Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their gueatbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
hiya!!! just visiting ramdom portfolio... you have a nice gallery here.... like u'r art especialy u'r Ichigo Vs. The10 Espada art..... i'll subscribe 2 yah if you dn't mind....
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
Hey there!
I was looking through your gallery and I think your art is really cool! I seen it before but never had the time to comment, but now I got free time to do it now! I think the coloring catches my attention the most! Keep it up!
Hey there,
We've talked a little through the community chat so I thought I should come and check your place. You have such an incredible artwork!
Keep working that hard! ^_^
Well I'm going to subscribe to you so we can know each other better.
hey their thanks for subscribing to me
i looked throw your art and it looks so adroable ^^ i think i will cometn on it latter when ever my compouter or the o is better cause for some reason picks arnt showing up in the fandom [wallpapers,fan art,e cards ect
oh yeah thats a pain,soul eater is awome isnt it i did a reveiw of it on eletion 2 weeks ago and last weeks char. of the week was tsubaki oh well i like the new one
lol thanks buddy. Yup. Tis soul eater. My newest passion that's on the same level as naruto. So basically it's tied for number 1 favorite. rofl
Why I keep changing it? Cause people keep using the same avatar I have when clearly I used it first and they're mostly just newbies who use my avis. lol Yes. I'm easily irritated by the fact that someone has the same avi as i do on the same website. I'm a person of originality is why.
I... I didn't sign your guestbook?! *beats herself up*
Thanks for signing my guestbook and subscribing to me. It makes me so dang happy! :D So I'm here to do both. I usually see your artwork up and around and comment on it form there, but I'll subscribe 'cause it's easier to keep tabs! And who doesn't love subscribers? *winks*
Your art is totally adorable and I really love your style. So neat!
And unless your birthday thing is wrong, you're only... *counts on her fingers*... not even 8 years old? Holy snap, you're totally amazing for only 8, if that's right! My 9 year old brother can't even draw a stick figure to look nice. XD
I hope I'll be seeing you around and can become good friends with you! C:
Aww, thankies so much~~ Yeah, at first I was known as "Sakura-chan" but it changed because "Kokoro" has such a beautiful meaning~~ Could have been "Mai Kokoro", but oh, wells~
well i add'd you the other day but
silly me forgot to sign the guestbook
DX i saw the contest thats going on &
i decided to check it out ^w^ we'll
see what happens. well hope to see you
mah coloring program? I use Corel Painter Essentials. it came with my tablet, it's called a Bamboo Fun. it was actually a really resonable price, and it came with TONS of different softwares...
Hey Lunalei! thank u so much for ur gb signature, and the nice comments about my art n manga! ^^ and i really appreciate u liking my oc Sayoko, it means alot to me! ^-^ i hope we can be friends! see u around, have a great week! *hugs*
Hi there! im also very sorry for not signing before -___-' stupid computer hehe..anyways i also love your art and i appreciate that you appreciate my comments ( that sounds weird lol).
You aren't badd with spanish hehe as onee-san says i can help you too ^.^ and well i hope we become good and good friends hehe..soo i must go and thanks again for signing and commenting or MUCHAS GRACIAS, también eres una buena amiga ^__^
O______O i avent signed you GB as well?? OMB!!! whats wrong with me? XD lol!!! :p lol! for saying that you're sorry in spanish is "lo siento" hahaha you dont have to put it in plural ;p
well i try to do more with comments -___- i feel i havent been commenting a lot ever since this version appeared. XD and lol! thanx for trying in spanish, i can help ya ^-^ hehehe ok!! not bad! see ya!
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof and lands before you*
Hey there! I have to say that now that the site is up after my 3 month absence I really like what they have done. First off *takes a bow* I have seen you on the otaku a bit and I guess I thought now would be a great time to introduce myself. The names Iruka and I must say your artworks are great you do a fab job on them! Keep up the great work. I hope when you have a chance, you could come see me and sign my guestbook and add me as a friend or I guess subscribe to me because I will do that for you right now. It would be greatly appreciated and I shall comment on your artwork as much as I can! Anyway I do hope to see you around and have a great day!
