Crunch the Chord
08/24/13 Process and Progress A Blank Page
08/17/13 He Played Guitar Crunch the Chord
08/16/13 Lovely Violence Crunch the Chord
08/15/13 Didn't See That Coming Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
08/14/13 Too Close For Comfort A Blank Page
08/12/13 TDE's #1 Crunch of 2013 Crunch the Chord
08/09/13 Revenge Of The Senkuya (I lied!) TDE, Cresh,.. OC UNIVERSE
08/04/13 (I Tried) A Blank Page
08/02/13 (To ALL!) Some of the Greatest in VGM Crunch the Chord
07/31/13 Light And Love Crunch the Chord
07/28/13 The Last Couple of Days OC UNIVERSE
07/25/13 Loved This As a Kid Crunch the Chord
07/20/13 Transformation! OC UNIVERSE
07/19/13 A-Wimoweh Crunch the Chord
07/19/13 The Beast of the Beach Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
07/15/13 The Air Games!! OC UNIVERSE
07/11/13 I Found It! OC UNIVERSE
07/08/13 Raid Mission (Chi, TDE, and Cresh) OC UNIVERSE
07/06/13 Like Glass Crunch the Chord
06/25/13 Serendipitous Crunch the Chord
06/25/13 Go! Fooly Cooly! Crunch the Chord
05/16/13 Don't Judge Me Crunch the Chord
05/11/13 Spoils of Battle Part 1 OC UNIVERSE
05/07/13 My Old Buddy... Crunch the Chord
05/07/13 Doctor, Doctor Crunch the Chord
04/29/13 Not That Bad Crunch the Chord
04/29/13 New OC: Splitter (aka: Zeran) OC UNIVERSE
04/29/13 Don't Care If It Makes Me Emo Crunch the Chord
04/29/13 A Calm Rage Crunch the Chord
04/29/13 Good Apple! Crunch the Chord
04/15/13 Pretty Bright for a Killer Crunch the Chord
04/13/13 Sweet Dreams Crunch the Chord
04/03/13 Breaking the Silence Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
04/02/13 Dealing With Depression OC UNIVERSE
03/31/13 One Vow Crunch the Chord
03/23/13 Life Crunch the Chord
03/18/13 Al's Voice? OC UNIVERSE
03/18/13 I'm Extremely Late OC UNIVERSE
03/10/13 Why...? Crunch the Chord
03/05/13 Notice OC UNIVERSE
02/28/13 Puzzle! Crunch the Chord
02/23/13 Super Sountrack Song Crunch the Chord
02/16/13 I'm a Killer Crunch the Chord
02/16/13 Mr. Jones (& Me) Crunch the Chord
02/11/13 Assassin Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
02/10/13 Bright & Early Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
02/09/13 Antebellum Reticence Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
02/07/13 Story Of My Life Crunch the Chord
02/07/13 I'm Still Up Crunch the Chord
02/06/13 Double Tap! Crunch the Chord
02/05/13 Lights Crunch the Chord
02/03/13 How I Got Here (Entrence of Hideki) Pokemon Gijinka Revolution
11/07/12 (Master) Kile's IceBreaker
11/02/12 Party at Al's: RP Anybody?
09/22/12 Kile's Opening: RP anyone?
09/03/12 The Return of Al: RP?
08/08/12 Hello N/A
07/23/12 AlaXastar's Ice-Breaker
06/21/12 Triple Baka *:VOCALOID:*
12/11/11 Pencil Beats to Hatsune Miku *:VOCALOID:*
12/11/11 Pencil Beats to Hatsune Miku *:VOCALOID:*
11/24/11 Lie Lie Lie: I like this song(No Lie...LOL) *:VOCALOID:*

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