I have come from the depths of mah Gb to tell you thanx! For signing my gb and subscribing *uber happeh* You have awesome art too and you avatar is soooooooooo cute. And by your art is shows me your not boring! Not at all lol
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/19/08 | Reply
sorry I haven't been able to reply back from ya.
I been busy and its no fun.
anyways you already know I think you're a great artist!
just stay positive through the tough times and you'll make it :D
Thank you for signing my guestbook. I'm sure you would have subscribed to me but I am aware that there is some kind of problem with my portfolio that logs some people out...
Anyway, I like your art and I'm gonna subscribe to you, kay.
Hey thanks a lot for the kind words about my art, it was so nice to hear someone say something that nice about my art. Oh so you were having problems with the whole signing and subbing? Maybe you should use a different browser. I will definitely sub you too and I hope to see you around.
A request?
Hm...I dunno...
But maybe I will!
Thanks for stopping by and signing.
It's really appreciated.
And no problem for the guestbook sign I gave you earlier.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/08 | Reply
Hiyah! It's DeiNaruClan, the Akatsukitard! I wanna thank you for signing my gb earlier... and I woulda signed yours earlier, but it kept logging me out. Anyway, thanks again and I like your fanart, so keep up the good work. By the way, I'm taking requests for chibis and animals, so if you want me ta draw you anything let me know. ~Bye
~DeiNaruClan, student to Deidara-sensei, And, I guess I consider you one of my otaku friends
-Anyway, bye
Thankyou for likeing the fanworld.
And also for the gb sign!
Wanna make a guestpost for my FanGril/Boy World?
You can feature any of your favorite anime guys or girls in the posts that you make!
Thank you very much for your comment on my Sleepy Kitty drawing! Yeah, the person had stolen off my DA page and then posted it on here trying to say it was HER cat and blah blah blah...taking credit for someone else's work. But the person has been banned so GO OTAKU JUSTICE!!!
Anywho, I see you're an artist as well! You have quite the talent there, my friend!! Keep it up!
You seem like a cool person, so I hope to keep seeing you around!!
Hm.....I don't really know. I think that it would have to be either Tobi or Sasori. But I don't ever wanna draw any of my fan character with any of the akatsuki members. I have a fear of crazily obssessed fangirls so I prefer not to say who's my favorite that much. And thanks for signing.
Dude that S***t was funny what u wrote in the sign thingy! XD But I ALSO COME TO SIGN THE MAC PIMP GUESTBOOK OF THE SOUTHSIDE OF OTAKU SIGHTS!!! and yes i was also bored as well.... :3 check ya later
Haha... I'm NINTH! NINTH! NINTH! to sign your aWsOME guest book... xD You don't really seem a boring person, at least not by your guest book signing. And, yeah I guess I should upload more often, but I'm too lazy~
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 11/29/11 | Reply
Happy Birthday!
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/27/10 | Reply
Happy bday Lunelei-chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you have an awesome day! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/10 | Reply
Happy Birthday Lei-chan!
<3 always, Luna Hime.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/27/10 | Reply
Happy birthday :D
Hunter Kaskura
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/30/10 | Reply
*signs GB*
Just running around signing people's
Guestbooks, since they seem lonely =)
Very lovely art, by the way =D
Chibi Light
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/25/09 | Reply
Merry Christmas!! : D
Chibi Light
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/05/09 | Reply
Spread theO love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their guestbook!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You MUST hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their gueatbook!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're a bad friend
4-6 you're an OK friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10+ Up you're a great friend!^^
Surprise me ;]
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/01/09 | Reply
Hi there!
I just wanted to stop by to say “hi”, and subscribe~ I hope you’re enjoying your day! 
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/09 | Reply
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day today ^^
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/27/09 | Reply
Hey chick! Happy Birthday!
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
hiya!! I love your art *^-^* I guess i forgot to sub when i first saw your work...? anyways, now I am.
Caramell Cutie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/14/09 | Reply
You are really good at drawing! You are like an expert at drawing! I guess mine are okay. But they are easy to draw... See ya around!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/23/09 | Reply
hey! i think your art is really really amazing! so i'm gonna subscribe now!
Risa Kuo
Otakuite | Posted 03/12/09 | Reply
yooooo, it's marisa! woo!
Tveiter Tot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/09 | Reply
Thanks for the subscription! I really appreciate it!
Your art is really awesome! Keep up the great work!
Have a nice day!
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/17/08 | Reply

I'm signature # 100
you have 100 ppl that admire you!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/31/08 | Reply
yo, luna i havent seen ya on chat for a while but i loved your latest work!
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/18/08 | Reply
thanx for the sub!!!I hope we rp again too!
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/18/08 | Reply
hi! =]
i hope you dont mind that i subscribed to you,
i really like your art
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/15/08 | Reply
hi there! i like your artwork. Awesome job! ^_^

Otaku Legend | Posted 10/14/08 | Reply
Hiya! Sorry if I seem random, but I'm trying to meet some new people.
I hope you're doing well, and feel free to PM me anytime. Have a nice day!
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
hiya!!! just visiting ramdom portfolio... you have a nice gallery here.... like u'r art especialy u'r Ichigo Vs. The10 Espada art..... i'll subscribe 2 yah if you dn't mind....
visit mine sometimes okie.....
keep it up
Mango Purin
Otakuite | Posted 10/08/08 | Reply
Hi Luna-Chan!
Its TokyoPurinChan! I just made a new account just now, so I'll subscribe to you again...
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/03/08 | Reply
Why yes. Yes it is kibum. lol =]
Absentminded One (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/08 | Reply
Is that Kim Ki Bum in your avatar per chance?
hide's #1 Fan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/08 | Reply
I really like your avi!
^.^ I would like so much to be
friends. I like making friends.
Sorry I'm very random. I'm going
to subscribe to you!!
bye bye
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
Hey there!
I was looking through your gallery and I think your art is really cool! I seen it before but never had the time to comment, but now I got free time to do it now! I think the coloring catches my attention the most! Keep it up!
I hope we can be buds you seem very nice.
Take it easy!
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
hii i love ur art 2 and thx 4 the comment on my art i hope we can be friends
sasusaku 4ever
Guru's Chosen | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
i love your art, its great!!
pm me when ya want!
see ya around!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
To mare todo lo que eate bajo el arco iris
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/17/08 | Reply
Watever little boy *walks away slowly* -__-
Miracle Star19
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/09/08 | Reply
I had fun in the chat hope we could be friends ok subcribing
Crazy Cat Lady (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/05/08 | Reply
hallo!it is fu talking to youz!so i will subscribe!^^i hope we talk more
bloody madi
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
hi lets be friends k! your really fun to talk to!

Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/02/08 | Reply
Hey there,
We've talked a little through the community chat so I thought I should come and check your place. You have such an incredible artwork!
Keep working that hard! ^_^
Well I'm going to subscribe to you so we can know each other better.
Take care now!
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/29/08 | Reply
I like your new Avatar, It's cool!
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
hey their thanks for subscribing to me
i looked throw your art and it looks so adroable ^^ i think i will cometn on it latter when ever my compouter or the o is better cause for some reason picks arnt showing up in the fandom [wallpapers,fan art,e cards ect
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/08 | Reply
Hey! Thanks for signing my GB! Your art rocks too!I hope. I get to see more!
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
*gasps* I never signed your GB! Forgive me! Love your art and worlds ^^
Imouto chan~
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply

thanks for signing my guestbook and subscribing
you're right, I am on dA
and thank you I'm glad you like my coloring
your art is really great
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
oh yeah thats a pain,soul eater is awome isnt it i did a reveiw of it on eletion 2 weeks ago and last weeks char. of the week was tsubaki oh well i like the new one
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
lol thanks buddy. Yup. Tis soul eater. My newest passion that's on the same level as naruto. So basically it's tied for number 1 favorite. rofl
Why I keep changing it? Cause people keep using the same avatar I have when clearly I used it first and they're mostly just newbies who use my avis. lol Yes. I'm easily irritated by the fact that someone has the same avi as i do on the same website. I'm a person of originality is why.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
yo sup luna i love the new avitar why do you keep changing them though and nice choise,soul eater?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
Ahaha, I should probably no better than to trust the info that appears on some pages. XD
Sorry for the error! *laughs nervously*
Well, you're amazing for 12, too. C;
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
I'm not 8.
I'm older...8+4-15+-4+19. XD
But thanks for the compliment!
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
um....nice fanart.....hope we can be friends!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
I... I didn't sign your guestbook?! *beats herself up*
Thanks for signing my guestbook and subscribing to me. It makes me so dang happy! :D So I'm here to do both. I usually see your artwork up and around and comment on it form there, but I'll subscribe 'cause it's easier to keep tabs! And who doesn't love subscribers? *winks*
Your art is totally adorable and I really love your style. So neat!
And unless your birthday thing is wrong, you're only... *counts on her fingers*... not even 8 years old? Holy snap, you're totally amazing for only 8, if that's right! My 9 year old brother can't even draw a stick figure to look nice. XD
I hope I'll be seeing you around and can become good friends with you! C:
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
It's KittyRawr-Z. >:3
lol it's fine that you don't check for updates that often.
Cause I usually only check my updates on submissions.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
I really like ur art
I subscribed u :D
i hope u can do the same for me
i hope we will become great friends
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Thanks for signing my GB. Returning the favor as well. Keep up the great art.
Rawrtastic Siren (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
heya!i luv ur fanart its so cool!
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
Aww, thankies so much~~ Yeah, at first I was known as "Sakura-chan" but it changed because "Kokoro" has such a beautiful meaning~~ Could have been "Mai Kokoro", but oh, wells~
**hugs** Thx for signing my gb~
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
Just wondering are you joining my contest
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Heey, thx for the subby, I have subbed yah back , I love your art
Keep it up~
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
well i dont know if u know my cousin kiki....leeluver1....
Well anyway im her cousin Erika-Kun and i was just wondering......
PM ME!!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/30/08 | Reply
your art is awesome!
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/30/08 | Reply
konnichi wa.... wha... masaka nihonjin desu ka..? waiiii.. ureshii.. *^^*
anyway, thanks for the comments and gb entry..
i love ur coloring and the way u drew the eyes especially in the final fantasy fanart u have.. keep it up..! *^^*
thanks for subscribing too.. *^^*
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/29/08 | Reply
Good Day!
well i add'd you the other day but
silly me forgot to sign the guestbook
DX i saw the contest thats going on &
i decided to check it out ^w^ we'll
see what happens. well hope to see you
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Thanks so much for the guestbook cooment ^^! *spams your guestbook in return* OHOHOHOHO XD XD XD
Oooh, you have really awesome art...I love your style of traditional coloring *_*!
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/17/08 | Reply
mah coloring program? I use Corel Painter Essentials. it came with my tablet, it's called a Bamboo Fun. it was actually a really resonable price, and it came with TONS of different softwares...
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
OMG NINJA SUIT............ my frind sammy taught me that
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
Hi! omg, I can't believe i didnt sign your gb... anyway...i love your art! sheesh its like ive been lazy with writing or somethin.....
Anyway, bye!
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
i luv your art its really good and cute keep up the good work
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Hey Lunalei! thank u so much for ur gb signature, and the nice comments about my art n manga! ^^ and i really appreciate u liking my oc Sayoko, it means alot to me! ^-^ i hope we can be friends! see u around, have a great week! *hugs*
lover of the sand
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
love bunnies
------A_A------------------------------ ----
-----(='.'=)---------------------------- ----
-----(")♥(")~--------------------------- ----
愛lover of the sand愛
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
hi there. very nice fanart
*signs GB*take care
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
Hi there! im also very sorry for not signing before -___-' stupid computer hehe..anyways i also love your art
and i appreciate that you appreciate my comments ( that sounds weird lol).
You aren't badd with spanish hehe as onee-san says i can help you too ^.^ and well i hope we become good and good friends hehe..soo i must go and thanks again for signing and commenting or MUCHAS GRACIAS, también eres una buena amiga ^__^
CAOS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
O______O i avent signed you GB as well?? OMB!!! whats wrong with me? XD lol!!! :p lol! for saying that you're sorry in spanish is "lo siento" hahaha you dont have to put it in plural ;p
well i try to do more with comments -___- i feel i havent been commenting a lot ever since this version appeared. XD and lol! thanx for trying in spanish, i can help ya ^-^ hehehe ok!! not bad! see ya!
Akatsuki Elite Member: Ichati
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
Hi!!! i like your stuff!!!! ^^
kiki cupcake
Otakuite | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
haha well thankyew
i hope we can be great friends too
and i shall subscribe to yew too :]
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
*jumping from roof to roof and lands before you*
Hey there! I have to say that now that the site is up after my 3 month absence I really like what they have done. First off *takes a bow* I have seen you on the otaku a bit and I guess I thought now would be a great time to introduce myself. The names Iruka and I must say your artworks are great you do a fab job on them! Keep up the great work.
I hope when you have a chance, you could come see me and sign my guestbook and add me as a friend or I guess subscribe to me because I will do that for you right now. It would be greatly appreciated and I shall comment on your artwork as much as I can!
Anyway I do hope to see you around and have a great day!
*does ninjitsu and disappears*
kiki cupcake
Otakuite | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
im new
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/23/08 | Reply
I have come from the depths of mah Gb to tell you thanx! For signing my gb and subscribing *uber happeh* You have awesome art too and you avatar is soooooooooo cute. And by your art is shows me your not boring! Not at all lol
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Kombanwa LunaLei!!! ^__^ your fanart is really cute..
hai!! hai!! KAWAII de..
arigatou for sighning my guest book.. in exchange, I'm sighning your's too!!
ano... nihongo ja nai yo demo.. i have a japanese bloodline though..
^__^ it was my great ojii-san in my mother side.. demo.. i'm still studying japanese language... and i still suck in it..
but i hope we'll be friends?? :3
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/19/08 | Reply
sorry I haven't been able to reply back from ya.
I been busy and its no fun.
anyways you already know I think you're a great artist!
just stay positive through the tough times and you'll make it :D
take care!
Kawaii Socks
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/19/08 | Reply
. I'm sure you would have subscribed to me but I am aware that there is some kind of problem with my portfolio that logs some people out...
Thank you for signing my guestbook
Anyway, I like your art and I'm gonna subscribe to you, kay.
~See you ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/18/08 | Reply
Wow...I'm... 31st? XDD
Thanks for signing my guestbook, I'll sign as well. *signs*
Your art is so kawaii, I really like your style! :3 I'll subscribe to you, ne?!
Anyway, Hope to see you around. You seem like a nice person! ^^
Otakuite | Posted 05/17/08 | Reply
Your art is really cute! So is your style! Meet your newest subscriber!
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/17/08 | Reply
I signed Woot woot!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/17/08 | Reply
Uwahh! Thanks so much for everything! ^^ Your art is so cute! > w <
I'm subbing too!
Have a Wonderful Day
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/08 | Reply
Hey thanks a lot for the kind words about my art, it was so nice to hear someone say something that nice about my art. Oh so you were having problems with the whole signing and subbing? Maybe you should use a different browser. I will definitely sub you too and I hope to see you around.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/16/08 | Reply
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook.
I didn't realize that anyone signed XDDDD
How silly am I? :P
Well I'll see you around, and I'll suscribe to you too!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/15/08 | Reply
Konnichiwwwwa! How are u doing Saskura-chan? I love your art I use them as wallpaper!
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/14/08 | Reply
heh, you don't sound like a boring person! ^.^ but mah school is!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/04/08 | Reply
A request?
Hm...I dunno...
But maybe I will!
Thanks for stopping by and signing.
It's really appreciated.
And no problem for the guestbook sign I gave you earlier.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/08 | Reply
Hiyah! It's DeiNaruClan, the Akatsukitard! I wanna thank you for signing my gb earlier... and I woulda signed yours earlier, but it kept logging me out. Anyway, thanks again and I like your fanart, so keep up the good work. By the way, I'm taking requests for chibis and animals, so if you want me ta draw you anything let me know. ~Bye
~DeiNaruClan, student to Deidara-sensei, And, I guess I consider you one of my otaku friends
-Anyway, bye
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
Thankyou for likeing the fanworld.
And also for the gb sign!
Wanna make a guestpost for my FanGril/Boy World?
You can feature any of your favorite anime guys or girls in the posts that you make!
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
Hi! LOve your fan world.
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
Hi :3
thanx so much for the gb signing :3
and np on commenting on ur art it was very nice :3
thank u for subscrbing me :3 i cant wait to see more art ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
Huh? Me? Wait a sec. What picture are you talking about? MY avatar? If so, then an online friend of mine's made it for me.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
where did you get that picture? it is nice
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
Love your art! *subscribes*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Hi there!
Thank you very much for your comment on my Sleepy Kitty drawing! Yeah, the person had stolen off my DA page and then posted it on here trying to say it was HER cat and blah blah blah...taking credit for someone else's work.
But the person has been banned so GO OTAKU JUSTICE!!!
Anywho, I see you're an artist as well! You have quite the talent there, my friend!! Keep it up!
You seem like a cool person, so I hope to keep seeing you around!!
Jigoku Sakura
sourpatch kid (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
NNYYYAAA~!!! Kon-konnichiwa sakura-chan~!!
how'z it goin?
=^.__.^=JiSa wuvs joos~!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
Hm.....I don't really know. I think that it would have to be either Tobi or Sasori. But I don't ever wanna draw any of my fan character with any of the akatsuki members. I have a fear of crazily obssessed fangirls so I prefer not to say who's my favorite that much. And thanks for signing.
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
I LOVE the Akatuski. Who's your favorite character? I like Deidara!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Dude that S***t was funny what u wrote in the sign thingy! XD But I ALSO COME TO SIGN THE MAC PIMP GUESTBOOK OF THE SOUTHSIDE OF OTAKU SIGHTS!!! and yes i was also bored as well.... :3 check ya later
Otakuite | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Haha... I'm NINTH! NINTH! NINTH! to sign your aWsOME guest book... xD You don't really seem a boring person, at least not by your guest book signing. And, yeah I guess I should upload more often, but I'm too lazy~
Otakuite | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Hey hey hey~ your art so adorable~ :D and I love your avi~ :3 Keep up the good work.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
Yay! I forgot I have subscribed to you, but anyway I'm leaving you an entry in your guestbook! Wee~~ see you around! ^^
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/07/08 | Reply
hola, it's captain-ichimaru from over deviaiant art.
just sayin hi!! XD
Shadow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/08 | Reply
Yesh, now we will bug eachother on dA and Otaku XD I'm am third to sign, much like you were XD
~Hanyuu (you're not boring, Timmy Turner is boring)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/04/08 | Reply
hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lov ur art!!!! is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! well bye see ya!